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406 SGHMS/6/2/1 · Volume · 1892-1895

Part of Papers of St George's, University of London

Vol I. Issue 1. pp.1 'Contents ', List of Contents; author not named, 1 Dec 1892

Vol I. Issue 1. pp.1-2 'Introduction', Aims of publication; Anon, 1 Dec 1892

Vol I. Issue 1. pp.3-5 'Reminiscences', Reminiscences of Senior Physician from 1851; Kinnerton Street School; Lane's school Tattersall's Yard; Keate; Caesar Hawkins; Cutler; Tatum; Henry Charles Johnson; James Arthur Wilson; Nairne; Page; Bence Jones ; W. Howship Dickinson, 1 Dec 1892

Vol I. Issue 1. pp.6-7 'Phagocytosis', Description of Phagocytosis; Work of Metchnikoff; Chemotaxis; H.D. Rolleston, 1 Dec 1892

Vol I. Issue 1. pp.8-9 'School Notes', Request for submissions; Conduct of recent examinations; Amalgamation club finances, Tennis courts; Entry to Henley regatta; Graphic society deficit; Graphic society exhibition; Smoking Concert; Patient's Christmas entertainments; Number if students joining; Anon, 1 Dec 1892

Vol I. Issue 1. pp.10-11 'Graphic Society', Third Graphic Society exhibition of art and photographs; Anon, 1 Dec 1892

Vol I. Issue 1. pp.11-12 'By Land and Water', Review of performance of sports teams and clubs; Anon, 1 Dec 1892

Vol I. Issue 1. pp.12-13 'Medical Notes', Prevalence of cases seen on wards; Acute rheumatism; Chorea; Typhoid Fever; Renal disease; Infantile paralysis; Aneurism; Diabetes; Cardiac Murmurs; ; Anon, 1 Dec 1892

Vol I. Issue 1. pp.13-14 'Surgical Notes', Operation on the Brain: Mr Pick: Brain Tumour; Syphilis; Anon, 1 Dec 1892

Vol I. Issue 1. pp.14 'Marriage', Hugh Lawson to Sarah Alice Roberts; 26 Oct 1892; Anon, 1 Dec 1892

Vol I. Issue 1. pp.15 'Hunterian Society', 10 Nov 1892; Operations on the Kidney; Herbert Allingham; Hydronephrosis; Nephrolithotomy; Strumous Pyelitis; ; Anon, 1 Dec 1892

Vol I. Issue 1. pp.15-16 'Examination results', Examination results October 1892. Parts I, III; Entrance scholarships; Part 1 FRCS; author not named, 1 Dec 1892

Vol I. Issue 1. pp.16 'Football ', Rugby Union and Association results; Oct-Nov 1892; author not named, 1 Dec 1892

Vol I. Issue 2. pp.17 'Contents ', List of Contents; author not named, 6 Jan 1893

Vol I. Issue 2. pp.17-20 'Reminiscences', Reminiscences of Senior Physician from 1851; Dr Sir Henry Pitman; Cholera; Dr Robert Lee; Nairne; Page; [James Arthur] Wilson; Chambers; Seymour; W. Howship Dickinson, 6 Jan 1893

Vol I. Issue 2. pp.20-24 'Some Points in Hypnotism', Review of the practice of Hypnotism; Anon, 6 Jan 1893

Vol I. Issue 2. pp.24-26 'Laudanum Drinking in Lincolnshire', Laudanum Drinking in Lincolnshire; G. Rayleigh Vicars, 6 Jan 1893

Vol I. Issue 2. pp.26 'Hunterian Society', Dr Lee Dickinson; Pneumococcal pericarditis; Dr Remfry; Chloroform in Labour; ; author not named, 6 Jan 1893

Vol I. Issue 2. pp.26 'Birth', Son to Dr Richard Emmett; 26 Nov 1892; author not named, 6 Jan 1893

Vol I. Issue 2. pp.26 'In Weeks', 4 Jan 1893- 25 Jan 1893; author not named, 6 Jan 1893

Vol I. Issue 2. pp.27-29 'School Notes', Winter Winds inside the Hospital; Mr Cote's Health; Football club high festival 10 Dec 1892; Geoffrey Hale; C Barry; Leslie Romer; F Bury; Sales figures of first Gazette; Rowing teams; author not named, 6 Jan 1893

Vol I. Issue 2. pp.29-32 'In the Wards', A Case for Diagnosis; Pneumonia; Operation for Perforated Gastric Ulcer; Dr Lee Dickinson; Operation for Umbelical Hernia; Mr Dent; An Interesting Consultation; Mr Bennett; Gastrostomy; Oesophagostomy; Two Rare Cases; Dislocation of the Thumb; Mr Hayward: Luxation of the Shoulder Joint; Mr Arthur H Ward attending Lock Hospital; author not named, 6 Jan 1893

Vol I. Issue 2. pp.33-34 'Correspondence', A Matter of Opinion; Numbers per term from J.B.; Just Cause for complaint; Difficulties with probationers from Hospital Nurse; Patients' entertainments from Vox Humana; A Debating Society from W.E.G.;; author not named, 6 Jan 1893

Vol I. Issue 2. pp.34 'Hunterian Society Meetings', Upcoming dates in Jan 1893; Anon, 6 Jan 1893

Vol I. Issue 2. pp.35 'Vesperascente Caelo', A Sonnet ; T.P., 6 Jan 1893

Vol I. Issue 2. pp.35 'Examination results', Cambridge M.B. Parts II and III; author not named, 6 Jan 1893

Vol I. Issue 2. pp.35 'Changes in Lectures', Dr Whipham; Dr Cavafy;; author not named, 6 Jan 1893

Vol I. Issue 2. pp.35 'Football results', None reported; author not named, 6 Jan 1893

Vol I. Issue 2. pp.36 'Books Received', Textbooks received from H. K. Lewis; author not named, 6 Jan 1893

Vol I. Issue 2. pp.36 'Notices', Communication with Gazette; Publication frequency and price; Subscriptions to Gazette; author not named, 6 Jan 1893

Vol I. Issue 3. pp.37 'Contents ', List of Contents; author not named, 1 Feb 1893

Vol I. Issue 3. pp.37-41 'The Men of my Time', Discussion of Photograph of Dissecting Room [27 Mar 1860], Kinnerton Street; Joseph Langhorn; Professor Partridge; Mr Pollock; Dr Henry Gray; Mr Athol Johnstone; Dr Noad; Dr Dickinson; Dr Cecil Hastings; Dr Henry Charles Johnson; Mr Holmes; Mr Rouse; Teaching of Anatomy; ; T. Pickering Pick, 1 Feb 1893

Vol I. Issue 3. pp.42-45 'Some Points in Hypnotism', II: Review of the practice of Hypnotism; Anon, 1 Feb 1893

Vol I. Issue 3. pp.45-47 'A Water Stampede', Experience of Cattle Stampede in Colorado, Texas;; J. Stafford Mellish, 1 Feb 1893

Vol I. Issue 3. pp.48-50 'School Notes', Football record; Nurses' and patients entertainments; Hospital repairs; Opening of wards; Discussion of early lecture times; Large Theatre Clock inscription; Good results in Surgery and Medicine exams Jan 1893; ; Anon, 1 Feb 1893

Vol I. Issue 3. pp.50-51 'A Footbal Fiasco', Discussion of recent poor rugby football results; Anon, 1 Feb 1893

Vol I. Issue 3. pp.51-53 'In the Wards', Operation on Gastric Ulcer; Mr Hayward; Dr Lee Dickinson; Reopening of Fitzwilliam Ward; Operations on Hernias; Mr Bennett; Operation on suppuration of Mastoid cells and Lateral sinus; Mr Pick; Operation on Pulsating tumour of the head; Mr Frost; Mules' operation; Three Opthalmic cases; Mr Frost; author not named, 1 Feb 1893

Vol I. Issue 3. pp.55-56 'Correspondence', Inscription on Lecture room clock from T Holmes; Debating society by Dilemma; Probationer by Ex-probationer;; author not named, 1 Feb 1893

Vol I. Issue 3. pp.56 'Hunterian Society's Meetings', Upcoming dates in Feb 1893; author not named, 1 Feb 1893

Vol I. Issue 3. pp.56 'Old World Wisdom', Medical homilies; author not named, 1 Feb 1893

Vol I. Issue 4. pp.57 'Contents ', List of Contents; author not named, 10 Mar 1893

Vol I. Issue 4. pp.57-62 'The Men of my Time', Discussion of Photograph of Dissecting Room [27 Mar 1860]; Mr Langhorn; George Pooley Cotton; Scholfield Patten; Athol Johnstone; Mr Pollock; James Whiting; S.J.F. Bullen; J.E. Cartwright; Cecil Hastings; William Hope; ; Edward Kaye Smith; F.W. Axham; Dr Dickinson; Mr Holmes; George B. Brodie; John Tepper; Nathaniel Lloyd; Baber; W.H. Sheppee; John Waters; Mr Henry Gray; C.A. Atkins; John Wilkins Williams; Tomlinson; Pigott; ; T. Pickering Pick, 10 Mar 1893

