The Daily Delta from New Orleans, Louisiana (2024)

ration, tn all mnnsures which we dnem cnlenBtetl or the public Rood. TirnnflPiTtrfi or the" African ai OovrRNonniF of Utah A dispatch to rue FROM ITcrn latest jnttlligcnic pulg gtlta. 1NVAR1AHLV IN ADVAVCR: Wbkklt $3 per Annum 6 for Two Years tUu.T, fPunday included.) 1C per anuara Balled, nd am 40 utiuvoroii the ctt NEWS ANO MilKI.L,AKOt- II F.MS. Tlierc a place in Pentuylvanlft known aa re vert on Manor, which has heen dcsvrlliM na Wn ''covered with atonM, and under each jttoue there were fifteen and nothing but hemlock knot end hucklclwrriee were produced ia addition to rtonca and rattle-mm ken." Hero ia ft an pie of "primitive preachtng" heard, not long since, from a putpiHn tlie country: "Yes, my brethren, time have changed: onr fathers were contented with plain fare i but folks now-a-dnys mnat have niHpberry sarne, or they think It's mean Hvin7 One Cincinnati firm has ahlpped to the western territories since the second day of March la4, one hundred and fifty ready-made houses. These buildings are of the cottage style, and, thongh transported In pieces, can be put up ready for occupancy in forty minutes.

The llasqulne Is a lady's outer garment or ft new style. It much resembles ft gentleman single-breasted frock without uny colUr, and lull skirt to cover the hoops. A handsome woman with a good bust hi aaid to look decidedly "kinky" in It. The number of school districts in Maine Is VOt'A'1 AND KXItlsll KK OF AMKKM'A SI A vi ll The pubrcrlhcr piojxipes lo pul'i-h if i the i My ol Moid- Romery or Wolunu-kn. a Ma t-'t.

sum of the above into, devotort to tho pood of tlio Ai ricitn race, nnd the true Interests or mnter ana servnui. tto pieuen umt self to Ihe public that It elinll have the ablest contri butors Mutt ran possiniy ne oi TKnsbiv be obtained from each of j.m.njn.mnni nf ti.n Ihe four controll njt rcliRlous Houth, togeiher witha localHssee ale Alitor, to belts principal, of known literary nnd scientific qualiflna lions, mors, aiHo, oi ine nigiiwi cnarneo-i, perseil threngli the various parts of our extended vfliintry, shall be enlisted an regnlnr contributors to, Its minimis on tne various mpics etmnerien wun ine bUtorv uf tho race on thr nature nud Important of our Hotithrrn Institution ol American Hlnvery on the vital mnnertlnn of these relationships with our governmental nnd social welfare, ind tho great moral nnd religious results, both to the cause oi numanuy ana iuo iniure iriumpu oi ywv Christ Thr Advornta will be elevated rn-tirelv nbove sectnrlftii prcultnritles In religion, nnd party differences In politics, Tbe Bible, nnd that attme will I the standard as to the former, and the Constitution of the country, as designed by its trainers, that oi the latter. In ihe on sent crisis of our history the Interests, not only of the fomh, but of our whole common Country demand such a periodical. The subecrlbor profMises to publish it iu thu form and nUie our tHipular mapiminrs, each number roniainhig 48 pages, wnn neat ornamental pit per coverings, ni a co of $2 per annum in nrfmner. Tho locnl jvilto1, a ri'sidentof Montgomery, to br associated with Ibo proprietor, will bo announced ns soon as oue Ibon-iund paving subscriber "ball br obtah.ed.

And Iho public lire asacred that uo labor will ba spared to give them a periodical of the highest literary and re l.gioug merit. Should the proprietor fall to ohhdn the sperWrd number of one thousand patrons, he promises those who do subscribe, promptly to return ihcir subscription payment. But he Ua b-ra httn-i If that all, of every denomination nnd party will cone forwa'd nnd In establishing ti work needed. Tho North teems with sheets scattered fur und wide, de-votnl to their ono-sided views of the subject involved, aud why should we not wnke up and cend forlb a publication to the world both fide of the ipn tun, and tho tine exjpotukiu ol the whole subji A specimen number will be as soon It enn be prepared, afirr the sub-crlher shall have become cHtlalied tdnt tho cniei prise will moot with public fiivor. He soin Its, In the mennlinie, tho aid and influence nf Ministers g' tieially, of tho dltlcreiil denotniimllons, to procure Mihcrlbcrs him their names tbey are obtained, but boldlnj tlie pity lltnllilje receptiou mid eXHtnlnatioti of Ihe Hist number, with the understanding that if any nro not pleased with It, their money nhall bo hau- ed back to them, and on the return of thr number he will -tr ko on" (heir name.

Kditorsund istmastera are reipn-sted lo do him the same favor, wi It others to whom this nropcctu is sent. And all who thus act shall be entitled to every copy, either for iiieinseives or any irn-im i til 4 periodical occupies original ground srd separate place from all others may he not hopit, that Irom liummiliy and palrlotiHtii. 11 not from re-llious coUFidcmtloiw, It ill meet a oueroua sap-pott fiom the pre at lurt'e. J. I.

W1UJAMS. Wetumpka, April IRilT. TJIiOSPK1 TPS OF Til DAILY AND t'NI'KH WKi Ki.Y IJKHil.n, IKX.tS, 1 the nria of Ctierrj lunili 4 Co. The first number the Hial i will be is ued on the i7ih bistatuS and the tlrst number ot tho neckly Herald willap on the 'id of May. he iteratu win be published and rrtltefl hj ex- tierirncuil practical Pruiters, whose acquaintance with tlio niifine-s die hrst eimrantee tiiev can of fer for correct and well executed tvu-'uriinbv thev not having only msjcd Ibrouuh the ordeal of 11 type but m.Kt of them have beret fore had cou-nc-ciliin with tho publicitiloii Intercut of the loading papers of the Htatf, Mnluslly Identified Willi tiiia, their newculerprlse, to which thev have been mea sitrably forced by tlio parsimony of publishers here, I hoy havo thus, as it were, fallen back ou their individual resource-, and hoK-to prove to an bdelU-gent and rend ug public, by close attention to business and accurate their wort nines of public pHirotinie, and the couirnued contt leoco of those It lends whose arliance nicy are placeo in is'sso-aion of materials with which to undertake thi enterprise.

