New York Daily Herald from New York, New York (2024)

has i ng session returned to the to overtures must be out of fix, for we have report in town to-night that the whigs have carried Gotham. Axaaitr, April 14, 18-47. AJfairt t'n the LegitUturt. The secoud conference oommittee appointed upon ths part of tha House of Aseembly. to affect a compromise with tha Senate conference oommittee upon the bill for the division of the State into judicial districts, haw this day reported their entire inability to effect any definite arrangement with the oommittee upon the part of the Senate; thus the Judicial department of the government must be suspended until in en with less of selflidineas in their characters, can be designated to perform this duty.

The organisation of the fourth judicial distriot is tha aanaa nf all tha and disagreement between the two houMi. The Senate committee insist that the county of Renseelaar ihalJ be attached to the third district. and the Houae committee Insist that it hall be attached to the fourth judicial diatrict neither will recede from their positions. I am not prepared to wit coDtfidwrAtiozu have oxurclaau any weight witn the lu their effort to aironge theae diatrlota. but I am aaaured.

on high au tborlty that a diatinguiehed Senator, whom 1 will not name at preeent, ia a candidate for Judge in one of the dlatricta. and that if Flenaaelaer county la attachad to the fourth judicial diatrict, aa ia dealred by tha Houae, hia ohanoea of election will be in the vocative. The Committee on the part of the Houeo, in making their report to-day, concluded with the following "The oonfurcea on the part of the.Aaaembly, feeling that they have xnado every reaaonublo conceaalon to carry out the requirements of the Conatitution. and thut tha propositions which they had the honor to submit, and which were severally rejected by the oonfereee on the part of the Senate, were not only Just and equitablo, but liberal iu every reepoct. respectfully submit the reault of their deliWatlons to tne honorable the Aaaembly, that auch action may be had thoreon as the exigencies of the occasion and the importance of the subject demand, hoping, that if a like submission ia made on the part of the of tbo Senate to that honorable body, thtlg will riae above the eonalderationa which have hitherto induced their committees to adhere with so much tenacity to a peculiar organization ot a aingle district, nt the expense of a just aud equitable principle, and save tbo State from the disgrace of bolng thrown into anarchy and confusion, which must Inevitably follow the neglect or refusal of this Legialaturu to divide the State into judicial districts." The report was laid upon the table of the House, and the usual number ordered to bo printed.

The emigrant bill still remains In the hands of the select committee, who were instructed to report it to the Senate in a modified form. I am advised that it will be reported in a few days, in a shape similar to that suggested by Mr. Harria. Tne Senate to-day, by the following vote, defeated the amendment of the House to the general election law, which prohibits any person who has bet upon the result of an election from voting at such election Backus. Beach, Buekman, Donniston, Oridley, Hall, Hand, Hard, Harris, Lostor, Sedgwick, Barlow, Burnhiun.

Kolsom, Johnson, Jones, Morris, Haggles. Sanford, The President decided that a majority of all tho flenatsri wan nooessary to pass thin amendment, and it wag therefore lost. 1 understand that Mr. Lester wtU move a reconsideration of the vote to-morrow. The election iu this oity, yesterday, resulted in the choice of a whig mayor by3.337 is official The bill to establish froe evening schools in the city of New York for the benefit of apprentices and others, has passed both houses of tho Legislature.

The House to-day. by a vote of 60 to 34, decided in favor of the southern or Pennsylvania routo for the location of the New York and railroad tho Senate having already determined to adhere to tho majority report of the railroad Commissioners, the question is settled. Mr. Cunmr has Lntroduood a bill for tho amendment of the excise law. The bill proposes to allow apothecaries and physicians to sell liquors, if they are licensed by the Mayor, or others authorised to grant liccuses.

It is probable that the friends of tho law will consent to its amendment in this manner, but Its repeal cannot bo accomplished by the present Legislature. The bill is in charge of tile Committee of the Whole. The Senate was engaged to-day upon the bill for tho incorporation of plank road companies; it has been finally perfected, and referred to a select committee to report complete. Philadelphia, April 13, 1617. Klejihante Drowned.

The menagerie of Messrs. Raymond Waring, lius Just closed its exhibitions in this city, and the animals connected with it have been taken across the river to Camden, where they were to have been exhibited for a day or two. Tho elephants, Pizarro and Vlrginlus, were taken to the Walnut st. ferry at an early hour this morning, but the elephants were dissatisfied with the strength of the slip to bear their weight, and drew back. The persuasions of the keeper could not Induce them to venture, and they woro, In consequence, taken down near the navy yard, and tho attempt made to swim them over the river.

The tide carried them down the stream, despite tho exertions of the keeper, wlio was in a boat guiding them towards the opposite The water being extremely cold, the animals became chilled and finally sunk, near Gloucester Point. They were chained together, and Virginias sinking first drew the other after him. This is a great loss to the worthy tuuitu 111 uiuuv jl.iv/.vvv. nil! iocs will immediately supplied by other animals belonging to Meesre. Raymond it Waring, and the proposed at Cain Jon and Burlington will uot be postponed in consequence.

Sevorsl hundred Odd Fellows left the city this morning for to participate in the ceremouies attending the dedicution of the new Hall erected there by the order They were accompanied with music.and made quite a gallant show. A small boat upset in the Delaware this morning by a ferry boat coming iu contact with it, and the two men who were in it received a ducking, but were rescued by the hands of the boat The reports brought up from Wilmington yesterday with regard to the explosion at Dupont's powder mills, contrary to the usual rule, turned out to be without the least exaggeration. Nineteen human beings were hurled into eternity iu an instant by the dreadful occurrence There is no sign of the arrival of the Princeton yet. and it is now feared that she will not put iu here, as her boilers are waiting for her in New Vork. Sales of Stocks At Philadelphia.

Aran. 15? Fimr ll Pennsylvania li ink. 298; $1000 PennSe, 71J4; 3 Northern Bank of Kentucky, 96Ji; 00 (trie ina Canal IIink, 65; 100 Morris anal, Astch Sai.ks?50 Susquehanna Canal, cash, 2'i New Orleans Canal Uk, 65; $585 Comity Cs, 1870, 99; $iihi Penn is, 72K: of Kentueky, 70. Sikco.xd Texas Bonds, 10s, 25; 1100 Schuylkill Navigation 'Si, 50(81 Texas Bonds, Hs, 1500 5s. 95; 8400 Tex ts Bonds, 8s, 24)a; 200 Head.

Railroad, 30. Arrr.r Schuylkill Navigation 6s, "58.75w; 300 Bank 10000 Stale 5s, TiK; 50 Manufaetnrers St Mediaincs Bank. 500 Texas Bonds 8s, 21'4; 1100 10000 State 5s, of Stocks At ltoatoii. Armi. Merchants' Bank, 10l.l4; 8 do, 101; 22 State Bank, 58; 3 Western Hail road, 101J-J; 7 do 102; TO Boston and Maine Railroad, 100A; 1 do, III Portland, Saco 8t Portsmouth llRIi III 10 K.aat Boston Company, IB; 50 do, b20d, lfiV; 25 Fast Boston Dividends.

8'4; .50 Norwich and Worcester Railroad, do, 25ao, 50 do, slOd, A sha Cheshire Railroad, $92 per sh; 2 do Boston St Lowell do (par 500) I7'a per ct adv; 20 do Boston St Providence do, 3la ct adv; 10 do llaitern do, Mass, 7k per ct adv; 38 do Washington Insurance 2 a per ct adv; 10 do Merchants' Bank, per et adv; 41 do State do, for Oil; 16 do Orauiie do, $97V a per sh; 3 do Traders'do, $91 pei sli; 40 Jo Fulton Hardware Manuf S17t, by the Prenhlcnt. Brigadier Ooneral (iidoon J. Pillow, to bo major general In the army of the United States, in tho place of Thomas H. Benton, who declined to accept. Drigamer uenerti Joan 10 oo major general in the army of the United Staler in the placu of William Cumtulng.

who declined to accept Colonel Caleb Cushing. to bo brigadier general in the army of the United Stated, in thu place of John A. Quitmau. promoted. Cadet In enter the Mill.

Inry Academy In June next. John ofthe 3d Congressional District. William P. Merrill, of the 4th Congressional District harles D. Bridgham, of the 7th Congressional District ulcb Huse, of the 3d Congressional District.

Georgo L. Andrews, of tho 9th Congressional District Henry C. Hodgos, of the 1st Congressional District. D. Richard Ransom, of the 3d Congressional District.

Nr.w William R. Robinson, of the 3d Congressional District. James B. Do the tth Congressional District William K. CorflRl, of tho 3th Congressional District.

James Thompson, of tho 10th Congressional District James Greene, of tho 11th Congressional Dlstriet. Albert H. .1. Molinard. of the 13th Congressional District.

Dewit N. Root, of the 17th Congressional District. John MoCraltW, of the 30th Congressional District. 0 Whipple, of the 33d Congressional District New George Hunt, of the tth Congressional District. James St Morton, of the 3d Congressional District, John C.

Kelton. of the 8th Congressional District. Clinton SooU, of the 13th Congressional District. Henry F. Witter, of the 13th Congressional District.

Alexander Piper, of the 14th Congressional District David Vhi. of tho lftth Congressional District. Malah N. Moore, of the 17th Congressional District Alexander Murray, of tho 19th Congressional District Horatio Buchanan, of the 3d Congressional District Rufus Harrison, of the 1st Congressional District. Robert Williams, of the 9th Congressional District.

Gordon hapln, of the lltb Congressional District. Johnson N. Camden, of the 14th Congressional District. Henry A. C.

Hohlitxeil. of the lfith Congressional Dlstriet. North Martin P. Parks, of the 3d Congressional Dlstriet. Alexander McRae, of the 6th Congressional District Lawrence 8.

Baker, of the 9th Congressional District South Thomas 8. Mills, of the 1st Congressional District John Wtlbsr, of ths 3d Congressional Dlstriet. 1 homas Hall, of ths 0th Congressional Diltrlot Joseph Tllfbrd, of the 4th Congrecaional District Ben. Harden Helm, of the 6th Congressional District John ran kiln. of the nth Congressional District.

Robert J. Wlngate, of the 8th Congressional District. William Welcker, of the 3d Congressional District. Ainu C. Gillem.

of the 4th Congressional District Edward 11. Day, of the 11th Congressional District. Thomas J. McDowell, of the 4d Congressional Dis. Augustus 11.