Vol I. Issue 4. pp.62-65 'Some Points in Hypnotism', III: Review of the Practice of Hypnotism ; H.E. Wingfield, 10 Mar 1893

Vol I. Issue 4. pp.65-69 'Private Practices and Partnerships', Pros and Cons of private practice in combination with resident or GP/Clinical appointments and higher qualifications; F.R.C.S., 10 Mar 1893

Vol I. Issue 4. pp.69 'Graphic Society', Notice of forthcoming exhibition in May ; author not named, 10 Mar 1893

Vol I. Issue 4. pp.70-72 'School Notes', Amalgamation Club subscriptions; G.A. Clarkson; Aims and Objectives of lectures; Junior Staff Accommodation move to the Cottage; Reconfiguration of Offices and Wards; Lecture Room Clock inscription; Proposed Debating society;; author not named, 10 Mar 1893

Vol I. Issue 4. pp.72-73 'In the Wards', Mr Pick; Sarcoma of Buttock; Mr Bennett: Case of Endarteritis; Mr Rouse; Case of Gangrene of the feet; Mr Bennett; Inferior Dental nerve operation; Dr Dickinson; Two cases of enlarged lymphoid glands; Case of Bronchiectasis; Case of Congenital Syphilis; author not named, 10 Mar 1893

Vol I. Issue 4. pp.73-74 'The Hunterian Society', Reports of Meeting; Mr Ward; Dressings; ; author not named, 10 Mar 1893

Vol I. Issue 4. pp.74 'Dr F. Hewitt's paper', Notification of paper on The Administration of Anaesthetics;; author not named, 10 Mar 1893

Vol I. Issue 4. pp.74 'New Lamps for old', Exchange of old for new issues of the Gazette; author not named, 10 Mar 1893

Vol I. Issue 4. pp.74 'A Warning to Subscribers', Editions will not be reprinted; author not named, 10 Mar 1893

Vol I. Issue 4. pp.75 'Rugby Union Football Club', Report of special General meeting; February results; author not named, 10 Mar 1893

Vol I. Issue 4. pp.75-76 'Correspondence', Football Fiasco from An old Captain, second XV; Test Examinations from Nec Omnisciens Nec Omnino Nesciens; Ultra Vires, Complaints about lavatories and cloakrooms from X;; author not named, 10 Mar 1893

Vol I. Issue 4. pp.76 'Examination results', Indian Medical; author not named, 10 Mar 1893

Vol I. Issue 5. pp.77 'Contents ', List of Contents; author not named, 10 May 1893

Vol I. Issue 5. pp.77-83 'The Practice of Medicine at St George's Hospital Forty Years ago', 1852-1854; Drs Wilson, Page, Bence Jones and Pitman; Thomas Young, Notes of 145 cases; Blood letting, Cupping and Blisters; Treatment of Typhoid Fever; Treatment of Pneumonia; Treatment of Acute Rheumatism; ; W. Howship Dickinson, 10 May 1893

Vol I. Issue 5. pp.83 'In Weeks', 3rd May - 31st May; author not named, 10 May 1893

Vol I. Issue 5. pp.84-89 'Private Practices and Partnerships', Cost and Financial rewards of Medical qualifications and General practice; Medical Partnerships; ; F.R.C.S., 10 May 1893

Vol I. Issue 5. pp.89 'Examination results', Conjoint Board; Henry Charles Johnson Anatomy Prize; The Brodie Prize; Third Examination for MB Cambridge; author not named, 10 May 1893

Vol I. Issue 5. pp.90-91 'School Notes', April Examination Results; Discussion with His Grace of Westminster on structural alterations to the hospital; Loan of Hunterian relics to the Royal College of Surgeons for Centenary exhibition including Sofa; Retirement of Mr and Mrs McCalla, butler and housekeeper; Request for communications to be signed; Change of nomenclature for new House Physicians and Surgeons; author not named, 10 May 1893

Vol I. Issue 5. pp.91-92 'In the Wards', Mr Dent; Strangulated Meckel's diverticulum; Mr Carter; Enucleation for Sarcoma of the Eye; Death due to ureteric calculi;; author not named, 10 May 1893

Vol I. Issue 5. pp.92-93 'The Hunterian Society', Lee Dickinson's Paper, On the prevention of Heart Disease; ; author not named, 10 May 1893

Vol I. Issue 5. pp.93-94 'Dr F. Hewitt's paper', Discussion of Dr F Hewitt's paper, The Prevention of Difficulties and Accidents during the Administration of Anaesthesia; author not named, 10 May 1893

Vol I. Issue 5. pp.94 'Malaria', Discussion of textbook ' Notes on the Malarial Fevers' by W.H. Crosse; Anon, 10 May 1893

Vol I. Issue 5. pp.95-96 'Correspondence', The Proposed Debating Society from Dilemma; ; author not named, 10 May 1893

Vol I. Issue 5. pp.96 'Graphic Society', Notice of forthcoming exhibition in May ; Charles Slater, 10 May 1893

Vol I. Issue 5. pp.96 'Correspondence', Request for publication of details of Nurses leaving SGH in Gazette; A St George's Nurse, 10 May 1893

Vol I. Issue 6. pp.97 'Contents ', List of Contents; author not named, 10 Jun 1893

Vol I. Issue 6. pp.97-101 'The Practice of Medicine at St George's Hospital Forty Years ago', Treatment of Liver disease with Mercury; Treatment of Haemoptysis with Magnesium Sulphate; Treatment of Cholera with calomel; Post mortems on cholera cases; Dr Lee Dickinson; Dr Barclay; Comparison of Mortality rates between 1851-1854 and 1888-1891: Continued Fever [?Typhus] Pneumonia; Acute and subacute Rheumatism; Typhoid; Typhus; ; W. Howship Dickinson, 10 Jun 1893

Vol I. Issue 6. pp.102-108 'Private Practices and Partnerships', Setting up of General Practice and Partnerships; Setting of Fees and Bad debts; Social duties within the local community; Handling of personal finances; ; F.R.C.S., 10 Jun 1893

Vol I. Issue 6. pp.108-109 'The Graphic Society', Report of Fourth Exhibition; Dr Dakin; Dr Slater; Dr Drewitt; Mr Dent; Dr Brushfield; Dr Delepine; Surgeon Major Whipple; Mr Coulthard; Mr Bernhardt; Dr Dickinson; Mr Blandford; Dr W.Davis; Mr Ivon Hawes; Mr Propert; Mr G.H. Goldsmith; Mr G.C.B. Hawes; Mr F.J Allen; Mr Bridgman; Mr L. Hale; Dr Brigham; Dr Cavafy: Mr Hughes-Davies; Mr Reginald Thompson; Dr W.H. Davis; Dr John Ogle: Mr Kempson; Dr Drewitt; Mr Russell Wells; Dr Brigham;; author not named, 10 Jun 1893

Vol I. Issue 6. pp.110 'School Notes', Proposed statue of John Hunter; State of the Hospital Roof; ; author not named, 10 Jun 1893

Vol I. Issue 6. pp.110-112 'In Memoriam', Charles E.H. Cotes; ; S.S.S., 10 Jun 1893

Vol I. Issue 6. pp.112-114 'In the Wards', A Remarkable Case of Morphia Poisening; Dr Whipham; A case of abdominal Abscess; Dr Dickinson; Mr Rouse: Mr Dent;; author not named, 10 Jun 1893

Vol I. Issue 6. pp.114 'Society Meetings; The Graphic Society', Financial report: Dr Dickinson; author not named, 10 Jun 1893

Vol I. Issue 6. pp.114-115 'Society Meetings; Lawn Tennis Club', Financial report ; author not named, 10 Jun 1893

Vol I. Issue 6. pp.115 'Society Meetings; Library Meeting', Elections to Council; author not named, 10 Jun 1893

Vol I. Issue 6. pp.115 'Examination results', Cambridge M.B. Third examination; author not named, 10 Jun 1893

Vol I. Issue 6. pp.115 'Appointments', Appointments of House Surgeons and Physicians, Assistants and Junior Appointments; author not named, 10 Jun 1893

Vol I. Issue 6. pp.116 'Correspondence', Football at St George's from A "Soccer" Man; author not named, 10 Jun 1893

Vol I. Issue 7. pp.117 'Contents ', List of Contents [Title page states 18 June rather than 18 July 1893]; author not named, 18 Jul 1893

Vol I. Issue 7. pp.117-121 'The Evolution of the George's Man', Types of Students studying at St George's; Anon, 18 Jul 1893

Vol I. Issue 7. pp.121-123 'The Indian Medical Service', A review of the career prospects in the Indian Medical Service; S.J. Goldsmith, 18 Jul 1893

Vol I. Issue 7. pp.123-125 'A Few Points in Salmon- Lore', Gleaned from a Poacher's Notebook; ; Anon, 18 Jul 1893