The times are suspicion fur the undertaking and thoiiuh for lean, must of us. as residents ol Ual vesfu, have felt the necessity for siibmitllug to the haidship which rapluillsts, in oar own business have imposed, that nece-wln exlvls no 'onuer there fore apiHiars ihe Herald the Printers' she I. Our gmwinir Citv. our iiM-rcurinu- Commerce, and the i ate of our Interior products, wbk-h iihto iiiuiiceo uirreaseti, or, ratuor, rxtraormnary mentis of com mm deal ion with ith ports, cfcate an rxiircncy deniundmg more frequent is-u-iuf) of the i -w oi iuo iay. ine liaiiv Herald win.

iiiereiore. claim to lie a Chronicle of Foreign and iN.nie-nc a representaiion of intoropting occurrtmccs, wi hia and without Tcxb "A map of tn.ay life." Hat It is proper that we hould suite its hading mature First iDmmcrriftl embracing the most ati't reliable reports id the Markets, Hutis-ties, so ns to liiiiko it u-eful, if, indeed, not and valuable to the nii-rclmut and DUoiULfS niitn. Kcoiid Internal ou the most scee.iy snd secure p'an, which wdl most readilv develop the remnirce of tho State ami promote the oi ine people, Willi on to tne itdwincetn. at ti a Ives ton the chief, and thu best jsirt in the Siatc dtn wing thai Iter will reilound to ihe ol the furthest Interior. 'ihlrd We eh ill advoc judicatds system of lonuueu ou a aecuiu du-sw, an a nece ury ru Fourth shall devoir a liberal rhare our attend to Agi icuituro and the Miucral resources oi onr Male, Fi i li (And Ihou'dt not least.

In our limited iH'jaiion.) on nil uystaui- of tmlional u-dk-y we shall ee.itiour to muoitain blh Ktutheru irruuu ine grojiui Hie oniiiutinii Im Uid down, and which ti-o Huiueme Couit of the Confeduruc-y In i acknowledged while, at the sumo time, we su neiiiiMi uMwi. unra os inues, which prescrioe lire to fuiialu i-m, cud wniiid leittl tu disllliion. Wo shall bo modern I on till subject when V9 cuu only advising cMremea v. In we must, Kvur aimuig to make tho Herald chu fly commercial in us cnuruaef. we tdiull tuiiliitairi an indoien-dem isiKiiieii nt relation to all matters of a political tine, boldly condemn I hk or approving the course of public men, and the policy ol measure.

tute or National. Fuendlng our awr to the er we trut they wil every where hsik upon a pl.ou suiior" on the iHieati ol uewspaiwrdtiin, over ready to resiwnd to a iriendiy sLu il, and hoping to succeed in puriih a legitimate culling, to acquire the art of which, we have '-stood beiore thu mast." und did not limb iriri-un tne cumn window! may 7 i fiSPKO'JL'H OK THK PADUCAH tl.O I Uli lirK-iil t'lvfn" tu OJli uiper at I'aducnh, under the ibove title, wideb he intends to di-v-Ue to the of the Htate and to the support uf the prluciplo of tho lieiuociuUc pariy. Hat the Iter s'd will not be so exclusively political, thai iu column will only iuR-rest the A Uaditig object will be to make it a good and tu this, I haveeflucU'd such arrunge-m ut with the udevriiph lines as will en mo Mi place before my readers thu luteal news, from every of ihe I'uiou, up to the Ust hour bc-lore every of Iho paper. 1 intend, ulso, to make the Herald a commercial paper, and the mar-keu of as ell a those of all the principal cities of the t'uiun in wliose commerce ouiheru Kcnlucky is lni.i-lrd, will Und a leading placo In i ne iu snort i iiaii i-uueuvur to comtnend tle Herald to Intcllhteni men ol ull climsoa mid all by diligence in thy collection of news, und uM.iMiui leuiiurui, comuiorciai uuu literary As pipr i'nf Herald will be nul.iiok find indepeiident ujsjii all tho pull lie it I loiile nf tho day. 211 illbelheoi auof mu tiipie.

in the interesl of no luciion, and wilt have no partial purpose sii diirvo but will address itielf to tho honest hid iiient tho puopie, mid rely upou tln-tr aiipn claiioii ol' jdam Uilk, a patriotic purpose, and indep'-udeiit opinion, i will be thoionithlt Southern iiite Iti.ihts iV-mocralic lid Owing tlio plain letter the oiifuiniion, unu urging mo iiiiejinty uud pfrjiotiuty of tlie I'niuu under the CruiiHitution. lb" lb-raid wil bo published lrl-wt)ckl and weekly. Ihu Trl-wcekty Herald will cnu*tatn twenty-four hia coinintis to me page una will bu hcui by mail uj suhsi-nher 4 per year, or a club ol six lor -'0. 'Hit! Weekly Herald will contain thirty-two long eaduiiiiis ei. hi columns to the page the larg-st naperovor printed iu Homheni Kentucky, and will vv seui ui unxcriuura at tlio louowUig rales I I or one cony per year 00 for turue copies per year 6 01) 10 0U 5 01) UA 00 U0 U-ll IW'ellly thirty t.

forty liiiv 44 uo 60 00 All club mtiKi ho paid In advante. mill uni Im illCoijtitmed ill Ihe end of the inde.u. rn.e(a Will be butler Ifull imiu-rs tir li. hut iho iaHr will bo i-ent lo any gocd man who Miiutim auvauce piymotit. We hnpeour frhunU wdl make up clubs aud send their iiaun by iho lath of May, about which time the thai uumher will ho Isnind, Addnu-a JNO.

C. NOHI.K, Padueah, Ky. N. ti The Hrruld olllcu is Hie lariuit and until cotopl'de priuiwii osiitbiishiiient beiwucii t'uicninat' ami K'-w Or finis, ll iiiw Ihe lur u.u.i 'hum Material In Kentucky, and wdhii ex eueiu r.iMiH i owor itumhI's, It 1 prepured to do Veil character Job I'nnl uu i-nnidlv. ut Inw and in the best manner.

Order tor work bv mall piumpilyuiirndcd to. myU if niiK HoiiTiiKKN htatkkmavITa Ully m( pun ui-utb, v. llainii completely uriaiurf uiunu iu Ihe publioatiiai of MH-r wnh the above title, we brieily bin rcsjuctiully prent our to ihe public. I'ohtlcahv. we will i ourliihlo, ls m.iorucy lor our treed, Uio tdou fr utir faiih, audit puriNjiuity uur aim, wnh mute Hulit.

bjiack as guarautaod by Hie Couslindiou. will siiiiaiu the plaiiornj a laid duwu iu our NHtl'JIidl Couvauiloiis. aud rcaserlerf iu i l.i tetif uuu.nral, aud suaport Bun aud his doi.u s. of tc or an Ton torn or win New York Herald says that letters) have, been received in Washington from tlie private seere-tarv of Mnj. Ben.

McCnlhmgh, ot Texas, which Intimate that he will accept the Governorship of Utah. Mhk. Ct mnikhRam's ahhtaoe. The question of Mrs. Cunningham's marriage to Pr.

Hurdell will not be decided for some months, as the Surrogate will tHkenp nothing elce until the famous Parish will case is over, which will not be before the Hrst of July, at the earliest. Itr. AftwrfTFO. D. B.

