The Pittsburgh Post from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (2024)



AN ORDINANCK-Amending section 1 and 2 of an ordinance entitled "An ordinance to regulate and prohibit in certain cases exhibitions." ordained and enacted into a law the th day of ijopternber, lh57. Section 1 Be Is ordained and enacted hy the Cltv of flttshurar In Select and Com mon Councils assembled, and It Is hereby ordained and enacted by the authority of the same. That section 1 of aa ordinance entitled "An ordinance to regulate and prohibit in certain cases exhibitions," ordained and enacted Into a law the 2ldh day of September, and which rends as follows, to wit: "No person within said city shall act, exhibit, play or perform any opera, circus-riding or feats of horsemanship, menagerie or exhibition of animals, panorama, painting, sculpture. natural curiosity, tricks ot legeraemam. evmnastlcs musical nartv.

concert or any other exhibition, entertainment, show or amuaement. of whatever name or nature, for which money or any other reward Is In any manner demunded or received. Without a license for that pur pose first had and obtained from tne mayor: which snid license or tiermlt shall express for what it is granted and the time It Is to continue: for wnlcn saia license or permit he shall receive one dollar as fees, to be paid by the ierson or fersuns to whom said permit shall be wsued." Be and the same Is hereby amended so aa to read as follows, to wit: No person or persons within said city hall act. exhibit, play or perrorm any opera, clrcus-rldlrg or featr of horseman ship, menagerie or exhibition of animals. panorama, painting, sculpture.

natural curiosity, trick of legerdemain, gymnas tics, musical party, concert or any other exhibition, entertainment, show or amusem*nt, of whatever name or nature, for which money or any other reward IS In any manner demanded or received. wlthmit a llcensa or oermit for mat pur pose first had and obtained from the Director of the Department of Public Safety, which said license or permit shall express for what It is granted and the time it la to continue: but before any such license or permit shall issue the ap plication therefor must nrst oe approveu In writing by the iMrector of the Department of Public Safety, and the said ap- licant must after such approval, and not efore. ray to the treasurer of the City of Pittsburg the proper sum or tax mentioned in said ordinance, and the said city treasurer shall give to the applicant bis official receipt for such money or tax. and the said applicant upon the Cling of the said receipt with the Department of i-uonc earety. shall receive rrom tne i-m-rector of the lerartment of Public Safely a license or permit, according to the term and provisions of suit ordi nance.

Section 2. That section of the said ordinance which reads as follows, to wit: "The tax to be paid to the mayor, for the use of the city by any person or persons applying for a license or permission to exhibit any theatrical or dramatic or other permanent entertainment within the satd city, shall be the sum of twenty dollars per month. Whenever any person or persons shall hve taken out a license or permit for a theatrical, dramatic or other permanent entertainment, ne or they shall not be limited to exhibitions of the kind therein described, but may vary the entertainment by the employment of persons In a different line of performance or exhibition; Provided, however, that this section shall not be construed to authorise the persons so licensed to lease or let the building occupied by them to other perria for the purpose of giving exhibitions therein, but shall be limited to exhibitions given by. under the control and for the benefit of the person or persons so licensed." Shall be and the same Is hereby amended tki aa to read as follows, to wit: The tax to be pa Id to the city treasurer, for the use of the city, by any porson or per sons applying for a license or permission to exhibit any theatrical or dramatic or other permanent entertainment within the said city, snail be the sum of twenty dollars Pr month. Whenever any person or person shall have tsksri out a licensa or permit for a theatrical, dramatic or other permanent entertainment, be or they shall not be limited to exhibitions of the kind therein described, but may vary the entertainment bv the.

employment of persons in a different line of performance or exhibition: Provided, however, that this section shall not be construed to authorise the persons so licensed to lease or let the building occupied by them to o'her persons for the purpose of giving exhibitions therein, but shail be limited to exhibitions given by. tinder the control and for the benefit of tb person or perton so licensed. Section I Any ordinance or parts of ordinances conflicting with this ordinance be and the same are hereby repealed. Ordained and enacted Into a law In Councils -this 2T-I i-v of Mav, A. l'-te.

JOHN B. LAMBIE. President of Select Council. Attest: E. MARTIN Clerk Select J.OUYMcf AND- President r.r t'ommon Council At-tes; W.

KA RING. Clerk of Common Council. We do hereby cortify that the- foregoing ordinance, whl'h has been disapproved bv the msvor and returned with bis objection to Hcle-t Council, In which It ortir'nated. was passed by the Select Council bv a three-fifth 3-5 vote of said Council, this fist dnv of Mtv. A la JOHN LAM HIE President of Select Council.

Attest; MARTIN. Clerk of Helect Council We do hereby certify that the foregoing ordinance, which has been disapproved by the mayor and returned with his ob. lections to th Select Council in which the same orlRinated. was pase1 hy tho Common Council hy a three-fifth O-0 vote-of sUt this 3d day of June A. D.

1SSS. GUY McCANDLESS. President of Common Council Attest W. C. GEARING.

Clerk of Common Council. Recoried In Ordinance Bock. vol. 12. page 14th day of June, A.

D. l-9v (No. AN ORDINANCE Relating to Mil r.l ers and providing for the granting of li censes inereio. Section 1-He It ordained snd enacted by Ihe City of pltfiburg In Select and Common Councils assembled, anil It Is hereby ordained and enacted bv the authority of the same. That no person, co-partnership or corporation shall exercise, carry on or follow th trade or business of bill poster within th City of Pittsburg without having obtained a license from the Director of the Department of Public Safety, as nereinarter provineu.

Section 2 The Department of Public Safety shall, from time to time, give and grant llcenses'to all projier persons, copartnerships or corporations, who mny apply for the to exercise, carry oh and follow tho trade or business of bill poster, for the tierlod of one year (unless sooner revokeil) and no longer, but before any such license shall the application therefor must first be an proved In writing by tho I'M rector of the 1 epartnent of Public Sufcty. and after such approval the said applicant shall pav therefor to the Treasurer of the Cltv of Pitt shur the sum of $10, and the said City Treasurer shall give to tho applicant his official receipt for said muni v. and the said applicant upon tho tiling of the snid receipt with the Department of Public Safety shall receive from the Director of the Department or public Safety the said license for a ieriod of one year from the date of the said receipt of the said Cltv Treasurer. Section 3 Every person, co-partnership or corporation violating this ordinance shall, upon conviction thereof before any alderman or police muBtntrata of the Cltv of Pittsburg, be sentenced to pay a lino of not more than J.W ror each olfense, nnd In default thereof to be Imprisoned In the county jail for a period not exceeding 30 days. Section 4 That any ordinance or pan of ordinance conflicting with the provisions of this ordinance lie and the same la hereby repealed so far as the same affects this ordinance.

Ordained and enacted Into a law In Councils this day of May. A. D. ISflS. JOHN S.

LAM HI President of Select Council. Attest: E. J. MARTIN. Clerk of Select Council.

J. GUY M'CAND- LESS. President of Common At test: W. C. GEARING.

Clerk of Com mon Council. We do hereby certify that the foregoing ordinance, which has been disapproved by the Mayor, and returned with his objections to Select Council. In which it originated, was passed by th Select Council bv a three-nrtn ci-a) vote or sm.i Council, this "1st dav of May. A. D.

lsi'S. JOHN R. LAMBIE. President of Select Council. Attest: E.