Vol I. Issue 7. pp.125-126 'Interhospital Boat Races', Report and crew list for Hammersmith to Putney races; 22 June 1893; ; author not named, 18 Jul 1893

Vol I. Issue 7. pp.126 'The Sports', Report of Annual Sports; 17 June 1893; ; author not named, 18 Jul 1893

Vol I. Issue 7. pp.126 'Marriage', Ernest Le Cronier Lancaster to Annie Louise Chadborn; 12 July 1893; author not named, 18 Jul 1893

Vol I. Issue 7. pp.127-130 'School Notes', Dr Whipham's resignation as Dean; Appointment of Dr Isambard Owen as Dean; Appointment of Dr H.D. Rolleston and Dr Marmaduke Shield as Extra Assistant Physician; Resignation of Mr Ross from Demonstrator of Anatomy; Appointment of L. Cutler replacing J.W,Dickson; Retirement of W.H. Cooke and R. L Romer; Proposal for John Hunter memorial; Rowing Four sent to Henley; St George's at United Hospitals Sports; Francis Williams; ; author not named, 18 Jul 1893

Vol I. Issue 7. pp.130-132 'In the Wards', A Case of Enlargement of the Cranium; Dr Whipham; Hydrocephalus:; author not named, 18 Jul 1893

Vol I. Issue 7. pp.132 'Correspondence', Old St George's men monopolising the wards; C.R., 18 Jul 1893

Vol I. Issue 7. pp.132 'Appointments', Appointments, Prizes and Resignation; author not named, 18 Jul 1893

Vol I. Issue 8. pp.133 'Contents ', List of Contents; author not named, 20 Oct 1893

Vol I. Issue 8. pp.133-135 'A Benediction of Freshmen', Introduction to St George's for Freshmen: Examination systems for different Medical Qualifications; Methods of Study; ; author not named, 20 Oct 1893

Vol I. Issue 8. pp.135-139 'Gas and Ether', Review of the practice of Anaesthesia; Arthur H Ward, 20 Oct 1893

Vol I. Issue 8. pp.139-140 'The Army Medical Staff', A review of the career prospects in the Army Medical Staff; Surgeon-Lieutenant, 20 Oct 1893

Vol I. Issue 8. pp.141-144 'School Notes', Introductory Address to first year students; Review of appointments and resignations; Mr Holmes; The Hunterian Society: Dr Champneys: Annual Hospital Dinner 2 October 1893 attended by Duke of Cambridge; Reproductions of the portrait of John Hunter; Shooting team at Bisley; Changes in Resident staff for October 1893; Poor performance of Soccer football club; ; author not named, 20 Oct 1893

Vol I. Issue 8. pp.144-147 'In the Wards', Case of Mary MacLennan, sub-pleuric [sub-diaphragmatic] abscess and empyema due to gastric ulcer; Mr Pick; Mr Turner; postmortem by Dr Rolleston 16 September 1893 ; Anon, 20 Oct 1893

Vol I. Issue 8. pp.147-148 'Hunterian Society', Report of Lecture; Bacteriology as an aid to Diagnosis and Treatment by Dr Slater; ; Anon, 20 Oct 1893

Vol I. Issue 8. pp.148 'A Contribution from an anonymous Contributor on the Former Glories of the Boat Club', Review of old boat club performances in the Hospital cup at Henley in 1841-1845; Anon, 20 Oct 1893

Vol I. Issue 8. pp.149 'Rugby Football', Report of matches and performance of Rugby Football Team; C.A. Hill, 20 Oct 1893

Vol I. Issue 8. pp.149 'Books Received', Books received from H.K. Lewis; author not named, 20 Oct 1893

Vol I. Issue 8. pp.149 'Lecture Changes', Lecture time changes for Dr Whipham and Mr Dent; author not named, 20 Oct 1893

Vol I. Issue 8. pp.150 'Examination results', Conjoint Board; First Second and Third Examinations; Prizes awarded and Scholarships; author not named, 20 Oct 1893

Vol I. Issue 8. pp.151 'Appointments', Mr Lee Dickinson - Curator of Museum; Mr H.B. Grimsdale - Assistant Demonstrator of Anatomy; author not named, 20 Oct 1893

Vol I. Issue 8. pp.151 'House officers during the Quarter', List of Resident and non Resident House officers and Assitants from October-Dec 1893;; author not named, 20 Oct 1893

Vol I. Issue 8. pp.152 'Hunterian Society', Programme of Papers from October 1893 to March 1894; Dr Slater; Mr A.H.Ward; Dr Champneys; Dr J.W. Dickson; Dr G.E Hale; Mr H.W, Allingham; Dr W.K. Fyffe; Dr W.M. Davidson; author not named, 20 Oct 1893

Vol I. Issue 8. pp.152 'Marriages', Charles George Munro to Zella Rattray; Edward Towers Fison to Gertrude Mary King; author not named, 20 Oct 1893

Vol I. Issue 8. pp.152 'Birth', A Son to the wife of Hugh Lawson; author not named, 20 Oct 1893

Vol I. Issue 9. pp.153 'Contents ', List of Contents; author not named, 20 Nov 1893

Vol I. Issue 9. pp.153- 158 'Reminiscences of my House-Surgeoncy', The Tank Accident in 1876; 3 June 1876; Rupture of the water tank over the patient's lift; Flooding and smoke in Wright and Hollond wards; Mr Kay Shuttleworth; Subsequent death of 2 injured patients; Reports and sketches in newspapers of event; Photographs of tank in hospital collection; ; C.T. Dent, 20 Nov 1893

Vol I. Issue 9. pp.158-161 'Tetanus', Pathology and Microbiology of Tetanus; Toxicity of germ free filtrates; Immunity experiments in animals; Anti-Toxin; Treatment of Tetanus; ; author not named, 20 Nov 1893

Vol I. Issue 9. pp.162 'Hunterian Society', Report of Lectures: Traumatism by Mr A. H. Ward: Uterine Minor Displacements by Dr Champneys; ; author not named, 20 Nov 1893

Vol I. Issue 9. pp.163-164 'School Notes', Christmas Entertainments: Recent concert in Battersea; Poor performance of Soccer team; author not named, 20 Nov 1893

Vol I. Issue 9. pp.164-167 'In the Wards', Two cases of Acute Periostitis simulating Rheumatism; Dr Dickinson; Mr Rouse; Case of Ruptured Hydatid; Dr Ewart; Post mortem performed ; author not named, 20 Nov 1893

Vol I. Issue 9. pp.167-168 'Past Glories of the Boat Club', Report of performance of boat club at Henley Regatta and in Putney 1842; Anon, 20 Nov 1893

Vol I. Issue 9. pp.169- 170 'Rugby Football Club', Report of Matches and performance of Rugby Football Team in October and November 1893; author not named, 20 Nov 1893

Vol I. Issue 9. pp.170 'Birth', A Son to the wife of John Stafford Mellish; author not named, 20 Nov 1893

Vol I. Issue 9. pp.170 'Marriage', Robert Leslie Romer to Eva Parbury; Charles Atkin Swan to Mary Harriett Blunt;; author not named, 20 Nov 1893

Vol I. Issue 9. pp.171 'A Microscopic Tragedy', A Poem; J.B., 20 Nov 1893

Vol I. Issue 9. pp.171 'Examination results', Conjoint Board October 1893; author not named, 20 Nov 1893

Vol I. Issue 9. pp.172 'Correspondence', The House appointments from Gerald R Baldwin: Possible exclusion of London students from House appointments in favour of Oxford and Cambridge students; ; author not named, 20 Nov 1893

Vol I. Issue 9. pp.173 'Covers for Binding vol 1', Details on how to obtain covers for binding; author not named, 20 Nov 1893

Vol I. Issue 9. pp.174 'Dr Dickinson', Illustration of Dr Dickinson reporduced from the Daily Graphic: Dr Dickinson delivering the Harveian Oration before the Royal College of Physicians 1891; author not named, 20 Nov 1893

Vol I. Issue 10. pp.175 'Contents ', List of Contents; author not named, 13 Dec 1893

Vol I. Issue 10. pp.175-176 'Volume I. A Retrospect and an Appeal', Review of the first year of publication of the Gazette; Anon, 13 Dec 1893

Vol I. Issue 10. pp.176-180 'The Epidemic of Typhoid at Worthing', From a paper read at the Hunterian Society; Dr J.W.Dickson, 13 Dec 1893

Vol I. Issue 10. pp.180-182 'Past Glories of the Boat Club', Henley Regatta 1843, St George's Boat Club and Royal Academy Boat Club, First Thames Regatta 1843,; author not named, 13 Dec 1893

Vol I. Issue 10. pp.182 'Rugby Football Club', Reports of matches and results and fixtures November 1893; author not named, 13 Dec 1893

Vol I. Issue 10. pp.182 'Examination results', Final MB, London University exam results; author not named, 13 Dec 1893

Vol I. Issue 10. pp.183 'Eminent St George's Men', No 1, William Howship Dickinson. From a Photograph by Mr Melhuish of Pall Mall; author not named, 13 Dec 1893

