The Plain Speaker from Hazleton, Pennsylvania (2024)

HAZLETON. THURSDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 28. 1895. ONE CENT X1V-N0 19 .1 L. 1 A i 1 KELLMER The and Intel izent I'udiic oistnis community Know as wen as wc uo mai nu uwicr id iwW.7 themselves as at factory prices are guilty of misrepresentation.

The Piano we sell for $l75 the same Crade piano a dealer must pay $I7S for at the factory. No person with ordinary common tense Lv tL ti will sell this same piano for $175. If you are interested in this matter and are willing to be convinced that we can ave you $200 cash on a fir t-class p.ano, call at our factory would sa at tm aeaicr aL ui.L vwt or htwen 7 and to o'clock. We have no agents, solicitors or stores to support and can eive you a first-ilass i ii i I nnw ani riipw 3 en irnow I auLn uuicrs as arcuu ana nave in ins nacr anvprrtcn PIAIiO CO. vareroom.

Corner or nurcii aim ukjinm Fiano at the actual cost of production at our factory, We warrant every Fiano ten years. We have new Organs of the best makes from $28 up, and second-hand Organsjn good condition at all prices. PIAflOS Gorman's Real Hawaliaa Exiles Saa. VASCorvga. B.

Feb. 87. A salt Stick a Pin Here. KUNG SKIILSFIIR PEACE But if Japan Ik-mamls Tot Much China Will fontiniio to -FisiUt." GORMAN'S JUG SPEECH HeArgnwI In Favor of IlisfVrtilirates IllileliiHlliss. she treasury and mid to those who had made np the fi-run-s: "Your figures are niislendm.

You have ni.idc a mistake." He their attention to the fact that they had omitUsl ehcckn, drafts, Theso had hncn included in tbe monthly rci.rt. It fllseliwed that there was actually al available. Here wn-i a mistake of almut to lx pin ith. Mr. tiomian proeeiled to itcm-i- the imiuensc mini duo for rivers and, public Imildines etc He also Papa's Pants Would do for Willie they were made over and dyed with I)iamo id Dyes, the great home money saver The children's clothes the faded cloak.

Charles II. Knelly C(islfil Vteaf'idaaal nd of the Conyngham Steam Planing Mills and Ijimber Yard. Manufacturer sn.l in Flooring, Siding, bingU-s, Duors, St-li, Shutters, Blinds, Mouldings, Arches, brackets. Well Pumps, Nai.s, I'uiiiN, tilass. Lime, Brick, llHr.lwsre, special Hard wood Venter Work on Poors, and everything fur the buil.ling i.f hoUMes.

Artistio Private an. I Public I millings Specialty. Jobbing and Ke pairing dune promptly Estate Agency. I have several fine dwelling houses to rent, I have a few nice properties for sale. Will buy or tell your house and lot.

J. P.GORMAN, ALDERMAN, South Wyoming St JUST ARRIVED iT Snyder's Sale and Exchange Stables Juniper Street, near Wyoming, Hail, tjii, A Carload of Indiana Horses Aisn proprietor of tbe Convnfctiim Carriare sn.l Works. Wagonx. carriasea and vchi. leu of everv on hand and built toorrtcr.

MioeiuK. joiit.log and repair Ing done promptly. All prices reasonable Prumpt atU'Dii. ii kIvcq to all mail orders. Adurtss.

C. KNELLY, lou) tiKtiam. Luzerne Fa Telephone Connections A pair of imtrlie.l heavy draft hor-es, a Norr. I an. I t'tcy.

This is a psir of tiood biif 0 II. tenin, 3 years old. A pair ot I nnvn tine cobs, sml ti vears el uial' very close. They are a very tine puir of family carriage horMS or fur any kitul of ue. A man-wants them.

The balance eoni't of drivers, workers, general purpose horws CONSISTING OF A psir of (trey cbonk, 5 years old. lhis is nire team fur store or butcher wagon or for farm or heavy drslt. A wir bays, rbiiuks.a and A years This is team fir any kind of use; a general purpose Irani ami for term or besvy ilmlt. A pjir ol bsys. years old, this is a nice pair for a grocery or butcher wagon or livery.

Having lesse these stables for three years, I wi.l als nvs keep on a stock of good horses, suitsiile for sll kinds of worki. Honest ainl fair tr. atnietit yujranteeJ to all a lio want to buy or exchange horses. CHAS. ZELLNER, GEO.