J. MARTIN, Clerk of Select Council. We do hereby certify that the foregoing ordinance, which has been disapproved by the Mayor and returned with his ob jections to the SelHct Council. In which the same orielnated, was passed by the common council by a three-tifih iS-r.) vote of sild Council, this 3d day CT June, D. 1S9S.

J. GUY M'CANDLESS, President of Common Council. Attest: W. C. GEAR ING.

lerk of ommon Council. Recorded in Ordinance Hook. vol. 12, rape p4 14th dav or A. i lmix.

THE Sl.NDAY POST will be worth buying; don't forgret It. IN the matter of the petition of the city of Pittsburg for the appointment of view ers to ascertain the coats, damages ana expenses, and assess the benefits for construction of a sewer on Penn. East End. JLiiUdle and Braddock avenue and p. from 70 feet east of Braaaoon avenue, to Nine Mile run.

Twenty-second ward. In the court of common pleas. No. No. 407, September term, lSi3.

i Notice la hereby given that the under signed viewers, appointed by the Court cf Common Pleas No. 1 of Allegheny county In the foregoing matter, filed their report in saiu court on tne latn aay or. June, A. D. IRSit.

and unless exceptions thereto are filed within thirty days Irom said date of filing, or appeals taken In the meantime, their report will be confirmed absolutely. Following Is a schedule of the damages, costs expenses of the Improvement, the damages ascertained and allowed, and the benefits assessed as muwn by the report and schedule riled in the court afore said. A. B. HAT, JAMES F.

MOORE. Vlewera June 17. 1SS8. Assessment of cost and expenses; Total costs and expenses, 61 Total cost of Improvement, U. SCHEDULE.

Assessment of orouertles necullarly ben efited to pay total damages, costs and ea- pensea. Total damages, costs and expenses, 109 IX Penn avenue, north siae Isaac M. Patterson I 1" v4 Cath Hess Susan Wallace Z' Miriam F. McCallln 14 Annie llartman South side George E. Peebles (now Barbara t.

p. iwary r. r. walt. George Peebles and Will- iara Peebles, truitoea) Mary F.

Peebles 43 East End avenue, east side Mary F. Peebles 271 9 Mary E. rungwau A. H. Wilson Ji H.

G. Morgan 22 A. 11. Wilson 7 N. P.

Aull 0 Geo. H. Atkinson 4 Sarah E. Simpson pu aa Chaa P. Judd 72 S8 Clara M.

Magulre (3 48 2 $7 2 37 29 37 Maggie James Webb James Tunstall. Jr B. H. H. R.

Williams mow Mary McOuiilenl 29 87 George W. Gardner 3i A. C. Munnau Mum a. Fehl) J7 Jno.

G. Simpson W. II. Wilson and r. A.

si Jno, McDevitt Margaret J. Dunn ana Aiarr a. 73 Ti Lucy C. Carnegie 37 Mary A. Cherry i 82 j.

J. E. Schwarta al J. L. Sen wart i.

estate 43 Geo. W. Guthrie. 41 9 Junes Mcc rowan uu H. 8.

Burroughs (now J. ti. burroughs) 4 B. P. McRea (now Ida B.

McRea). 6S 74 F. H. Horner 6 74 Barbara Ruthmund 68 74 Geo. W.

Guthrie, Tr 4 Geo. W. Guthrie. Tr 74 J. O.

Nickels (now Savings Fund li. and Aasociationi ai P. D. Kastner (now A. W.

Miller) 29 37 W. Jenkins 41 C. Marshall (now W. C. Ma- loney) 30 41 John C.

Keenan Ed. Wagner 0 83 W. C. Anderson 121 7 Llzxle Hunter 73 43 East End avenue, west aide Geo. E.

Peebles (now Mary F. Peebies. ttl 51; Barbara ll P. Miller, Mary E. P.

Rlngwalt, Geo. Peebles and Wm. Peebles. trustees, 1 in? 47 Marv Peebles H. V.

Fulton 1W 83 H. W. Hexpenhlde 84 Chaa. 3147 Jno. C.

Robinson 4 41 J. r. Johnston (now Robin-eon) 31 47 K. Salsbury 157 S3 Mary J. Johnston 41 W.

U. Bterrttt 4T Johanna Carley 60 35 Jno. C. Robinson 31 47 Francis R. McCutcheon 4 41 Olive N.

McCutcheon 31 47 Jno. J. Glttlnan 3 $3 D. Hurley 2 J. P.

(Julnn 62 93 V. TreffniKer 129 CI J. L. Schwart. Est 46 41 teo.

W. Guthrie. Tr 33 Barbara Ruthmund 74 It. S. Burroughs mow W.

A. McDonald 68 74 A. Kaiser 68 74 J. S. Mercer it 74 J.

H. lUdileld inow Anna M. Benner) 29 37 Agnes Mitchell 29 37 James McGown 230 77 Geo W. Guthrie. Tr 6 74 J.

A. Brown (now R. B. li 74 J. J.

Hays 117 Llllle M. Patterson (now J. F. Partridge! it 37 Iiulsa Lindermsrt 37 Liliie M. Patterson 117 48 J.

F. Sehupert 74 A. M. Hast 74 Sarah E. and Frank a 9 37 W.

B. Shirk 41 Annie M. Livingston 73 43 Braddock avenue, east side W. IX. Su-rrltt S3 C.

1'. Llnhart 21 53 J. R. Holland 129 IS R. Hubs 43 0 Mrs.

E. V. Witting 21 63 H. R. Huss 43 otj F.

Trefflnger 1.6 I. rkhwartx estate (71 S3 Geo. W. Guthrie. Tr J.

I. Johnston (now R. B. Mellon) 43 OS G. o.

W. Guthrie. Tr Ssa 32 Jno. Mcintosh 43 04 Geo. W.

Guthrie. Tr 43 0 Geo. W. Guthrie, Tr 05 J. S.

Todd 43 04 Geo. W. Guthrie. Tr 130 07 Geo. W.

Guthrie. Tr 73 43 Barbara Ruihmund 43 08 Geo. W. Guthrie, Tr 12S 18 J. P.

Johnston (now Agnes P. Patterson 43 Geo. W. Guthrie. Tr 43 OS Geo.

W. Guthrie. 67 6 Went iI.Ia Elisabeth R. Allen Sf 5S Adam Roll 73 83 C. B.

McLean 74 59 U. J. Kaylor (now 8. McK. Bau ersmltht 75 Frank Moore 62 07 Jno.

H. Ward 23 07 Frank Moore 61 63 Tbeo. Osdwallnder 4d 14 Siunl McDonald 415-3 M. P. 27 59 W.

Wllklns estate 213 00 Joseph Kountx m. 2'!) tij Satnl H. Keller 2a 4t Tuscarora street, north side-George E. Peebles (now Barbara K. P.

Miller Mary E. P. Ring-wait, Geo. E. Peebles and Win.

Peeblee. 82; Mary F. Peebles. 46) S3 2S Jno. II.

Frederick 46 14 LydU Y. Frederick 4i 37 South side W. A. and R. M.