Coleman, of the 4th Congressional District. Benjamlu Ward.of tlis 10th Congressional DUtrlct. George Lewis, ol the 13th Congressional District. Alex MeCook, of the 17th Congressional District. George Evans, of the 18th Congressional District.

George Balch. of the 19th Congressional District. Adulphus K. Bond, of the 90th Congressional District. 1'hilipbi Gucsnon.

Jr of the 1st Congressional Distriot Sohn Mcudenball. of the 3d Congressional District. Win Henry, of the 4th Congressional District. Wm Caldwell, of the 3d Congressional District. James Curtiss, of the 4th Congressional District.

I A Pennon nf th? 3d ntiiri'iiaitmniil HlatrUt BenJ. D. W. Castleman. of the 3(1 Congressional District.

Albert Blakey, of the 4th Congressional DUtrlct. Edwin Phillips, of the lit Congressional DUtrlot. Marccllus Crocker. David Dell. District of John T.

Shaaff. AT laRuk. Henry Douglass, from the army. George G. Garner, from the army.

Watson Freeman, Massachusetts Charles Tompkins, from the army. Henry E. Mayuadier, from the army. Roger Jones, from the army. Richard Jesse Bright.

Indiana. Keuner Garrard, Ohio James M. Wilson, New York. Sloan, Tennessee. There were no vacancies this year from Rhode Island, Connecticut.

Delaware, Mississippi, Arkansas, Florida, Texas, or Wisconsin. The appointments from the congressional districts were made on the nomination of the representative of tlie vacant district, except Iowa, which was on the joint nomination of the two representatives from that State. The next appointment of cadets will be in 1848, and will be mado in February or March of thnt year. COMMERCIAL, INTELLIGENCE. State of tint Floor Markets.

Philadelphia, April in fair demand, with gome small sales of mixed brands at $6 (Hf, and sinoo about 1800 bbls were taken at including Western at the same price, the market closing more firm. Rye Flour sold at $6. notice a further sale at $4 Wheat is wanted for shipment, and several lots were tuken at 145a 160c for good and prime Pennsylvania reds. bushels Pennsylvania yellow sold at New Orleans, April declined further, and about 6000 bbls. were sold at for Ohio, Illinois, and $6 per bbl.

for 1200 bbls. Missouri. Corn is without much changu. Soles of 36.000 bushels at 80 to 90c per bushel, the highest rate for prime yellow. Of Wheat 13.000 bushels (6130 sacks) prime brought $1 38 per bushel.

Baltimore. April morning 1000 bbls. Howard street flour were sold at $0 later in the day. about 3000 bbls. were sold at $6 75.

To-dav the market is firm at the latter rato, but no sales of note have taken place. There were settlements for receipts from cars yesterday at $6 60. There wore salos yesterday of 600 bbls. city mills flour at $0 75, and to-day of 1000 bbls. at the same rate.

It Is now very scarce, and holders ask $7. A sale to-day of 300 bbls. Susquehanna rtnnr 7 A,, Sl.l.w In.J,. I Maryland rod wheats at 140 a 150 cuuta, and of whito at I 150 a 170 cents. We note a sale of 8000 bushels Pennsylvania red at 150 a 152 cents.

Corn Is wanted. We note sales of white at 86 a 88 cents, and of yellow at 91 a 03 cents. Wo quote rye at 80 cents, and oatH at 46 a 47 Southern Cotton Market. Nr.w Orleans, April was quite an animated demand for Cotton yesterday, and the sales ran up to fully 7000 bales. The liner Krados hare been in better request for a day or two past, and prices of all doscrip tions are fully as high as before the steamer.

1'aaaciiKcrti Arrived. 8 llrowu, family and servt, IIoiik Kong; Mr Reese, New York; Shea, Chiueetr, Hunk' Kong. Ship Louis Armoud, of Boston; Miss Arsiut, of Krance; Lenoir St Lady, of 'ranee; A Shouvenin, of Trias; Madame Turrin, 1. Moulner, ot in the steerage. Fhrelgn tea 000 bis sweetmeats 4980 mats cassia 1200 his tire crackers 700 rolls matting 12 rs silks 4 do nankeens to Olvphant St pkgs Gordon It do Win do Weckelhausen St boi silks I do mdz do I) 'i do do I A do to do pkgitea ti his china ware 3 do lacquered ware 1 do bone ware 2 do pearl buttons 10.

pkgs mdz to order. pkgs hyson 184 liysou skin 279 twnukay 1417 tlo gunpowder "46 jaliper imperial 173 ooIoiik 133 pouchong 715 do young hyson 4800 mats cassia 5 cases gambongc I case silks 2 do laqifira ware 1 do china ware in I'kas tea to i silks Mckean, Bine It co of Philadelphia. Louis rs Cotteuet St Maileux, (ionrd It July (iersoil It Plait It Courvoisur It Reuaid It Roger Ouiiaume It Miller It Bourry d'lnveriioii It A Bret? 1 Kartlelt It Wiley It Lachaise It Schragr, Koop It 1) ltussel It Harudvu It Cotteuet It 11 Wiener? 2 A Cliaef? 1 11 Kleinen It Crothere? 2 A F. Drnz-2 Morlet-2 Levi, A Hcnard It Worain It I laugh wont? 1 l.avt sou It Solomon St Fabrriturttes, Fils It Delias St Boiceau It F. anjaquel? 1 Lowry It Morian lt Benkard It Magniu It A St I erflien It Maize! St Robert Stephenson St bbis pkits A Seignette St Smith St Stoddard It burr stones It do Hariideu It do Bcdncr? 2 Itgs Harnden St Tiffany, Young St F.llis?1 Tavel S.nder?IS II Berneu St Fellows, Van Ars dale It Cooper? Ftnraap It Bibco*ck-1 Farm a It Coffin, Bradley St Bell (lib Frllows, VYndswiirth It Moulis? 8 It II Haightlt Ryan St Sclunidt 1 HMttw At II Ward At 2 Cotteiio: At co? 1 Gromoiiil At Buiaae At co? I CailIf in, 111 At Solebiuet St II St co? 2 Rodger-, Guillaume At Gillespie St Hrde St Sidiey, I I nner Fair child At Corbet St Thirioi, Maitlmd St lecher St 1 vill At Ilrnltard St Neil St De Stangr At Mownaend, St Sons.

Phi St A Stewart St I'eyser? I A Deraimea St Damoulin? 8 Kanfrrol At Dvnlac? 1 VV Mann At Boiceau At Hutch? I'ca Schmidt Km and I) Muller? 7 lb icean St Hitai St Loochigk St VVisei Cooledge? 1 Hease11here St co? I Wicht St Spiea, Christ St L'mber. Dambm ni St Keaslcr St Tilge, St Rich, Rippling St Bourry d'laeruoia St co? 10 Hohl St Calleiui, flU St SileliacStco? 1 A I' I) Boiceau St, Chriat St Victor St Brady St co, K.acher?6 Oppenlieim St Loveachglt St I rm inner St St Groaholt, A 8 Heaaeiiberg St Leppold St co? 37 lliatcnbuck St co, Schuc.hardt St St (I Veaitin St 7 I.oeachigk St II Lehmine St Moran St Bourry F. Fabrequeta, Kila St Wreneake, Walter St Roaceati St .1 uliar St Till, Opeuheim St lloatmau, Bona St Samuel Little, Aldea St A 8 A St Wight, Sturgea At Moran St Scibcr? 1 Cailleun. fill St 8oleIiac St Mortimer St I'atou St Ely St Berry St Lrwia St Piatt St Van A I'errrl? I Jacot St Leollan St Baker St (' bin V. Tucker pekga Little, Allen St Didier? I Schmidt St aackapecie Hold St pekga 117 to order.

Gi.aauow?Brig fona pig iron 0 balea Smith .1 Lee St hbla Stone, Swan St bia ckt 6 bta 2 balea A hit A Mitchell St do balea Richardaon At do 15 tona pig iron to order. BHr.mi:*?Ship do A Henachell I do II Bermar At doC do Hank, Reed At do 16 cka Graiienthal At ca Booth. Baker At Braaiah of balea Wilkinton.Stetaon At ha Heat? 1 do ck Iluakea 111 hat I(M0 demijohna 11 pkga Olerichea At pkga to order. Ilai i noi tona coal cka ale balea Buchanan, llarria At bdl do A Smith At Mall Aa Sherman? 20 cka A A Low, ale 30 do to order. (leorgr bia angar 45 cka mol.aatet 2 hit mdze Thur.atun.

St Jaijo de hhda angar 15 do molaaaea Hill; 80 Ida tobacco to hlida angar 42 brla Dtinacomb St Beckwith. MARITIME HERALPT rUHT UK NKTVV IUKH, AHIlIIi 10. Ml rn aiara 5 22 Moon aura 31 en itt 6 38 I iiioh warr.r 9 4ft Cleared. American Eagle, (packet) Cliadwick, London, Oritwold; Yorkuliirr, 7imrkrr) Bailey, Liverpool, II Maraliall; Louisiana, Cole, Baltimore, Baretow Pope. Barke- nmherland, BJancliard, (iork kc, Nramith Jaion.

(Ham) Schilling, Hamburg. Ek Poppe; Peter Dcmill, Dickena, Savannah, Deniill. Morria, Belfast, Dunham Dimon; Edla, At.aura, Cork kr, Bnorman Johnaton eo; Florinda, Drink water, do. Ne.mnh Wal.hi Palm, Hall, Laguayra and Porto Cahello, Whittaker. Hchra? rhmnix.

Cuba, Nfamith Walah; Dolphin, Holder, Halifax NS, Murray; Mogul, Pierce. Jaekaonrille Badger Peck. Lrighton, Handy, Wilmington, McCready ken; Juno, Robertson, Boatnn. Oakea, Providence; Preaident, Oaka, New Haven. Arrived.

QShip Oneida. Creaav. from Canton Dec 2ftth, and Macao 27th, with teaa and ailka toOrinuell, Militant co. The Oneida experienced very aeeere weather ia the lower part of China Sea. in which, on llie.lftth Dec, carried away maintopmaat and fore I and mizr.en topgallant maata.