J. SNYDER, AGT. Salesman. Proprietor. P.

S. 1 can furnish mining or team mules by the pair or car loa. 1 at tbe most easonable pricts ou short notice. I Tie 1 STARTLING FIGURES GIVEN. Acooritins to Thrm, Secret ot-' v-rllIr'a ntalraMut That Ha Will tla.r a Snrplu.

at tkr Year's Fod la a Mistake. Work of the llouite. WAsntNCTOS, Feh. 27. Attor working until midnight th- senators slow in arrivlnfr tly.

aily it ilo- were on hand, whin connidcmt ion nf the cnnilry civil hill was resumed. Af'. aneins to nn ninctiiliiictit niantili Henry Tiillmt. clerk of the house wnys mill mollis cnTit-mitttv, ti.O'Hi for aslst iif the finance committiv in It-, tar IT last full, Mr. Wolcitt aupuesteil the ali-i'invof ipioriiin.

It was some time lr-'nre the neiiUNiry numluT put in nn ir.imc An aiiieiiilin, lit wns nirniti to app'iiprint-tnir for a hospital Kort S. I) to take the place of the one r.scnily luirneil. This clcanil the way for (' letix inijn ndinir contest over the fi nliiendineiit to the sundry civi! hill. It i the rliawof the hill and pro ides in-sueof Umi.lXHI.OtKlof indcU-iilnciis of small dcnomiimt ous hi irina 3 n'T vnt Interest in order to unit delicicu-cica In thu triiry. "I make a point of order anii st thia financial amendment un the nrtinnd that It ia (tcneral lcKislittioii, oaid Mr.

lkrry (Detiu, Mr. Hill N. ffen-d a further aiuendnieiit that hcmillcr all treasury notn and I'niKsl Stalin nous when pru-Nentt-d to the treasury shail not ho I-is-oliisl, hut shall lie cntlivlitl. Mr. Mills Tex.

(rose to sitwst that the point of order waa of such imp ir-Inniv in dctcrminiiiK the whole qiu-stion that he h.ixtl the presiding ollica-r would submit the ilcstion to the secnte. K.fTorts were niailo to have Mr. rry teiiiH.rarllv withdraw the Mint of cnler, as It eut off (IcImUc oil the mt-rits of the proositiiD and in parti, ular a sinii-h Kim li had Nvn awaited with much iuier-est hy Mr Gurmnti, the sismsor for the lltutncial ameiidinent. A lU-aiillfnl Tanala. Mr.

Hill wmlit to speak in expl-inntion of his amendment, hut Mr. Mil's Insl-tnl in the rule and an iimm-diaic tli-ciioit ori the point of prder. Mr. Hill continued. siicnkinir.

however. He said the amend ment for certificate of indchtediiosii mid for lionds was clearly jiciicral legislation and eontrnn- to th M-tthtl rule that pen eral letrislatioii could not In- aiidiil to up proprlation hilla If the" propositions were not ruled out, then the senate was launched on a sen of iii-usslon on cvrti'l- ctttes. Ismds, ureelilKu ka, etc. forth next wei k. Mr.

Hill was Interrupt! with fn-p-ient siiirircstiniis that dcfiate was out of ortl-r. There was cotisiderahlc di-order, and the vice pn-sidi-nt llnally the Knt-at arms to see that order was pn Hcrvisl. The vice president was n'smt to the nint of order ami had in pin the tir-t Miitencu when Mr. Mills iiiterriiptsl: Iis the rhalrdoi line to siihmil th. Hon to the senate? It Is uot only ary, but It is the rule that iietions of or dec ahall lie submitted to the nate.

The presiding ofiivr uiu in his dit i- alon. Then he said: Iu rlew of the remarks of the senator from Texaathe ipMixtioii will ul luittnl Ui 'the aenate." He then dintol a roll oall and again calh! on the riant with a lufticiciit fonv to maiulain order. Uy a singular parliamentary situation the order for the vote made the aioend nienl auhject to debate, and Mr. (i'rmau addrv'JHsl the n-iutte. He said it I.

ul 1s-ixrtne evident that there was Is-no llnan-cial relief unh-ss it was made a rt of an approprial ion hill. He nvntied that It had not come as an ludets'inleiit lueasurti i mm a eo ordlimte branch of I he pc. eminent, but such a'tioii bal not Is in taken. and the plain iK-stim now was. 1 ii nn- ry that the tren-ury of the I Mate should have this irislai j.m Un tln of order Mr.

liorman Mid the name ipicstion ha! Isi-n nnsl iw, aifiK and the senate bad vot-l a to It) that a Is. ml amendment could fto on an appropriation hill. HcdV-irtd to restrict the oihvlion to the aimple i.i.ds of trensury and not to iro Into a hntul ilis- cus.ion of currency and financial qu.Mh.ns. Mr. Woleott here with tlie tju-ry.