McComb (now J. G. Holmes) -23 88 Laura Dodds 26 14 Mary E. Ringwalt 106 12 A. It.

Wilson mow Mary E. Ring wait, $13 44; A. H. Wilson, $50 38. 63 82 C.

A. Clements (now C. A. Klem- an 20 14 Juniata atreet. north sld A.

ll. Wilson 29 22 E. R. Sullivan 26 14 Caroline Bruden (now Alma Har 26 14 A. H.

Wilson 62 29 James Lyons 31 53 A. H. Wilson 60 K. li. Sullivan (now C.

Brenne- man) 26 14 Mary L. Murdock 26 14 Mary M. Thompson (now 11. II. Smith) 26 14 A.

ll. Wilson 11 53 South side A. H. Wilson 49 98 E. R.

Sullivan 23 07 Caroline Bruden (now Alma Har per) 23 07 A. It. Wilson 57 C7 A. TI. Wilson 31 53 Caroline Braden (now c.

Beares) 23 07 A. H. Wilson 23 0' Caroline Braden (now Alma Har per) 23 07 B. N. Jacobs (now T.

W. Calla han. $23 07; B. N. Jacobs, $46 14).

69 21 A. H. Wilson 69 21 Waverly street, north aid. A. H.

Wilson 117 65 A. H. Wilson 30 76 A. H. Wilson 66 SO Laura Dodds 23 07 W.

S. Moore (now W. S. ana bit zle Moore) 23 07 A. H.

Wilson 23 07 V. o. Moore (now v. t. and JL.1Z- zle C.

46 14 J. H. Rugg (now Edward ti. up- still) 23 07 A. II.

Wilson 23 07 Park Place Presby. Mission (now East End Presbyterian Church). South side 20 76 99 98 21 E3 b4 60 39 09 39 9 W. F. Bulger Mary E.

Loughrey (now Lucy era man George A. James Ii. Patterson Jno. Patterson Lyman, north side First National Bank of Alle gheny Fannie Roberts Lyman street south side L. E.

Mrs. Jno. tee*ts 80 74 76 90 34 60 19 22 19 22 33 45 35 45 26 92 39 99 40 75 19 22 2 31 33 t3 2 31 19 22 21 63 34 CO VH 45 38 46 86 12 23 07 SU 45 38 45 S3 46 19 22 47 67 76 90 67 67 33 46 4175 Ann tee*ts Geary Newlin and H. F. Weaver Ldgerton street, north side Nannie D.

Porter Jno. A. cam. Carroll. C.

Donllnger Cath. E. Blake Amanda Gleaener George Glessner Mn. M. C.

Nicholson (now Pitts burg Bank for Savings) South aide F. Englert 1OuImh, Englert W. U. Sterrltt D. J.

Sullivan Abbott street, north side H. A. Alter Bridget E. Clarey E. 8.

Kuhn (How Kate M. E. Stlvey mow Thos. Donnel ly) Geo. Fletcher 4..

D. 11. Little South side Jno 1 Maria Kate Hale W. A. Proudflt.

Total .114.800 22 Amount assessed aarainst the City of Pittsburg, being the difference between the total amount of damages, costs and expenses of said Improvement and the total amount of special or peculiar bene- Amount' forward .1400 72 City of Pittsbuag. difference in cost 15-lnch and 18-lnch 1,633 34 City of Pittsburg, difference In cost 15-incn ana w-incn Total L. $20,109 52 All of which la respectfullv submitted. A. B.

HAT, JAB. F. MOORE, Pittsburg. May 6. 1S93.

Viewers 1 TXT V. 1 1 r1 ll I lir HQ 1 1 I i I wv. v. city of Pittsburg for the appointment of viewers to ascertain the costs, damages and expenses, and assess the benefits for construction ot a sewer on cure icy and South Twenty-first street, from crown or chanre of rrade in Carey alley. east of South.

Twenty-first street to Mo nongahela river, Twenty-nrm waro. In tha conrt of Common Pleaa NOk No. 47 June term, 1897. V- I I V. k.

ft.A V. ti signed viewers, appointed by the Court of Common Pleas No. 1 of Allegheny county in the foregoing matter, filed their report 'la said court on the 15th day of June, A. D. 1898, and unless exceptions b.

wliM. fKlptv A va rVom lunrtv i.iv i iiun w.w saldNdate of filing, or appeals takea in the mwnuoio, tnir rvpiab em vvutMm absolutely. a A i V. A trm.m costs and expenses of the improvement, the damages ascertained and allowed, and HID afCIiruiy ssagsapoBva ea.s sa port and schedule filed in the court afore said. L.


E. M'CORD. Yr i era Vlsvr UI1V Al. i ASSESSMENT OF C08T AND EX-PENS S3. Total costs and expenses 3.248 71 Total cost ot improvement 3,348 71 Assessment of properties peculiarly benefited to pay total damages, costs and expeneea Total damagea, costs and expenses.

South' Twenty-first street, eat iie is a 37 95 cuii CIuiKHne 40 66 wiiv e. i i Menrv winKie Hughes O. Densmore (now Harry T. Dlnsmore) 74 63 Henry Winkle (now Jno. Elch- i i t- SO RO EUxabeth 8e4werth 81 Catherine E.

Werner 2f 81 Ottmar Muller 13 McK. T. R. Renlamln F. Wilson 4 Itl West side Sarah M.

Phillip. Sidney Page, Mary l-Tilllips cinnu.i, Ollveretta WTiarton, Josephine Orinsby, O. H. Ormsby, Oliver Ormbv heirs 1 30 Wrights alley, north side Caroline Werner 27 10 Peter Haberman (now Clara E. Schaub 78, Eleanor Haber- man S.

A Brvce Jacob Krumm 8J jf Frederick CKieaecga South side John L. and Wllhelmlna 21 Peter Haberman 119 46 flneva Davis 73 18 City of Pittsburg 22 Charles Locgnari John Thompson Rosanna Mauch 3 ol Fox alley, north side Henry Wlnkel 73 18 South side Henry C. Gearing 5828 Trinity English Evangelical Luth- ersn Church, of Pittsburg 58 23 Merrlmans alley, north side Marland. Neely Co 877 96 South side Conrad Ktasb 81 Rosa E. Clemens 69 63 John P.

Dreckosen 29 81 Henry Weiss. Jr 29 Matthew Story 21 63 Wm. Welhe 6 3 J. Kress 20 32 Joseph Bchmut 9 S. Schafer 2 Theressa Krut 69 63 Jacob Wlnterknecht 29 81 2.5U2 44 Amount assessed against the City of Pittsburg, being the difference between the total amount of damages, costs and expenses of said Improvement and tho total amount of special or peculiar bene- A mount brought forward 2,592 46 City of Pittsburg, difference between the cost of 15-ln and 18-ln pipe 00 City of Pittsburg (masonry and extra work) 412 25 $3,248 71 All of which Is respectfully submitted.


H. M'CORD, Pittsburg, March 23, 1898. Viewers. BONDS FOR PROPOSALS Can be obtained from' the MERCANTILE TRUST 411 WOOD STREET. OFFICIAL ALLEGHENY.

IN the matter of the petition of theClty of Allegheny for the appointment of viewers to ascertain the coats, damagea and expenses and assess the benefits for the construction of a main sewer on West End avenue, from Lecky avenue to summit near Home street. Tenth and Eleventh wards. In the Court of Common Pleas No. 3, No. 309.