Vondersmlth, who was arrested some three years since, charged with frauds on the Pension Bin en but absconded, was arrested at Lancaster, Pennsylvania, on the 12rh, and sent to Philadelphia' in custody of Marshal Jenkins. Am- for LnvK. A young lady shot herself near rontiac, Micuigan, nnvinir run away irom her wealthy parents in Canada because they were trying 10 compel ner in marry an oiu man whom she hated. The ball entered near the pit of the stomach, and she was iu very critical condition. CoMFMMKNT TO AM AMKKTCAN NAVAL OFFI- cv.n.

The Equina, ot Madrid, states that the tneen had sent the Government of the United States, for the captain of tlie American war cteomer aterwlieii, a mngnmcent Mpnmsn sword, wrnnirht with exnuisitc Utste, and worth ten thousand rials, for his generous oid to the crew of the shipwrecked Spanish frigate tartha- gena. Fine in Amerilts, 1a. A fire occurred in Amcricus, on the Pith by whhh the grocery store of C. C. Green, the counting-rootn of tlie warehouse of Brown Carmh hael, and the adjoining buildings, owned by Mr.

Jno. P. (Iriffin, and the giocery store of 8. S. Boone, were nil consumed, togeiher witn anom loriy Imles of rotton.

The ttnl iosb v.ii umsiy esti mated Qt Irom 113,000 to $25,000. There, was an fnurnnce of about ii(nK) only, and that upon Mr. Hoone's nronertv. A tieero imv was imrt but it is hoped not seriously, by the fall of a warehouse shed. The lire is thought to have btca the work of nn incendiary.

Ltnr.KiA Fatk. The 1-egNlature of IJberia nt it last seaKion piisaed an act providing Cora national fair, to be held in Monrovia, in Decenilier next. If provide premiums for producers varv iu ir from FltoW the highest being oflered for the lie-! ten pounds of 1 jlK-rian cotton, he-it hundred pound oi augar. best voKu ot oxen best side of leather, chairs, colter, Ac. The competition Is to lie Liberinn, and the fair to continue lor a week, he ifuvcnuneiit vesael "Lark" Is to convey goods and exhibitor to uml from the fair.

Five hundred dollars are appropriated for tlie exhibition. Another aid ap- pmprhi tea three thmiannd dollars for exploring purposes, aim lor opening roads into ine line rior. China. As everything just now iu connection with China ts read with interet, we give the following article on the population of the Chi nese Empire, which we find in ft late number of the Journal of Commerce "We perceive that the population of the Chi nese hmptre Is variously estimated, not only in tlio histories that have heen written of late veai. but in the current debates of the British Parliament.

What are the facts Hv ho Chinese census In 113 the population was stated nt 17,11. The method of takino the census in that country a fiords an example which our own country as well as of hers might profit by following. During-the period appointed for an official enumeration of inhabitants, householders are required to post placards on their outside doors, statb the number or mates noa remaies, witn tn irages, un'ier their respective roofs, and heavy penalties are attached to a misrepresentation or numbers, it would seen, therefore, that, if any errors were made, tiiey would be on the slue, or auu straetion, and not addition. It is quite reasonably believed, also, that there wete million residing in the little fnmiiy-b at on the rivers in which large families are reared who were not nnd could not, from their haldtsof moving about constantly, be counted by tlie censuw-oliicer. 44 We take it for granted, therefore, that the census of 113 was below and not abovo tlie figures representing the actual populuti at that time, and the probable increase during tlie forty hree years wnkh have since elapsed may be easily approximated by comparison with the jncreaae of other denaety popnlatcd countries.

Perhaps no count i yon tlie earth is more favorably Miniated for advancement in this re-i-itect than China. If they have no immigration, they have little rnrgraiion. If they have a passion for iufunticido, (aud this is not ao common as hu been represented,) they have also legalized polygamy. Thus Chinese of the in terior, who are generous and not lutemiienitc are reinaikihle for their longevity. Theirelimate and thi ir liirht and wholesome diet, ate favor able to thi end.

Nor ha.s tli increase of popu lation been retarded by epidemics, or by the ravage of war; for, until the lute rebellion, comparatively peaceful in its career, they have had no nur, except their little skirmishes along hore with the tnglHli navy some til teen years aS' Paoi ui vtiiin oi' Flail, An iuleivsting re port on tlie artificial propagation of made to the Maich'i-a-tt legislature, by the Com biisMionel's appointed hiht year, eiutaalit-s a great niiiulair uf useful lwU. The conclusions of the report are a follows Tlmt the urtinViul propagation of fish ia not only practicable, but I made very piidlt-(tbie aud that frch waters may lc made to produce a vunI Hiuouut uf excellent foot) that a small out hi) of capital and a moderate degree ot aKHI, allied by sim-ii intoi niatiou ua can ijt derived from Itookf that any uiuu can procure, will enable the proprietors uf ainall dreams and ponds to stock theirown waters then inrepeet to tlie larger streams und ponds, a combination of individuals may 1J nei'eK-mry, with special legislation adapted to each particular case, and guarding the rights of all pei-rms interested in tlie watei especially ulien they huve Iktu applied to mccliauical purposes. Wiiisti.iko. The man who don't believe in whistling, should go step further, ami put a nns.zlr on bobolinks and mocking bii ds, vhii.t-ling is a Kieut institution, it oils the wheels of care, und supplies the phu eof Mtuhine. A man who nhisth-s lias a gsid heart under bin shirt front.

Such a man not only works more wil-liugly than any other man, but he works more constantly. A whittling cobbler will earn us much again momy us cordwainer who gives way to low spirits aud iniligesiimi. Mean or aaricious men never whittle. Who ever heard of tt whUlicr among the sharp practitioner of Wall street? We pan for an answer. The man who attack whistling, throws a stone ut hilarity, aud would, if he could, rob June of its rose --August of its meadow larks.

Such a man should ho looked to. Let him be looked Albimy Ttmfi. iviY piiuit. A cimntrv xlrl on nvniing went To market Hi a pur The little curl-tad, not cmlv-Mt, It- til tu sipieal jic. A 't oMly was id nc by, Woo wished lo pa: a a joke "Mv dear, how cmies your Cold tu cry, When wrapped up In a tk Th ciutiirv ifir thu quick r-p'io; Unit, ev -r ulul anon, tie crlea ha ce hia dmbty." A PHttST TO PtAltlHSTA.

A CHIllU'll lilts ladl unt in Itoston for a present to the Kmliniun Government. It is a tfrueelul couiplinieiit Irom he great Itepublicof the New orhl tu the nnlj free Government in Ihilv. Kndinia is inpidh iiuiuoviutf iu all that contributes to national niosiKiily. ami is holding fot-lh iu the muNt of the th sinitisiii bv which she is Kiirroiiuded, liiiW cxuiuple of wha hat freedom cuu do for a people. Thk I'mvkihr Suppose the earth to be a wil of one foot iu diameter.

