Battle From the Heart (Season 1: The Sinnoh Saga) (Chapter 4 up!) (2024)

Turtwigs and Stones May Break My Bones

It had been a few hours since Geo and Danny left the Pokémon Center. They were getting closer to Jubilife City. Danny was holding Geo’s Pokégear, acting as the guide, while Geo followed. They had discussed Geo’s past and his battle with HBD, something that Danny was amazed at.

Danny looked at the Pokégear, saying, “Okay, we’re not far from Jubilife City. It’s still a couple of hours away but we should be able to reach it before evening. Geo, how are you… huh?”

He noticed Geo was looking worn out, as he was panting and moving very sluggishly.

“You okay, Geo!?” Danny sputtered.

Geo replied wearily, “I’m… okay… just a bit… worn out… My stamina… still needs work… I’ll be… fine after… taking a short break…”

Danny looked at the Pokégear’s clock before saying, “Why don’t we stop for lunch now? It’s almost noon and I’m certain our Pokémon are getting hungry. Sound good?”

Geo nodded, “Yes… that would… be great… Thanks… Sorry to… slow us down… but even after… all that physical therapy… I’m still a… work in progress…”

“No problem. Your health is important, and until you get better at going longer distances it won’t hurt to take a rest here and there. Take a seat while I prepare some lunch. Oh, and let’s let out our Pokémon so they can have some lunch, too.”

Geo nodded, taking the two Poké Balls from his belt, saying, “Aero, Junko, lunch time!”

The balls opened up, releasing the two Pokémon. Junko was still wearing the Muscle Band Geo had given him. Lora then floated off of Geo’s shoulder to join them.

Danny took two Poké Balls from his belt. They had green and tan colored stripes on the top with a white bottom.

“Okay, Haunter and Bidoof, come on out!” he said.

Two Pokémon emerged from their balls. One was a brown, rodent-like Pokémon with four short legs, a short, dark brown snout and a small, red nose. Cream-colored markings covered its underside and surrounded its face. Five round tufts of fur formed its tail, and similar tufts lined the bottom of its face and two singular ones formed its ears. It black paws had three toes with some webbing between them and protruding from its upper jaw were a large pair of buck teeth.

The second Pokémon was a purple Pokémon with a gaseous body. It has a round head flanked by three large, spiked protrusions on either side, triangular eyes with small pupils and a mouth with a long, pink tongue, and several pointed teeth. Disembodied hands with three clawed fingers each floated in front of its body and its body tapered into a jagged tail. As Geo saw this second Pokémon he instantly recoiled in fear, something that didn’t go unnoticed by Danny.

“Geo?” he asked. “Is everything okay? You seem startled by my Haunter.”

Geo gave a defeated sigh, “Forgive me, Danny and Haunter. I meant no offense. I’m ashamed to admit this… but I’m afraid of Ghost types. It stems from an incident when I was six, when a Gengar threw me around with Psychic because I had plucked a Sitrus Berry to share with my best friend that it wanted. It was able to get the Sitrus Berry before roughly throwing me away. Then there were two more incidents where a local bully learned of what happened, ‘borrowed’ his father’s Gengar, and used it to bully and scare me. He was caught by his father and it never happened again, but since then I’ve been terrified of Ghost Pokémon.”

Danny looked concerned, “You were bullied by a Gengar three times? Does that mean you hate Ghost types? Will my Haunter be a problem for you?”

Geo gave a weak smile, “It’ll be okay, Danny. I hold no ill will toward Ghost types as a whole. Like with people, I know that I can’t judge someone by their category, but rather their individual selves and their actions. And, as shown with my mansion, I can get used to a Ghost type if around it long enough. You see, one of my maids has a Drifloon that she caught. He had a tendency to hug everyone. While I was afraid of him at first, over time I got used to him and was able to swallow down my fear of him. Now I don’t mind him and he enjoys hugging me. As such, I know that I can swallow my fear down when necessary, especially since I know that Gym Leader Fantina is a Ghost type specialist. It’ll take some time before I get used to your Haunter, but it’s not impossible, as I was able to do so with Clara’s Drifloon.”