May term, 1S98. Notice is hereby given to all parties in Interest that the undersigned viewers, duly appointed by the court tn the foregoing matter, have prepared a schedule, showing the damages, coats and expenses ascertained and allowed, and the benefits assessed for the foregoing Improvement, and that said viewers will meet and exhibit the same at their office. Municipal hall. Allegheny, on the 28th day of June, A. D.

18y8, at 3:30 o'clock p. and will then and thereupon hear all exceptions thereto and evidence thereon. SAMUEL A. PURVIS, WM. P.

DILWORTH, WM. PITCAIRN, Je15-3t Viewers. MACHINERY. ENGINEERS Heaters and Ventilators, large and small steam and gaa engines, nejv and second-hand; hot water and steam heating, machinists, high pressure steam fitting, electric lighting, large or small plants; repairing promptly attended to; no charge for estimates. TOMK1NS ULRICH.

rnwf-tf 316 Liberty avenua FOR SALE Gas engines; automatlo and plain slide valve steam engines; contractors' machinery, stone crushers, new and second-hand. Thomas Carlin's cions. Allegheny. DOUBLE cylinder gas engine, steam engines, boilers, pumps, laundry machinery: new nnd second-hand. J.

B. Sherrlff Mfg. 105 Water and corner Ferry at ocl-d-tf FOR SALE 1 yard Bucyrus steam shovel. In No. 1 condition; will sell cheap.

J. A. McCormlck, S13 First avenua IN the Court of Quarter Sessions of Allegheny county. No. March Sessions.

Notice la hereby given that the Commissioners of the county of Allegheny have presented to and tiled in the court aforesaid, at the above number and term, a petition under tho act ot Assembly of this Commonwealth, approved 24. lvti, relating to the Improvement of public roads or hlRhways. as county roads. Srtld petition is for the permanent Improvement of the public road or highway known as the Streets Run Road. lleglnnlng at a point on the township road running from East Carson street toward Streets Run In Baldwin township, feet, more or less, northwardly of the bridge at Glenwood over the Monongahela river, thence southwardly betwem property of the Monongahela Iron and Stetl company and Lucas to a point distant Kai feet, more or less, northwardly of said bridge; continuing thence along the line of township road up Streets Hun.

through and between Mifflin and Haldwln townships to a point on Said township road at or near line of property ot the Dupont Powder Company, a distance of two (2i miles, more or less. Said road being fully described on plan filed at No. March Sessions. l'OS. of the Court of Quarter Sessions of Allegheny county.

The said petition, together with the plans and estimates, will be laid before the grand Jury of the said county of Allegheny on Wednesday, the lith day of Jun. A. D. TM at lo o'clock a. and If approved by the said grand Jury said petl'loo will then be presented to said court for its approval and further direction, us required by the satd act.

Any person Interested maynie exceptions to the granting of said petition. This notice being published by order of said court. N. S. WILLIAMS.

Je3-10-17 County Solicitor. INtherCourt of Quarter Sessions of Allegheny county, No. March Sessions. 1MH. Notice la hereby given that the Commissioners of the county of Allegheny have presented to and filed in the court aforesaid, at the above number and term, a petition under the act or Assembly of this Commonwealth, approved June 1j.

relating to the improvement of public roads or highways, as county roads. Said petition is for the permanent improvement of the public road or highway known as the Heaver road. Commencing at the line dividing Ems-worth borough from Kttbuck township; thence along line of said road through KUhuck township to th dividing line between said township and tiienneld bor ough; thence continuing from the west-wardly dividing line of Glcnrteld borough and Aleppo township through satd Aleppo township to the line dividing said township from strne borough, and thence continuing from the westwardly dividing line of Sewlckley borough and Icet township through said Leet township to the brtdg? at the center of Itig Sewlckley creek the county line of Allegheny snd Besver counties, a distance texrludlng those portions of said road in the above named or other tioroughst. of four H) miles more or leas. Said road being fully described on plan filed at No.

March Sseslons, Kts, of the Court of Quarter Sessions of Allegheny county. The said petition, together with the plans and estimates, will be laid before the grand jury of the said county of Allegheny on Wednesday, the 10th day of June. A. D. 1.

at o'clock a. and If approved by the said grand Jury said petition will then be presented to satd court for its approval and further direction, as required said act. Any person Interested rosy file exceptions to the granting of said petition. This notice being published Ivy order ef said-court. N.

S. WILLIAMS. Je3-P-17 County Solicitor. IN the Court of Quarter SessionsTof Allegheny county. No.

March Sessions, 11. Notice is hereby given that the Commissioners of the county of Allegheny hxva presented to and filed In th court aforesaid at the above number and term a petition under the Act of Assembly, of this Commonwealth, approved June 2th. I 96, relating to the Improvement of pubilo roads or htgbwas. as county roads. Said petition Is for the permanent Improvement of the public road or highway known as the Crooked Run road.

Hegtnrting at a point on the lire dividing the city of McKeesport Irum South Veraaillee township, continuing along the line of said Toad In said township In North Versailles township to a point on line of land of Mrs. William Parka 1. Taylor A. Ulrath, Alan W. Wood and overhoit.

to a point on line or land of said Overhoit at or near the intersection tf satd Crooked Run road with the t.reenst'urg pike, a distance of two and ore-third l-3 miie. more or less. Seld road being fullv described on plan filed at No. March Kes-dons, of the Court of Quarter Sessions of Alle gheny county. The mid petition, to gether wrth the plans and estimates will be laid before the gmnd Jury of the sld county of Allegheny ot y.

the lilh day of Jane, A. D. at 11 o'clock a. and If approved by the grand Jury said petition will then be presented to srfli court for Its approval anil further direction, as required by the ssld act. Any person Interested may file exceptions to the granting of said petition.

This notice being puMlshed bv oMer of said court. N. S. WILLIAMS. Je3-1'M7 County Solicitor IN the Court of Quarter He.skns of Al-lerheny county.

No. March Sessions, Notice Is hereby given that the Commissioners of the county of Allegheny have presented to and filed In the court at the above number and tern a petition under rtie Act of Aasemhtv of this Commonwealth, approved June 2i. lsA. relating to the Improvement of public roaiis or highways, as county roads. Said petition is for the permanent Improvement of tlie public road or highway known as the Freeport road.

Beginning at a point on the Freeport road In Springdale township. l. f.t more nr less (( of U-xjuct station on the West Penn R. thence east wardly along the line uf snld road through Springdale and East Deef township to a monument on tne line nivnpng r.nsr feer township from the borough of Tarentum, a distance of three (3) miles or l'-s. Said road being fully ribed on plan filed at No.

March Sessions, 1as of court or ouarier sessions or Alle gheny county. The said petition, together with ihe plans and estimates. he laid before the grand Jury of the said county of Allegheny, on Wednesday, the Kith day of June. A. D.

IhSS. at lu o'clock a. and if approved by the s.ild crand Jury said petition will then be presented to sicid court for Its spproval and further direction, us required by the said act. Any person Interested may file exceptions to the granting of said petition. This notice being published by order of said court.