On that scale of proportion the sun would be one hundred feet In diameter, and the moon time Inches. The sun would be two mile from us, thu moon thiity feet Jupiter ten mite Irom the sun, aud Her rtchel fort v. The highest mountain on the face the eaiih would be one eighteenth of an inch height. Man would la) an imperceptible atom. Tin; OiUKtT ov Kurt ATUtK.

The true object education is to dive children ivauiirt thai wiil cudiite IniiK as lite tiiihires lianiis mat Hum will ameliorate, nut uesiroy; occupation that will render hkiu' tolerable, aolilude plcuuut, aye cucrahlu, life nunc digui'l'd and hit, and ueaill Ita tetiiiuu oiwji vuuin. BitoopiNii Ovkh 1 M.ui don hit ull il of hi fate by 1111 over thew 1 a scratch hecouu- a wound, a alight an injury, a an Insult, a small peril a great danger, and slight ickiit1- oftvu eud iu death by brooding ajipichcusiou. B'iievtm that thr tlmrhn arrirrd whn ths should Imvo a grout enmraer' ini emporium of her own, and lhat Portsmouth nnd Nor to Ik, from their geoHriiphiciil positions, and oilier aiivantuKes, is tho bct locnlitios for the esiahltphmcnt of great mer candle ports, we will our utmost endeavors lo nromoie their commerce nnd mnnurnctures. in tb hope that tlioy will, nt no distant day, attain lip highest rank ob the central depots of the trade of our We will steadily aim to glvft the STATESMAN a hiph litrrarv as well as a high political character, i mm "i bo an Interesting and reliable portion of its contents; In short, our greatest rffbrts will be nfdnotinly given tomaKeour nnper a worthy organ of the true Pt-mocrncy of the Routh, and to assert and maintnln a hiph moral tone, nnd literary and po it teal eminence. With confidence wo appeal to the public for countenance and support.

my 16 if WM FRAKrnl HrLKAN. IMIIhD ()K L' 'l IS lOCMD CITY. IT ASK COUNTY, 1M.IN0P, ItT the KmiMirimn Huul Estate and unUacturinp Company, to be held on Tuesday, June 2d, 1867, mid continued from day to duv. It Is with pleasure that the Directors of tlie R. R.

M. nunounro a Third Public ptaln of to be held nt Mound City. Pulaski County, Illinois, on Tuosdny, 2d, IKfiT, when there will be of lo red eligible sites lor dwellings, morcon tlio and mauufuciunmi purposea, Rtirtased by uo other location in the Mi.pisfppi vntlcv. Pmco the lat PnlHIc Side by Company, vnlna-ble nversslous have been made to ibolr propertjt miablli thorn to offer Inducements rnrely to be met Willi for prolitoble, or for homtends for the meclmrdc, bushuws mall or gentlemen. Mound City, from Its peculiarly felicitous location upon bluff hunk of tho Ohio, only fdx miles above its Cfitithience with the Mississippi being fret I mm all interruption lo naipntlon.

wlitlier from drouth In summer or Ice in winter with nbuiidnnc'' of water at IM landing at nlltimeifor the lar'ot steamer ticccssihlo from all points of the rompass by daily lines of steamboats nnd mi Iron car belnz the natural out for tho produce of an almost unlimited extent of some of iho most productive lands in the world with mainirac'urlng lacilitl. nnerpuiled by any other point at Un West, whether in material or in proximity to the best market" hi tho world with iron, evil, lumber, wood, close at hand, and obtainable ot diminished rost. With all advantage? and they cannot b. truthfully Mound City will soon couiiHto with elder ei'ics for a share, and no small one either, of Um immense trole mmrrcc heretofore borne ir-m a dlslanee upon the bosom or the otiiound Mississippi nud their leiifcilimied iiihntailos, past our bwn to distant marls the frolfht alone of Inch, from the point of m- ui act re to tliia poiui, would be a re-munerntive business ol pself. Ni sell evideiit have been the odvunt.tges to such us have examined them, that Mound City, though scarcely ouo year ld, enn now bonst of a largo Machine Shop and Foundry, In operation a Marino Railway, capable taking out four largo steamers at a time, with lup-yard, Saw-md', iitittched, which will be in epratlon by mid summer Flouring Mill just upon tlio eve of "iiig into Oerntion a Plaining Mill, Sash aud Ioor Factory, to be rea.

within tbrco weeks a lsrce rttcnm I'ettory the most extinive in tho tailed Htater' Jiiflt ready to commence Baw-mills, Willi numerous kindred branches n( tre-rhniiieiil opera-lions (-lores. Hotel, Newspaper, hwd, rburchea and other evidences of rapid progress. Tho population has Increased from eleven souls in Man-li, lHfsl, to upw ards of as my htunlred In March, lsi7, and is daily uugmeidlng. Hiisjness' I rapidly Increasing, t' surronndinff siutry now obtains supplies here. Regular liimof tnuiers make thi a stopping place scarcely ft iraiislent boat pA-na but has somebody or something on boird for this iwint while the Mound City Railroad, making four dally connection with tho trains of the lllnoia (entrul Hail road, bungs In a in-bers ofpa'seugers, freight, ufid having a Kail-road Tu krl inline here, traveler on steamboat otherwise, can reach any acccklble at the lowest lure.

In tho recent Additions made to the city plat will be found sites suited to aud it tended for tho hom*ostoad of tho mechutdc. tlie bone and sinew of audi an undertaking. 1'bey are In the immediate vicinity of the manufacturing portion of th'i win oe soiu to nose no nesire to uuiiit mid occupy their own trneiueiits, at low pries and on uccnminoditing terms, so a to come within the reach of any iiidttsirioun man. Iu point of salubrity and general health. Mound cuy Is t-tcoud to uo place on the Ohio river, being high above the rivur, witli no fwamin In th tmmodito nrl(jhlorhoodt ills free from the in i as ma so common to ri er toni on low groin da.

Tin brst evidence of thts fuel ia in tb giaji boulth enjoy od by tho numerous workmen employed on the various improve went now progrestc ing. Mound Chy has also been decided nwm as the ioiHhrn tern.aus of the Illinois Soi.theru R.iiiroad, leading fr. Viucmnes to Ihe Ohio River, by means of winch pa sm nors can reach Cincinnati from here in om A and lite Eu-t proportionally ipiicker than by any otiii route, Ihe oflh-e in h-re, A hotel company huu also been rhariered, with c. pi tul of to hundred and twetdy-llve tho as and dollars, lo crict spl-ndid buddlijg here, to be reaity as as p'ihle. Kvery lot oiTered, npin which a bid is made wdl be sedd, without reserve, The Directors only exer-ehing Hie right in discontinue the salo at any time, khould tbrv deem it lor the interest ut Iho Cuiniuinir to do o.