Vol I. Issue 10. pp.185-188 'Some Practical Points in Medical Treatment', History of old medical treatments, bleeding, leeches, treatment of acute rheumatism, typhoid, pneumonia, cirrhosis, hypnotism.; Richard Sisley, 13 Dec 1893

Vol I. Issue 10. pp.189-191 'School Notes', Circulation figures, Return to work of Mr Rouse after illness, Resignation of Nurse Wheatley, Cambridge entry figures, Retirement of Dr Dickinson, Appeal for clothes for destitute patients, ; author not named, 13 Dec 1893

Vol I. Issue 10. pp.191-192 'Correspondence', The Tank Accident from Hospital Porters, House appointments from Fairplay, House appointments from A.S.Ransome and J.Nachbar; author not named, 13 Dec 1893

Vol II. Issue 11. pp.1 'Contents ', Listof Contents; author not named, 20 Jan 1894

Vol II. Issue 11. pp.1-2 'Prologue', Response to Appeal for guarantors. Request for contributions; author not named, 20 Jan 1894

Vol II. Issue 11. pp.2-7 'Notes on the Ethnology of the British Isles', Anthropological classification by Head type and skin type. Races of the British Isles. ; J.Foster Palmer F.R.Hist.S., 20 Jan 1894

Vol II. Issue 11. pp.7 'The Dr Dickinson Testimonial', Proposed presentation of Testimonial to Dr Dickinson on his retirement; author not named, 20 Jan 1894

Vol II. Issue 11. pp.8-11 'Tobacco Smoking', History and Health effects of Tobacco smoking; Dr W.L.Dickinson, 20 Jan 1894

Vol II. Issue 11. pp.11 'Pulchum in Deforme (A Roundel)', Poem; T.P., 20 Jan 1894

Vol II. Issue 11. pp.12-14 'School Notes', Departure of Mr Cutler. Pathology teaching of Dr Rolleston, Lectures of Mr Dent and Dr Dickinson, Subscriptions, Christmas decorations 1893, Non delivery of letters within the school, Tea for the Patients Dec 1893, Good performance in Second examination in Anatomy and Physiology; author not named, 20 Jan 1894

Vol II. Issue 11. pp.15-18 'Correspondence', Delivery of Letters in the School from 'Letters', Anatomy teaching from 'Those who were up for Anatomy', Dressers and House Surgeons and Physicians from 'Embroyo', Appointments of Cambridge vs St George's men to posts from Gerald R. Baldwin; author not named, 20 Jan 1894

Vol II. Issue 11. pp.18 'Examination results', London MB Final, Cambridge MB Third Exam, First and Second Exam of Conjoint board; author not named, 20 Jan 1894

Vol II. Issue 11. pp.18 'Deaths', Richard Emmett aged 13 months, Arthur Thomas Myers age 42, ; author not named, 20 Jan 1894

Vol II. Issue 11. pp.19-20 'Our 'Topical'', Humorous exchange between a Youthful physician and a Nurse in the style of a Pantomime; author not named, 20 Jan 1894

Vol II. Issue 11. pp.20 'House officers during the Quarter', January to March 1894; author not named, 20 Jan 1894

Vol II. Issue 12. pp.21 'Contents ', List of Contents; author not named, 20 Feb 1894

Vol II. Issue 12. pp.21-24 'Alcoholism in Out-Patient Practice', Dealing with Alcoholism in Out-Patient Practice; G. Rayleigh Vicars, 20 Feb 1894

Vol II. Issue 12. pp.24-25 'Meckel's Diverticulum', Report of two case studies of Meckel's Diverticulum; G.A.Clarkson, 20 Feb 1894

Vol II. Issue 12. pp.25-26 'A Suggestion', The Duties of a Consulting Physician; Richard Sisley, 20 Feb 1894

Vol II. Issue 12. pp.26 'The Dr Dickinson Testimonial', Report on the support for the Dr Dickinson testimonial; author not named, 20 Feb 1894

Vol II. Issue 12. pp.27-28 'Hunterian Society', Reports of recent meetings. The Pathology of Chronic Rheumatoid Arthritis by Dr Hale, Abdominal Surgery by Mr Herbert Allingham, ; author not named, 20 Feb 1894

Vol II. Issue 12. pp.28 'A Fable up to Date', Satirical piece; F.R.C.S., 20 Feb 1894

Vol II. Issue 12. pp.29-30 'Rugby Union Football Club', Format of Games in Interhospital cup, Recent results; author not named, 20 Feb 1894

Vol II. Issue 12. pp.30 'Death ', Joseph L. Dashington aged 56; author not named, 20 Feb 1894

Vol II. Issue 12. pp.31-33 'High and Lowe. (Beginning with Lowe)', Article about and including photograph of Mr Lowe, Librarian.; Anon, 20 Feb 1894

Vol II. Issue 12. pp.33 'In Memoriam', Obituary of Joseph Laurie Dashington, Late Night Porter; author not named, 20 Feb 1894

Vol II. Issue 12. pp.34-37 'School Notes', Dr Dickinson's last ward round, Response to letter by Embroyo, Debating society, Mr Bennet's clinical lectures, Appointment of Dr Leonard Remfry, List of In-Weeks; author not named, 20 Feb 1894

Vol II. Issue 12. pp.38 'In the Wards', Case of Acute Pemphigus; author not named, 20 Feb 1894

Vol II. Issue 12. pp.39 'Correspondence', Bandaging class from H.B.M, Use of phonograph for teaching from Walter Lattey, Letters from the Porters, St Georges, ; author not named, 20 Feb 1894

Vol II. Issue 12. pp.40 'Examination results', First Examination January 1894, Third Examination January 1894; author not named, 20 Feb 1894

Vol II. Issue 12. pp.40 'Books Received', Orkney, Past and Present by Mr J.Foster Palmer, The use of Anaesthetics in Midwifery by Dr Robert Boxall, A Guide to the Public Medical Services by Surgeon-Major Faulkner; author not named, 20 Feb 1894

Vol II. Issue 13. pp.41 'Contents ', List of Contents; author not named, 19 Mar 1894

Vol II. Issue 13. pp.41-49 'History of Nursing at St George's Hospital', History of Nursing at St George's Hospital from 1600s to 1789; C.T.Dent, 19 Mar 1894

Vol II. Issue 13. pp.50-53 'Notes on the Ethnology of the British Isles', II. The Celtic Races. The Gaels and the Scots; J.Foster Palmer F.R.Hist.S., 19 Mar 1894

Vol II. Issue 13. pp.53-54 'Hunterian Society', Reports of recent meetings. Antiseptic treatment of Phthisis by Dr W.K.Fyffe, The influence of the Mind upon the Body in Health and Disease by Dr W.M.Davidson; author not named, 19 Mar 1894

Vol II. Issue 13. pp.54 'Dr Dickinson Testimonial', Update on the Dr Dickinson Testimonial; author not named, 19 Mar 1894

Vol II. Issue 13. pp.55-57 'School Notes', Subscriptions, Reading in the Library, Electricity as a remedy, Football Club Smoking Concert, Inter-Hospital cup ties, Nursing Lectures, Bust of John Hunter commissioned from Alfred Gilbert RA, Graphic society exhibition, Dr Ogle appointed as Curator to the Museum, ; author not named, 19 Mar 1894

Vol II. Issue 13. pp.57-58 'In the Wards', Cases of Aortic Aneurism under Dr Whipham and Dr Ewart; author not named, 19 Mar 1894

Vol II. Issue 13. pp.59-60 'In Memoriam', Obituary of Surgeon Charles Dickinson R.N. ; V.D., 19 Mar 1894

Vol II. Issue 13. pp.60 'Football', Reports of matches with London Scottish and University College Hospital; author not named, 19 Mar 1894

Vol II. Issue 14. pp.61 'Contents ', List of Contents; author not named, 16 May 1894

Vol II. Issue 14. pp.61-71 'History of Nursing at St George's Hospital', History of Nursing at St George's Hospital from 1700s to 1850s; C.T.Dent, 16 May 1894

Vol II. Issue 14. pp.71-73 'The Dr Dickinson Testimonial', Report of the Dr Dickinson Testimonial on April 10 1894, Attended by Duke of Cambridge, ; author not named, 16 May 1894

Vol II. Issue 14. pp.73-74 'Students' Concert', Report of First student Concert April 5th and 6th; author not named, 16 May 1894

Vol II. Issue 14. pp.74 'In Weeks', May and June 1894; author not named, 16 May 1894

Vol II. Issue 14. pp.75-76 'School Notes', Appointments and Prizes, April Examination results, Dissecting room models, Recently elected Fellows of the Royal College of Physicians, Drs Lee Dickinson and Dr Rolleston; author not named, 16 May 1894

Vol II. Issue 14. pp.76-78 'In the Wards', Treatment of Perforation of Viscera by Laparotomy by Mr Haward, Treatment of Pyloric perforation by Mr Bennett, ; author not named, 16 May 1894