Danny pondered, “So, you’re able to swallow your fear of Ghost types if you’re around one long enough? And you know not to judge the type as a whole under one viewpoint? That’s pretty commendable, Geo, as there are some who will stick to a certain viewpoint of certain people and Pokémon, causing unnecessary conflict and friction. You clearly know what’s important and won’t let your fear blind you to the truth.”

“Yes. But like I said, I don’t hate Ghost types as a whole. I know it’s unfair to categorize a group, be it people or Pokémon, under something like their type or race. Rather I judge them by their individual personalities and their actions. So don’t worry, I’ll get used to Haunter, especially since I can see he’s a pretty chipper guy. It’ll just take me some time. The only exception will probably be Gengar because it’s the root of my fear. But I hold no ill will or mean any offense toward your Haunter, especially since I just met him. I’ll just have to get used to him as we travel, which, as I’ve proved before, is doable.” An idea popped into his head, “Ah! I know a good starting point with that.”

He rummaged through his backpack and pulled out a tin. He opened it up, revealing various rainbow striped cookie-like foods with gold sprinkles. Seeing these items immediately got all the Pokémons’ attentions. Geo took one out and held it toward Haunter.

“Here, Haunter, try one of my Super Mild Poffins,” Geo said. “My own recipe to boot. Give it a whirl.”

Haunter floated over to Geo and reached out with one of his disembodied hands. When Haunter’s hand gently touched Geo’s hand he stiffened a bit but made sure to not show it. Haunter took the Poffin, gave it a sniff, before tossing it into his mouth and ate it. After a few second Haunter started laughing, clapping his hands and having a joyous expression on his face.

Danny looked at the tin of Poffins, “So, these are your own blend, huh? I wasn’t aware you were good at making Poffins. Considering how tricky they can be I’m impressed that you can make such high-quality Super Mild Poffins. Most people barely come up with acceptable ones. What kinds of Berries do you use in them?”

Geo chuckled, “Secret recipe. After all, if I were to tell you it wouldn’t be a secret, now would it?”

Danny chuckled, “Fair point. But maybe you can teach me how to make better Poffins? Mine are fine, as both Haunter and Bidoof here enjoy them, but it’s clear Haunter prefers yours. Would that be okay?”

Geo replied, “I see no harm in it. I know a good recipe to create Mild Poffins. They’re not Super Mild Poffins, as those require a lot more care and rarer Berries, but your Pokémon will love them regardless. Plus this recipe don’t require super-rare Berries like Petaya, Salac, or Liechi Berries, only ones like Razz, Nanab, and at most Watmel Berries. The fact that you know how to make Poffins without wrecking them is a good sign that you’ll pick up the recipe easily enough, as I know Poffins are harder to make than Hoenn’s equivalent: Pokéblocks. But I wouldn’t mind showing you that recipe and how to make variations of it to expand the taste range to other Pokémon’s taste preferences. Hmm?” He turned to Lora, who said something to him, “Don’t worry, Lora, you and the others will also get some Poffins. I’ll put out a bowl of them for you and our new friends to enjoy.”

Lora gave a cheer, prompting Aero and Junko to ask something. Lora confirmed their questions, making them look at the tin of Poffins with interest.

Danny chuckled, “Guess that’s that. I’ll start making us something to eat. You put out a bowl of those Poffins for our Pokémon to enjoy. And hopefully you’ll get used to my Haunter soon, as it’s clear you understand he’s not a bad guy despite being a Ghost type. Plus he’s my oldest partner, as I hatched him from an egg that my grandparents gave me. Now, leave the cooking to me.”

Danny started taking out various cooking equipment and ingredients, started a fire, and began making what looked like a stew. Geo dug out a food bowl and dumped the contents of the Poffin tin into it before placing it on the ground so the various Pokémon could have a treat, much to their joy. As they ate Geo pulled out another can of Lemonade and took a drink. Soon the stew started to smell really good, making Geo’s mouth water. After a bit Danny took a sample from it and tasted it.

“Hmm… Yeah, it’s ready. My signature steak stew is ready,” he said.

He took out two bowls and filled them up with stew, giving one to Geo before sitting down next to him, followed by filling up a large bowl for the other Pokémon to enjoy. Both tucked into the stew, with Geo clearly happy at the quality, while the Pokémon happily chowed down on the stew. Geo had taken out another two cans of Lemonade, giving one to Danny, who gratefully took it. They ate in silence, clearly enjoying the tranquility of Route 202. They both helped themselves to another serving of stew. However, just as they were about to sit down to eat some more, Lora and Junko redirected their attention toward the bushes, which both of the Trainers noticed.