Term and Condi I hmi of Sale Ono-fourlh cash the balauco In ihroe equal annual installment-, bear- "i iwr c-rii. i ii i ere i aiinuui, irom nay oi ile A ceritllcute of nurcbase. executed on Dim day of rio, entitling the porchio-cr to a warrantf deed uMin the lull and nual puj mem of the money. purchaser or lots no shall erect, orcau- creeled, uooii anv lot imrchaa tl. a stib-tAiiiiid frame house, an-i flu is ihe i-aiue idler the Style ot modern ahilecturr.

nut b-a than iwo su.rles hiirti. and paint ibo fame neatly or a brick, stone, or marb bouse, ot liko style, within twelve muuttj fro.n the date of Side, stu purchaser shall be released from tho intcreMt in on the money aid lot, and bo entitled to an additional abate-ment i if ten per cent, on the principal thereof or, built upon in the manner aforesaid, within oirb ii month from day of ale, then such purchaser shall be ndea-ed from all iuiercat upon thu purchase raonoy theiol'or. flats the Citv wil be readv for dislriliution In a few days and cau be obtained b) apjilication tu tbe- ijliowi' J. W. Com man, Lexington Ky.

W. H. tokw. Iuisvil Ky. C.

Noi-asB No. 40 W. 8J at. O. Ml mty ft Pkvton, No.

CO 8-1 Phils. A. V. H. 1.i.mmikv Nashville, Teun.

T- P. Aydlkit New Orleans, lii. J. H. U4RM1AHT Ht.

TauIS. Mo. of ihe Ajcreniry at the office of the Compnny In jtiuuim iiy. By order of the Board, H. HAIN'RR, President.

J. tiHWWuUi, tswreiaiy. RORD OP tUKBTTORS W. COCHItAN Ky. M.

M. PAWI.IN(js, Mound Cuy, JOHN ARYAN, Libertv, bid. ti. W. UI1K Mound Citv, Ills.

W. H. Uuisviile, Ky. H. K.

MN'lw-KV, Covlngiou. Ky. I. ARTKR l'ula-kl Umtiiy, 111, my 6 If. A N' UKviOCKATIC WA4U1NU10N en t.

c. IAI'ER AT Iully, l'rl-Wtkiy and Weekly. The m.dersigucd will com uieec the mihUciiioit id" National Itetnticratiu paper in tbo City oi Wasldtmon. ou thu Urst of April, to be called THK HI'Al'K." Ii will r-present the sound eniiMitullin'il principles inch havo ever been Lphe.d by t'jq Natl mil hut It wil not bo so entirely political that it column will interest iho in exclusively, nor ao sub-orvietit to p-u ly us to betray principle at the command of jsmcr, or d.stiuise ill coiiviciion ui mo Buvgestiorw of ued lei icy. In Hiblitiou to tho d.cuioii of political ipiimiioiis, il column will Iki duvutrd to the pru-cteding of Cimnicss, the uncut trani-actlou of tiovirninent to geuer -I new, and mutters a if peruuulup to Liinraiure, Atiricu tureniul Coiutnerct.

THiiu oi- ai B--iupnoM Tho Pally will bu mailed lo uuhscrlhur at per aiuium. Two copies wdl bo lot warded for 7. The Tn-Weekly, enP-racing all the reading matter win. ll appi-urs in Iho ii.iily, tll be lurmihiid to suhM i iber at per annum. Two copie will be The et klyif hciijH Paper In lite Ntmltl iuo nvc-Kiy win uo issueu in a larg Ikmble Hi.

et irm, and pi nned on superior papor with baiuUome bold pe, ut the luilowili ruteu et i me Nlmghi uopio 00 pVT year IP i 00 fen copiu, lo oue mldrr.s, and any lurger numbur at tho rulo ol pur year 10 00 copies, to add rea ot each and any larger iium-bor, ut $1 20 each 13 00 Any posimiister, clerk, or bluer person, who msy aend livo siibscrihers, with I hitiuaed, will r-ceive an estra 4 sT Pavniiuit iu ai rtasrs reonireil Itivnriflblv ia advance and no per will hv lurwardod until tho jc- Ipl ol'tho money. The Weekly Will contain alt the haporbUit Uialttr published during the wu4-k lb Hie iHtily. 'ihe undtirsliiimd wits of iho urlglual propric of ihe "Watdilnylou and hi hm nawn piar ierieuce, beiore and slneo ttj csiahili- llieiit 1 that liiller. JllstitiHM hi tn In tti'iHuisilllf iii public a ihiti wall worthy of their ualtoiiace.

'flit; Ki'Al'H" wil luoi be theorem of any cliqua faction, und with uo pirtial purjaise to serve, the liiicr wiii ugiircsn useii 1 1 tne tiouesl Jitugineu vt pmpie, uiii i or support WlU rely Ulu mnr my pim.idiiuu. AUliroM J. f. ttrjr, Waubilislou. U- i-RxniAMiiEM.

TIia Tri.WiLu will be for warded lo ull ci.tinu itiiwL will ifive the above a few insertion. my RKMOVALr- DEMOVAL ii.i vid b- Ui Jit r. liouiiet luiwttu hi rc ui.i.... hCaU9ri Ml points aid lU4 lVar tub MhW nniariHS UiflUftl. (J ji i iiial ltiv IB-A-Sixf The TVit-thlngton correspondent or the New York Hrntld gives the following a the programme of Gov.

Walker, by which the Kanaa difficulties are to be settled i The new Governor of Kansas, Mr. Walker, has talked the whole matter over with the President, fully nnd freely, from the lost Presidential election to the next, and goea nut to Kansas with something more to do than the ratification ot the manifestoes of Beeretary Stanton. No man nossexsed of the shrewdness, experience and calculation of Mr. Walker would take the tron-hie of going to Kansas to set himself upon the platform of Governor Shannon, merely to be knocked over like Governor Geary. Governor Walker has been studying tlie stubborn facts that It fa all folly to expect anything like peace between the free Htate and slave State parties Iu Kansas, as matters now stand, short of the eiitijngntion of the one party or the other.

Heiice the necessity of sonic new plan of pAcltt-cation, and here It is Governor Walkera programme, is to a now uw pro-Slavery party to go on and frame their constitution to allow the Free State party, at tlie same time, to hold as many conventions and paaas many indignation resolutions as Jflp.T please, nun to inrow nn ine proc-fi uiH partleq into the next Congress, with a splendid manifesto In lielmif of his new compnunw. And what Is that The simple scheme of glv- inirthe lion's share of Kansas, as now organ- to the Free SMte pnny lor a m-u and of forming the boundaries for ft new slave State by adding to a small slice of southern Kansas ft Inrge slice from the splendid Iw'ion eonntry south nl" it the Kin ve Htate and the free Ptft'e to ime Into the Cuion toiretber. rty this arrangement it is supposed that both the pro-Slavery end Free Stute politicians, in getting the Conim-inmcn and other enoih of new fltate, will be satbtied, and that the speculators In lands, town lots, white settlers and nitmera. Vrlll also he satisfied, and, above all, that a groat treaty of pence will follow between the North ami the South. Tlii is the real phm of Governor Walker.

