J.M. Hall Building – 508-512 W. Will Rogers Blvd. – A Place ‘n Time – Part 2 (2024)

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J.M. Hall Building – 508-512 W. Will Rogers Blvd. – A Place ‘n Time – Part 2 (1)

A shuffle occurred in March 1946, when Walker’s Department store owner, George Cogswell, sold his Claremore store to the Chastain Co. “Store Will Be Closed For Inventory,” revealed The Claremore Progress headline. “Watch For Formal Opening Date. One of the largest real estate deals ever consummated in Rogers County was completed here Wednesday evening, when George B. Cogswell, owner of Walker’s Department store (once located where Cranberry Merchant now resides), sold to the Chastain company with headquarters in Sapulpa. Mr. Cogswell in an interview Thursday morning had this to say: ‘Having decided to retire from the retail business, we have sold our stock and fixtures to the Chastain company, effective as of April 1, 1946. The store will be closed all next week for inventory. All persons who have layaway articles in the store, must pick them up on or before 8:30 p.m. Saturday evening, March 23. On taking possession April 1st, Mr. Chastain will rearrange and redecorate the interior, and will announce later the date of his formal opening. We want to thank our many friends and patrons who have given us such loyal support for the past 37 years, and we do highly recommend our successors, The Chastain company. Mr. Chastain is a splendid merchant and a fine gentleman, and with a much larger store building, will be able to give you excellent service.’ Walker’s Department Store has been one of Claremore’s fine institutions during the years they have served the public, and Mr. Cogswell has always been one of the progressive merchants of the city. But due to other interests which require a great deal of his time, decided to retire from the merchandising field. Mr. Chastain is no newcomer to the merchandising field, as he has several stores in this state, and one here in this city which will be combined with their new holdings. Watch for their opening date. This store purchase comes at a very opportune time as Chastain’s will be celebrating their fifth year in this city, and this comes as a nice anniversary present. Mr. Chastain was in the city Thursday and in the interview stated that the present store would be maintained until the formal opening of the new store.”[i]

Chastain’s opened their new store, to the public, in the former Walker Building, Saturday, May 11, 1946. The new building had been completely redecorated, new counters added, with an entirely new layout of the floor space.[ii] This left the 508 building vacant and available for a new tenant.

May 28, 1946, the announcement was made that store space was being remodeled for Talley Hardware. “Workmen are busily engaged at the present time in putting in a new concrete floor and opening archways in the John Hall building on West Third street. When the two store rooms are finished they will be occupied by the Talley Hardware. The Oklahoma Tire and Supply company has occupied the store room vacated by Chastain’s (#508) and are redecorating and rearranging the interior of the building and will soon be open again for business.”[iii]

The Oklahoma Tire and Supply company, which “moved into the store building vacated by Chastain’s department store… opened to the public on Saturday, June 8, 1946. “Talley’s Hardware moved to the store room vacated by the Oklahoma Tire and Supply (#510) and the Deluxe Beauty Shop (#512). “A new floor and front with archways between the two rooms are being put into the building at the present time.”[iv]

The Rogers County News declared, June 11, 1946, “Okla. Tire Now Open In New Location. The Oklahoma Tire and Supply company is now in their new location. They opened for business Saturday of this past week. The firm has much more floor space and the interior of the building has been remodeled to fit this firm’s need, and the merchandise is better arranged for the convenience of the customers. They occupied the building vacated by the Chastain department store,one door east of their old location.”[v]

The News further explained, “Talley’s Now in New Location – Have Greater Floor Space; New Fixtures to Better Display Merchandise. Have you visited the Talley Hardware in its new location, 510 West Third street? This concern opened its doors Saturday, July 13 (1946), with a greater floor space and more display room. This firm occupied two store rooms formerly occupied by the Oklahoma Tire and Supply and the Deluxe Beauty Shop. The Oklahoma Tire moved into the building vacated by the Chastain company. The two rooms were thrown together by archways, giving access to either side of the store through one main front door. Nice display windows have been added and new fixtures to better display the merchandise have been added. This is another of Claremore’s fine stores which has been done much to, to help make better looking stores along the main street. The store had many scarce articles for the opening day and the store was visited by a large crowd during the day.”[vi]