Has the si-rtary of I IK tn asury Dotimsl Die senate that he not want such Ion as this Mr. tjonsM That is tbe w1m.Ic qutMion," risnid- rd Mr. Usman, "and if the at nat.4- i'l rsTioit me I will. In my own crude way, the questioa of tbe treasury 's iht-esilnw. Is tbe tnsniury ia such condition that It can provide tbe wants.

tlie g-nm-rn-ment?" asked Mr. tniniuiD. "Aretli v- mu coming In suffi h-nt to BHs-t the ex- pendituresand the apriristi.ais we are making If our actual ci-iiliiur- nr. gnai.T than our receipts, ann4 to adjourn until we meet this rmcrs in nubs congroas want imsv Usids noI.I to tmt our obligatHAia." Mr. G.misn then I anfolded an elabiwate table t4 finale ial I figure.

He said the answers made I I he swretary of the treasury In response to in- qulrles by the ornate w-rr oa heir (ww asuewbat misleading, showing litth-rMime for fear of dcSctetK-y, liut an snalys 4 these figures pn nied a far less hopeful apvs-t. Mr. tiormaa tb-a tnrtird sat- i tentioo to tbe figures. On July 1, Ivm, we bad to begin with sn.v.:i.1o4. Hin the our total rm-ipts had Iss-a latbeaanH time our t.sal n- penditamt wvre l.T37.rvsi,isi, i total excess of exysMbturrs mif receiss fa round numhera of He tbea tk np the eipenditunii by floral and calendar ywsrs and ibef aynK-nis of the l.sxls.

The secretary a' the treasury bad Informed the ornate, said Mr. Imsirsb, that be would have tufhricnt revnine this calendar year. But this was as the giwwBtmut acronats were mask t(rmL oirf nLsstsr. V.SM Tbal nswev I 1 SO fasl Ilrontl and 20-31 East Hiuc. against the Canadian and Australian Steamship company was commenced in the supreme court by the three Hawaiian exiles, Cranstoun, Mueller and Johnson.

Leave was grafted by the court to issue writs against Captain Bird, the commander of the steamship warrlmoo, tbe vessel upon which they were compelled to take their departure from the islands. Everrthlag Qalrt la Savaaaah. Savaksah, Feb. 97. There have been no developments in the Slattcry case, and up to 11 o'clock everything is reported aa quiet.

Today the board of managers of the Young Men Hebrew association, which has the lease of the ball In Masonio temple, adopted resolutions canceling tbe contract for the hall with Slattcry, the ex-priest. Lord KaadataB CharchlU's Fortaaa. IjONOOw, Feb. 87. The current number of Truth aays that many had thought that Lord Randolph Churchill had virtually exhausted his resources, but his will proves otherwise.

Fortunate Investments under advice of the Rothschilds and Colonel North have materially augmented his lata properties. Aa EsplosloB Ia Savaaaaa. Savannah, Feb. 87. Very early this morning four three story buildings at Farm and Margaret streets were blown up.

The explosion wrecked them completely. Efforts are roak ing by some persons to connect this with the riot of last night, but there Is no evidence thus far to sustain this. Flying IMstMa Klgaala. Chatham, Feb, 87. The steam ship Reading, bound south, was sighted at anchor outside with signals of distress in the rigging.

The life saving crew went to her assistance. She left Boston for Philadelphia yesterday with the barge Gil- bcrton In tow. Bacranieato Is Very Modest. SACRAMKXTO, F'eb. 27.

The federal relations committee of the senate has derided to report favorably on a joint resolution inviting tbe national political con ventions to meet here in 1M9H. BOOK BINDING. Its Beginning and tbe Transition From Aaclent to Modern Methods. It was only whoa writing was mad. opou stiparato pieces or eheetg of a pliable and perishable material that binding proper was invented to bold the pieces, or sheets, together and give strength to them and protection and beauty.