The -of her plan ofabhling bvtho Territorial Iowa and or sustaining ine right of the people, A-e I only the tub thrown out to amuse the whale and the gndgeow. The Landing at Jamestown. The following lean extinct from a letter to the Petersburg Kxpress, concerning the ion of the 21)1 anniversary of tlie Landing at Jamo-lown, which has been tuiked of lor some time, and which came oft with great eclat on the 13th inst.t The crowd on the grounds Is vailoitsly estimated ut front six to cijiht thousand. in -hiding sixteen mil.tnry companies irom iticmnomi, Portsmouth, Norfolk, and Potersburg. A large number of ladies graced the scene with their presenco, and added greatly to the beauty and attractions of the imposing dlp1y.

Sixteen steamers, many of them flit chua, were Anchored In the stream, all gaily dressed with flaps and streamers, which flaunted in the brer and presented a scene nt otico beautiful and plttnresqne. Severn 1 hands of ninsie were alio on the ground sending forth their enliven ing notes, and adding hugely to the interest of tlie comm. monition. The aite selected fnvtheceremonicawas a plat of nliout ten acres, on tlie very upot where a Inrire port ion ol the houe of the colonists were built, nud of which now scarcely a truce Is dis-ceinnhle. Suitable stands for tlie oni tors were erected, and all iiecesKiirv preparations made for the accommodation of Indie and others.

The Ion of ex-President Tvler, which oc copied about two hour and a half, Is spoken of as an effort eminently worthy the occasion ami ita di-tiogiiiihcd tuith'ir. Wo heard of but one objection, und that ia iu great IcugUi. The Poem, from James Barron Hope. of Hampton, was received with universtl hivor, and all accord to it mom than ordinary merit. Gov.

H. A. Wise was present, nud being called upon, np'dteiot about thirty niiuuie in eiwiuent and thriltiinr terms. The ie-dnities of the dinner taide, the fire works and grund ball of ht eveninir. and other hitereatimr mrticuliirs.

will Iw funiinhcd by a special rvpoi-tur we sent to the ground, and who will arrive at an early hour this inoniiuir. The hite hour at which we wiile prevents our saying' more in the present isw.i. Skvkhk tiL hroKDi. The Soutiiurii Shield, of the i'itli. gives uu account of a terrible bail storm, on tlie 14th, great dun i age in the town of Helena and vicinity At a few minute before mix a nio-t terrible, frightful -'loud came r-tiling up from the Month, ivenng the wholn southern hori.on lookinu the verv la'iom of dc-trnctiou.

Alarm was de picted ou the con nt en in ices of hundreds wiio witnessed the hight, who feared it would prove to lie oue of thoMC tcnilic tornadoes that sometime level eveivthiiiK in their pulht. Soon hail atones, fully as large us hen-eg, fell by ihoiisanda, and wo may millioiH, literally ua ing the streets, two or three indie deep. The top of trees, that were epocd to iia fury, eifetiitioii uf all kind-t, shrubbery, Ac, wtre Mtripped of leaves chickens und other fowjn were killed roofs of several ai-es were mi seriously damaged as to require recovering. Scarcely a pane of on the aouth side oi houie-4, nnleaa protected by blind-, tncuped tliousindi were broken. one buiidiinr tlie American Hotel loat 27 pane, nnd the Ma-' -autie Hall had over one bundled panes destroyed.

Kvcry pane but three, out of thirty, on the -outli aide of our nfhVe was broken, acattcring tlie pai ticlea of gliu- all over the room, on the form and in the cumcm. The dumagu to the Court House and clerk's office was considerable. Luag" quantities of glass broke, and the slate roof of tlie clerk's office, on the south aide, so luidlv damaged as n-quire recovering. Serious dumat-'e was also done to severul private house. Hut we view on the worst ttie destruction of gardens, Injury to shrubbery, Ac The storm parsed over the neighborhood of Walnut Beud, doing very consiilerahle damage upon several uiautiitions tne iHaiws ut Gaines, and that of Col.

Hurry sulleiing Wmiblwind. On Saturday morni'ig last, at altout eleven o'clock the town uf Ju k-otivillo, in this county, was visited by a furious whirlwind, which came In contact with the dwelling house or John P. Moore add tore oft the roof, burst nut the windows nnd doors, and overturn ed a house in the yard which was used as a Kiicneu. I he rmirniouis or the uoiiae were car ried to tlio north ami tlie kitchen was moved six feet south. Mrs.

Moote was in the house at the time, mid, to the astonishment of eveiy one who lian seen the wrecked condition of the building, escaped without serious injury. Her was torn to alm-da, ami one of her enring wrenched from her ear. Mitbilt Jhiilu Tribune ttf Ufidaif. Anotiikk Ei.oi kmknt. The Wheeling Times.

of thu l'Hh says Mr. Geo. W. Ilyusoii, the notnilur clerk of the Pit I shu ig steamer Huckeye St.uto, airividat his lioiao a few days since, and found his house dc- ate and louesomu. His wi'e, to whom he liud been married four years, and by whom he h.w a beautiful and Interestinir child, had tied from Iter home, with a stiMiier, to parts unknown.

The child was left behind with a nolo stutinif that its mother had gone to California. Mr. ItvtiMon h.u urmed her to Kevcial towua on the Ohio river, but without aucees. Hu is fcirlul that she eloped with some b.dividuui ik-ci" tu return. Giikat Sii.t tK -The utiiUest sale of pictuics, ut ain'ti iu, at Paris, Mime llmt Murliul Sou It's irallerv, Is iuat iiuinulid.

They were the collection of privalo peivon, M. I'atuivau. Ou the HiNt day forty one tlu-in brought near four hundred tlioiicind fratii's: sleeping int'anl 'csiik a us bought lor the Fiu-pre- ut forty-one Ih-iiiNtud IraucM; on the mu uav iweniv-si were miki nnir nun- Int and kity thonaund fran bidding for a fiunoua llobbeud was carried to uinetv live hoiifutiid, and the prize adjudged to a retired hanker of Berlin. A smull htudciipe ol Woitvci-uiatiM was purchased (or the lunpiior at thiity thousuud. Ahhivai.

ok Ghw.v-. The Koulh Side Dcni- ca-rat, PeterNlmrg, notices the ui rival in that oi a party oi fourteen i.iiiwv-. lately ftr ived fri'iii York and LaticaxtersliUi1. Kutfluml, and bound for the stato uf Georuia. Thee pie, of whom we have read so much ua Intuitu their origin in Kuypt.aud who have for ninny generations wandered uwt l.uropy with- it land, htjiiaes lived haliitatioi a will he wnuetohat uhjocts uf cutiocitv here.