“Do you detect something, Lora?” Geo asked.

Lora nodded, saying something. Junko stared into the bushes with intense eyes. Aero and the other Pokémon also became aware of the presence of another being nearby. The bushes rustled a bit, prompting Geo and Danny to stand up and get ready for battle. Something soon stumbled out of the bushes.

It was a small, light green, quadrupedal Pokémon resembling a turtle or tortoise, with yellow eyes, feet, and lower jaw. Its body was covered by a brown shell that was composed of earth that had a thick black stripe and a black rim, and a small seedling grew on a brown patch on its head. It looked badly injured, as its body was covered in wounds before it collapsed onto the ground.

“That’s a Turtwig!” Geo said, pointing his Pokédex at it.

The Pokédex beeped as it scanned Turtwig before stating, “Turtwig, the Tiny Leaf Pokémon. It undertakes photosynthesis within its body, making oxygen. Made from soil, the shell on its back hardens when it drinks water. The leaf on its head wilts if the Pokémon is thirsty.”

Geo and Danny quickly rushed over to the Turtwig’s aid. Danny took a moment to observe its body.

“This Turtwig took a thrashing by something,” he observed. “Judging by the cuts on its body, it looks like it ran afoul with a Kricketune. We need to treat it right away.”

Geo nodded, “Right. I’ve got various Potions and Berries in my backpack. Why don’t you give it something to eat while I fish out the Potions.”

Danny nodded and started preparing a bowl of stew for the Turtwig while Geo rummaged through his backpack for some items. He soon took a spray bottle out of his backpack and a handful of Oran Berries before walking back over to Danny.

“Here’s a Super Potion and a handful of Oran Berries,” he said. “I also have a few bottles of Fresh Water that we can give to the Turtwig, as the seedling on its head is wilted. But first try to tend to its injuries while I get the water.”

Danny nodded and took the Super Potion and Oran Berries. He gently sprayed some of the medicine from the spray bottle onto the injured Turtwig. The small turtle Pokémon recoiled in pain as the medicine stung its fresh wounds. But it seemed to know that these people were here to take care of it, which allowed Danny to continue spraying it. After a bit Danny put the bowl of stew and the Oran Berries in front of Turtwig. Geo had fished out a bottle of Fresh Water and poured it into a small bowl, placing it next to the Turtwig.

The Turtwig looked up at them with grateful eyes and began eating slowly, clearly exhausted. As it munched on the stew and Oran Berries it seemed to be regaining its strength, as it was eating a bit more vigorously. After polishing off the stew and Oran Berries Turtwig then started taking a big drink from the bowl of water. After a bit Turtwig seemed much healthier, especially since the seedling on its head was no longer wilted, now looking fresh and perky. Danny took a moment to feel Turtwig’s shell, smiling.

“Turtwig’s shell is nice and moist now,” he said. “It was clearly hungry and thirsty. It looks like it’s in better shape, but it could still use a rest. Hey, Geo, would you mind talking to this Turtwig so we can confirm what hurt it?”

Geo nodded, “Sure, leave that to me.” He knelt down to be at Turtwig’s level, saying gently, “Turtwig, can you please tell us what happened? How did you end up so badly beaten up? Danny suspects you ran afoul with a Kricketune. Is that true?”

Turtwig looked up at Geo, saying something quizzically.

“Yes, I can understand you. So you’re free to tell me what happened.”

Turtwig started talking to Geo, seemingly going into details of what happened. Geo listened attentively to Turtwig’s story.

“Uh-huh… uh-huh… uh-huh… I see.” He turned to Danny, “Like you theorized, this Turtwig was beaten up by a Kricketune. Turtwig was simply relaxing at his favorite sunbathing spot when a rowdy and rather rude Kricketune attacked him unprovoked. Turtwig defended himself but the Kricketune used Fury Cutter, which gets stronger with each successful hit, eventually chasing Turtwig off after dealing enough damage. Turtwig tried to outlast it by using Synthesis to heal the damage but Kricketune wouldn’t stop attacking to the point Turtwig realized he had to run in order to avoid taking any more damage. Turtwig tried to use Synthesis again after getting away but he was too tuckered out to perform the move, eventually stumbling his way to us, as he smelled the stew. Looks like this Kricketune is something of a bully like Purugly we dealt with last night. And given the fact that Bug types have the advantage over Grass types meant that battle was lopsided in Kricketune’s favor, driving Turtwig out of his home.”