The following year, the big news was shared that Talley Hardware installed air conditioned in its building. “Work was completed this week on the installation of two Essick model cooling units in the Talley Hardware building. These two 11,000 CFM units are designed to change the air within the building every three minutes. The temperature within the store has dropped fifteen degrees, according to Gordon Talley, and adds much to the comfort of their customers.”[vii]

When Talley Hardware celebrated its 25th anniversary in October 1948, this announcement ran in The Claremore Daily Progress, “Talley Hardware is celebrating its twenty-fifth anniversary in Claremore this month. The store site was originally in the General Hospital (aka O’Brien-Bridwell) building for three years. The store was then moved to the building where the Ben Franklin store now is and remained there for twenty years. The store was originally owned by E.L. Talley and Gordon Tally, and E.C. Talley was admitted to the firm in 1945 after his release from military service.”[viii]

Another “sign”ificant Claremore event occurred in October 1948, with the enthusiastically awaited announcement, “‘Will Rogers Blvd.’ Signs are Ordered. Claremore’s main street will be well marked as ‘Will Rogers Boulevard’ before Nov. 5 – Will Rogers Day. The council Monday night authorized expenditure of $46.50 to replace all street signs on the thoroughfare across the city from east to west. The council voted two weeks ago to rename main street as Will Rogers Boulevard in honor of Claremore’s most famous son. Mayor Elmer Tanner said that Chamber of Commerce representatives had asked the sign changes before Nov. 4 and also had suggested formal ceremonies predesignating the street.”[ix] Though change takes time, thereafter, many newspaper advertisem*nts of businesses having Third street addresses were changed to Will Rogers Boulevard which may have been somewhat confusing to the uninformed.

OTASCO engaged in an assertive newspaper advertising campaign with tag-lines such as, “Oklahoma Tire and Supply, Home of Better Values,”[x] and “Quality Price, Frank Falletti, owner.”[xi] And who could resist, “Santa Says Save on Gifts at your friendly OTASCO Store… Monark Bicycle Super Deluxe Model with light, horn and shock absorbers, one-year insurance against fire and theft, $62.95; Lionel Electric Trains, Clear the Tracks for Year-Round Fun! ‘Scout’ $15.99; Whistle & Smoke Train $39.95; Dick Tracy Police Car $1.77; Horsman Baby Doll with soft, life-like skin! $2.98; Toy Range and Pans, $1.98. Oklahoma Tire & Supply Co. Tree Light Set 85c.”[xii]

John Johnson served customers as manager of Claremore’s OTASCO store in February 1951,[xiii] as OTASCO’s 33rd Anniversary Sale promoted “Oscillating fans, push lawn mower… Dinnerware set… saws…[xiv] That September, the OTASCO store got a new manager. “John Johnson, manager of the Oklahoma Tire and Supply store in Claremore for the past 18 months, has been promoted to manager-ship of the company’s store in Okmulgee, effective October 1st.” Assumption was, the new manager of the store would “be Claude A. Roddam, Oklahoma City, who has been employed by the firm for the past ten years.”[xv]

In November of 1951, Talley Hardware, located at 510 and 512 West Will Rogers Boulevard, underwent a remodeling-redecorating job.[xvi] The following year, The Talley Hardware store tore out the old marquees in front. “Mrs. Gordon Talley says plans include a more modern-looking awning for a replacement.”[xvii]

That Christmas the Progress raved, “Ernie Smart has his house all lit up like an honest-to-goodness Christmas tree.” And “The electric trains in operation down at the OTASCO windows are creating considerable attention… and that doesn’t include only the younger set.”[xviii] More happy holiday news included, “OTASCO Employees Get Holiday Bonus… Bonus checks will be distributed with a letter of Christmas Greetings from OTASCO’s president, Maurice Sanditen, along with the payroll checks on December 15 and 19.”[xix] O, to revisit the festivities of a Claremore Christmas past.