But horn, again, we mast distinguish. The pliable written sheet may be either rolled or folded, each giving rise to a form of binding peculiar lo itself. Tlio rolled sheet is bound by fastening each short to tbe other sideways and rolling the whole from end to end, tbe last sheet serving at a cover to all tbe rent This form of binding is no doubt the more ancient of tbo two, and it was for a long time in general nse. It was nsed, fur example, by the Egyptian it was probably invented by tbem and it was used by the Greeks and by the Romans, and great libraries of rolls existed for stOie time after the Christian era, and many industries were engaged in con tributing to the perfection of tbe binding. It has, however, been superseded for many ooutnries by the folded form of literature, tbe invention of which is attributed to Eunieues, king of Perga-Dios (from whom, too, cornea our parchment, or skin, prepared for writing on).

in the third century before Christ. But if tbe form has disappeared the termi nology of the roll has survived, and the word "volnmo," originally a thing that is rolled or wound op a roll ia now applied indiscriminately to its sub stitute, tbe bonk of folded sheets. The folded sheet, or section, aa it is called, is bound by simply sewing or otherwise fastening tbe parts of the sheet to one another at tbe back crease or fold, and a number of sections are bound by fastening each of them to some common support at the back, so that when all are sewed or otherwise fastened they may yet be free to open and to shut at pleasure at tbe front or "fore edge." Tbe invention of tbe folded sheet thns gave rise to tbe invention of modern binding, which, in its essence, is the anion at tbe back of tbe folded sheets, which together constitute the folded book, or, as I may ear, despite tbe latent contradiction, the folded Tolume. Fortnightly Review. Eesaaaalcal Mr.

BtajhaM. "The most economical -man I know of." said Mr. Oratebar. "is my friend and neighbor, Mr. Stay bolt.

When be mokes a cigar, be lights it carefully and completely, so that it will born perfectly and without waste, and having ao lighted it be blows oat tbe match. Of course be knows that a match ones ignited is of ao farther ase, but his habit of mind is such that be bates to we any wast of material whatever. Some men blow out a lighted match before throwing it away, so that bo harm can come from it. Air. Stay bolt assy have that ia mind, too, bat his actuating impulse ao doubt springs from his spirit of economy.

Nsw York Son. Aa ASoetiac Tale, Barber Poor Jim has been sent to aa insaas asylom. Victim (ia hair Who's Jim? "Jim is any twin brother, sir. Jim has long bee broodia over tbe hard times, aad I npposs ho finally got crary." -Hum! Kot anlikely." "Yes, be aad me has worked aids by side for years, aad ws were so alike crmldnt tell each other apart. Ws both brooded a good deal too.

Ko money ia this business any more. -What's tbe matter with ItT "Prices too low. Unless a costomei takes a shampoo or aometbin, it dossal pay to shsvs or hair cat. Poor Jim! I Cavnght aim tryia to cat a custoroer'i throat because be refused a shampoo, and so I had to bars the poor feUow locked np. Makes me very melancholy.

Sometimes I fed sorry I dvlnt let hint slash all be wasted to. It might hart saved his reason. Shampoo, sir?" -Y-e-s, atr." Kew York Weekly, THE DUPLICITY OF THE CHINESE Mr. Dcaby Has Bora AsbotmI by It Hang Chaag Seams to Hava Again Cot lata the Kinperors Oaod (irsers. Ha Has Arerptd the Mlasimi.

Feb. 27. A Central News dis patch from Peking says that an interview was obtained with Prince Hung at the alossof the meeting of tbo privy council In that city, his fellow councilors remain ing and acquiescing in what the prince said. Prince Kung remarked that Japan had seized Korea, and made the Korean troubles a pretext for war. The disputes, however, could easily have Iss-u scttlisl peaceably.

Headmitted that China bad faults, that tbe war had been managed unwisely and that some of her ofticcrs were unfit and Incompetent. For those disadvantages China must suffer. He expressed himself as Ignorant of what Japan wa'a'-d or why she waa fighting. Upon hcln' (old that Japan probably wanted possession of the territory she bad sonqnered, together with taels indemnity, Prince Kung said he questioned very seriously whether it would bo poiwlble for ber to make such a claim, adding: "China stands upon principle and Japan upon power. China knows that she Is weak from a military jxilnt of view and has therefore concluih-d that her only option is to sou for rs-aee.

She has sent envoys for that purwc to consult with representatives of Japan and to agree to pay Indemnity. China's purpose is sincere. If Japan will inn-t her in a friendly spirit, the conclusion of peace will lie possible. If ber demands are exorbitant, China will eontiniie to This Is Kaally Funny. Replying to the suggestion that China must expect continued defeats.