Vol II. Issue 14. pp.78-79 'Rugby Union Football Club', Report of recent fixtures; author not named, 16 May 1894

Vol II. Issue 14. pp.80 'Examination results', First, Second and Final examinations of the Conjoint Board, Cambridge MB and BC Final examinations; author not named, 16 May 1894

Vol II. Issue 14. pp.80 'House officers during the Quarter', House Officers April-July 1894; author not named, 16 May 1894

Vol II. Issue 15. pp.81 'Contents ', List of Contents; author not named, 27 Jun 1894

Vol II. Issue 15. pp.81-82 'The Anatomical Collection', Dissecting room Anatomical Casts, teaching specimens and bones.; author not named, 27 Jun 1894

Vol II. Issue 15. pp.82-89 'History of Nursing at St George's Hospital', History of Nursing at St George's Hospital from 1820s- 1850s. References to Crimean war and Florence Nightingale; C.T.Dent, 27 Jun 1894

Vol II. Issue 15. pp.89-91 'In the Wards', Treatment of Tumours of the Thigh by Mr Haward, Mr Rouse, Sarcoma, Gumma; author not named, 27 Jun 1894

Vol II. Issue 15. pp.91-94 'Parasitic Protozoa', Pathology and Microbiology of Parasitic Diseases; George A. Buckmaster, 27 Jun 1894

Vol II. Issue 15. pp.95- 97 'School Notes', Death from Yellow Fever of Nurse Clayton in Rio Janeiro, Nurses Examinations, Retirement of Mr Dent from Lectureship in Practical Surgery, Length of Lectures, Marriage of Dr Rolleston 18 June 1894, Lawn Tennis Club, Annual Dinner of Hunterian Society, Brackenbury Prize in Surgery and Medicine; author not named, 27 Jun 1894

Vol II. Issue 15. pp.97-98 'The Graphic Society', Fifth Exhibition of the Graphic Society; , 27 Jun 1894

Vol II. Issue 15. pp.98-99 'Rugby Union Football Club', Report of AGM; author not named, 27 Jun 1894

Vol II. Issue 15. pp.99 'The In-dresser', Poem; G.H.R, 27 Jun 1894

Vol II. Issue 15. pp.100 'In Weeks', June-July 1894; author not named, 27 Jun 1894

Vol II. Issue 15. pp.100 'Examination results', First and Primary examinations for the FRCS; author not named, 27 Jun 1894

Vol II. Issue 15. pp.100 'Correspondence', Request for retiming of Forensic medical lectures from 'Dresser'; author not named, 27 Jun 1894

Vol II. Issue 16. pp.101 'Contents ', List of Contents; author not named, 27 Jul 1894

Vol II. Issue 16. pp.101-102 'Editorial', Comment on BMJ Article of 23 June 1894 re Testimonial to Dr Dickinson; author not named, 27 Jul 1894

Vol II. Issue 16. pp.102-106 'History of the St George's Hospital Hunterian Society', History of formation of the Medical Society, {subsequently the Hunterian Society} 1832, Minutes , membership and record books from 1832-1861, Samuel Lane, E.Cutler, J.H Hammerton, Henry Charles and Henry James Johnson, James Johnstone, James Merriman, Charles Hawkins, Cornwallis Hewitt, M. {Michael} Faraday, Sir Benjamin Brodie, Caesar Hawkins, G.G.Babington, Sir C.M.Clarke, W.F.Chambers, R.Keate, Frank Buckland, John T. Mould, Mr O.B.Cooper, ; G.R.Turner, 27 Jul 1894

Vol II. Issue 16. pp.106-110 'Hunterian Lectures', Reports of Lectures at the Royal College of Surgeons. Diseases of the Ends of the Long bones in Children by Mr Pick, ; author not named, 27 Jul 1894

Vol II. Issue 16. pp.110-111 'Hunterian Society', Report of General Meeting of the Hunterian Society. 28 June 1894. ; author not named, 27 Jul 1894

Vol II. Issue 16. pp.111 'Dolor, Calor, Rubor, et Tumor', Poem; author not named, 27 Jul 1894

Vol II. Issue 16. pp.112-113 'School Notes', Dr Rolleston's Wedding, Mr Pick's Hunterian Lectures, Renaming of Head nurses with honorary title 'Sister', ; author not named, 27 Jul 1894

Vol II. Issue 16. pp.113-115 'In the Wards', Pelvic injury caused by a Horse under Mr Haward, died 18 July 1894 with postmortem, Acute periostitis simulating Rheumatism under Dr Whipham, ; author not named, 27 Jul 1894

Vol II. Issue 16. pp.116 'The Dr Dickinson Testimonial', Report of the presentation of the Dr Dickinson Testimonial at Grosvenor house on 18 June 1894, Portrait of Dr Dickinson by John Collier, ; author not named, 27 Jul 1894

Vol II. Issue 16. pp.117 'The Athletic sports', Report of 1894 Annual Athletic at Stamford Bridge,; author not named, 27 Jul 1894

Vol II. Issue 16. pp.117-118 'Inter-Hospital Challenge Cup Races', Results of Inter-Hospital Challenge cup rowing races with St Thomas's; author not named, 27 Jul 1894

Vol II. Issue 16. pp.118 'Correspondence', Comment on Poem in previous issue; G.H.R, 27 Jul 1894

Vol II. Issue 16. pp.118-119 'Review of Books', Diseases of the Nose and Throat by F De Havilland Hall; author not named, 27 Jul 1894

Vol II. Issue 16. pp.119 'In Weeks', July-August 1894; author not named, 27 Jul 1894

Vol II. Issue 16. pp.119 'House officers during the Quarter', July-October 1894; author not named, 27 Jul 1894

Vol II. Issue 16. pp.120 'Classified Advertisem*nts', Brand and Co's Specialities for Invalids, G. Van Abbott and Sons Gluten and Soya bread and biscuits for Diabetes; author not named, 27 Jul 1894

Vol II. Issue 17. pp.121 'Contents ', List of Contents; author not named, 3 Oct 1894

Vol II. Issue 17. pp.121-123 'St George and the Dragon', Satirical piece about Surgical Sepsis; author not named, 3 Oct 1894

Vol II. Issue 17. pp.123-124 'St George's Hospital in the Long', St George's Hospital in the Long Vacation; author not named, 3 Oct 1894

Vol II. Issue 17. pp.124-127 'History of the St George's Hospital Hunterian Society continued', History of the Hunterian Society from 1850s-1864, Mr Athol Johnson, Mr Holmes, Mr Pollock, Reports of Lectures and Meetings, ; G.R.Turner, 3 Oct 1894

Vol II. Issue 17. pp.128-130 'School Notes', Introductory Address by Dr Isambard Owen, Sir William Dalby, Staff Changes, Appointment of Drs Remfry, Wilson and Dickson, New Medical School Prospectus, Amalgamation Club meeting, Non awarding of Sir Charles Clarke's Prize for general good conduct.; author not named, 3 Oct 1894

Vol II. Issue 17. pp.131-132 'In the Wards', Colotomy operations by Mr Dent and Mr Shield, ; author not named, 3 Oct 1894

Vol II. Issue 17. pp.132-133 'Three Opthalmic Cases', Injuries of the Eye, Mr Brudenell Carter, ; author not named, 3 Oct 1894

Vol II. Issue 17. pp.133-134 'The Inter-Hospital Lawn Tennis Cup', Results of Inter-Hospital Lawn Tennis cup; author not named, 3 Oct 1894

Vol II. Issue 17. pp.134 'Correspondence', Correction to article on Nursing at St George's Hospital published in issue II, 15 82-89; C. Dent, 3 Oct 1894

Vol II. Issue 17. pp.134-135 'Correspondence', Comment on Teaching and Examination coaching, Dr Rolleston's Pathology classes, ; Frank Morley, 3 Oct 1894

Vol II. Issue 17. pp.135 'A Lay of the Dissecting-Room', Poem; G.H.R, 3 Oct 1894

Vol II. Issue 17. pp.136 'Appointments', Appointments to other Hospitals and Army and Indian Medical Services; author not named, 3 Oct 1894

Vol II. Issue 17. pp.136-137 'St George's Hospital Medical School', Prizes and Examination results, Conjoint, London University, LSA and Cambridge University; author not named, 3 Oct 1894

Vol II. Issue 17. pp.137 'Births', A Son to A.E.C.Arnold, A daughter to G.S.Clarke; author not named, 3 Oct 1894

Vol II. Issue 17. pp.137 'Marriages', Percy Pope to Laura Margaret Gibb, Geoffrey Edward Hale to Mary Kynaston; author not named, 3 Oct 1894

Vol II. Issue 17. pp.138 'In Weeks', October 1894; author not named, 3 Oct 1894

Vol II. Issue 17. pp.138 'House officers during the Quarter', October 1894 - January 1895; author not named, 3 Oct 1894

Vol II. Issue 18. pp.139 'Contents ', Listof Contents; author not named, 3 Nov 1894