N. W. IUilAHH, le.1-1'1-17 I'minty Solicitor HTSINESS OITOHTl.NI'I IES. CONFECTIONERY Excellent locution, on Federal Allegheny: fine fixtures. low rent; easy terms to rlht party; Investigate; tZ.M Estop George, 327 fourth fitisnurg.

Jeia-i; FOR SALE Thirty barrel Hour mill. 13 acres land in Armstrong county. Pennsyl vania. For particulars address J. J.

Red. Freeport. Pa. jejj-dsu-fit PRINTINO MUSINESS-one of tho best equipped establishments In the city, doing good business: owner going abroad; extremely low price and easy terms. Es- tep Ouorge, fourth t'lttsburg.

FOR SALE Electro plating works; es tablished traile; open rar In spectlon. Address Harrlsburg, Pa. Jel-dsu-fit tlROCERY Good small store In Alle gheny; very low rent; Invoice Eatep it Ueorgc, izi fourin t-msourg. Jc 15-17 BUSINESS of every description, send for June list. Eatep George, 3i Fourth ave.

jc-3-dau-30t FOR SALE Old established leather and finding store and njacninery lor manufacturing uppers; good chance for ler C. H. Dcltrlch, 1)70 Liberty st. jelfl-2t lUt5iN ESS If you nam to buy or sell any kind of business or stock In same, see avanagh ana t-u rounn ava mh22-lso-tf PROPOSALS. NOTICE The bonrd of Inspectors of the Western penitentiary will receive proposals until 2 o'clock p.

m. Monday, June 2n, l.s;S, for furnishing the penitentiary with the following supplies for a term of one year, fresh meats, dry goods, drugs and medicines. Details furnished at the prison, nnd goods must conform to samples exhibited. The board reserves the rignt to reject any or an Dids Edward S. Wright, Warden.

Jel'-13-l3-i7-1S-20 EXPRESS AND TRANSFER. CAMPBELLS EXPRESS: furniture and piano moving; baggage and package aeuvery. si seveatn ava; let. iia nolO-dsu-tf CHOICE PltOPEIlTIES. i FOR BALE S8.000 Stone house.

14 rooms; every lata improvement. 16,000 Pressed burr brick, ll roome: every convenience. $5,500 Brick house, buff front. 11 rooms: every convenience. These houses are In best location and is but two-thirds of actual value.

Coll or address D. Rlsley, 30S Grant Pltta- Durg. fa. jeib-zt FOR SALE On easy Dnyments "like rent;" one four and one six-room house on paved street and car line. D.

Mai shall. 243 Fourth ave. jel2-dsu-loi For Sale Allegheny. Iloaaca. $8,500 Fronting: the park, Allegheny city.

Fine residence property. Two-story and mansard Reduced from To sell quickly. 727.) BLACK St GIjONINGER. Jel7-19 65 Fourth ave. Far sale Vacraaa.

ED WTTTT8H. 424 Fifth Ptttsbarc ofCers at low prices desirable farms. mhl7-dsu-tf For Sale Lots, TOR BALE! 12 beautiful Believna HtiClfl "lng- lots, 40x130 feet; $4W to $5u0; monthlr1 Rankin 'rowbtend, Cd Fourth ave. Jel6-2t i Real Estate Briefs. 1 I YT tun caliEi noui's aria ior on momn-i ly payments.

John Sykea 62u9 Butler at.1 REAL ESTATE. 4- To Let Allegheny Meases. TO LET From July 1 at low rent good tenant, 9-room brick, 113 Fsyett Allegheny. Rankin Townsend. 43 Fourth ave.

jeia-2t i To Let lannter Cottage. STTMMER COTTAGE for rent; 12 roomar brick house on lake shore; large lawn -and orchard; excellent fishing, boating and bathing; also camping grounds. Ad- drese Box 85, Harbour Creek, Pa. Jel7-lt To Let Paralabed Roersas. TO LET Allegheny; two cool well furnished; on the park.

Address) V. U. Hox 177. Allegheny. jen-lt i ItOSET TO LOAJL MONET TO LOAN In sums te suit or.1 household furniturs, pianos, etc, without' removal; easy payment CONFlDEN-j TIAL.

Also, on good collateral security;) abort loans on real estate. J. Q. H. SMITH.

No. 413 Fourth avenua opp. postoffica TO LOAN At nee 3300, 3800. $1,000, rJS.000. Bring deed.

IRA M- BURCHIFfnLD. )a5-wfs-lm 424 Fourth ava llf ONET te loan Immediately, tn sums from $100 to easy terms; long- time payments; bring deed. PENN LOAN ASSOCIATION. i 24. Fourth ava i MONET TO LOAN quick as title ean be examined: small monthly payments, Address Mc.

210 Fourth ava. eecond next to Gusky's. my7-dsu-tf i CAVANAOH 426 Fourth loan money on mortgages and Invest' money on first-class securities, jelt-wtsutf LACK A. GLONlNGER, 95 4th lend money on mortgages at lowest rates. se2V-fsu-tt RIVER PACKETS.

PITTSBURG AND CINCINNATI PACKET LINE. Steamer for Wheeling, Marietta, Pleasant. Gailtpolis, Huntington, Ashland. Iron ton, Portsmouth, Cin cinnati. Louis ville, Merophbi, St.

Louis, New Orleans, and all interm I a landings, will leave wharf boat-foot of Wood street, ss follows: Every Monday at 4 p. Steamer Keystone State. C. W. Knox, master; D.

M.1 Lecey. purser. Everv Friday at noon. Steamer Virginia, T. S.

Calhoun, msster; R. H. purser. First-class fare, Pittsburg to Onc.ln-, natt, $7. Round trip $12.

meals and berth' Included. Except Queen City and Vlr-. ginla, round trip $14.00, or down by boat! and return by rail, $14.00. Tickets eoodj one year. For freight or passage apply1 on boar or JAMES A.

HENDERSON. Manager, Wharfboat. Telephone 17fi2. jela-dsu-tte SIMMER RESORTS. 2 nour inn: fc.

$6 and $7 per week; B. O.l R. Ohlopyle. Pa A. A.


JUNE 2. Special weekly rates to familisa Furnished cottages for rent. J. IL BUTTEB WOBTH. JelR-dsu-lm STEAMSHIPS.

AMERICAN LINE. Philadelphia aad Liverpool via Queens-town, sailing Saturdays from Philadelphia and Wednesdays from Liverpool, at low rates. For tickets and general information apply to A. D. Scorer Son.

433 Water Pittsburg. i AMIsem*nTS. SGHENLEY PARK! Swept by Mountain Breexes. FREE OPEN AIR Every Afternoon at a Every Evening at I Sundays Excepted.) Commencing MONDAY, June IN BEWITCHING PANTHER HOLLOW. Nature's Own Amphitheater.

J. W. GORMAN'S HIGH-CLASS VAUDEVILLE A great array of talent, headed by i ANNIE BERTHA WAGNER and BRUNO ARN1M la "OPERA IS THE HITCHES," Jolly Operatic Tenley and Simons, Refined Sketch Comedians; Dudley I'resoott. Boston's Htar Mono-loguis and Skilled vincr, George Ausun. Cumi 7 Slack Wire Juggler.