Prince Kung put these queries: "Can Japan overrun nil of our pro incesr Will heaven permit it' 111 the other na Sinn acquiesce in it "If China Is wrong," In-continued, "she is willing to suffer. Tbe foregoing utterances of Prince Kung undoubtedly express the general sentiment of the council. It was the dowager cm- press and Prince Kung who nominated ti Hang Chang as peace envoy, the other members of the council agreeing to the ap pointment. A Central News disat from Peking aays that United 8tntis Minister IVnhy Is greatly annoyed at the duplicity exhibited hy the Tsungli 1 amen in the matter of Is suing credentials to the late envoys to jAin. Tiko Times this morning prints (11 patch from Chefu aj ing that documents found at el-Hal-wei show that Admiral Ting wisely deeidid to dismnni le the main land forts as a source of weakness, hut he was overruled.

determined to die fighting, hut his captains rcfusid to support him. The Japan. -se looted hut lit tie and commit led no atriN-itics. I.I Seems to Ho la favor. LospoK, Feb.

87. A tli-pntch to The Times from Peking says that LI Hung Chang has been nsvived three times in audience hy the rniH-ror of China, who treated him graciously. It is addisi that the viceroy has accepted tbo mission of go ing to Japan in order to negot bite for peace with that con in ry. A Tjplcal Mestraa Mia. PirrsRl lMi.

Fell. 27. The entire int rats and holdings of the to N'oria Silver Mining company in Mexico have sold at auction to Frank Ud.urn of this city for f.VK). Mr. Usburu is attorney for W.

I. Must in. who Is the rial purchaser. Tbe stuck was mainly held by Pittshurg- ers, who, from Iv to Itttil, paid nearly to keep the mines going and never received a cent I nt urn. A Bang at Manhattaa Klevsted.

ALHANT, Feb. 87. In the senate today there was Introduced by Senator Cigge-shall a bill requiring elevated nswls to light their cars with tlie best possible system, lights to be of IS candle power of either gas or electricity, and prohibiting tbo use of kerosene or osl oil after June In cities of pisiubition. Tbe pen alty Is 150 for each day for each car nut so equipped. After a Bandit.

Trcsof, A. Feb. 27. There are no Dew developments In the holdup st Stein's pass a few days ago, Tbe robhers have taken to the mountains, ami a posse Is In pursuit. It Is a wild country, and It is doubtful If tbe capture of the bandits will be effected- At the same place.

In lss. tbe overland train was held up by four or five bandits, who got about Aa Iran Haass' Teaaawraaro Bill. Isntas-ArrtLls, Feh. 27. Tbe Xicmdson temperance bill passed tbe b.use of rep resentatives by a v.rtr ti to 2d.

It Is very stringent, although it lost asneof its force by bring amendsL It rvid for local optloa In this way: A majority tit ion against a saloon In a ceria-n cm munity will provent one being rablislxd there fur two years. aa fraailiis's HorrfMa IWIhiii, 8A KRAHCtson, Feb. 7. tWss-ge T. Gadra, tbe Riaya-'s agent, has Iss-a inves tigating the ncotbouse in faa Francisco and says tbe in4itutia is filthy and the Inmates left la squab and wrctcfccdiM-as.

"I simply have ao words a.hs)wate to de scribe the filthy eonditioa alrrsiot thing tonne, ted with the tuMitutlosv. said Mr. Gask-a. Cslsail avoir Botr Located. Fsavcimxi.

Feb. J7. The rssly of Odoaei Kirhard Kealf. and warrior. whose grave a party of F.rg!ih vainly endra-rored to Va-ate.

Kas fonnd ia the Grand Army pl of odd Fet- lows' ts uhSi y. These F.nglisb admirers bare anasniaeed their drxire to erect a sauaaaseat to the llttcrat-ur. Too TiaaMs la Caasv MAPtttn, Feb. 27. It hi reported acre that the disturt-anm in Cuba arrc4 a srrt ooa aatam The Spanish hosrmrr, denies that it baa received iu for mat loa that tbe St fiT'oms rensrted to bare bera arrested la Cntat have sumaiariiy aeotisced.

Too tmf Balaoa Brartac- Ata ATT. Feb. 17. The excise committee of the boost will give a postponed bear-tnf tuMKitrv oa bill fur tsaaday opan- BXg Of SSSTCOS t.k up the estimates of receipts he h.ipeil to have. The secretary timatcd his tal exemliture at iiii.O 0.

In Imi3 the appropriations were and alreedy the house had ap propriated for this year. Tbe will add fSu.oon.uOO. The total will he 13 0. oo i.ik HI, and the senator said be mid stake IiIh reputation that It would reach UmijCMMHiO. And yet the secretAry of the tna-nry tells us bin estimate for all exiK-n-s this yi ir is What the inns." of this error I he secretary If ciuilil let question the accuracy of the for.

Mi" lliires. "Tin- truth is. "said Mr. German, "that tli -V ir i a mi-Kike about a year ago In mjkin i their luilances of and 1. ive trying to adhere to it ever Then- had Ni ii scares before.