Vol II. Issue 18. pp.139-144 'Some Fragments of a Retrospect', I 25 years experience at St George's 1869-1894 starting as a medical student, Kinnerton Street, Mr Garnell, Librarian, Use of Reading room for Coroners' inquests, ; William H. Bennett, 3 Nov 1894

Vol II. Issue 18. pp.144-147 'History of the St George's Hunterian Society', History of the St George's Hunterian Society continued. 1865-1871. Reports of meetings and speakers; author not named, 3 Nov 1894

Vol II. Issue 18. pp.147 'A Note on the Anatomy of the Lumbosacral Cord', The Anatomy of the Lumbosacral Cord; H.B.Grimsdale, 3 Nov 1894

Vol II. Issue 18. pp.148-150 'School Notes', Marriage of Dr Penrose, Annual Hospital Dinner 1 Oct 1894, Appointments, Award of Sir Charles Clarke's prize.; author not named, 3 Nov 1894

Vol II. Issue 18. pp.150-151 'In the Wards', Case of Internal Strangulation, Mr Shield, ; author not named, 3 Nov 1894

Vol II. Issue 18. pp.151 'St George's Hospital Hunterian Society', Recent Meetings, Primary Syphilis by Mr Ward, ; author not named, 3 Nov 1894

Vol II. Issue 18. pp.152 'Football', Report of recent fixture; author not named, 3 Nov 1894

Vol II. Issue 18. pp.152-158 'History of Anaesthetics', History of Anaesthetics with special reference to their introduction at St George's Hospital, Sir Humphry Davy, Dr John Snow, Mr Henry James Johnson, Administration of Chloroform by John Snow to the Queen {Victoria} in Childbirth; author not named, 3 Nov 1894

Vol II. Issue 18. pp.158 'Marriage', Francis George Penrose to Mary Helen Walters; author not named, 3 Nov 1894

Vol II. Issue 19. pp.Insert facing 159 'Photograph', Photographic portrait of Sir Henry Acland; Untitled, 6 Dec 1894

Vol II. Issue 19. pp.159 'Contents ', List of Contents; author not named, 6 Dec 1894

Vol II. Issue 19. pp.159-160 'Distinguished St George's Men', Portrait and biography of Sir Henry Acland, Regius Professor of Medicine, University of Oxford; author not named, 6 Dec 1894

Vol II. Issue 19. pp.161-165 'Some Fragments of a Retrospect', II Teaching at St George's, Poor conduct of students in teaching sessions, ; William H. Bennett, 6 Dec 1894

Vol II. Issue 19. pp.165-167 'In the Wards', Case of presumed poisoning, ; author not named, 6 Dec 1894

Vol II. Issue 19. pp.167 'Amalgamation Club', Report of Meeting 30 October 1894; author not named, 6 Dec 1894

Vol II. Issue 19. pp.167 'The Veteran Stethoscope', Poem; G.H.R, 6 Dec 1894

Vol II. Issue 19. pp.168-170 'School Notes', Changes proposed by new Dean, New methods of Lecture illustration, New Lavatories, Post mortem announcements, Examination results, ; author not named, 6 Dec 1894

Vol II. Issue 19. pp.170-173 'St George's Hospital Hunterian Society', Recent Meetings, Strabismus by Mr H.B. Grimsdale, Internal derangements of the Knee Joint by Mr Herbert Allingham, Case of Diabetes by Mr Paul Jones, Case of Pyloric stenosis treated by Gastro-Jejunal bypass by Mr Herbert Allingham, ; author not named, 6 Dec 1894

Vol II. Issue 19. pp.173-176 'Football', Reports of recent football fixtures; author not named, 6 Dec 1894

Vol II. Issue 19. pp.176-177 'Appointments', Appointments to other Hospitals, Conjoint board results; author not named, 6 Dec 1894

Vol II. Issue 19. pp.177 'Review ', Medical Nursing by Dr James Anderson, On Gangrene of the Limbs following Typhoid Fever by F Dawtry Dewitt; author not named, 6 Dec 1894

Vol II. Issue 19. pp.177-178 'Births', A daughter to G.E.Bloxham, A son to Surgeon Captain H.E. Drake-Brockman; author not named, 6 Dec 1894

Vol II. Issue 19. pp.178 'Marriages', O.W. Andrews to Florence Augusta Howard, Arthur E Chilcott to Isabel Mary Brookes, Thomas Wilson Parry to Sophie Minnie Amelia Cole; author not named, 6 Dec 1894

Vol II. Issue 19. pp.178 'Death', William F. Dewsnap, 1862-1894, from enteric fever; author not named, 6 Dec 1894

Vol III. Issue 20. pp.1 'Contents ', List of Contents; author not named, 8 Jan 1895

Vol III. Issue 20. pp.1-5 'Dr Octavius Sturges', Dr Octavius Sturges 1833-1894, Died on Saturday 3 November from Injuries inflicted by a Hansom Cab eight days previously; W.H.D, 8 Jan 1895

Vol III. Issue 20. pp.5-9 'Some Fragments of a Retrospect', III. Reminiscences of training and working at St George's 1869-1894. The Students' Journal 1871, Deposition of Plaster anatomical models with Royal Academy of Arts by the Medical School Committee circa 1870, The Story of Two Plaster Casts, Tinsley's Magazine 1870-1874; William H. Bennett, 8 Jan 1895

Vol III. Issue 20. pp.10-12 'School Notes', Appeal for contributions and subscriptions, Proposed second operating theatre 1895, Appointment of Mr Rouseas Consulting Surgeon, Funding of books for the Library, Appointment of Mr Grimsdale as Assistant Opthalmic Surgeon, ; author not named, 8 Jan 1895

Vol III. Issue 20. pp.13-17 'History of the St George's Hunterian Society', History of Hunterian Society from 1871-1881 , Reports of Meetings, Restarting of Society in 1885, Full List of Presidents and Secretaries from 1832-1895.; author not named, 8 Jan 1895

Vol III. Issue 20. pp.18 'Football Notes', Results of recent fixtures; author not named, 8 Jan 1895

Vol III. Issue 20. pp.18-19 'Rugby Football Club', Reports and results of recent fixtures; C.N.C., 8 Jan 1895

Vol III. Issue 20. pp.19-20 'Review', Diseases of the Eary by Marmaduke Shield, Manual of Practical Morbid Anatomy by H.D.Rolleston and A.A. Kanthrick; author not named, 8 Jan 1895

Vol III. Issue 20. pp.20 'In Weeks', January to Early February 1895 and House officers January to April 1895; author not named, 8 Jan 1895

Vol III. Issue 2 {21}. pp.21-26 'Some Fragments of a Retrospect', Conclusion. Bust of Dr Carpue, Anatomist, by W Behrens 1847, Mr Prescott Hewitt, Mr Henry Lee, E.C.Stirling, ; William H. Bennett, 13 Feb 1895

Vol III. Issue 2 {21}. pp.26-31 'A Day's Pike-Fishing in the Cambridge Fens', A Day's Pike-Fishing in the Cambridge Fens; Rus in Urbe, 13 Feb 1895

Vol III. Issue 2 {21}. pp.31-32 'Hunterian Society', Recent Meetings, Amputation at the Hip Joint by Mr Baldwin, ; author not named, 13 Feb 1895

Vol III. Issue 2 {21}. pp.33-35 'School Notes', Appointment of Mr Timothy Holmes as Treasurer to the Hospital, Sir Russell Reynolds lecture 'Types of Medical Students', delivered 1864. Christmas entertainments, Forthcoming retirement of Mr Rouse, Appointment of Dr Russell Wells as Assistant Curator of the Museum, ; author not named, 13 Feb 1895

Vol III. Issue 2 {21}. pp.36 'In the Wards', Paralytic fits in a 21 year old under Dr Ewart; author not named, 13 Feb 1895

Vol III. Issue 2 {21}. pp.37 'The Nurses' Concert', Review of the recent concert; author not named, 13 Feb 1895

Vol III. Issue 2 {21}. pp.38 'Smoking Concert', First Smoking Concert of the Amalgamation club; author not named, 13 Feb 1895

Vol III. Issue 2 {21}. pp.38-39 'Appointments', Appointments to other hospitals; author not named, 13 Feb 1895

Vol III. Issue 2 {21}. pp.39 'Pass List', Results of recent examinations of Royal College of Surgeons, London University, Apothecaries Hall, Oxford and Cambridge; author not named, 13 Feb 1895

Vol III. Issue 2 {21}. pp.39 'In Weeks', February 1895; author not named, 13 Feb 1895

Vol III. Issue 2 {21}. pp.40 'Birth', A Daughter to Ernest Laurie Robinson; author not named, 13 Feb 1895

Vol III. Issue 2 {21}. pp.40 'Marriages', Frederick Wadham to Mary E Taylor, Frank Carlyon Rundle to Beatrice Harvey, Willam Augustine Ellison to Catherine May Murray; author not named, 13 Feb 1895