NO RESERVED SEATS. Everything Free 4 An entertainment that appeals te the families. ling but tli a most refined exhibitions given. We-k ot June 17 Entire change of bill. TTD AlSiri KOPBTH AND LAST WEKIC VJIA14' OF THE OBKAT SlTOCKSa, PASSION PLAY PICTURES.

Kvery atternoon at 50c, 3Se; Hal. 25c; Gal. 2:15, 8:15. Qroh. iOc.

Mats. 2V enlv. 12-: AVFMHF Afternoon at MVCI1UU tvery Night at 8:15. RIP VAN WINKLE. Hugh J.

Ward as Rip van Wink a llal. 10. 15; Box Seats. tisl. lite.


Consolidated Absorbs the East End, the Pittsburgh the Franklin ss4 Two Allegacsy Companies. Five gas companies were merred Into one yesterday, making the biggest gas combination in the country. 1 he entire deal involved SU.0tti.Ona. It completes the combine, after years of work. The five companies were absorbed by the Consolidated Gas Company.

In addition to the Consolidated, the companies which com pose tne combine are the Flttsburg, the East End. the Franklin and th Alle- fheny gas companies and the Allegheny ilumlnating Company. It la not the organization of a new com pany. The tlve companies mentioned simply lose their identity in being purchased by the Consolidated Gaa Company, and the latter name is retained. New officers.

however, with the exception of P. J. Mc-1 iuiiy, me secretary, were eiectei. -rney are as follows: judge J. H.

Reed, presi dent; t. ll. Given, treasurer; p. J. aic-Nulty, secretary; Robert Young, general manager.

The directors are J. It. Cal- lery. M. K.

McMullln. T. H. Given. Joshua Rhodes and Alexander Brown.

Mr. Young, who has been made gen eral manager of the big corporation, was lormerly chief engineer or the AUegneny Gas Company. He was the man chosen by D. Herbert Hostetter to go abroad and Investigate methods of manufacturing gas in England, with a view to introducing them Ira the new gas plant out Second avenue. M.

K. McMullln. one of the di rectors. Is a Fourth avenue broker, and engineered the gigantic deal to its consummation. D.

Herbert Hostetter, who was president of the Pittsburg Gas Company, and who perhaps wan the originator of the combine Idea, will not be active In the Consolidated Gas Company. It was the desire of his associates and the men of the combine that he should accept a place In the company, but be did not desire It. He. however, holds a great many of the bonds of the company. The capital of the Consolidated Gas Company Is now in addition to which there Is worth held in re serve.

Of the total stock. J2.0Ou.ttiO worth has been Issued in preferred stock, and $4 OOO.OiO worth is In common stock. The company has issued jj.oiti.ow wortn ot gold bonds. They bear 5 per cent interest and mature in 50 years. All of these bonds are out.

and tne mortgage Is recorded with the Maryland Trust Company. It was the largest single deal ever con summated In Pittsburg. The meeting was neid at tne omce or me vonsoiiaaiea uai Company on Liberty street. The transaction was finally closed at the Farmers Denosit National bank. There the prop erties and franchises of the five compa nies were turned over to and paid for by the Consolidated Gas Company.

The great mortgage Is now on record at the court house, and all the deeds are passed and registered at city hall. A limited number of shares were placed at the Farmers IeDostt National hank and of fered for sale. They are eagerly sought. Of the future course or thl corporation nothing Is known, except that It will be rjrorressive and with a tendency to widen the tteld. The proposed new plant that Is to be erected at the Pittsburg Gas Company's property on Second avenue will probably be completed, and this company will finally use It.

It Is possible that In time all the Illuminating gas companies of the two cities will finally be Incorporated in the combination. Whether or not the Wesetinghouse interests will come into the combine Is a Question. eorge Westlnghouse has now i In nls nanus, ana nas naM since? jur a majority of thi stock of the Philadel phia company lor disposal, was seni to him in reply to a circular letter which he issued when the question of the Philadelphia's joining the combine was raised. The date set for that corporation to give a final answer was July The history of the transaction just closd covers more than a year. U.

Herbert Hostetter and K. McMullln worked on It for a long time, and numerous time the consummation Of the deal was made public, only to he followed by a denial or a report that It had fallen through. Bli months ago It was certain that the deal waa closed. Then the smaller companies which have been bought up by the Consolidated met Individually and voted on the sale of their property, and this was followed by a meeting In which the provisions of the new Htate constitution were accepted. The Consolidated whs operating under the new constitution, while the other companies were incorporated before it wss passed.

Now all operate together un1-r the Consolidated Gas Company's charter. WANT ADVERTIsem*nTS ONE CENT A WORD. Situations Wanted Published Free of Charge. Your Wants will be seen by thousands. HELP WANTED.

A areata. AGENTS Big money selling picture ot "The Maine;" write quick. Lnlon Printing Falls Creek. Pa! JeH-dsu-Tt AGENTS Everywhere to sell our homeopathic medicines to famines; steady work; agents making to U' a month. Dr.

O'Keefe A No. 15 Homeopathic Medicine Manufacturers. 1Z12 Penn ave. jelft-2t Males. WANTED Lather.

Call at cor. Her-ron and Center ave. jel7-lt "WANTED Party to represent a first-class lithographic and folding box company In Pittsburg and vicinity on commission; good opening for right party. Address Reliable, Office of The Pout. Jelf-dsu-7t WANTED Five laborers with families.

Imperial Urlck Works. Harmarvllle. Pa. Jel6-3t WANTED A good axle turner. Address A Bl, Office of The Post.

WANTED Riveters and blacksmith helpers. Behoen Pressed Steel Wood Run, Allegheny; Jel5-dsu-tf ANTED All weak men to eat Bar-Ben, the great nerve restorative; 0 pills. tQc; st all drugstores. fel-dsu-tf Females. WANTED Cook and chambermaid.

Inquire at Fifth ave J-17-lt WANTED A nurse with experience and good reference to take care of child and assist In light housework. Address F. Office of The Post. JeU-dsu-7t Wanted Miscellaneous. WANTED Two people to complete club of fifteen to buy Fowlers.

Address A 922, Office of The Post. Jelrt-2t SEALED PROPOSALS. City of Allegheny. June lfi, isf8. SUPPLIES FOR THE DEPARTMENT OF CHARITIES.

SEALED PR01OSALS will be received at the office of the City Comptroller until June 23. noon, for furnishing the following supplies from July 15, 18U8, to July 15, 18a. for the Department of Charities, City of Allegheny, Pa. Groceries, dry goods, meat, butter, drugs and paint, flour, coal, undertaking and shoes. Proposals for bidding can be had on application at this office.

A bond to the amount of the bid. with two sureties, must accompany each proposal for the faithful performance of the contract. The committee on charities reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids. BARTON GRt'BBS, Jel7-3t Director. SITUATION By thoroughly experienced male stenographer and office assistant; nave had one and a half yearn' experience with one of the best firms in the city; can furnish bond if required.

Address A SO, Office of The Post. i JeH-3t SITUATION by a butcher, with 10 years' experience in the business; can do evcryinmg nrst-class. Address iiox Zii, Claysvllle, Pa. Jel7-3l SITUATION By druggist, registered. as manager or country; good reference.