F.ight api S-. ret-iry of the Treasury Han-iiin had Nvn inic stricken as to going to a silver ljti and hail sent telegram to the senate that we would he on a silver luifis in days, but the fee was not reai-i7rd. Mr. fiorninn rclat.d how President Cl. vc! md's l'rt ailiulnist ration bad readily raisid p.hl ithout golngto the money ktnirs, hut there w-ns a surplus thon, and irli that gone there was not this easy menns nf mcetlrg expenses.

Mr. Mills (LK Tex.) followed with a strong criticism of the Issuing of bonds. He spoke of the public abhorrence of a national ilcht. In tha Hrnuf, The house met at 1 1 o'clock today. The loakcr laid 1 fore tbo house the president vetu of the bill to pension Eunice Putnam.

Mr. co*ckfH Tex.) moved oon-cnrreniD in the senate amendment to the joint resolution prohibiting the importav tioti nf goods in Isind from the United Siaun tliMtipli the free zone of Mexico. Mr. Cmin ilk Tex.) vigorously op-poscd in tbe amendment which striii out the limiting the prohibition to any point W-twcctrithe westorn Isiundary of the city nf Ijiredo, and the Pacific ih.i. This amendment, be dei larisl, would in 0.vt prohibit the Im-j.

nation g. the United Mni.x inio Mexico nnltss tbe latter coun try the free lone. But ID per i-cnt of ihesr.axls iuniiusl In the free cone. ami he re,) I. si with vigor the slander that this rone was the abiding place of smugglers ami outhn a.

Mr. Cm si-ell's motion was agreed to. Mr. Neil Mass.) presented the roiUcn ns rcM on the pension appropri ation bill. An agreement bad been reach ed, be on all poluts.

The Allag KpUodc at Coloa. Waiiixoton. Feb. 27. Neither the tiay--1 i-jiartmcnt bad any news today i Hie reiHilel Injury of an Aim riean nss-l by a Hritish warship at 'ohm.

It is su rgetcd that if an American vessel injured, as resirted, it poihly may 1st the result of an Heciii. nt The li alter ill lie investigated. for a Mnnmt.ent to llrnham, Wasiiim.h.n. Feb 27. 1 prcsentatire U.rl!.

tt(N. V. i has a bill appropriating sioiHrifor the erection of a lie. nun), nt in of the late t'om-tnandi Tiiuotby Ihiiham at Iliei-luoiid, M.iteii I- and, N. Y.

Till: A KM KM AX lit TRACES. to tiTiflraca Haadreds of M.itllatod itodm la a Treach. LomsiN, Feb. 27. The Teh-graph today bnsa two col in i dipatch from reporter who was sent by it lo Investigate tbo Armenian oiitnuis.

It Is dated at Mush, Jan. -H and wa. s. lit by the Kusslan Hue 1 c. Kars.

It records the attempts on the of tbeTurks to destroy the pr. of Hi Iragcs. and especially to raie the lllale pit dug behind the id of Vi.t'lnm-. chief rf Djcllyegoo-ran. in wl.iel.

In u.lnslsof mutilated bisllos ere 1. In a anus, hands, legs and trunks iiunrliiu" in one mass. Ilarrelsof Istn.leum thai were originally intended to Is- ii-l in 1-uriiingvillagiswere ioured into the pit mm ct on tire. The flames f.vhsl to ciisii ue the mass, and hill mi was Hun damnu-d and diverted from Its coursi. Inn even this failed to a.h away the citlenof the Now he remains aie being removed piece- in.

al. The details of this massacre. In which. after promising imperial protection, the Turks on tlx-Armenians a distance fnm the Is fore slaying them, are si, kening and ot fiendish. The Bulgarian atns-iiiisi mm mild In com pari moo ith ava).

horrors, which are amply tlrin.d I nuim-riHia Independent yew lin.sss.-a. The fugitives were pur- sihsI and but iH-nsl. however, escaped and wi to Mush to testify before the aps.intisl to invest I gate tlie outiaiss. Tli. were seized and 1m-, tn var.otia pniexts.

Spies and stal tbe highways and sund up.n any Armenian who was sua. p. ud of an lut ntH to testify. A Vll Kaow FaILw. FeK 27.

Uncula Flagg Ilritham. justice of the superior tssjrt. dlsl at home here today. He as Iss-n in Ji.1?e Oct. 4.