Vol III. Issue 2 {21}. pp.40 'Death', Edmund Charles Johnson ; author not named, 13 Feb 1895

Vol III. Issue 22. pp.41 'Contents ', List of Contents; author not named, 13 Mar 1895

Vol III. Issue 22. pp.41-49 'The Administration of Anaesthetics', Contemporary practice of the Administration of Anaesthetics; Dr W.M. Davidson, 13 Mar 1895

Vol III. Issue 22. pp.49-50 'The Hunterian Museum', History of the Hunterian Museum, Royal College of Surgeons, John Hunter, Sir Astley Cooper, Mr Liston, Napoleon's Intestinal tumour, ; author not named, 13 Mar 1895

Vol III. Issue 22. pp.51-53 'School Notes', Dr Rolleston to deliver Goulstonian Lectures at the Royal College of Physicians, Dr G. Fielding to give Lumlein Lectures, Performance of Football team including Poem from Bart's Journal, ; author not named, 13 Mar 1895

Vol III. Issue 22. pp.54-55 'Hunterian Society', Recent meetings of the Hunterian Society, Dr Dakin o, on the Menopause, Case of Scleroderma in a Pearl Diver, Gastrointestinal operations by Mr H. Allingham and Mr Bennett. Mr Baldwin and Mr France, Case of Intussusception, Mr Allingham, Sarcoma of the Kidney in a 3 year old, Mr Dent, Amputation for Gangrene, Mr Menzies, Amputation for Femoral artery aneurysm.; author not named, 13 Mar 1895

Vol III. Issue 22. pp.55 'Examination results', Results of recent examinations in Midwifery, Medicine and Surgery, Intermediat MB examination; author not named, 13 Mar 1895

Vol III. Issue 22. pp.55-56 'Football', Report of recent Football match; author not named, 13 Mar 1895

Vol III. Issue 22. pp.56-57 'Correspondence', Letter from a Probationer from A Blue Prob, Medical Defence Union membership from A.Marmaduke Shield; author not named, 13 Mar 1895

Vol III. Issue 22. pp.57-59 'St George and the Dragon', The legend of St George and the Dragon; C.A Hill, 13 Mar 1895

Vol III. Issue 22. pp.59-60 'The Seven Ages', Poem; author not named, 13 Mar 1895

Vol III. Issue 22. pp.60 'Review of Books', Handbook of Diseases of the Eye by Henry R Swanzy, The Aseptic Treatment of Wounds by Dr C Schimmelbusch translated by Alfred Rake; author not named, 13 Mar 1895

Vol III. Issue 23. pp.61 'Contents ', Listof Contents; author not named, 22 May 1895

Vol III. Issue 23. pp.61-63 'St George and the Dragon. II', Satirical Piece; St George, 22 May 1895

Vol III. Issue 23. pp.64-68 'De Senectute', The problem of Old Age; T. Holmes, 22 May 1895

Vol III. Issue 23. pp.68-69 'A Song of St George's', A Song of St George's; J.B. and G.H.R., 22 May 1895

Vol III. Issue 23. pp.69-71 'Hunterian Society', Recent meetings of the Hunterian Society, Dr Cyril Ogle on Intestinal Obstruction, Election of officers for ensuing session, ; author not named, 22 May 1895

Vol III. Issue 23. pp.72-74 'School Notes', Mr Allingham appointed as successor to Mr Rouse, Mr Dent elected to full surgeoncy, Mr Timothy Holmes and Mr William H. Dickinson to give lectures, Proposal for photograph of current staff, Funding of the Library, Henry Charles Johnson Prize in Anatomy funding, Mr Frederick Webb to fund new Bacteriology prize, Dr Manson appointed lecturer on Tropical Diseases, Ratcliffe Travelling Fellowship awarded to Mr Arthur Latham, ; author not named, 22 May 1895

Vol III. Issue 23. pp.74-76 'Football', Review of the past football season; author not named, 22 May 1895

Vol III. Issue 23. pp.76-77 'The Amalgamation Club Smoking Concert', Report of recent Amalgamation club smoking concert; author not named, 22 May 1895

Vol III. Issue 23. pp.77-80 'James Hope M.D. F.R.S.', The life of Dr James Hope, St George's Physician from 1834 to 1841; H.D.R {Rolleston}, 22 May 1895

Vol III. Issue 23. pp.80-81 'Correspondence', Forthcoming Exhibition of the Graphic Society from Chas.Slater; author not named, 22 May 1895

Vol III. Issue 23. pp.81 'Examination results', Results of recent conjoint and apothecaries examinations; author not named, 22 May 1895

Vol III. Issue 23. pp.81 'Appointments', Appointments of St George's doctors to other hospitals; author not named, 22 May 1895

Vol III. Issue 23. pp.82 'In Weeks', May and early June 1895; author not named, 22 May 1895

Vol III. Issue 23. pp.82 'House Officers ', House Officers April-July 1895; author not named, 22 May 1895

Vol III. Issue 23. pp.82 'Births', A daughter to Bonville Bradley Fox, A daughter to Dr Brodie, A Son to Dr H.D.Rolleston, A son to Albert Dickie; author not named, 22 May 1895

Vol III. Issue 23. pp.82 'Death', William Metcalfe L.S.A.; author not named, 22 May 1895

Vol III. Issue 24. pp.83 'Contents ', List of Contents; author not named, 21 Jun 1895

Vol III. Issue 24. pp.83-90 'Psychological Studies', No. 1 Samuel Pepys; G.Fielding Blandford, 21 Jun 1895

Vol III. Issue 24. pp.90-96 'De Senectute', Part II The problem of Old Age continued; T. Holmes, 21 Jun 1895

Vol III. Issue 24. pp.97-100 'School Notes', Refurbishment of the Reading Room, List of Deans of the Medical School since 1868, Andrew Barclay, Timothy Holmes, William Wadham, Thomas Whipham, Isabard Owen, Photograph of Dr Wadham, Receipt of Mr D'Arcy Power's Surgical Diseases of Children, Graphic Society Exhibition held in the Museum, Lawn Tennis Club, Results of recent rowing matches, Mr Holmes's Hunterian Lectures, New Staff Nurses arrival, ; author not named, 21 Jun 1895

Vol III. Issue 24. pp.100-102 'Antique Dentistry', History of Dentistry; {Henry L.Albert}, 21 Jun 1895

Vol III. Issue 24. pp.102 'Examination results', Results of recent Conjoint, Cambridge and Primary Fellowship examinations; author not named, 21 Jun 1895

Vol III. Issue 24. pp.102 'Appointments', Appointments of St George's doctors to other hospitals; author not named, 21 Jun 1895

Vol III. Issue 24. pp.102 'Marriage', Stephen Thomas Salter to Edith Mary Myhill; author not named, 21 Jun 1895

Vol III. Issue 24. pp.102 'Death', May Davidson, wife of W. Marshall Davidson; author not named, 21 Jun 1895

Vol III. Issue 25. pp.Insert Facing page 103 'Photograph', Photographic portrait of Sir Prescott Hewett; author not named, 19 Jul 1895

Vol III. Issue 25. pp.103 'Contents ', List of Contents; author not named, 19 Jul 1895

Vol III. Issue 25. pp.103-107 'Distinguished St George's Men', Sir Prescott Hewett, Recording Postmortem records back to 1840s, Curator of Museum, Consulting Surgeon, Sergeant Surgeon to the Queen {Victoria}, ; author not named, 19 Jul 1895

Vol III. Issue 25. pp.107-112 'De Senectute', Part III The problem of Old Age concluded; T. Holmes, 19 Jul 1895

Vol III. Issue 25. pp.113 'School Notes', Dr Dickinson's Baillie Lectures, Cardiovascular Changes in Renal Disease, Dropsy, Report of interhospital sports, Brackenbury Prizes in Medicine and Surgery, Junior Appointments, Appointment of Mr Pick as Vice President of the Royal College of Surgeons; author not named, 19 Jul 1895

Vol III. Issue 25. pp.114-115 'St George's Hospital Athletic Club', Report of recent sports day; H.M.C, 19 Jul 1895

Vol III. Issue 25. pp.115-116 'The Rouse Testimonial', Report of the presentation to Mr Rouse, Duke of Richmond, ; W.H.W, 19 Jul 1895

Vol III. Issue 25. pp.117-120 'Antique Dentistry', History of Dentistry continued; Henry L.Albert, 19 Jul 1895

Vol III. Issue 25. pp.121 'Correspondence', Oesophageal Foreign bodies in Children from Gerald R. Baldwin; author not named, 19 Jul 1895

Vol . Issue . pp. 'Pages 122 and 123 are not present and 124 backs on to page 121 indicating an error in numbering the pages'; author not named,

Vol III. Issue 25. pp.124 {122} 'House officers July to October', House Officers July to October 1895; author not named, 19 Jul 1895

Vol III. Issue 25. pp.124 {122} 'Appointment', Appointment of St George's doctor to other hospital; author not named, 19 Jul 1895