8th Jan aaw hark Lark, Tibhetts, frrn Canton for Vork, at anchor, ahont 12 milea SE of Oaapar Island. Keb I8th, lat ,71 43 Ion 34 3ft aaw ahip Agneaa, Witherell, fm Canton for York. March 18, on the Equator. I Ion 28 a poke and boarded ahip Loniaiana. Derrhnrat, fm Orleans for Rio Janeiro.

31 dyaout. April 9th, lat 34 2ft Ion ftft 30 when blowing heavy from WNW, and changing denly to NK rarried away foreyard. Ship Hnntre.aa, 8n nighae Dec 22, Whampoa Jan ftlh, and St Helena March ftth. Paeeed in entrance of Htraita of I.nndn Br hark Ocean hinajunk Keynng, hnd to I London. Arr 2d March at St Helena, whaling hark Bramin of I New Bedford; 4th do do brig Phenix, of Pr.ivinceton, both frm arruiie.

Ve.aela aern'and signalized, Kr ahip St Maho of St i Malo, northward, lat 2ft 21 Ion 38 41 F. by 11th; Br bark Ruben Elizabeth. ahowing 481(1 Marryatta ugnalv tame Iday. Haw coming out ot Ht Helena, ahip Agnaaa, Whitherel, from China for Paokat ahip Loo la Philippe, from Havre Mereh Uth, to Fos Livingstcui. Sldthe Mine Jamas Titeamb.Hor Orleans.

March signals with Philed. sad Liverpool packet Reed, Signal It Black Croaa, (a London packet.) bound east, lat 49 43. Ion 14 00. March lierm brig Ruth, Stevens. hence for ork, atanding east, lat 41 30 N.

Ion 33 43 W. March Hoc kali, hosier, Or leans for Liverpool, let 39 UN, Ioni4l111W. March signals with the bark Daniel Webster for Newport of and for Boston, lat 41 3 Ion 37 19 W. Ship Osceola, Child, from Greenock, 33th ult, with mdze and 217 passeugers to Nrnnith It Walsh. Bark Mary Morris tailed 7 days previous; also Br ship lloger Sherman, from New lust, lat 46 39 Ion 40 47, spoke tclir Valnulla, from Norfolk for Limerick; a so brig llanuali It Eliza: 3th inst, Joe I'll William (took died, alsoiwo children, 100 miles east of Sandy Hook, spoke brig Oeorge Sherman, hence for Cork, on the Grand Bank; saw a Targe quantity of ice.

Brem ship Isabella, keldlnuen, 23 dys from Bremen, with mux to Oelricl*t It Kruger. 2d mat, lat 44 33, lou 42 43, saw ship "Candor," (probably bark Candor from Charleston for Havre.) 120 passengers. New ship Harinouia, (730 tons) Churchill, 60 hours frra Portland, cune iu ballast to Dunham It Dimon. The was built by Gildursleeve It Son for Messrs It and is intended for a regular trader for thtir of packets bctwean this port and Glasgow. Br bark Cushlaniacliree, Thomas, frin Galway, Ir, 16 dys, iu ballast, l'erasa It llroolu.

Spoke 1st April, lat 42 13 lou 33, packet ship Wellington, hence for London. 127 steerage passengers. Bark Murillo, Woosiddes, of Portland, 33 dya irm Citnfuegos, with sugar to the master. Sid in co with brig Margaret lor Boston. Left no Am vessels.

Br bark Bridget, McCormick, 44 dys fm Dublin, in ballast and 109 passengers, to It Lautee. Br brig Cronstadt, Iliggina. 34 dys fin Glasgow, with passengers, to Woodhull Minium. 7tli lust, lat 39 32 Ion C6 30 fell in with the Br bark Crusader, uf Quebec, cspt Richman, from Philada bud to Liverpool, with a cargo ol flour and corn, iu a sinking couditiou; took lromhsr captabi, mates snd crew, and tome provisions, and brought them to this port. The Crusader experienced a severe Kale Irom the on the 6th mat.

aprung a leak mid sunk shortly after leaving her. 95 passengers. Brig Alcona, Clark, frm Havana, with augar lie to Read Ik Hoppock. Br brig Sylph, Malaliaw, 12 dya fin Glasgow, with 130 torn iron Boortnan, Johnston It co. Brig Potomac, Matthews, 6 dya fm Philada for New Orleans.

8th inat, 1st 'JO 07 Ion 73 10, exchanged signals with hark Plienix. Br acnr Scotia, Richardson, 12 da fm Aricbat, NS, with fish to master. Schr George Evans, Keeler, 10 dya fm Havana, with sugar to master. Vessels left before reported. Schr Jerome, Parker, 21 dya frm St Jaga de Cuba, with sugar to Foster St Nickerson.

Vessels left belore reported. Schr Locheiel. Ravues, 10 days frm Cardenas, with molasses to Left brig Narregaugas, Leightou, for Boston, unc; schrs Loudon, for NT York, do: Catharine It Mary, for Boston, saineday; Wreath, for York, ready. 11th inst, lat 36 17 Ion 73, spoke bark Cheeriug, of and Im Portland for the West Indies. Br schr Trimlett, Doety, 11 days from Arichat N8, with plaster.

Schr Iowa, Dayton, 3 days frm Baltimore, with mdztoMailler It Lord. Schr Kedron, Ogden, Phils, coal to master. Ou Monday, off Bamegat. carried away the head of the foremast. Schr Thomas, Stepleford, 22 dys fm NOrleana, with cedar to Phillips.

Schr Myers, Cole, 13 dys frm Matanxaa, with sugar to Richardson It co. Schr Cadet, Fowler, frm Matanxaa, with 20,000 galls molasses to Head It Hoppock. Brig Genins for NYork, and brig Richmond, for Phila, 'sailed in co. The has experienced heavy weather, split sails lie. Schr Bay State, Clark, from Calias, with lumber to Smith It Bnynton.

Schr Erthedlt Eliza, Clark, fm Eaatport, with lath to Smith It Boynton. Schr Isabella, Sherwood, 3 dys fm Boston. Schr Alice It Elizabeth, Farrell, fm Caliaa. Schr Lynchburg, Gould, Richmond, flous. Schr Kempton, Bedell, Baltimore.

Schr Balloon, Nichols, Searsfort. (Me) spars. Schr Silvia Higher, Higbee, Pliilad, molasses. Sloop Corinthian, Shepherd, fm New Bedford, with oil. lie tow.

Br ship Harmony, 33 dys fm Liverpool. Br ship Emanuel. Bums, from Liverpool. Br hark Dey, 30 dys frm Limerick. Br brig Elizabeth, 73 dys frm Sunderland.

Brig Samuel, Richardson, 21 days frm Cardenas, to Taylor. Brig Eliza, (of Portland) Brazier, frm Cienfuegos. Br schr Undine, from Limerick. Three Br Barks. Also, 1 Ship and 2 Brigs.

Telegraph reports a Bark ashere on the Hook. Sailed. Herald Marine Correspondence. East Machiai, April 10,1817. yirrscnrsn limning, roster, Irom ualtimore Tor at Johns, Newfoundland, put in for a harbor; Champion, Gilchriat, Warren; Carroll, Rifles, Bath; ready for Chappell, Nash, New York.

MUccllaiieoua Record. We are in receipt of slips from the offices of the Herald, Norfolk, and the llhode Islander, Newport. Packet ship American (Caulk, Chadwick, (or London, is still further detained until this morning. Packet iaip Anoo, for Havre, will sail also this morning, weather permitting, for Havre Packet ship Yorkshire, Bailey, for morning. Packet Ships Argo for Havre, and Araericui Kagle for Loudon, will close at o'clock, ihis day, at the Kxchuiige Heading Room.

Ship Burlinuton, reported aground near Fort Diamond, was not delayed by the accident it was, in fact, so slight, that we did not think it worth reporting. Ship France, which had been ashore below Baltimore, was got off, and ith the assistance of two suctions, besides the ship's pump, was kept sufficiently free to admit of her being dragged into port ou Wednesday. She had then about 7 feet water iu her hold. Captain T. Clark, late of brig Ilogan; Captain Jas Cook, late of hark Kmina; Captain Hots, late of brig Sterling, and sixteen teamen, arrived at Charleston on Saturday last, 111 the sloop Leader, from Nassau, NPSwepdisii Bniu the Galveston News we Irani that the Hweedish brig Orion, Captain Lorsson, from New Orleans, and bound to Christiana, Norway, with a cargo of 475 hales of cotton and three bales of lieinp, was run ou shore on the 17th ultimo, and now lies a total wreck, vessel and cargo, about 6 miles up Bolivar beach.

8chh Joseph Baker, Captain Attwood, hence for Havana itli a cargo of meat casks and hoops, struck on Matijack Kerf, Aliaco, oil the night of the lGth ult in a heavy north east gale, the captain not having been able to get an observation from the time of leaving New Y'ork. After thumping for some time, her masts ere eut away and the beat over thr reef into smooth water. Arrangements have been made to have the vessel repaired at Green Turtle Key for the sum ot $1500. Ship Ariosta, from New Orleans, while going up Boston harbor on the 14th instant, was struck by a squall from 8. ilich carried away head of main-top.

ist and mizen ton gallant mait. A Niagnrn, at Boston, on 30tli ult. lat 32 39, lull it 13, pasted tlir linll nf a vessel, full of water, bulwarks gone, nothing standing but bowapritand windlass bad a house all painted white could not make out her name appeared nearly new, eastern built, and about 1200 tons burthen. Had apparently been abandoned some time. Si hr.

Richard Yarmouth, at Boston, on 2Uth, Lt 21, Ion 83, in with sclir Richard Taylor, of and from Thomaaton for New Orleans, lime on fire, and took off Cant Cutler and crew, six in number, Cutler states that lie nail several severe gales, and on 27th ult on Tortugus Bank, had a vcay heavy one from NN and laid to eight noiirs under bare poles, ranting the schrto labor much and ship much water the gale lasted 21 hours, when it moderated and hauled N'NC, with a heavy cross sea. On 28th. lat 2( 08, Ion 83, the schooner under double reefed topsails, about I discovered the vessel to he on fire in the hold; having a cask of lime on deck, mortar was made of it, all the seams plastered and all othef means used to stitle the fire, but in sain, as the smoke i'Sited from everv crack that was in the least uncovered. The boat was got ready, 13 gallons of water and about 20 pounds of bread put into it, the rest being under deck, and every preparation was made to leave the vessel. At 2 PM, the Yarmouth hove hi sight, and with the assistance of her boats, the crew, witnall their clothing, reached the hark ill safrty.