Business prosperity continued in 1953. “For 30 Years… Claremore’s Leading Hardware – Talley’s. Talley’s modern store front is probably the most distinguished in Claremore. The eye-catching yellow awning and sign have become a bright landmark to customers in the Claremore trade area and signals the way to finer merchandise. Talley Hardware moved into their present building in 1946 from a former building now occupied by Ben Franklin stores. Three generations of Talleys, E.L., Gordon and E.C., father, son and grandson, respectively, have successfully operated the same institution in Claremore for the past 30 years and have built it from a small store in Claremore on the corner of Will Rogers and Cherokee streets to one of the largest businesses in the city. The Claremore store began when E.L. Talley and Gordon Talley moved here in 1923 and purchased the stock of the Webb Hardware company, located in a building now occupied by the Western Auto store (the O’Brien-Bridwell building). The younger Talley, E.C. became actively interested in the firm in 1946…”[xx]

Not to be outdone by other local businesses and in preparation of its birthday celebration, “OTASCO remodeled its Claremore store, in June 1954. “Work started this week on a complete remodeling job at the local Oklahoma Tire and Supply store, Claude Roddam, local manager, has announced. Roddam said the program will take about 60 days to complete and will in effect change the complete appearance of the store. A new addition to the present building is being added to the rear of the store for an enlarged service department and the interior of the store will be completely remodeled as well. Roddam said new fixtures, a new front, new flooring, and refrigeration air-conditioning are included in the remodeling program. In addition, new indirect lighting will be installed in the store. Roddam said the remodeling will not force closing of the store at any time during regular business hours.”[xxi]

That July, OTASCO celebrated its birthday. “The Oklahoma Tire and Supply store here is joining in the celebration of the company’s 36th birthday this week. They celebrated in the regular birthday fashion Thursday with free ice cream and cookies for their customers and friends. The store served the ice cream and cookies in connection with a big ten-day birthday sale which is being celebrated in OTASCO’s 57 company stores and 151 associate stores in the four states of Oklahoma, Arkansas, Missouri and Kansas. The three Sanditen brothers – Maurice, Herman and Sam – opened the first Oklahoma Tire and Supply store in 1918 at Okmulgee (Oklahoma). From this beginning, the one store has grown to a family of 1,500 people in company and associate stores serving the retail trade in this four state area.”[xxii]

After the big birthday bash, in September 1954, the OTASCO store indulged “in the second stage of its remodeling operation.”[xxiii] Aggressive newspaper advertising continued, “Philco Portable Radio, Storage Chest, clock, Portable 3-speed automatic phonograph, Deluxe portable Sewing Machine… OTASCO.”[xxiv]

“Big Reduction on Philco TV 21-inch Console – was $249. 95 only $219.95, $2.30 a week!” advertised OTASCO in 1957.[xxv]

Claude Roddam observed his long-term 15th year anniversary with Oklahoma Tire and Supply in August 1957. “Claude Roddam, manager of the Oklahoma Tire and Supply Co. here, this month celebrates his fifteenth anniversary with the company. Roddam joined OTASCO in 1942… He served in the Navy during World War II, and was assigned to Oklahoma City upon his discharge. He later was named assistant manager of one of the Oklahoma City stores, and in 1951 was transferred to Claremore as manager. Roddam is an active member of the Masons, Rotary Club, the Chamber of Commerce and the First Baptist church.”[xxvi]

That September, Alfred Vierheller, General Agent of the Oklahoma Farm Bureau Mutual Insurance Co., was listed in the Rogers County News as occupying his business in the 512 W. Will Rogers Boulevard building.[xxvii]

Springing forward a decade, the May 1966, Southwestern Bell Telephone Co., Claremore and Oologah, Oklahoma, telephone directory records, “Oklahoma Tire & Supply Co. 508 W. Will Rogers Blvd.” (p.25), “Mistletoe Express Serv” (p. 20), and “Talley Hdwe Str 510 W. Will Rogers Blvd” (p.30).

Expansive store-front windows, topped by clerestory panels, still add natural light to the Hall’s threesome stores’ interiors. Dressed for success, an eye-catching brick-inlaid strand-of-diamonds-detail runs across the upper front edifice near the roofline of these triune stores, visually linking them together. Square brick half-pillars stand straight and tall between these windows, separating one store front from the others. Moving from frame to more substantial brick and mortar buildings, these edifices with their classic lines and designs, add an understated refinement to Claremore’s northwest main street city scape.

At present, the J.M. Hall triplet buildings contain Gary and Michal Oplotnik’s A Place ‘n Time clock shop (#508, est. 2018) replacing Waterfront Frame and Art; Waymark Advisors & Fortna, CPA (#510, 2018) which replaced Wolf Gallery, and Cabin Boys Brewery Taproom (#512, Claremore, 2022) which replaced Tap on the Tracks. This trio of durable brick buildings constructed in 1912 by John M. Hall continue to stand the test of time.

By Christa Rice, Claremore History Explorer


[i] The Claremore Progress (Claremore, Oklahoma). Thursday, March 21, 1946. P. 1. Newspapers.com.