Danny crossed his arms, “The nerve of it. Turtwig was minding his own business and simply enjoying a good sunbathing session when that Kricketune decided to attack him. And…” he just realized something. “Wait. How do you know this Turtwig is male? Turtwig has no gender differences.”

Geo replied, “I just can. I’ve got a very analytical eye that allows me to see such things. It helps that, during my tenure in the hospital, I was given therapy Pokémon to keep my spirits up. And spending all that time with various Pokémon helped me gain the ability to identify a Pokémon’s gender even if they don’t have gender differences. But time for that later, we need to do something about this Kricketune, as there’s nothing stopping it from bullying other Pokémon, like Bidoof or Shinx, that tend to be common around here.”

Danny nodded, “You’re right. It would be just like that Purugly we dealt with before: unless it’s stopped and taught a lesson. Especially since this Turtwig was clearly minding his own business and just having a peaceful sunbath snooze.”

“My thoughts exactly. Turtwig…” Geo turned to the turtle Pokémon, “We’ll help you beat that Kricketune and stop it from bullying you and other Pokémon.”

Turtwig’s eyes glimmered happily, making him jump up and down. Suddenly, he jumped at Geo and chomped down on his head, to his alarm.

“H-Hey! What’re you doing!?” Geo sputtered.

Danny chuckled lightly, “Relax, Geo. From what my grandparents have told me, Turtwig will bite down on the head of someone they really like. He’s not trying to hurt you or anything. He’s just showing you his affection. Admittingly, it’s a rather strange form of affection; but one none the less. So you can rest easy, as Turtwig is just showing his gratitude for our help.”

Geo looked up at the Turtwig that was clamped onto his head, “You could’ve told me that before you bit down on my melon like it was a Watmel Berry, Turtwig. But I’m glad you appreciate what we’re doing to help you. Especially since this Kricketune needs to be stopped before it bullies any other Pokémon. Now, if you’d please let go of my noggin so we can deal with that Kricketune.”

Turtwig continued to affectionally gnaw on Geo’s head for a bit before finally jumping off. After cleaning up after lunch and putting out the small campfire the group made their way deeper into the woods nearby. Turtwig was in the lead, a look of determination on his face, clearly wanting to stop that Kricketune. It wasn’t long before they all started to hear what sounded like music.

“Yes, that’s a Kricketune,” Danny said. “No mistaking that noise, as that’s the music Kricketune makes when it crosses its blade-like arms. We must be getting close.”

Geo nodded and they progressed further. Soon they spotted their target.

Kricketune was a bipedal Pokémon with an insectoid appearance, primarily red, with three black, oval markings on its abdomen, a tan streak running down its neck to its belly, and a tan underside with a small, dark red marking above it. It had oval, grey eyes, a dark red, round nose, black feelers with curled tips extending from either side of its nose, similar in appearance to a mustache. On top of its head were two antennae with conical bases, spherical centers, and long, thin tips. It had blade-like arms similar to its antennae, two small feet and a pair of black wings. It was using its arms to create music that almost sounded boastful. Geo, Lora, Danny, and Turtwig could see a number of Pokémon nearby, injured and scared of the Bug type, clearly showing it had bullied them.

“Well, that certainly proves this Kricketune is something of a bully, as there are a number of Pokémon nearby that he clearly hurt,” Geo growled. “And they’re all too scared to challenge him after getting beaten by him. We need to stop him before he picks on any more Pokémon.”

Turtwig gained an angry expression before charging forward. Geo and Danny quickly followed. Turtwig started to strongly state something to Kricketune, who looked unimpressed and started talking in an almost mocking tone.

“What did Kricketune say, Geo?” Danny asked.