Vol III. Issue 25. pp.124 {122} 'Births', A Son to Frank Schofield, A Son to Walter S. Lazarus; author not named, 19 Jul 1895

Vol III. Issue 25. pp.124 {122} 'Marriages', Willam Ford Edgelow to Emilay Jane Mathew, Francis Henry Pott to Kate Angela Kilburn; author not named, 19 Jul 1895

Vol III. Issue 26. pp.123 'Contents ', List of Contents; author not named, 18 Oct 1895

Vol III. Issue 26. pp.123 'The Dawn of the Year', Introduction to the Gazette for New Students; author not named, 18 Oct 1895

Vol III. Issue 26. pp.124-125 'Examination Fever', (Tooth and Nail Disease), Lighthearted article on Examination Nerves; author not named, 18 Oct 1895

Vol III. Issue 26. pp.126-127 'A Case of Suppuration in the Mastoid Antrum', A Fatal case Suppuration of the Mastoid antrum associated with Sinus Thrombosis and Pyaemia; G.R.Baldwin, 18 Oct 1895

Vol III. Issue 26. pp.127-129 'St George and the Dragon', Satirical Piece; St George, 18 Oct 1895

Vol III. Issue 26. pp.129-131 'Holidays in Holland', Visit to the Hague museums, Scheveningham, Delft, Leyden and Rotterdam; G. Fielding Blandford, 18 Oct 1895

Vol III. Issue 26. pp.131-132 'Surgery up to Date', Poem; author not named, 18 Oct 1895

Vol III. Issue 26. pp.133-135 'School Notes', Repainting of the Hospital during the long vacation, Cricket and breaking windows by Mr Wilson, Cottage Chess tournament, Football fixtures and team, Lawn Tennis Tournament, Loss of books from the Library, Arrival of plaster case of the bust of John Hunter by Sir John Gilbert [corrected to Mr Alfred Gilbert in November issue] in summer 1895, Portrait of Mr Rouse painted by Mrs Albert; author not named, 18 Oct 1895

Vol III. Issue 26. pp.135-137 'The First of October', Annual Lunch and Dinner; author not named, 18 Oct 1895

Vol III. Issue 26. pp.137-139 'Appointments', Elections of St George's Men to Royal College of Physicians, Appointment of St George's doctors to other hospitals, Associations between Addenbrooke's and St George's listed by Dr Rolleston, Hunterian Lectures given by Dr J.A. Coutts, Dr Patrick Manson chosen to deliver Goulstonian Lectures, ; author not named, 18 Oct 1895

Vol III. Issue 26. pp.139 'Exhibitions and Prizes', List of Winners of Prizes for previous session; author not named, 18 Oct 1895

Vol III. Issue 26. pp.139 'Examination Pass List', Cambridge M.B., London University and Conjoint Borad Examination results; author not named, 18 Oct 1895

Vol III. Issue 26. pp.140-141 'Obituary', Obituary of Mr William Leigh. Death from Apoplexy. Death of Nurse Tidy from Typhoid, Death of Nurse Surridge from Typhoid; author not named, 18 Oct 1895

Vol III. Issue 26. pp.141 'Births', A Daughter to O.W.Andrews, A Son to Reginald Tweed, A Daughter to H. Howard Murphey, A Daughter to F.G Penrose, A Son to G.E. Hale, A Daughter to Arthur K.Vernon.; author not named, 18 Oct 1895

Vol III. Issue 26. pp.141-142 'Marriages', Henry Richard Belcher Hickman to Margaret Kate Thompson, Philip Mackay Ellis to Gertrude Septima Manders, Samuel Squire Sprigge to Mary Ada Beatrice Moss; author not named, 18 Oct 1895

Vol III. Issue 26. pp.142 'In Weeks', October to early November 1895; author not named, 18 Oct 1895

Vol III. Issue 26. pp.142 'House Officers', July to October 1895; author not named, 18 Oct 1895

Vol III. Issue 26. pp.142 'Advertisem*nt', Offer of accommodation to one or two Gentlemen in Clapham; author not named, 18 Oct 1895

Vol III. Issue 27. pp.143 'Contents ', List of Contents; author not named, 30 Nov 1895

Vol III. Issue 27. pp.143-147 'The Foreign Bodies in our Museum', Pathology Museum, Hand of Rosamund Clifford, Half Sovereign removed from Brunel, Benjamin Brodie, Caesar Hawkins Brunel post mortem; Marmaduke Sheild, 30 Nov 1895

Vol III. Issue 27. pp.147-148 'Hunterian Society', Recent Meetings of the Hunterian Society, Some Difficulties of Diagnosis by Dr Fyffe, Internal use of Carbolic acid by Mr Seymour, New Zealand by Dr Collins,; author not named, 30 Nov 1895

Vol III. Issue 27. pp.149-152 'School Notes', New Student entry of 58 in 1895, Alterations and Repairs to the Hospital Chapel and Ward Lighting, ; author not named, 30 Nov 1895

Vol III. Issue 27. pp.152-155 'Holidays in Holland', Visits to Leyden, Amsterdam, ; G. Fielding Blandford, 30 Nov 1895

Vol III. Issue 27. pp.155-159 'Football', Reports and results of recent fixtures; author not named, 30 Nov 1895

Vol III. Issue 27. pp.159 'Distribution of Prizes', Presentation of Prizes by Dr Dickinson; author not named, 30 Nov 1895

Vol III. Issue 27. pp.159-160 'Reviews', Diseases of the Joints and Spine by Howard Marsh, Elements of Practical Medicine by Alfred H Carter, Dental Materia Medica and Therapeutics by James Stocken.; author not named, 30 Nov 1895

Vol III. Issue 27. pp.160 'Entrance Scholarships', Recent University Entrance Scholarships and Entrance Scholarships in Arts; author not named, 30 Nov 1895

Vol III. Issue 27. pp.161 'Examination Pass List', MRCS, LRCP, Sanitary Science, Cambridge and Conjoint board examinations; author not named, 30 Nov 1895

Vol III. Issue 27. pp.161 'Appointments', Appointments of St George's doctors to other hospitals; author not named, 30 Nov 1895

Vol III. Issue 27. pp.162 'Marriages', S. Russell Wells to Harriet Smith; author not named, 30 Nov 1895

Vol III. Issue 27. pp.162 'In Weeks', Late November to Dec 1895; author not named, 30 Nov 1895

Vol III. Issue 27. pp.162 'Correspondence', Correction to School notes re sculptor of John Hunter bust, Mr Alfred Gilbert not Sir John Gilbert from C.T.Dent, Proposed Staff Photograph by Fourth Year's Man, ; author not named, 30 Nov 1895

Vol III. Issue 28. pp.163 'Contents ', List of Contents; author not named, 20 Dec 1895

Vol III. Issue 28. pp.163-166 'Internal Secretions and Extract Therapeutics', Micro-organisms in the causation of disease; H.D.R {Rolleston}, 20 Dec 1895

Vol III. Issue 28. pp.167-168 'Interviews with Celebrities', The Tubercle Bacillus, Lighthearted interview the the organism; author not named, 20 Dec 1895

Vol III. Issue 28. pp.169-172 'Foreign Bodies in our Museum', Pathology Museum, Swallowing of Foreign bodies, Reference to several museum specimens containing foreign bodies, Piece of Lead, Toothplate, Skewer in a Pigs liver, Hair ball from stomach, ; A.M.S, 20 Dec 1895

Vol III. Issue 28. pp.173 'The Bell Note', Poem; G.H.R, 20 Dec 1895

Vol III. Issue 28. pp.174-176 'School Notes', Publication of the Gazette, Wearing of Waistcoats, Formation of the Glee Club, ; author not named, 20 Dec 1895

Vol III. Issue 28. pp.176-178 'Holidays in Holland', Visits to Zeider Zee, Leenwarden, ; G. Fielding Blandford, 20 Dec 1895

Vol III. Issue 28. pp.178 'Hunterian Society', Recent Meetings of the Hunterian Society, Management of Coma and Apoplectic State by Dr Robert Bowles, ; author not named, 20 Dec 1895

Vol III. Issue 28. pp.179-182 'Football', Reports and results of recent fixtures, E.A. Wilson member of the teams; author not named, 20 Dec 1895

Vol III. Issue 28. pp.182 'Appointments', Appointments of St George's doctors to other hospitals; author not named, 20 Dec 1895

Vol III. Issue 28. pp.182 'In Weeks', Dec 1895 and January 1896; author not named, 20 Dec 1895

St George's Hospital Medical School, London

Information object browse - Archives and Special Collections, St George’s, University of London (2024)
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Name: Geoffrey Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1997-03-23

Address: 74183 Thomas Course, Port Micheal, OK 55446-1529

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Job: Global Representative

Hobby: Sailing, Vehicle restoration, Rowing, Ghost hunting, Scrapbooking, Rugby, Board sports

Introduction: My name is Geoffrey Lueilwitz, I am a zealous, encouraging, sparkling, enchanting, graceful, faithful, nice person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.