“Lease Agreement: George B. Cogswell to The Chastain Co., 3-22-46, term of lease 15 years, The entire first floor of the Building known as the Walker-Cogswell building location on the E. 27 ft of Lot 3, all of Lot 4 & W. 8 ft of Lot 5, Blk 113, and the entire building now used as a warehouse and located on the Nly 38…” The Claremore Progress (Claremore, Oklahoma). Thursday, January 9, 1949. P. 3. Newspapers.com

[ii] The Claremore Progress (Claremore, Oklahoma). Thursday, May 9, 1946. P. 1. Newspapers.com

[iii] Rogers County News (Claremore, Oklahoma). Tuesday, May 28, 1946. P. 1. Newspapers.com

[iv] Rogers County News (Claremore, Oklahoma). Tuesday, June, 4, 1946. P. 1. Newspapers.com

[v] Rogers County News (Claremore, Oklahoma). Tuesday, June, 11, 1946. P. 1. Newspapers.com

[vi] Rogers County News (Claremore, Oklahoma). Tuesday, July 16, 1946. P. 1. Newspapers.com

[vii] The Claremore Progress (Claremore, Oklahoma). Thursday, June 26, 1947. P. 5. Newspapers.com

[viii] The Claremore Daily Progress (Claremore, Oklahoma). Thursday, October 8, 1948. P. 2. Newspapers.com

[ix] The Claremore Daily Progress (Claremore, Oklahoma). Tuesday, October 19, 1948. P. 1. Newspapers.com

[x] The Claremore Daily Progress (Claremore, Oklahoma). Sunday, May 16, 1948. P. 6. Newspapers.com

[xi] The Claremore Daily Progress (Claremore, Oklahoma). Thursday, December 2, 1948. P. 4. Newspapers.com

[xii] The Claremore Daily Progress (Claremore, Oklahoma). Wednesday, December 7, 1949. P. 6. Newspapers.com

[xiii] The Claremore Daily Progress (Claremore, Oklahoma). Friday, February 23, 1951. P. 6. Newspapers.com

[xiv] The Claremore Daily Progress (Claremore, Oklahoma). Wednesday, June 20, 1951. P. 6. Newspapers.com

[xv] Rogers County News (Claremore, Oklahoma). Tuesday, September 25, 1951. P. 1. Newspapers.com

[xvi] The Claremore Daily Progress (Claremore, Oklahoma). Thursday, November 29, 1951. P. 1. Newspapers.com

[xvii] The Claremore Daily Progress (Claremore, Oklahoma).Wednesday, October 15, 1952. P. 1. Newspapers.com

[xviii] The Claremore Daily Progress (Claremore, Oklahoma). Friday, December 12, 1952. P. 1. Newspapers.com

[xix] The Claremore Daily Progress (Claremore, Oklahoma). Sunday December 14, 1952. P. 6. Newspapers.com

[xx] The Claremore Daily Progress (Claremore, Oklahoma). Sunday, June 28, 1953. P. 60. Newspapers.com

[xxi] The Claremore Daily Progress (Claremore, Oklahoma). Wednesday, June 9, 1954. P. 1. Newspapers.com

[xxii] The Claremore Daily Progress (Claremore, Oklahoma). Thursday, July 15, 1954. P. 2. Newspapers.com

[xxiii] The Claremore Daily Progress (Claremore, Oklahoma). Sunday, September 12 ,1954. P. 1. Newspapers.com

[xxiv] The Claremore Daily Progress (Claremore, Oklahoma). Sunday, December 19, 1954. P. 8. Newspapers.com

[xxv] The Claremore Daily Progress (Claremore, Oklahoma). Wednesday, February 27, 1957. P. 5&6. Newspapers.com

[xxvi] The Claremore Daily Progress (Claremore, Oklahoma). Thursday, August 22, 1957. P. 7. Newspapers.com

[xxvii] Rogers County News (Claremore, Oklahoma). Tuesday, September 24, 1957. P. 5. Newspapers.com

J.M. Hall Building – 508-512 W. Will Rogers Blvd. – A Place ‘n Time – Part 2 (2)

Author: Christa Rice

HistorianView all posts by Christa Rice

J.M. Hall Building – 508-512 W. Will Rogers Blvd. – A Place ‘n Time – Part 2 (2024)
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