“In short, Turtwig demanded he leave and stop bullying other Pokémon, but Kricketune responded with a ‘Came back for another whupping?’ in a rather mocking tone,” Geo explained. “It’s clear this Kricketune won’t take Turtwig seriously after beating him the first time. Well, we’re gonna change that. Turtwig,” Turtwig turned to Geo, “Allow me to help you drive out this bully.”

Turtwig nodded and both prepared for battle. Unimpressed, Kricketune jumped down from the rock he was sitting on and got into a battle-ready pose. After a tense moment the battle began. Kricketune’s blade-like arms glowed as it charged in.

“Dodge that Fury Cutter, Turtwig!” Geo instructed.

Turtwig quickly dodged the attack, showing surprising speed.

“That Turtwig is a lot faster than he looks!” Danny sputtered.

“Now, use Tackle!” Geo instructed.

Turtwig charged at the Kricketune before ramming into him, knocking him off his feet. The Kricketune was stunned by this but returned to a battle-ready pose. He then charged at Turtwig, using his own Tackle attack.

“Dodge it and hit him from the side with Tackle again!”

Turtwig dodged the attack, flanked Kricketune, and rammed him with another Tackle, knocking the Bug Pokémon off-balance. Now Kricketune was angry and charged at Turtwig, its blade arms glowing.

“Stop that attack with Bite!” Geo instructed.

Just moments before Kricketune could land his Fury Cutter attack Turtwig clamped his jaw down on his arm.

“Now start slamming him against the ground!”

Turtwig started to flail and throw Kricketune around, pounding him into rocks, trees, and the ground. Kricketune was panicking as Turtwig was beating him into submission. Turtwig then threw Kricketune at a tree, letting go of him, causing him to crash upside-down, dazed.

“Hit it with one more Tackle!”

Turtwig charged forward at high speed before ramming Kricketune, sending him flying. Kricketune crashed to the ground, surprised and scared, before quickly scampering off, not wanting to battle anymore. Turtwig gained a triumphant smirk, and all the other Pokémon the Kricketune had hurt flocked to him, praising and thanking the Tiny Leaf Pokémon, making him blush.

Danny smiled, “Nice work, Geo. You commanded Turtwig perfectly, allowing him to get his revenge and chase away that bully. And now all the Pokémon that Kricketune hurt can relax knowing he’s gone.”

Geo nodded, “Yes, I know. I’m glad that Turtwig and I were able to stop that Kricketune before he hurt any more Pokémon. Turtwig must feel especially proud, seeing how that Kricketune gave him quite the thrashing earlier. But now the Pokémon around here should be safe and able to return to their normal lives again.”

Just then Turtwig ran over to Geo and gently bit his pantleg, tugging at it. Geo immediately understood what Turtwig wanted.

“I hear you. You want to come with me, right?”

Turtwig let go of Geo’s pantleg and nodded. He then jumped back into a battle-ready pose.

Geo chuckled, “Want to battle me first to prove both yours and my strengths, huh? Works for me.” He took out Junko’s Great Ball, “Time to give Junko a run! Junko, Battle on!”

He threw the Great Ball, releasing Junko, who was still wearing the Muscle Band. He saw the Turtwig in a battle-ready pose and took a strong stance himself, clearly ready to battle. After a tense moment the battle began.

Turtwig charged in with a Tackle, showing off his impressive speed.

“Use Bullet Punch to intercept that attack, Junko!” Geo instructed.

Junko’s hand was coated with steel energy before launching a blindingly fast punch. The attack connected, striking Turtwig in the chest, knocking him out of his charge and knocking him over.

“That Bullet Punch hit harder than normal,” Danny observed. “That’s probably because of the Muscle Band Junko is wearing, since it ups the power of all physical moves like Bullet Punch by 10 percent. Looks like that gift you gave Junko for helping solve the Purugly issue is paying off.”

Geo nodded, “Yes, and I’m glad to see it’s working properly, as I have heard of counterfeit items like that have been cropping up here and there. But I need to pay attention, as that Bullet Punch only stunned Turtwig.

As he said that, Turtwig quickly jumped back onto his feet, clearly still able to battle. He then shook his head, releasing several glowing leaves at Junko, which struck the Toxic Mouth Pokémon, but he barely flinched.

“That Leafa*ge packed a decent punch, but Junko’s Poison typing made it largely ineffective,” Danny observed.