Before they alongside, the srhooner was enveloped in (lames from stem to stenn at a quarter before 7 she disappeared. Npoken. Ship Oregon, from Liverpool for Baltimore, April 2, lat 37 Ion GO. Brem ship Louisa, frm Bremen for Baltimore, with passengers, April II, lat 40 13 Ion 69 30. Schrstar, Ballard, 12 days from Alexandria for Barbadoes, April 3, no lat.

Brig Pritchard, 50 days from Pslermo for N. York, was supplied with prosisions; March 17, hit 34, Ion 36 20, reports heavy went her. Hark llsnnah Spragnr, (of NewburrviWt) Lnnt, 70 days fm London for Baltimore with loss of sails. lie. April 9, lat 33.

Ion 74 30. Biig Trios, Lampher. 7 days from Mantanxas, for Boston, April 9, lat 33 30, Ion 71 30. Br.l'hip Virginus, Austin, from New Orleans for Liverpool, March 28th, lat 36. Ion 31.

Bark K. Churchill, McOilrery, hence for Cork, April 3, lat II. Ion f). Shin Frances Ann, Tate, of and from Boston, from Odessa, March 10, lat 21 30, Ion 28. Ship St.

Petersburg, from Liverpool for N. Orleans, March II, lat 23 30. Ion 32 3U. Ship Amity, Moore, 107 days fm Calcutta for Boston, March 31, lat 26 23 Ion 63 30 with loss of main-topmast, lie, as before reported. Brig Catherine, of Bath.

9 days from Boston for NOrleans, Srhr N'ahant, Howes, frm Richmond Tor Ilio Janeiro, March lat 23 32 8, loll 39. Corinth, Smith, from Mantaiiias forCowes, March 30, lat 2'i Ion 79 38. Whalemen. At Ilio Janrrio, 2nd nit. (by the II Nhailer, at thia port) Gold Hunter.

Marvel, of rail Hirer. The II 8 8th mat, lat o7, ion 07 39, achr Samuel Cook, of Proviiicttowu, bound out. At duey, NSW, Sept 2, Orion, Nan K0 ip to aail neat day; had been there eleren repairing, baring parted her chains and been driren ashore at Chatham Islands, which started false keel and injured main keel; had sold nil to pay bills. At Sydney, NSW, Sept 17, Ocean, Almy, NB 130 sp. Ilerrd from a few dflys prerious to Dec 13, New Bedford, NB.

2200 bbls; Tliare Brothers, Nan, clean; Young Hero, do, one whale. 5, lat 22 30 8, Ion 33 30 W. Hope, Wileoi, of and for New Bedford, from Chile, 1000 sp 330 wh; March 3. lat 18 17 9, Ion 3 W. Tlios Winslow, of Westport, a few days out from Ht Helena.

Arr at New Bedford. April It, ship Sally Ann, Clark. cific Orean, St ('atharines Feb with 300 bbls sp 730 do whale oil, 8000 pounds linne; sold at St 30 bbls wli oil at tOc rash. The Congarce. Cusliman, 1 sp whe sailed from St same dry.

Spoke January 3, lat 38 tOS, lor 78 30 Rowena, of and from Fall Rirer, for NW Coast, months 091, clean: 2flth lat 39 In 8, 52 10 Wm Thompson. F.llia, NB. three small whs. 13th, off Montauk Point, hng Vesta, of ana fram Edgartown for Atlantic Ocean. Sag Harbor, 1, April ship Thomas Dickason, Lonen, N'W Coast, Pemambnco, March 6, with 3900 bbla oil and 3800 bbls bono.

We are without Capt I.onen's report; but from letters received, dated March 4, we have the following account of deaths during the voyage. Since leaving Mowee. died on hoard Nathaniel Hamilton, cooper of the ship, aged 22; Michael I.illis, lost first a citizen of this place, the last a native of F.iigland. Aright while waa taken off Bliilgr Hampton yesterday, large enough to make 30 bbls of oil. Spoke Feb 8, lat 31 30 Ion 140 bark Parker Cook, Smith of Provincetown, with 300 bbls spoil.

Foreign Porta. 1, March port and advertised, bark Hone, Orey, for N'Vork, soon; brigs Frances Lord, Riley, do, do; Amable, (Fr) for New Orleans, 20th; Australia, (Fr) do, do; Ferriere, (Fr) do, 13lh. Havre. March brig Hardy, riirrington, fm Charleaton; 12th, ships Michigan, Mason. Mobile; Savannah, Mustard, Savannah; aid 12th, Fr ship Antonia, Cot, New York.

Lowdojsderay, March 13? In port, bark Hertchell, Porter, for Philadelphia, 12 days. Marseili r.i, March Advertised, ship Nebraska, Watson, 20rh; bark Nancy Stevens, Stevens, do, do; Shaw, Lovett, for Boston, soon, Providence, Vinson, for New Orleans, do. Rio Janeiro, March port, barks Home, Wingate, and Josephine, Jones, tine; Anahttae, Huttlraon, for New York, 3d; Mary, Hopner, for New Orleans, abt Alvarado, Ames, (from Lisbon) fordo mir; Olof Wyk, Cooper, (from London! for do, Idg: Baltimore, Lebrsn, for Baltimore, soon; brigs Benlab, Forsvth; Casket, Woodbury, and Forest, Attrirlge, nne; Tweed, Hands, from Liverpool, do; Silas Marean. Long, for York, Idg. Sid Feb 26, ship Meiiean, Iteming, New Orleans; bark Leatitia, Lewis, do; 2lth, ship Seaman, Myrick, (since spoken,) Baltimore, Home Ai.eiandria, Va, April 12? Arr srhrs Cordova, Freeman, Mavagnef, Lady Lake, l.otte, York, Sidscbr Bos-row.

April ship Ocramii, lliggins, Palermo, Jan. 21 passed Clibralter Feb 14. Arioato, Fabens, New Orleans 23th. Barka Spartan, Cook. Atlantic Ocean Niagara, Feb 10 i Wm ffViailer, (of Boston) Holmes, Bio Catahoochee, Salem.

eehre Triumph, Bean. Aux Ariel, Auetui, Cwdenaa i Namahoug. Young, Rappahannock Robert Bruce, Lavender. Alexandria Jno Manluxe, Dover, Del F.acell, Lovell, York; Nourinahal. Perry, and Homer, Nickeraoo, York telegraphed, barkComo, fm Charleaton Morea, Win Rami, Glaagow Riga, llediir, Orleans Carloa, Holm, Liverpool and St.

Peteraburf Miouelon, Kogera, York, to load for Sligo briga Spleudid, Barbea, Savannah Krie, Baxter, Philadelphia; Acorn, llarding, do Augusta, Sherwood, York, Heleu Maria, Sweetaer, Wiacaaaet, to load for Cuba achra Friend, Crowcll, York Splendid, Crowell, do Southerner, Crowell Jr, do by matter sailed ship Morea, barka Harriet, Bartlett, Cambrian, Carloa, briga Sun, Helen Maria, aclir Leander. Chahlxxton. April George A Hopley, Bahm, Liverpool; Othello, Tucker, Havre; bark Brontea, Curtia, London; briga George, Yatea, York; Orray, Taft, Contains, Providence; Sp polacre Flora, Alaiua, Barcelona. GLoi'craTxa, April Id? Ar achra Miriam and Accumulator, hence 11th, Long Wharf, do 13th, fa*gle, do for York Cyreiie do for Thotnaatou Clin Portland, for New Bedford. New Orleans, April Brabip Jamra fa*gau, Morria, Dublin; bark Junita, Chilila, Rio Janeiro; achr Silaa Wright, White, Braioa Santiago.

Norfolr, April Br bark 14 days from Liverpool; Br brig Regetta. Stewart, 57 daya from Belfaat, Br brig Warner, Watt, K5 daya from Audroaaan, (Scotlaud) achr Protector, Farria, from Annapolia, bound to New York. Newport, April 12? Arr achra Pavillion. Paine. Boaton, ginia; Mary Ann, Fletcher, Harringtou, York; Coral, Kelly; Cheater, New Bedford.

13, achra Daniel Baker, Frink, Mary, Travalllon, Norfolk. Nantvcker, April Foreater, Marahall, Machiaa. New Bedford, April achr Mary Jane. Fieher, hence. New Anril brie Black Hawk.

Dueli. 21 dya fin Mayaguex. rurto Rico; schrs Surveyor, Chapman, NYork; Ar(o, Corlhell, New Loudon; Hid, Emma, Hotchkiaa, St Croix; aloop New York. Providknck, April 13? Sid achrs Climax, Lewu, Norfolk; george. Camp, Phila; Tennessee, Williams, do; Augrclta, rowell, NYork; sloop Motto, do.

Plymouth. April sclirs Louisa.tSuflblk, Engineer, Providence sloops Noddle and Susan, hence. Sid 10th. schrs Black Hawk, York 15th Atalanta, Swift, Sandwich. Portland, April schr Worromontogus, Wiscasset.

for Boston 13th, schrs Citizen and Geo Brooks, hence. Cld brig Abeona, Wilson, Cuba. Philadelphia, April ship Shenandoah, West, from Liverpool; Br barks Ann Elizabeth Mo watt, 73 days from London; Mary, Kilman. from Liverpool, March 30; schr Maria, Causev, Stubbs, New York; aloop Mary Brush, Lawrence, from NVork. Richmond, April schrs Emblem, Buchauan, NYork; Mary Peck, Liscomb, do; Rainbow, Rogers, Boston; Evelina, Prebble, Bath, Me.

Sid. brig Harraaeeket, Moody, Bos-ton; schrs Mariner, Scio, Flambers, NYork. Savannah. April Arr schrs Caroline, Baker, Boston; Lucy Blake. Bucksport, Matanzas; Rochester, Davis, NYork.

Cld, schrs Ruth Thomas, Amsbury, NYork Gazelle, Louis, Baltimore. St Marks, April brigs Mary li Jane, Elliott. New Orlenns; 30th ult, Warcaller, Perry, NYork. Cld 3rd, brig Anu Eliza, Mallory, NYork; schr Com Kearney, do. Salem, April Jackson, hence sld brig San Jacinto, Carlton, (from Baltimore, having repaired) Cork and a market.