119, and was admitted to tbe Bristol county bar la 1M.Y. In ls5 be was appnintod district the soutbera district of Maoist- iMirirg Gvivernor Bank's ad-ministrata be was appointed oa the su--r U-mh ami was anade chief justks) la loosl. Ksary Ao-aHa aa BHr. Ps Fb Ari Feh. ST.

Tbe estate of E.irr.h Ti-r or MM la Srw York, valued at Oitl, awaits the clatra of the d-il i.niaii'i s-a. He came to California li ars ago ws-ked a ranches la varnni pails nf the stata. Fur the last few years no wwd has beesi rrceieed from him. Tosnn was su4wed to he poor, bat bad rvidett'y hrt-n sating ber pennksv sit Is tr.g made to trace the boy. Uersoue rt.iy.

i or district artorney has tss-a a-l-csl by (Mrveraor Murtoa ta put la bis sids tbe case. Fns Bldw For Isoaatem Albt. Feb. 7. Tbe Brsnn pass bill, giving free transrswtatioa to members of tie k-gHlsture and state eOcerm, today passed the atenn.b'y yeas.

6 aaya, JsX ALE i GRAND Say, did y-'iu .1 few pair of slippers 111 i ir during the hl iiil. iy It ym did. call and prove property and take them Ami. ly the way. look -at our loc books Over a hundred kind of Berth.

1 Clay's works .4 Ih Belfri'd Novels, were Jo and now Jjc. Sc.isid-; Library, were 2JC, HOW loc. books, 1 oC at H. I. MEYERS.

THESE PRICES HHmWTTT Are for 1 o- ds and aver a 35 tent, less than i.d piali.ty can lie lor in nu'. shops Women's Solid Pebble button, Women's Dono'a Button, tips, Women's Extra Quality Kens Solid Lace or Congress, Men's Exira Quality DreSi Shoes, Youth's Extra Caa'uty Dress Snots, Tomb's All Sold Dress Misses' Donola wita tips, 88 95 1.50 1. 1.50 1 1.00 75 80 1 litoans. Every pair made on tin-bench. i i 1 ry pair the ma'i-r Kes a vear round, i-iiab'.

i to make th- price ji te. uhiie other shop -ay fi.j. or nails. IT'S A GOOD THING PUSH IT AL0XG! "The Hub" UW uor.sF, Keith Wyoming Street m'imii immn Now for Bargains )RY AHLLIXKRY. I will blankets shawls.

flAnncls and l.wlics and Miscs co.f.s, at greatly rc-Juced prccs. See ladies' skirt. Call early and secure bargains. Yours lMHIi Corser Centre and Front Streets. S-S" "Ill to look like new, at a cost of only 10 cents, ai no experience is needed.

Diamond Dyes come in trior- than 40 shades and the fast blacks are fast. Hire. t'n m.l samtil-s a colored r-'U. tree. vKia.s.

Ilui lllll'in. VI 1 HlHInnH ('" PETER DEISROTH II Itroitl M. I SILKS fine lint- of Silk', Miilrtl.k- lor Dresses or Silk Waists I nttl Striui, Cli''knaiKl at ttit-s- 1 ulur iricfn pt-r mr.l: 48, 60, 70, 80, 82c and $1.00 Wi nU I.hv iiianv new tliintr-t in DRESS GOODS Knr I he riinnt i raily iirinir trjule. Our (Ymitilrtt it ol anil Nu irnvH(i mar your jmn. All m.x-lt iiuisi Ik; at a u'ri-Hlcr reilu tio Hum tw-f- r.

BLAFSIK I luru" i riin-nt 1 Hit- f.l!,, in ori t-s: in the ritv at li irrv Ali-'Voii. li Al ffirimr price fl, firmer rii f4. in-Hir. irii-e tl.l". 1(1-4 lin-y C-1t'in fiHDier ir-i-e ii I 1IH lirry Inn All-Wnul, former l.ri.v (I "now tl Wl.

lu-4 t.rry -lion Ail-Wcml. former W. now J'A-. PETER DEISROTH, 41 We;l street HtANJ ('ERA HOUSE MONDAY. MARCH 4.

The Champion of the World, James Corbett iu the An eiinn t'omnly-1 Crania, GENTLEMAN JACK. tlie ilirertion of A. I5r1y. I'm-ntel the v.uie an at Ifrurr lne Theatre, IaxcIiki, A me-imn Theatre, New York; ikron Theatre, Boston. N.

U. Mr. OiriiHt will introilm hb conilerful be pun, lung and airv a -e n-tifie exhilHiioa of Uixinif citb trtVK U'DONNKLL. M. I'tttCK 25.