Thev Lave tine reputation as thioe und fortune AnTI-IUntUH ia atutcd tlmt the Anti-rent dlfhVuiltua iu Itcnaai-laer conniy. New York, are reviviug, severul meetings have been Ib id, and the teauuts do not pay lent until the Com of A ppcub-decide whether the ug hu of ie l'dUooiu have gol til lea to tlie Unda. Here is a good opporiunily loy a lh auppty of evHeinent tu uur N-w York i nd, who deiicbt no much iu duc wcial icvo-lidivii of dit'ui'ljanetj, i iu of the jest a TELEGRAPHED TO TUB DAILY DELTA By the Nalionnl l.lne.1 Flee In Clinton, ontslniifi. Batoh Rouok, May 20. The Female Institute In Clinton, was totally destroyed by Are at 8 r.

M- yesterday. The Are originated in ft chimney nnd was communicated to the roof, which was burning for a lonff time before it was discovered. The greatest confusion existed among the pupils, but at last accounts It was authoritatively stated that every one escaped with their lives, and with but little scorching. Several pianos and most of the furniture were destroyed. There was no Insurance on the building.

Notwithstanding the terror and confusion of the ladies, some of them did good service on the occasion, In assisting to save books, furniture, etc, Stnmbontfl Passing, Vicrsftt'ito, May 20. The Nick Thomas passed down at 7 this morning. OitmiN of thr Pr.Nnt'Li'M. (ialileo, when under twenty year of age, was standing one day in lie Metropolitan nurcii oi risa, wneu he observed a lamp, which was snspemh-d from the ceiliiitr. and which had been disturbed by accident, swing backwards and forwards.

This was a thing so common, thnt thousands, no doubt, had oltserved it before but Galileo, struck with the reirulnrity with which it moved backwards and forwards, reflected upon It, nnd perfected the method now iu use of measuring time ny means oi a pemiuiuni. Acboi-tio. The following alliterative acrostic is a gem in its way She sins so oft. po (iwoet. so nothing ntH1, That lo the lone It thousand thoughts there thrill Kiy-dan ceauicfe enchant each ear Pleasure's wire pinions noise prince, peasant, peer.

Miif hiiiR hiKh hymns, (eaven hours bor harmony irih'a envy en'ts, cni-ralled each tr, each eye iNunmers neeu nu'e-ioiu H'-n nor en rimy name, rtoul-stirrfng stktkkxs's ekill, sure seraphs slug the lgsainc ItlVKH NEWb Wkiixe.pav 20, ls.57. The wetther Is agdn warm and pleasant, with a light Wind from the eastward. Business on the L-'vee It quite active, and a large amount of produce once more coven Dearly the whole extent of onr wharves. The river In front of tho city continues to rise slowly, and our dNpatchcs from Louisville re port the Ohio swelling at that place and all accounts from the nppcr ftreums report them in excellent navlgtblu order fur large class boats. The following boats have arrived since onr last edition Capitol, Capt.

J. M. White, from Carolina Landing with 2:12 bales cotton, 22i)o sacks corn and other produce, and fair number of pa' seugera. Mr. Ferry, her accommodating clerk, will accept our thanks for Vleksburg and Natchec papers.

The capitol leaves again to-morrow evening At A o'clock for Carolina Landing, Vicksburg, Natches aud all way landings. The R. W. Adams, Captain C. K.

Marshall, from Louisville with ft large freight of produce and a fair number of passenger. The Adams will be ready to receive freight on Thursday for St. Louis, Cairo, Memphis, and all intermediate landings, and leavo as above on Friday, 2 2d inst. Passengers bound to the Mound City or any of the way landings can he accommodated with excellcut state-rooms on this splendid new pack et, by applying on board near the foot of Poy- dras street. Bayou Sara packet Laurel Hill came in last evening with a large numler of paengers, aud left again this morning at tier regular hour.

Cora Anderson, Capt. Carroll, from St, Louis with ft full freight of produce. Ei-Ltrsft for Louisville. Tills magnificent pa-aeuger steamer will positively leave thi evening at 5 o'clock, from near the foot of Poy-dras street. puss*ugcrs vritl please be ou board previous to that hour, at which time she tukes her departure.

Hthamkk It. W. It k. This favorite Yh-k burg and liend packet, niter lying by on a imd liar, ha finally got off by the late rise In the river and is now lying at Algiers undergoing a perfect renovation, and will reaime her trips in few days again iu the above trade. Lumau Carroll, clerk of the steamer Cora Anderson, will accept onr thanks for Ht.

Loin and Memphis papers. The St. Loui Republican of the lath instant says i i'h river at tlii point continues riinfr, with a channel depth to Cairo ol tweivi to fltieco fenl. tfpntir rivers all a wot ling from llm clf-cN of late r.nn. Ituat-t In yesterday from thu Illinois, Mia Kourl and I'pper report boavy rains during nearly all of Thursday nlpht and part of Hat-urdny.

T'ie Mmsoc -l Is now in p'sal boatitc; condition, wtfh feet loKf. Jo lllinnii ia at a mMxi navtitable utiice nnd lb Misi-sippi Kokuk Ins a chained depth if eight toteu tret, Hilli four to flv; feat on tlie rapid. At Inst account Ciunbrrtaud River was rising, with live feet wa'er on Harpp'h rfii-Hil-. Iho Teiin-stT was in flue boating order, with lour fret en t'otbort ioal. B'isiunr on tbewbaif continues briak.

and yest rday were quito inunnrous, There arc a' leu bulf dozen IkiuI in port lia' ua, Pabrque. f. Paul, and other point. mi the I'pper Misrfisxippl, snd there is not one steuud.oat loud of freight In thu city for dhtrihution union ih-m. Tiio aro all waihiiK lor buineKS, and each uomt and tli -n re fovea a druy loud.