By Last Night's Southern Stall. Herald Marine Correapondence. Philadelphia, April P.M. Arrived, brig Ohio, Davis, Belfast, Ie: schrs Bolina, Henry, New Bedford; Charlotte, Somers, Richmond; Fred Warner, Warner, Providence; Corbit, Stcrritt. New York; John Crouch, Tomlin, do; barge Orb, Knapp, do; steamer Anthracite, Steward, do.

Cleared, bark California, Robinson, Limerick; Br brig Cliaffey, Chaffey, Londonderry, Ireland; Br schr Active, Crowell, Halifax, schrs Jacob Raymond, Hrveriu, Nantucket; May Flower, Foster, Boston; Isabella, Maddocka, do; F. Warren, Werren, do; Corbit. Hewitt, Providence; Daniel Wilietta, Smith, do; John Crouch. Tomlin, York; Mary Elizabeth, Elsy, Baltimore; barge Whale. Baldwin, New York.

Below, several square rigged vessels unknown. Home Porta. Alexandria, April schrs Senator, from Osceola, do; Moselle, do; Frank, fm NYork: John Emory, fm Baltimore. Baltimore, April Br bark Ianthe, Robinson, Liverpool; Br schr Medora, Smith, Bermuda; schrs Cairo, Merrill, NYork; Arietas, Stirling, Mobile; Sultana, Tabbot, Machias; Edith, Crowell, Boston. Cld ships Republic.

Switzerland, Nichols, Liverpool; schrs Oakum, Dunn, Yorktown; Michigan, Avery, NYork. Sid ship Columbiana, Mailett, Liverpool; schrs Ann Elizabeth, Adams. West Indies; (Jen Worth, Atwell, (Julf of Mexico; Notus, Gibbs, Charleston. Hampton Roads, April bark Sir Edward 73 ds fm Sunderland, (Eh) On the 7th March, experienced a severe (tale, and lost all three topmasts and sails; next day saw three ships, one with foremast tone, and the other two with not a sail set; one supposed to be American, the others British. The severe weather lasted ten days.

Spoke on the 1th March, lat 12, Ion 39, ship Pioneer, from Baltimore, bound to Londonderry, 11,) all well, and desired to be reported. The Sir is ordered to Baltimore. Also, Br bark Margaret Council, Fleet, 19 da fm London; ship Genesee, of and fm Baltimore; also, two Br barks, names unknown. Norfolk, April brig Imperial, McKennon, Cork. Wilmington, April srl.r Hatly Maria, Perkins; 9th, schr Oueko, Crowell, Boston; 11th, schrs Vandal is, Strout, NYork; Olive, do; 12th, schrs Hornet, Btrout, NVork; Davis, Much, do.

CM schr Jones, Griffing, NVork. 111 Arrival of Strangers in New York. April 16. American Hotel, Mfjor Baker, U. S.

Capt. E. O. Keys, do; E. Denwin, Baltimore: J.

Vanderpool, Albany; E. achomcr and lady, Troy; P. Potter, Schenectady; G. Smith, Chicago; J. M.

Baker, Pensacola; Jos. Lowell, Phila. Astor House. James Dickens, Washington City; E. Pleasants, J.

McKown, U. S. A.J Mr. Willes, Albany; J. Crawford, R.

Kane, H. Wich, Youngstown; C. Frisk, Washington; W. Ingall, Boston; N. Hale, lion.

8. Davis, Worcester; M. Krotlung ham, J. Wolcott and family, W.Price, Hudson; J. Hunter, J.

Stevenson, Albany; F. Adams, Geneva; J. Scraie, Schenectady; O. It E. Perry, Canada; J.

Craig, Schenectady; W. Wharton, Albany; W. Baring. Tennessee; C. Reed, Troy; E.

Eaton, T- Townsend, Albany; J. A. Burden and family, Troy; Jl, Hart, Troy; Audensers, M. Hooper and lamily, Boston; D. Reynolds, Albany; G.

Dexter, Rev. W. Child and family, Providence; M. Griswold, Troy; J. Gordon, Boston; C.

Piatt, R. Griswold, ship Northumberland; Captain Chadwick. ship Sir Robert Peel; J. Fowler, Troy; J. McKown, Albany; N.

Clifford, Washington; W. Corcoran, D. Claygott, O. Smith, Pittsburgh; C. H.

Mills, Boston; W.; James Parker, W. H. Howard, Boston; E. M.

P. Welles, Boston. City Hotel. Mr. Milliker, L.

C. Lee, Baltimore; R. Y. Ellis, N. H.

J. Abbott, New JeTiey; D. Brgges, New Lebanon, Ohio; Mr. Reese, C. Smith, A.

Paten, E. Reid Worcester; J. Annie. lioston; J. Eweng, Washington, Mr Amtwnn IT Mr I noil.

New York; T. Storms, 1). Brim anil lady, Portland; Mr. Caramaiu, J. Hoyt, New Jersey; F.

Eiidtrs, Fort Hunter; J. Delgrew, Princeton. Hotel. Mrs. Gravri and son, Boston L.

H. Purnell, Philadelphia; D. Moore, New York: II. W. Sinclair, Lyudotmlle, S.

Stanton, Stonington; Charles Goodyear, A.Day, New Haven: H. T. Veaman, Providence; T. Bnchain, Canaiidaigua; S. Miller, Palmyra; H.

Lvon, Charlotte; G. Hart, Lansmgburgh; C. P. Johnson, Berkshire, N. O.

Rogee, Courtland county: W. Johnson, Miss K. Stockton, W'estfield, N. A. L.

Bushwill, Dryden, N. T. Means, Huguitville; Charles Blood, Bath; Win. Savage, New York; W. A.

Jordan, Hudson; W. A. Morrison ana nephew, Detroit; Mrs. Mullord, Mrs. Luthrop, Mrs.

Post, Pennsylvania. Hotel. John Goodthought, England; A. Ourney, Providence; F. P.

Sawyer and lady, Brattieboro, Vermont: K. B. Diana, Wisconsin: James Doherty, W. Adams, N. Hiordam, Ireland; Wm.

Mund.ay and lady, Fall River. Mass. Horr.l. Israel Crocker, A. Sturtevant North Canaan, P.

McOauly, Durham, Green H. W. Town. Waterville, N. A.

Alleu and lady, Windsor, W. W. White. Pough keepsie; E. II.

Phillips, J. M. Phillips. Coventry; J. B.

Cowles, Green W. II. Heath and lady, Lancaster, Pa. Eichanoe Hotel. Asa Halker, William I).

8 Case, College Hill; William Scott, Philadelphia; E. Hall. Utica; W. VV. Cadwell, II.

C. Cutter, N. Cutter, New York; George Stanley, New Hampshire; H. H. Peck, Connecticut; Wm.

Steel, Hudson; N. C. Thompson, G. H. Hall, New Hampshire; H.

Adams, N. G. Adams, W. II. Cheney, Lowell, R.

Lewis. Benjamin Lewis, 0. Richards, Boston; Samuel Tucker, George B. White, N. H.

Gay, Milford; Horace Snow, G. II. Harrison, George Williams, II. A. W.

Stickncy, James 1'nderhill, New Hampshire. Pearl Street Horse. John Hanson, Long Island; D. S. Alpes, New Canaan; A.

It. Havens Long Island; Wm. Twedy, Buffalo; O. VP. Whittelsy, New Milford; Bnrtin Gilbert, Warraen; C.

C. Williams and family, 8. Sillcck, Lafayette, Ja J. Shipman Had ley; D. Sons, W.

Raymond, Bridgport; W. Johnson, Lymingham; G. S. Smith, Nangatieck; Thos. F.

Danes, New Haven; D. Shaver, Salisbury; B. H. Mnnson, Bridgeport; t). P.

F. F. Green, F.aat Haddan; L.Treadway, Saybrook; T. N. Torod, D.

Hatch, Baltimore; Morse, Foxboro; Oliver Warner, lladley; Otis Taft, N. Carolina. Hotel. Geo. Jacques, New Orleans; W.

Weed, Albany; W. Skin ner, Little Falls; W. Hoes, N. York; Mr. Allen, do; J.

Howe, Trenton; J. Billings, do; F. Clarke, Chicago; H. Dillage, Syracuse; P. Hopkins, Milwaukie; N.

Welch, Rochester; Mrs. Hinckley, Mystic; P. Avery, Salem; II. Cadwell, Erie; R. Downey, Norwich; W.

Blair, Cincinnati: Mr. Lesbia, Rio dc Janeiro; J. Tenuis, Mnsellon; A. Handy, do. Howard Hotel.

(-. McCarthy, Providence; F. Jett, Vermont; C. Pitcher, Madison; J. McManus, Pennsylvania; Miss Fraxer, Toronto; J.

Field, New York; J. Brown, Toronto; W. Cunningham, Albany; G. Ellis, W. Pope, Boston; T.

H. Merritt, Massachusetts: T. Hovey, Boston: L. Myers, Plattsburgh; W. Mason, Mr.

Wilmerdig, Canada; J. Halsey and family, Ontario T. Frost, Buffalo; Bailey, Boston; N. Woodville, Pulaski; Canada; A. 1 otiiig, Meore, W.

Eaton, G. Raymond, Boston; J. Crew, Albany: J. Patou, Canaudaigua; G. Jones, Albany; 8.

Barker, Washington; D. Smart. Port Hope, Canada; Crouse( Chittrnango; N.Jones, F. Boardman, Alabama: Walter Mills, N. Adams; J.

Fulter, Schenectady; B. Kingsbury, Towamla; J. Van Brunt, Sing Sing. Jldsois's Hotel. Brown and family, missionary from Canton, and Chinese ship Huntress; Ashing, Afou and N.

Young, per Huntress; E. Faxon, Stonington; 8. Mowrey, Norwich: fl. Stevens Syracuse; C. Converse, Norwich; J.

Ilulderson, Buffalo; T. rier, do: J. Wikestro, Northampton; C. Durand, New Haven: D. Phillips, Hartford; H.

Beach, do: Ed. Nicolls and fsmilv. aim. J. A.l.m.

1) Wil. liams, Providence: Nelson, Chicago; lion. CI. Hull, Massachusetts; M. Belkimi, Hartford; J.