“I know what will be effective, though,” Geo grinned. “Junko, use Poison Jab!”

Junko’s hand glowed with purple poisonous energy and launched a jab attack at Turtwig, who was struck with the attack, dealing a large amount of damage. Turtwig, however, was able to shake it off. He then started to glow as he basked in the sunlight, his wounds starting to heal.

“Junko, hit him with another Poison Jab while he’s using Synthesis to recover!”

Junko quickly launched another Poison Jab at Turtwig just as he had stopped glowing from his recovery technique. The attack landed hard, knocking Turtwig back. Then poisonous bubbles started to appear from Turtwig’s body, a purple stripe across his face, causing him to stumble.

“He’s been Poisoned! Now’s my chance!” Geo took out an Ultra Ball from his backpack, “Ultra Ball, go!”

He threw the Ultra Ball at Turtwig, who was trying to fight off the Poison. The ball struck him, opened up, turned Turtwig into a bolt of energy, and sucked him into its inner cavity, snapping shut. The Ultra Ball clunked to the ground and began rocking back and forth, showing Turtwig still had some fight left in him. Everyone was tense as they waited to see what would happen. Soon the Ultra Ball stopped wiggling, releasing a low ping, and sparkles flashed from it, signaling a successful capture. Geo walked over and picked up the Ultra Ball, smiling.

“Yes! I caught a Turtwig!”

Lora cheered happily while Junko merely inflated and deflated his poison cheek sacs but seemed pretty happy regardless.

Danny smiled, “Nicely done, Geo. A banner day for you.”

Geo smiled, “Thanks, Danny. Turtwig, come on out.”

He opened the Ultra Ball, letting Turtwig out, who was clearly struggling with the Poison. Geo reached into his backpack and pulled out a pink heart-shaped Berry and held it out to Turtwig.

“Here, Turtwig, eat this Pecha Berry. That’ll cure your Poison status.”

Turtwig gratefully took the Pecha Berry and quickly scarfed it down. The poisonous bubbles and the purple stripe vanished after he finished it off, making him smile.

“Turtwig, are you ready for an adventure? I could really use your help. What do you say?”

Turtwig nodded, showing determination in his eyes.

“Welcome aboard. Now, for a name.” Geo pondered for a moment before asking, “How does the name Gaia sound to you?”

Turtwig thought it over for a moment before nodding in agreement.

“Then Gaia it is. Welcome to the team, Gaia.”

Gaia gave a happy jump before lunging at Geo and biting down on his head again in affection.

“Come on, Gaia…” Geo said with a crooked smile. “I get you’re happy but this is a bit much. Not that I don’t appreciate it, mind, but this isn’t really necessary, as I can already see how affectionate and grateful you are. But I’m glad you’re happy. Now, take five, as you could use a rest after two intense battles.”

He held out the Ultra Ball and Gaia turned into a bolt of energy and returned to the ball. Geo placed it on his belt before turning to Junko, who was merely sitting on the ground, a blank expression on his face.

“Thanks for your help, too, Junko. Thanks to you we have a new friend. Take five as well, you deserve it.”

He held out the Great Ball and Junko turned into a bolt of energy and returned to the ball. Lora floated up and onto Geo’s shoulder, nuzzling her Trainer happily.

“Shall we go, Danny? We need to reach Jubilife City before it gets too late. And before my energy runs out again.”

Danny nodded, “Yes, let’s continue onward. We have some ground to cover but we should make it soon. So let’s go.”

The duo exchanged smiles before making their way back to the main route and started to head for Jubilife City, which could be seen in the near distance. Geo felt happy that he had caught a new Pokémon, looking forward to seeing what Gaia could offer.

Next Chapter: Team Galactic’s Cosmic Clash

Battle From the Heart (Season 1: The Sinnoh Saga) (Chapter 4 up!) (2024)
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Author: Rubie Ullrich

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Name: Rubie Ullrich

Birthday: 1998-02-02

Address: 743 Stoltenberg Center, Genovevaville, NJ 59925-3119

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Job: Administration Engineer

Hobby: Surfing, Sailing, Listening to music, Web surfing, Kitesurfing, Geocaching, Backpacking

Introduction: My name is Rubie Ullrich, I am a enthusiastic, perfect, tender, vivacious, talented, famous, delightful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.