Address A SZ Office of The Post. jeis-ai 4 uci i lu.i djf yimrtg mail in rrsmu- rant or bar porter. C. Charles, Fulwood i 'it Ii. iv i 1,..

1 4 mi, ill dun perlencvd hat salesniuu; have had three years' experience; can furnish best of reference and security. Address SM4, Of-rlf Th -i. lector; best of reterence from former employer and security furniuhod. A VilL I V. 4 POSITION liy a middle-aged tieTnian as porter or Janitor, or any kind of auric A.

Hue her. 67 Third Allegheny. Jel7-4t POSITION As coachman and gardener on private place; is soU-r and steady; careful driver; excellent city reference. Address Coachman. ave.

Jel7-3t IVwSITION Hy a sober bread and cake baker; li years' experience; city or country; can furnish best of references. Address F. Tlppner, tu3 Bluff su. city. Porill'ION liy German as gardener; sober and willing; to work; can give reference if required.

A Office of The Post. jeie-ai POSITION Uy a first hand bread snd cake baker: best of references. Address G. Cash, No. 124H Penn ava.

city. SITUATION On farm by young man. has experience and Is willing to work; a steady place preferred. Address A 923, Office of The Poet J16-3t POSITION In a drugstore, at soda fountain, or any other work around a Store; can give reference from reliable druggist: age lt Address A Kl, Ofrtee of '1 he Post Jelii-It POSITION Uy middie-aged German on gentleman's place; is Industrious and trustworthy; can take care of horses and cows, also experienced driver. Address SltS.

office of The Poet. Jel-3t SITUATION By young man as offline asMatant or stenographer; have had l1 years' experience; can furnish bond if required. A 923, Office of The Post. JeW-3t POSITION Hy young man, married, as cierk, or at any other kind of work; has had years' experience In grocery; can speak German and English, and do buying; is well acquainted In both citic. and a No.

1 driver. O. No. Ill Elm Pittsburg. Pa.

je.S-St POSITION As with agent by young man jtn fair knowledge ni telegraphy and railroad office work. Box UO, Kuhn, O. Jel5-3t POSITION Uy young man, sge coachman; can aisu wait on table; best of reference. Apply J. Collins.

121 Cherry alley. Pittsburg. SITUATION AS waiter and cashier; man aged Hi. and wife; can take charge of dining-room or kitchen; Al hustlers; or wife will do chamber work; salary reasonable. Harry V.

Walton, general delivery, city. Jel-3t POSITION liy young man. white, coachman; thoroughly understands the care of first-class horses, harness and carriages, with first-class references. Apply J. Coiilns, lil Cherry alley, nttubunr blTljATION By young man.

r'i7in wholesale grocery or any wholesale place; willing to 3o any kind of work: reference. Address A Office of The Post. SITUATION liookkreper and collector; by competent young nun who is thoroughly experienced and Is ca.utble of filling an fifTu'e position In any capacity; understands stenography and typewriting; Al references; guod s-curtty. Address A OtTl'-e of The Post- jtla-H. POSITION as watchman.

"janitor or assistant englr.eer, by married man can do carpenter work and general repairing: handy with the use of all kind of tools: good reference. Address F. 20 Se.ig-wirk street. Allegheny. POSITION as coachnun or first class gardener on private pUc; is sober and steady, and most careful driver.

Address Comb man. 1 Second avenue. Jeli-St IuITIoN Py a young man 35 years of age us collector In insurance or Installment business; speaks English and German; so tier; rapid worker. Aildress J. 43 Lenora Est End, city, ft Fensates.

SITt'ATlON-Ity a respectable Catholic colored woman a cook or general housework, without washing and Ironing: good reference. Call at Robert street. Jel7-3t SIT10N-liy young girl as chambermaid or nurse; two years In last good reference. Apply Dinwiddle st. Jtl7-3t "SITUATION Hy Intelligent middle-aged lady as rnanaKing housekeeper for a Protestant widower in good standing; In the city or suburbs; have no encumbrance).

A Oftlc of Tho Post. Jel7-8t STtT(Tn br. highly respectable young widow with fainliy goli.g away for the summer; would prefer going to P.ldgevlew Park; can give very best reference in everv respect wages Address A 917. Ottlcs of Tho Post. je-3t POSITION Hy young holy In store or Office.

Address Box hj, Carnegie, Pa. P( ISITION fly a well educated and re-tlned young lady In store or office; have had four years' experience as saleslady, and is also capable of fulfilling the duties required In oif i work; can first-class references, and will work for small salary to begin. Address A S2t, Office of thq Post. JelC-3t POSITION Hy joung Isdy at hViit housework. Address Hox Carnegie.

Pa. I TX'ATI ON experienced female hotel cook, city or country; first-ctass reference. Call or address M. C. No.

104 Gerst alley, Allegheny. Jel-3t POSITION Hy a middle-aged woman of refinement as managing or working housekeeper, or general housework in small family; thoroughly understands the doing of all kinds of housework, and capable of taking charge of any home; am also a good seamstress; this Is wanted by one who Is well worthy of a good position. Adtlress box Oakdale, Allegheny county, Pennsylvania. J(-15-3t Wanted Boarders. WANTED Boarders; breakfast and o'clock dinner.

No. 3 Arch Allegheny. Je 12-7J Wanted Murl a igri, ED. WITTISH. 434 Fifth Pittsburg, wants mortgages and securities jyll-rlsu-tf SPECIAL Tit K.

Office of the City Treasurer. Municipal Hull. Smithliuid street, June 1. 1(08. NOTICE Is hereby given that the duplicates for water rents for the year l.nyS have been placed in my hands tor collection by the water assfHsors authorized to assess the same, payable at this office during' the month of June.

No discount allowed. All water rents remaining unpaid July will be placed in the hands of the collector Of delinquent taxes, with per cent added for collection. D. R. TOKRENCE.

JeS-t Treasurer. DISSOLITIO XOTHK. Notice Is hereby given that the partnership herPtoforo conducted under the firm name of Watters Hamilton, green grocers. Mill Coraopoli. have been mutually dissolved.

All unpaid accounts will be collected and paid to J. B. Wattors. nnd any JuHt claim against the firm will be paid by him at above designated place of biinines-s. WATTERS ft HAMILTON.

PERSONALS. LADIES everywhere use Lexington's French Capsules; absolutely safe; disappointment impos'slble; send stamp saaled particulars. Lexington Chemical llGti Ifnrrlsrn Cblcsgo. 1trt-dsti-24t FO It A I.E ISCELLA EOCS. BOOKS Ingersoll's Gems, 300 pages, cloth.

60c: Patne's political and theological works complete, each, 35c. Staley'a, 2ltf Market st. julf-13-W ALLEGHENY TEAM WOJ A CLK.U VICTORY IX CONTEST FOR INTERSTATE CIP. EXCELLENT RECORDS MADE. EVERY MEMBER 4VALIPIE0 FOR INDIVIDUAL MATCH GAME.

Detailed Scores tb Day's Flay. Ball 1m Honor of the, Vlsttlaa; Teuu ot tnc Clabhoaia To-Mgat. The Allegheny Country club won a elean victory In the ft rat day play ot the Interstate amateur golf tournament on Its own grounds, and la consequently owner of the championship cup. it was an Ideal day for golf, and the play was strong and even all through the contest. The score show that soma fin Individual and team work was done.