Jackson, Rockaway; (J. Hall, Hsnderfield; M. (irant, Connecticut; Mise Woodfiouse, do. Lovejot's Hotel. George R.

Schneider. C. A. Tyler. Conn; J.

Brockway, France; Robert Locknart, Scotland: O. Thomas, St. Johns; W. Cromner, West Troy; C. Bashelder, do; A.

Ooodell, Bal; tiniore; R. B. Downing, Norwich, Cona; Jamea Harmony, John Walker, Rochdale, F.ngland; F. O. Fraxer, Haverstraw; H.

Samuel City; E. S. May, Lee, Mats; D. T. Bradford, James Bradford, Bherfield; J.

floyt, Amity, N. J. H. Hoggins, New Haven; A. Storey, Bostono A.

A. Folsoin, Springfield, Mass; V. Tumbud, do; J. Wager, Troy; C. Warner, do; N.

Harper, Pliila; S. Mayers, Patterson, New Jersey; I). H. Littt, Waterbury; H. Tilden, Fbila; C.

Brewer, Middletown; James L. Wardle, Kin. derhook; K. P. Wileot, Oiford, N.

harles J. Hull, Chicago, Illinois; A. C. Harnensding, Dundee; Ashrl M. Holliston, Kddytown; B.

Golden. Bennington, Vl; John Davis, Greenwood; I'. On tilt, Delaware, Ohio; J. W. Oanlt, Turin, N.

John Sanford, Amsterdam; J. W. Wineut, do; W. K. Greene, do; J.

F. Brown, Frankfort; J. Winders, Johnstown; A. Wicks. Albany; J.

D. Dealer, do; J. Thomas, do: Orris Hart, Oswego; J. M. Wilcos, Turin; M.

J. Thayer, do: W. C. Stratham, Albany; John Costigan, do; W. A.

Butterfield, Uti' ca; A. Allen, Weatfield; 8. W. Say, Rochester; Andrew ferry, Perryville; M. Wasson, Auburn; Henry Day, Fairfield; R.

lliggins, Albany; H. Bolles, New London; E. Frink, do; W. Greenfield, Nashville, Tenn; John B. Townsend, Troy; E.

Carpenter, do; R. Woodridge, Boston; Patrick McAdams, Morristown; C. Baldwin, Caldwell, N. Yt; N. R.

Woodward, Baltimore; J. J. Turner, do; A. Fessender, Boston; 8.J. JDitson, do: J.

R. Reuwick, do; E. Brainerd. Ithica; D. Oijlet.N.

Y. E. R. R. O.

Oarlick, Youiigstown, Ohio; J. H. Freeman, Norwich, Conn; J. B. Badley, Baltimore; A.

Wellman, Friendship, N. C. L.Tyler, Conn. Nrw Eholatp F. Rinidge, Chaplain H.

Lathron, Brockporf; M. Keeler, Auburn; T. Bassett, Bnffalo; CI. R. Fog, Springrille, New York.

National Hotel. J. R. Willsin, Newburgh; O. G.

Cady, Columbia; A. B. Crnne, Red Mills; John B. Abbott, Trenton: David Rone, New Lisbon, Ohio; Hiram Jaleahen, New York; H. J.

Jewett. Poughkeepsie; J. M. Ryerson, New Jersey; Henrv J. Miller, Monmouth New Jersey; Alesander Reed, Coiarkie; II.

A. Donaldson, New Jersey; W. Taylor. Albany, New York; W. Waid Jefferson, Chemung W.

W. Peet, Orleans R. D. McDonal, National llotel, Troy: J. W.

Dobbs, Dutchess P. C. Conde, Schenectady, J. R. Foil, W.Jft, Haioka, W.

N. Woodruffi R. E. Smiley, Nsw York; L. Billings, VermontiJ.

F. Wethervs, Charleston; L. Gsm, G. Stager, Naw Jersey; J. W.

McCnllough, Wilmington, W. H. Stewart, New Jersey 8. C. co*kcl, Mount I'leaaanr, New Jersey; R.

B. Cary, Funkill; Samuel M. Hodges, New York. Northern Hotel. W.

Davis, lady and family, Newark: Henry Hurd, Uenrille, N. Will. Bibbilt and Mater, Berkley, Mass; A Bridge water; Ricliardaou, R. Van Sclielliuger, Albany; T. Fuller, Rockaway, K.

Cauldwell, New Carrigtou; A. Home, Datisville; T. Slater, Jeraey City. Pacinc Hotel. Capt.

T. Jamea, Albany; S. P. Carter, New York; G. Leeds, Philadelphia: H.

James, Fonda; 8. SlcElroy, Albany; W. Leonard, New York; M. Jolutaon and lady, do; M.Kimball, Saugerties; O-IGlru, Albany; Lansing, Laming burn, J. S.

Ross, Albany; 11. V. I). Van Epps, do; 11. Gillespie, Buffalo; J.

M. Francis and lady, Troy; b. Brown. Fort Plains; C. Chapman, Albany; Thomas Clark, Utica; Levi Beaidsley, New York: O.

Kirkpatrick, Albany; M. Archer, do; J. McKuzea, do; Wm. Cornwall, do; T. M.

Lay, Rochester; J. D. Mcpaskey, Philadelphia: M. Sheldon, Brunswick; Captain J. J.

Riley, Troy; M. Hudd, Cherry Valley. Peahl Street Hovse. J- G. Harlan, Teru, 11.

C. Brush, Atwatcr T. K. Hall, Pol mil 11 Duncan, do Norman Lvinaii, Warren, Ct; James Bryaut, Beverly Wm. Porter, Ohio Isaac Hover, do Joseph Ankery, Millesborough Philip Warren, Berlin Lancaster J.

Spoilt, Wooster H. Aiusworth and lady, Ohio Joel C. Huggins, N. Solomon Carter, Boston Michael Dunn, Brooklyn 8. R.

Conner, N. G. Farmer, H. W. H.

Dormer, Baldwiuar i i W. C. Leonard, Middlehorough John Rogers, MansReld H. Pemhortou.Yredonia L. B.

Brown. Jamestown George Barrett, Fredonia J. llardie, C. R. Ilagaii, R.

M. I C. 8. Cudy, N. Slow ell, Ohio P.

B. Moaea, R. Boston iC.P. Mason, R. Brock, Albany T.

P. Huntington, L. Proutv, B. Tarleton, N. R.

Boardmau, New Orleans L. Mason, C. Uleaver, Mils. Uathbcn'i Hotel. Seth Baldwin, Caldwell; V.

lhtttun, Burlington; W. Lee, G. I addot-U, Watertown; H. Tuayer, Blackston; A. 0.

P. Lasher, duch*ess co. W. Bacon, Kabris; S. Walsh, Danville: G.

Wood, do; M. Ely, Lltnlra; L. Pomeroy Works; G. Hazletoii. Michigan; Beach, do; Dole, S.

White, Halifaa. N. Todd; biford; jj. itiuit, iniisviiie n. rtncy, ruujjiihccjiyic, cut ur keuburgh, do.

Taylor's Hotel. John Vanhouton, Mormtown, Preston, Hartford, 8.W. Luse, Newark: D. B. Cait era and lady, Buffalo; T.

Orannia, Iowa; C. Davis. Boston; O. Heusley, H. Button, James Noon, Jonn Wagstaff, England; J.

B. Sherwood, New York. Tammany Hall. J. Leedi, Stamford; Mr.

James, Long Island; W. A. Howard, Peelukill; J. F. Mend, do: J.

Carr, Greenfield; Atwater, UaTen; Joseph Hunt, Sing Sing; Buelv, (J rot on; K. Thompsou, Sing Sing; S. Oris wold, Saratoga; T. S. Bosslor, J.

Barnett, New Haven; Levi Dracker. CI. B. Zeiber, J. Frost, S.

H. Thompsou, E. Fabas, Troy; D. Whittemore, Boston; K. S.

Baldwin, Buffalo; E. Shulian, 75 Robinson (I. P. 1'elton, Poughkeepsie: Criisrr tit Wood, New York; Jones 8t Wood, Suten Island; W. Dnxter, Troy; P.

R- Decksou, do; T. C. Sehryrer, do. United States Hotel. W.

W- Basset, N.Y; T. Clark, Charleston. 8. C. Broaker, Bath, Me; Miss White, Baltimore; J.

D. Robinson, Bath, C. A. Bell, E. Hsmnron; Cap.

Bliuen, Baltimore; D. R. Wheeler, Htonington; C. G. Wheeler, Norwich; C.

Collins, Warren, R. 8. C. Brown. Nllaren: P.

Scovill, W. Cornwall; J. F. (Iraham, NHaeen; E. H.

Smith, do: Capt. P. P. Norton, of the shin Liberty; N. Law, Ct; H.

R. Youmer. Providence: D. H. Griffin, Utica R.

H. Phelps, Granby J. R. Worthington, Cooperstown, N.Y; L. Gilbert, NHaven; J.

Neale, Southington; J. Bretliom, Hamilton; J. Patterson. H. A.

Palmer, E.Haudam Dr. Jessup and lady. NYork; L. Bryson. NHaveu, E.

E. Baker, H. Bull, Quincy, III: J. W. Adams.

Conn; C. Peterson, NHaven; E. Valentine, N. Hampton; L. W.

Lee, NHaven; Dr. Pritchard, do. Western Hotel. T. R.

Prnddis, Troy; Miss Roy, Miss Percival, Pitlsfield; T. K. Southmayd, Z.Preston, Hartford; M. II. Deyoung, W.

C. Henry, Philadelphia; T. W. Cundall, Easton; T. Smith, Buffalo; Mr.

Jervis, Ohio; D. W. Marti, East Blooinfield, N. C. Attwood, Salem, N.

H. Cadwell, Erie, Pa: L. Smeede, Tompkius A. D. W.

Garret, Ballstou Spa, N. L. Wiltius. Utica; C. Morgan, W.

Smith, P. Erlily, A. M. Harrier, Chicago; L. M.

Badger, L. W. Badger, Painted Post; O. B. Govilneh, T.

M. Greenleaf, Gswego; D. E. Pease, Somers, Ct; Isaac Webster, W. Ballantiue, Canandaigua; T.

A. Clarke, Pulaski, Oswego Co; T. H. Andrua, Vernon stiuare; T. W.

Bailey, Utica; T. Randall, Ithaca; Ct Graham, Buffalo; W. Metealf, Providence; H. 8. Craiu, (It: Amidnn.