SH. T5 anJ tl 10. lUwrreu mla now on nle at iox Sierial train to after perioriiMm-r. GRAND OPERA IIOU9E Ine gl, ri'Ms we roninien ing MONDAY. FEB.

25. Daily Xatineet beginning Wednesday Tbe Utyest renertoire in the wotl 1. RICE'S Stock Coif any 35-ART1STS-33 attcoiScnit life Oaard Baad 18 Men. Peerlew Karke Bssd Orcneatra 12 he tire rtiance rir an.i boomc pro- grmnime at every penurmaar. LaUies' ln tin, m.

todav THTJRSDAT ATI HEX 'Beacon Lights' THTJRSDAT KIOHT Eacli Am ng the UJf Pricw 10, 30. 30 cent. NO HIGH I. Stle of eu onra Fridav tX bos mi PEEpmuon ve beea ajard tSe rminlpw extract! ltn ltiat ntin; whi V11AUZF.D 41 It ataivls at the brt.I. far atrpem.

nm pamk-w, and tto pain ifter ute vttut are oat. DR W. H- HERTZ. May and Tomorrow Only. We offer 5 cases Lonsdale 4-4 I'lcathei! Family Muslin at the hitherto unheard nf price, 6c.

by the yard or piece. Never before in the history of the country has this cotton been sold for less than loc. Immense Sale of Genuine Turkish Towels. Ourn.iw of Turkish Towels, both plarn and fancy, from IOC up to the best, are now ready for your examination. Additional Honey Savers: 2600 yards of the Best American Indigo Hluc Prints only 4c.

2350 yards of the ISest Merrimack Cambric Shirting only 4c. 3750 yards of the Best Lancaster Ginghams, all patterns, only 4c. 23CO yards of the Best Standard l)res Goixls, dark effects, only Ijlc. 5000 yards of Excellent Unbleached Muslin, yard wide. 25 yards for $1.00.

3750 yards 32 inch Fine Sattecns, handsome dress styles, only loc. yards 32 inch Fast Black Henrietta Sattccns, now only 10c. 850 yards 56 inch Cream Table Damasr 39c. only 25c. 38 inch Fine AH Wool Cashmeres, jet and blue black, only 35c.

46 inch Extra Fine All Wool Henrietta, the 90c quality, only 59c. 46 inch Extra Super All Wool Henrietta, the $1.00 quality, only 69c. New Sprinjj Novelties in Spring Wool Dress Goods, only 29c. 425 pair Good 1O-4 Grey Blankets, the lat lot, only 49c. 10 pair 4-4 All Wool Silver Grey 5.00 Blankets, only $2.99.

The Great Coat Sale i Only four days now remain. If you want 0rs- Coat at $1.99 or $2.99, worth six or. eight times v- as much, don't delay; last chance. Winter Goods and Odds and Ends will be JJJ sv- closed out at any price, regardless of cost or value, a7j. hasre tbe wrretary of the trcary was so in- Charrs Agmiast a raMrsrt Atlas as j.

Toleed that It wH take an acToutitaut Air AN1. Fi4. 87. Hank Farjerintead-to aaderstaoS it. rr.t I r-tn ha- out a mmmunicatkia to toaa Trlltag ITaana.

Mrto practically affirming tbe think I will be aide to charr. at the district anornry Freeland Tf" vine rvj tilings. II aC need is. 4 oe lt pri. I caa sell iiracrrM-' '4 ail klDt.

w-1i as -anns J.wK. Hr. otbs. Flr. slt Cijim an T.a-" a4 le- jZTruA is Lei is McXeal'8 Novelty Store, said Mr.

Uonaaa "that tle see- rrta-y tf tbe tnasury will iv a d-fk-n-y rf f-T itw caVcrx'-ar year and 4 forth 1st year." turn- lag to the Pgurcs. Mr. Uman said tba sreretary's reply to ll.e srcaie statsd that tbare eras IS0.i"ft.0iJ0 ea band avaifabla ta pay ordinary xpeasas. He (6onan) knew this was a as awake, and be went ts) SaZUE STiriT. 1.

The Plain Speaker from Hazleton, Pennsylvania (2024)
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Name: Rueben Jacobs

Birthday: 1999-03-14

Address: 951 Caterina Walk, Schambergerside, CA 67667-0896

Phone: +6881806848632

Job: Internal Education Planner

Hobby: Candle making, Cabaret, Poi, Gambling, Rock climbing, Wood carving, Computer programming

Introduction: My name is Rueben Jacobs, I am a cooperative, beautiful, kind, comfortable, glamorous, open, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.