Kaitt threatened a postponement during the morning, but before noon the clouds bad scattered and left the sun to cast a cheerful glow over the green' links. A number of women were present, and their bright gowns added to an exceedingly pretty picture. The spectators sat on the wide verandas of the clubhouse or under the trees In front watching the progress of the players as they moved about from link to link over the rolling grounds. Refreshments were served inside the house and outside on tables scattered about. A large, white score board showed how the game was going and it was constantly surrounded by groups of inter" eeted golf era Unlike the scenes surrounding most American games, there was no cheering or other expressions of excitement to break the refined silence of the neighborhood.

One of the most stringent rules of golf etiquette is never to speak to the players. Another is, "Keep oft the green." jloih were, obeyed to the letter. Compliments for a long drive or a skillful recovery were reserved till after the round, and the players in their flaring red coats and fantastically bedecked headgear were suffered to amble from hole to hole undisturbed. The little caddies scampered about like cupids with their long leathern quivers of golf sticks strapped upon their backs. It was 25 cents a round for the caddies, and they had a busy day.

Program of the Day. The program of the day waa a match game for the interstate cup. our teams contested. The Westchester -club did not appear, and the Detroit and Philadelphia country clubs had only one representative each. The full teams in the contest were the Richmond County Country club, the Allegheny Country ciub, and the Cincinnati and Cleveland Golf clubs.

Flay began at a. m. Richmond paired oft with Allegheny, and Cincinnati did the same with Cleveland. The game consisted of two rounds, of IS holes reach, the first being- played In the morning and the second in the afternoon. Luncheon was served In the clubhouse at noon.

The player were paired off as follows: John R. Cbadwick vs. W. C. Carnegie; George K.

Armstrong vs. B. 8. Home; James Park va John Moorhead, A. E.

Patterson vs. W. N. Murray; O. I.

Williams v. j. Shea- W. W. Lowrey va O.

l. Thompson; N. Longworth va T. 8. Heck with; K.

P. Harrison vs. W. H. P.oardman: W.

C. Proctor vs. IJ. Crowell; Tyler Field va H. M.

MeBrtde; George Ingalls vs. Roy Tor; B. P. Hoi lister vs. J.

J. McCunan, and E. 8. Warren vs. A.

W. Blddle. There was an additional Interest In the game besides that aroused by the cup contest. According to the rules of the tournament the Id best individual scores were to qualify for the 18-hole match play for the Allegheny Country Club cup. The aext eight lowest scores qualified for the gold medal consollatlon contest.

Both these games will be played to-day beginning at 10 a. m. W. C. Proctor, of the Cincinnati Golf club, made the best Individual record of the day, scoring 170 strokes.

John Moorhead, James Park and T. S. Bcckwith tied for second place with 171 strokes. W. N.

Murray, ot the Allegheny team, scored the lowest round ot the day. making 39 strokes. The total scores by clubs was: Richmond. 1.103; Allegheny, Cincinnati. 1.110.

and Cleveland, 1.143. The excellent work done by the local team was generously complimented by the visiting players. It was generally conaidered eiual to that of any other trtn In the country. However, the fact that the team was on its own rounds Is an item to be considered, Fol-wlng are the Individual scores: RICHMOND. 1 Imt.

Second. Total. John K. CTmkIwUW i Oeorga E. Armstrong James Park S7 A.

il. Patterson O. L. til lams 'M 7 4 7 4 171 1st 1K7 177 17S 171 17S ins 100 ii 170 1S l- I'M 171 17 1H4 2' 110 W. W.

Lowrrr 103 TV, C. Carnegie ti B. B. Horns 8J John M'MrrM-ad. Jr.

US W. N. Murray SS J. B. Phe Si O.

l. Thompson HH 104 0 100 CWLINSATL N. Lona-worth F-. P. Jlarrlaon W.

Proctor Tyler Field tJeorge In galls 84 1W ('LEV EUAN U. B. Bolllatar T. Beckwtth KS W. 11.

Hrlnian B. L. Crowell H. M. MBride Boy Tors 110 J.

D. Me nan 07 1H 8. Warren, of the Detroit Country club, score. 1 103 In the first and 94 In the second; total, 197. A.

W. Riddle, for the Philadelphia Country club, scored 95 in the first and 87 in the second: total. 12. To-Day's Schedule of Contests. The following players will contest today for the Allegheny Country Club cup: AV.

C. Proctor, John Moorhead, James Park, T. 8. Beckwtth. W.

N. Murray, II. 8. Home, W. C.

Carnegie. W. H. Board-man, John R. I'hadwicky George K.

Arm- strong. O. I. Thompson, J. U.

Shea, A. V. Riddle, N. Long worth. B.

Crowell and A. K. I'atteraon. For the gold medal the following eight players will content: Tyler Field, Ueorge Ingalls. R.

P. Holllster, E. P. Harrison, O. L.

Williams, J. I. McCunan W. W. Lowrey and B.

8. Warren. It will be observed that every member of the local team qualified for the club cup contest. At the close of the games to-day the long driving contest will take place. There are a number of expert drivers In the several clubs and an Interesting eon- test Is expected.

To-night there will be a hall at the Allegheny country club for the member and their guests, and several dinner parties are likely to be arranged for to-morrow after the finals are played off. Among the spectators at yesterday' fame were Mrs. O. I). Thompson, Miss lesele Howe, Mr.

and Mrs. J. L. Lyon, W. J.

Patton, Mrs. James Wood, Mrs. Harry Brown. Theodore Hostetter. B.

P. Jones, and Mr. and Mrs. John Mc- Clurg Hays. The visiting teams are be' lng entertained at the Hotel Lincoln.

A9HTABILA SPECIAL TRAIN, VTa Lake Erie R. Sunday, Jnne 19, Rate ft. 73. Leaves Lake Erie Depot 8:15 a. city time, with through parlor cars.

Jel7-2t You know there are many things only half they are represented to le, but these are only represented half their real values: LAWNS at Wc, 8 l-3c and 12c. DIMITIES at 64c and 10c. OHdANDIES at I5o and 25c. ZEPHYIl GINGHAMS at 15c. MADUAS GINGHAMS at 12c.

IMPORTED GINGHAMS at 23c. LADIES' DRESS SKIRTS cheaper ready made than you tan get made at $1 60, 1 75 and $2 50. Also. WRAPPERS at 50c and 75c. CORSETS at 75c and Jl 00.

SHIRT WAISTS at 75c, $1 00 and $1 25. H. J. LYNCH, 438-440 Market street. Ht'NDAY EXCURSIONS.

fl.TS Erie Connenut Lake 1.75. Leave Pittsburg 8:15 and 8:25 a Allegheny 8:23 and 8:33 a. city time, Yl Pemujylviuiu lines, una 19,.

The Pittsburgh Post from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (2024)
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Name: Chrissy Homenick

Birthday: 2001-10-22

Address: 611 Kuhn Oval, Feltonbury, NY 02783-3818

Phone: +96619177651654

Job: Mining Representative

Hobby: amateur radio, Sculling, Knife making, Gardening, Watching movies, Gunsmithing, Video gaming

Introduction: My name is Chrissy Homenick, I am a tender, funny, determined, tender, glorious, fancy, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.