Ashford. Ct: A. H. Truman. C.

Piatt, Oawego; II. A. Griswold, Whitehall; j. T. Edwards, Chicago: M.Aacon, Whitehall; G.

W. Glass, T. B. Beutly, Oawego; W. K.

Kiahar, Lansingbnrgh; A. F. H. P. Chapman, Ballston Spa; T.

(1. Cowles, mesmerism. PATHETISM AND CLAIRVOYANCE Medically and Physiologically employed, in the treatment of any, or all the various diseases ana derangements of the human system, at No. 3 Roosevelt street, private entrance. This mode of treating the sick is applicable to any age, sex, temperament, or constitution.

Physicians, or others, requesting clairvoyant examinations of their patients or friends, will receive a proper attention to their wishes. No calls will be attended to except such as relate to the relief of human suffering. ali Medical lamert consdcnlially consulted at his ollice, S3 Gold street, near Fulton, on all disrases of a private nature. His treatment, being mild and judicious, requires neither mercury, restraint in diet, or hindrance from business. Debility, nervous or constitutional, arising from indirect indulgences of the passions, causing nightly emissions, and eventually, impotency, engages the Doctors atteution, his object being to restore the system to that state of vigor nature originally designed.

Stricture, a disease frequently existing withoutt he patient being by maltreatment and sometimes caused by the neglect of the irties themselves, is effectually cured by Dr. L. Letters, post-paid, enclosing a fee, immediately attended to, and medicine, with advice, sent to any part of the United States. Office 63Gold street. 1Y7 NO CURE, NO CURB ITT, 19 Duaue street, (member of the Royal College of Surgeons, Loudon,) may be consulted in the treatment of certain delicate diaeaaes.

A practice of fourteen devoted to diseases, enables Dr. C. to cure the worst form of this disease, Recent cases cured iu four days: uo mercury used. Stricture cured in one or two weeks, without any pain Constitutional debility individuals who have indulged in a certain loathaome habit, can positively restored to health and society. Dr.

C. has not removed hiaofficr, as insinuated by a certain mushroom dentist. Remember, 19 Duauc street next door to Dr. Juliuson's. jtt lm'rc Dll.

GRANVILLE S. PATT1SON has removed hu residence to 81 University Place, corner of 13th street, and his Office to No. 63 Chambers street. Office hours from 10 till 2 o'rlnrk. ml2 PEARL STREET llOU SE, 8S Pearl street, New York.

REDUCTION IN subscriber respectfully calls the attention of the travelling community, and especially business men, to the fact that this house is now open and is offered for their patronage at the low price of one dollar per dap. Its location for business is uot surpassed in New York, and every comfort, with good living, clean beds, airy rooms, can here be had as well as at the most extravagant One call will surely satisfy any one of these facts and insure an extensive patronage for the liouse. m26 8AML. C. BISHOP.

Proprietor. SECOND WA1UJ WHO does not know this fine LUNCH HOUSE, at No. 87 Nassau street? (Jo ill there when you will, particularly at 11 o'clock in the forenoon, when the tabic displays for visiters, Turtle Soup, Slew, Boiled Crabs, or some other luxury. It is truly a capital place for Refreshments; for Floyd it Smith know how to suit their friends and customers. At the nan you find Martin body knows him, who ever stopped at the Astor House, or Lovejoy's.

in this city, or Coleman's National Hotel, in Washington. "Mart" is like a loadstone; he draws his friends because ther like the attraction. We say agaiu, the Second Ward Hotel is one of the best places in this city to obtain a good Lunch, or get an excellent glass of ale or honor of anv kind. mft imr Wanted. SEVERA Agents wanted, to supply the country trade with Drugs and ready prepared Medicines.

The stock is of so large a variety, larger than was ever before offered bv any establishment in the Knitcd States, that agents, merchants, and pedlars can gat supplied with large or small quantities. Also, the public can receive the moat skilful medical and treatment, by the well known Dr. Solomon Heine, brmerly of Hudson and Reade streets, who is engaged for that particular purpose, and has his office in the rear of the Store. the German Drug and Medicine store, No. 127 Chambers street, New York.

a8 MUSKETS AND l'lSTOLS. 1 (W1A Ship Muskets, iOOO American Banded Muskets, with bayonets, complete in the most perfect order. 100 pair Ship I'istols. 100 Revolving 6 barrel Pistols. 100 Bowie Knives.

300 Double barrel Fowling Pieces. 100 Single do do Sporting articles, Gun materials, Tools, every thing required by tho Sportsman or Gunsmith, for sale by A. W. SPIES It 91 Maiden Lane. LIQUID HAIR DYE.

NO improvement of TRICOBAPHE, which instantaneously colors the Hair a natural Black or Brown, and gives it the beauty and elasticity of youth, and is warranted neither to wash or rub off, or soil tlie skin. The proprietor, since its improvement, presents it to the public with the utmost confidence, as having no equal, and as a perfect dye. For sals by Rushton St Broadway; J. 8. Aspinwal William street: Johnson, Moore St Taylor, Maiden lane ana A.

B. St D. Sanus, New oik and by the sole agents for the United States, R. St. O.

A. WRIGHT, alO lm'rrc Philadelphia. GUIDE tu SOUND teeth. DR. A.

C. CASTLE, 381 of White street, the attention of the public to superior and approved method of preserving artificially which are carnua and considered useless. The editor of the Ertning I'oit saya: Dr. Castle, in hia practice of eighteen years, obtained an enriable eminence he operates on the teeth with great skill and ability hia composition for filling decayed and sere teeth, while it Resists si.t. acids and infecting agents, it renders the tooth ill every respect.

It is pot into the tooth while in a soli state, without any pain, and becomes hard. For nervous persons it is peculiarly adapted. We have tried it." ap8 192 Broadway, Corner of John Street, to those who shave themselves. the Boston RING'S VERBENA shaving compound is now all the rage, as well among tentorial professors as among those who prefer to gather their own diurnal The barbers say that of it lasts twice as long as the same iiuantity of any other saponacious preparation; while those who their declare that with the Verbena Cream a dull razor will insure a smooWler face than most of the old soaps with sharp steel; besides it is fragrant to the sense, Ac and what is better than all, in these hard times, it is sold almost for a song. Wholesale and retail by CHARLES H.

RING, 123 Druggist, Broadway, Comer John st. hTll lanterns! Til LARGEST and most splendid assortment of Hall Lanterns of cur. engraved and stained glass ever offered to the public. Wholesale dealers will please call and eiamine and judge for themselves before purchasing elsewhere. Ornamental street Lanterns for sale.

Glass Bent for Clocks and Bow Windows, Ac. GEORGE EDWARDS, al 114 and 116 Nassau street. CHEAP FOR CASH. FAHREN9, Draper and Tailor, Ann tobegs inform his patrons and the public in general, ihnt he has on hand a very laige assortment of French Cloths, Doeskins, Veatings, for the coming season, which having beenpurchased entirely for cash, will be inade up in the heal possible style 23 per cent under Broadway prices. No and see.

m23 MTwinh, OPTICIAN. FROM GERMANY. OST respectfully informs the citizens of Ne and 1" the public iu general, that he has located himself in this city at NO. 437 BROADWAY, Where may lis found large and complete assort of SPECTACLES AND READING GLASSES, in ooi.d, silvf.a anil stf.f.u ruames. Mr.

W. would also remind the whom he is partially known by his aiinnnl visits to Saratoga Springs lor the last ten years, that by his knowledge of the Optical science tie is enabled to determine the Glasses suitable for anv eve. Peraom witli weak syes can be supplied with glasses which will greatly benefit and not strain the sight. Particular attention is called to a new style of Perspective Ground Glass, of the finest Hint, which, through their high polish and true ground, produce the purest vision, and have Nsen highly recommended as the heat in their effect upon the eye, for preserving and improving the sight in continued writing and reading. Short sighted persons, and such as have been operated upon for Cataract, can also he suited.

tpT-He inserts New (Basses, of superior quality, in old frames, and solicits the pstronoge of ell in went of his articles will warrant all Spectacles purchased from ma tc suit the sight far five years, or ezehanga thsm without egtn charge, mil MONTHLY RJCrORT FOR MARCH, or the nrw tom MEDICAL AND SURGICAL INSTITUTE No. 76 Chambers street. CASES SUCCESSFULLY TREATED, Consumption 3 Partial Desfness 1 AbJomiusI Dropsy, 1 Induration and Enlargement 3 jaipitatiou Heart of the Neck of the Bladder 4 (iouorrhms (female) 9 Seminal Weakness i Suppression of Meuaea of Midw ifery 7 Falling Womb, with bearing 1 or Album down pain, cauaed by ul2 lieu mat is in ceratiou and inflammation 6 Primary Veuereal of o. uteri 2 Secondary euereal 2 Dimness and Paio in the 3 Irritation in Urrthra Head 2 Falling of Bladder, female 4 Gleet. 3 do Impotency 5 Inllaminaliou of the Eyes 2 Incontinence of Urine 4 Cases Dyspepsia 1 Ulcer on the Note 1 Cancer Uterus, incurable SURGICAL OPERATIONS AND CURES.

1 Encymled Timor removed 6 Strictures in Urethra Iruin the inside of the Lip 2 Urinary Fistula 1 Fissure iu Female Urethra 2 Fractures of the Leg of five years' standing, 1 Fracture of the Aim very painful two caute- 2 Bad lujuries of the Hands rizalioiis cured it. attended to Several Abcesset opened 1 Enlarged Tonsil removed The poor attended to between 1 and 2 o'clock. DR. HOMER BOSTWICK, Surgeon and I'hysician, 79 Chamlmvat, A. it G.

BRANDON. Successors to F. A. MUNDEN, BLOCK LETTER SIGN MANUFACTURERS, SIGN PAINTERS, NO. a TRYON ROW, Adjoiuing the Harlem Railroad Office, Nsw York, Washington Stores, William street; Rathbuu'a Hotel, Judsou't Hotel.

National Hotel, Perkiu's Hotel, 1 Tan nmiiinv ktr kip U. a. jjonaea iiwuki COUNTRY MILLINERS. PETER ROBERTS, 373 Brosdwsy, would invite the tention of those who are purchasing their Spring Goods, to his stock of Laces. Point de Paris, Aleucou, Brussels and Poinpallon, for trimmuig hats: Black and White Lace Veils; Bruxells, Illusion Point and fancy a great variety of other goods, which he will sell at very low prices.

al Im'r FOR SALE by JOHN J.MIRABEAU, 100 Nassau street, Marked Cards of every descripitou, and directions for taking advantages in the following Poker, Brag, Seven Up, Faro, Vingt-et-un. by one who is practically acquainted. Those who wish to receive lessons advantages, that require dexterity, must inquire as above. TIMOLAT'S SULPHUR BATHS, No. 547 Pearl street, near Broadway.

THESE BATHS have been established for the last twentysix years, and are the only Sulphur Baths iu the They are highly recommended by the most eminent physicians, for the cure of rheumatism, salt rheum, ehrouic complaints, eruptious of the skin, iceMedicated Vapor Baths alto given daily, from A. 11. to I P.M. f28 Ronn DOZEN PATENT SHIRRED SUSPENDERS, embracing over twenty styles and prices, varying from below $2 to S20 per dozen, for sale to jobbers and exporters, and at retail, by the only manufacturer of the fabric in the United States, and exclusive owner of all the patents for processes in the manufacture of these goods. H.

H. DAY, lm rrc 23 Courtlandt street. STORE OF ANTIQUITIES. ORIGINALLY at No. 32 Broadway, has been removed to No.

313 Broadway, upstairs. Amateurs and Conoisseurs are invited to call and examine a most beautiful collection of Ancient Pictures and valuable specimens of Ivory, Porcelain, Silver, Gold, which have uever before been in this Remember 315 Broadway. mil UNDERSIGNED lias the pleasure of informing his A friends and the public, that he has commenced business at No. 240 Broadway, comer of Murray street, where he will attend to the study of Cutting and making Garments to suit all persons that may favor him with their Patronage. He would say, from the experience he has received in some of the pnnci pal cities ol Europe aim America, in uie latest rreucn, lish, and Ameriaan style, that all will receive that graceful appearance that will please the moat laitidioua.

Alio, all peraoiia will And to suit the and of the beat quality and workmanship. Persons finding their own Cloths, can hare them made and trimmed in the neatest and manner possible. As the spring is approaching, he wishes his and the public to call before buying elsewhere. N. orders executed in the quickest possible time, and on the shortest notice.

JAMES LArlNE, al Entrance by Mr. Plumbe's Gallery. 1 OH NEW YORK, Albany, and luVJ Buffalo Telegraph Company will pay a reward of S10U in any person who shall giro such information as shall lend to the conviction of any individual, under the following law, for wilfully injuring the Telegraph Line or Property. T. 8.

FAJCTON, President. Utica, Oct. 5th, 1816. An act to facilitate the construction of Morse's Electro-Magnetic Telegraph. Passed May 13, 1845.

The people of the State of New York, represented in Senate mid Assembly, do enact Sec. proprietors of the patent right of Morse's Electro Magnetic Telegraph, may be, and are hereby authorized, to. construct liues of said Telegraph from point to point, and across any of the waters within the limits of this State by the erection of posts, piers or buttneuts for sustaining the wires of the same: Provided that the same shall not, in any instance be so constructed to endanger, or injuriously interrupt, the navigation of such waters; and, provided also, that the private rights of individuals shall be in uo wise impaired by the provisions of this act; nor shall thie act authorise the construction of any bridge, or other similar erection across any of the streams of water in this State. Any person or persons who shall knowingly or wilfully injure, molest or destroy any of the said liues, or the materials or property pertainiug therete, shall, on conviction thereof, be deemedguilty of a misdemeanor, and be punished by fine or imprisonment, or both, at the discretion of the Court which shall have and take cognizance thereof. Sec.

2. The Legislature may at any time, alter, modify or repeal this act, and the same shall take effect immediately. Keepers or owners of Junk Shims, and all other persons are requested to give notice at the Telegraph Oliice, in Poit's Buildings, corner of Hanover street and Exchange Place, or to the undersigned, of any person offering copper wire for sale. C. LIVINGSTON, Secretary.

Nrw York, March 5, 1847. No. 10 Wall street. m6 HEW Ah or Stolen, on Tuesday, the JU VrVr 18th Jckhruaiv in the lieiffhborhood of I mm bud street, Loudou, a Banker's Leather Cue, containing the undermentioned Bank of England Notes, One Note, 13th Jane, 1846 No. 68,670 68,737 68,850 70,650 70,663 70,666 13th Much, 1840 51,309 52,276 11th May.

1846 57,107 10th Much, 1646 38,363 39,888 40,408 May. 1846 84,173 8th October, 1846 40,153 43,560 5th October, 1846 8.1,374 83,375 2d December, 1846 35,900 13th January, 1817 59,650 Payment of all which hu been stopped at the Bank of" England. Whoever will give auch information may lead to the recovery ofthe above described notea, shall be entitled to receive the above reward, or a proportionate part thereof for any portion of the notes so recovered, if lost, or upon recovery ana conviction of the offender, if stolen. For further information, apply to J. R.

WHITING, 61 Wall at. m28 Cast off clothinTT "and TTTTiniture WANTED. LADIF.Sand Gentlemen having any cut off or superflous clothing or furniture to dispose of, can obtain a fair cuh price for the same, by sending a note, or by calling on the subscriber, at his residence, or through the post, which will be punctually attended to. II. 1)E Canal st.

Up Stairs. N. can be attended to by Mrs. De Boer. Old stock and job goods bought, of any description and amount.

m23 MKDCIGAL CARD. District or Ntw York, ss. BE it remembered, that on- the second day of January, Auno Domini 1844, HENRY FAWCETT. of the said District, hath deposited in this Hi the Title of a Book, the title of which ii in the words following, to Matrimony. Impotency.

and Sterility, Anatomically, Physiologically, and Medically explained, with a comprehensive exposition of the Nature and Modem Treatment of Syphilis; Secondary Symptoms, Gonorrhoea, Gleet, Strictures, Whites, Seminal Weakness, Nocturnal Emissions, and all the consequences arising from Masturbation," 8tc. Ac. By Henry Fawcett, M. D. M.

lC C. 8., Author of the Bachelor's Guide alsor author of "New Treatise on the Practicability of removing by Absorption." Dr. Henry Fawcett can be consulted at bia long-established oflicC 196 Fulton street, on the above mentioned diseues, where his book can be obtained, (nntil the 1st of May,) price $1. After which time he will continue hia office practice, usual, at 113 Greenwich st PRIVATE A. D.

1848 KOIl THE SUPPHEH8ION OK Members of the New York College of Mediciut and Pharmacy, estsb lislied for the suppression of quackery continue to direct their particular attention to all ifissasi's of a private nature, and can confidently promise to persons requiring medical treatment, a safe and permanent cure, without injur)' to the constitution or confinement from business. Invalids are particularly requested to make application to the College on the first appearance of those diseases, as a vast amount of suffering and time may be thus avoided. One of the members of the College, for many years counected with the principal hospitals in Europe, for the cure of those complaints, attends for consultation daily from 8 A. M. to 8 P.

M. and Medicine guaranteed. IMPORTANT TO COUNTRY INVALIDS-Persons living in the couutry, finding it inconvenient to make personal application, can have forwarded to tlieni a chest containing all medicine requisite to perform a radical cure, by stating their case explicitly, together with all symptoms, time of con traction, and treatment received elsewhere if any, and enclosing $5, post paid, addressed to W. S. RICHARDSON, M.

95 Nassau street. New VnrW VELPEAU'S SPECIFIC PILLS, FOR the radical cur? of gonorrhoea, gleet, seminal emissions, and all mocopnrulent discharges from lira urethra. Cilia, the reault of twenty experience in the Hospital ile Charite in Paris, are pronounced by tlieir celebrated inventor, Profeasor Vrlpeau, aa an infallible remedy for all diseases of the urathra. llic) effect a rnre in a mnrh ahorter time than other remedy, without tainting the breath, disagreeing with the atomach, or confinement from Price $1 per box. CONSTITUTIONAL DEBILITY CURED.

THE TONIC MIXTURE, by the College of Medicine and Pharmacy nfthe City of New York, ia confidently recommended for all cases of debility produced by ecret indulgence or of any kind. Itia an invaluable remedy tin impotence, Sterility, or barrenness, unleas depending on maflormation. I Single $1 each; of half doien carefully i packed, and aent to al I parti of the Union. RICORD'S ALTERATIVE MIXTURE. FOR the permanent cure of primary or secondary syphilis, venereal ulcera, nodes, or any complaint produced by an injudicious use of mercury, or unskilful medical All suspecting venereal taint remaining in thrir system should use this powerful purifier without delay, no can consider himself mfe after having the venereal disease, without thoroughly cleansing the system with this justly eelei brated alterative.

Sold in single bottles at 91 each: in rases of hnlf dozen for S3; carefully packed and sent to all parts of the Union. CONCENTRATED EXTRACT OF 8AR8APARILLA GENTIAN AND SASSAFRAS, PREPARED by the New York College of Medicine and established for the suppression of This refined and highly concentrated extract, possessing all the purifying qualities and curative powers of the shove herbs, 1 it confidently recommended by the College a. uperiorto any eifract of 8srsaparills at present before the public, and may he relied on as a certain remedy for all diseases arising from an 1 impure state of the blood, such at scrofula and salt rheuim, ring i worm, blotches or ulcers, pain in the hones orjointa, 1 nodes, cutaneous eruptions, ulcerated tore thront, or any dis1 aaae arising from the secondary vffrcu of syphilis or an iujudicious use of mercury. Hold in single bottles at 7S cente. 1 in cases of half a dozen bottles $3 50 one dozen 96 00 I Cases forwarded to all parts of the Union.

N. A very liberal discount to wholesale.

New York Daily Herald from New York, New York (2024)
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Name: Merrill Bechtelar CPA

Birthday: 1996-05-19

Address: Apt. 114 873 White Lodge, Libbyfurt, CA 93006

Phone: +5983010455207

Job: Legacy Representative

Hobby: Blacksmithing, Urban exploration, Sudoku, Slacklining, Creative writing, Community, Letterboxing

Introduction: My name is Merrill Bechtelar CPA, I am a clean, agreeable, glorious, magnificent, witty, enchanting, comfortable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.