1 1 limit river bo ils como we 1 I- a led, but a geuvral tbinir ao out light. Husuioa In tho frelln line, in Ihe Mis-oiiri river, funis to be picking little, and hmti during tlio pint Iwo ditys 1m ve been namivin briskly; the iM-eiuer trade however ha no rly let down. Tiie Cincinnati Gazette of Tuesday, tho 12th instant says i tin ycHtorday the various masters of tho New Or lean veel Iu jsirt held a meeting of conler- enco, and nil rcsolveif to minora lo the ruls oi tho As.s''ation, and tond by turn, except Cape ide, of the Queen of the rt'et, who took p-uous to the manner in which tin- tatidi was n-i untied Ui com id mid load at low rate, wiJuml unyihiiix beiitprmiid or lon. lie ihouifht the A--ih lalioii should nut muku "flesh ul'uuu and 'owl tt'd otiier," and under tho prim-nt condition oi' ui! lira it would hn heal (Or each Kid to load us It co dd und depart when loaded.

and not ait for cere- nioiiy. He won'd not load tor any lower rates, but wou'ii ure mu he coiiiu at the ruling ih AsiM'eiafioii, wu uiiderstnad, aro ueteriuuied to put tint li'urea down, and if by combinntton, lo rule him out but I apt. Wuda nay I will lout at any price lliwy n'nue, rio tin; nur, and much poi may yet ooiiiHoul it. The Monarch i now loading at rale quoted below. At unv uuotatlnn no inikiiur hew intv thn wo cannot pua-ddy ioo any auvanoe in tin) (aiiTiniiH, UM MKUl IVI KUdbJ-VCK.

DKLTA OFFICE, Wednesday, May 20,1 CO TTO There are some few buyer in the market, but we hear of no sales ol uny conse quence a yet. TOBACCO Thus fur there Is little or nothing doinir. HUG A It We notice sales of 75 bhds. at full prices, with a quiet market. reboiled selling at 76 7c.

in barrels. FLOP It The market 1 teudy, and we hear of fit) hid. Kt, LauU sold iu two lot ut 7 25 ami 1'2U Tennessee at (7 i5 pur tht, COiiN Prices urc improving nnd notice sale of 4'i'MJ Mi ks as follows ordinal white mixed ut lllhO prime yellow ut bo, MK1 white at hh, and lJhO prime white, iu which wo declined for more. OATS "Firmer. Hale I JOU to 1400 atuk- Ohio ut 70, und 400elioicv St.

Louis at 71c lilt A V-HMiQ sucks brought It to 'f 00 lb. i'OKK- 150 bbls. uiess sold by a dealer (i en weight) at t-'l 50, which is the ruling irtuil rate. MACON' Firm. Sales 25 cul, prime iIIiImmI aides ut IV'J.

and holders geiuTiilly aking LAItO cry tliiu, Willi sale uf la" tuivca ut 5, und 400 and itH) kegs ut about Kegn itailhigr at I tic, A aule of 21 6 bugs at Mo. lb. ltALH HOPK Sales lotl culls haud spuu ut j. and 00 at Sc. lb, NAVAL KTOHKH-W notice kales of 30 bbls.

No. 2 It at 11 GO, and 17 at 11 70 bbl. Turpeutine retailing at fl(n vie, ll in He 8etitoat Dblu, $2 per annum; $3 36 delivered Id meity. 9imiuT ind WtnciT. 3 Mr Annum.

All remittances by mull at oar rink, provided the 1 ettere oonutnln the same have beca registered, K. B. 1 mtmiul eta are requested ind hereby an tborixed to am as Agent, to whom a ll ral com mission will he allowed. Remittances of ne car rent money of the Stales received at pnr. We re not acoonntahl for my transactions of travel! if Agents, unless they bold our written authority.

TUB RUNUAV Thi paper (i hwned weekly on Pumduy morning at the office of the Now Orleans Helta, No. 76 Camp it $2 per annum delivered In the city, and 0 ll et bv malt. The repctatlnn of to ttunday IV Hi a a literary and family on pur, not surpassed ny auy in ine country, fa already well established; and it la th In-aeauoti of the publishers hereafter to spare ne labor, expense, to make It alill mora attractive and desirable. From Una date, all general anthor'ty given to traveling agent is revoked. fc ADVKKTIMVO HATKS.

Bair Square of lire llneK, in pearl, or in space. 0 fcrery subsequent Insertion 0 25 One Square of ten Hoes, one Insertion 1 00 Crcry subsequent Insert lun 0 0f Second I'ngo advcruscmculs charged a new each day. aW Advertisem*nt Inserted monthly, weekly or intervals, are charged 1 per square ench Inser tion. ITKVH UOOi Oil PIUNTINU. DELTA JOB noOMfl, No.fdCauipitrteti Always prepared to pr at to order R4V.i; i roirtiriTii, I fi.kctiox i iearia, eH'MtL I FltrpLAKS, I HIM, MIMNO, hlNK rilW'K-, I PO-THIM INSt'U HV.K I'ULICIKS, I 1UNWJILLS, ill uaw, I And every description of Plain and Ornamental Printing With netne end dispatch and In TBI FlItHT 8TYLB OK TUB ART.

VeetoJ fur ill ties tn Machine Pre, Innumerable fenta or ROOK ANO JOB TYI'K, and every aprdl- a to expedite and beautify work. J-CAI-L ASH KXAM-VR MEN'S. delta ituoit unnGUY, Tie proprietor! ol the helm Book Bindery Inuring engaged the service of a superior foreman and competent work-mrn, are prepared tn e.tocuto all rders for ltullof and funding Blank Booke to any atasired for to or pattern. Countlng-hou', Steamboat Blank Bonks, Bill! Lading, Pray Receipts, Music or Check Book, got up in the best style and ai moderate prices. Order from Book rollers and Hi at loners da-lied.

Pamphlete, Mag tint and Mbrartea rebwnnd. Orders from the 'ulry will be promptly attended P. JI'NKIN! WEDNEShA AFTERXOOff, MA 20 WHAT THE MOKVINU PAPICIt MAY. The Bulletin, n'ltlrfnir the rcbellioua apirit of the cltiEetia of Now Vorlr, Iwchiiiir the law pa-taed by tlie LeirisUture of that Htate, which aro regurded aq iufrlnscment of the rlfrhti of the in iDii-lpal tveriitneut of 0itliam, aaya A like obnoxloiM Uw which evoked nuch a fit-rhu of feeling lit Nw Yirk, win punned by our own 'Ihiu but far be thidylirn we hIwII itutj)-feim tliu pirt of our ntplo a aimiiur itfnroAid, oelibcniu- rsiitanro to Die luwa, Tli law whkh tto odioun to a htrue mn-Jortly of our ihr. -nn, cunnot viidited or di-obuyod, excupt you one aromid iu cmi-Ut'itional-Hy.

ll bn MtHmiixiituttoUMl. it null and void but it ut'itiinr tor ib" jwoplo nor preii to pro-aounue tt uiicoii-lktuttriiml llmt biub atirihiitn i-ti tlued in tlut Irilnina'n of the romitry, and All law-ahtduiif uiiiK n. and MOrh we biwt wo are, will refer the poll -ton nrhitruiitMit of the ureal question the roiHiHuici Hu'lioriiit if the land the aupreuitt judicial tribunal of the dtate. The Br, eoinruentfiiif opon the apeecb of ior. Walkorit the cotiipliinenUry dinner.

Klveii biia by some of hii rrieitda la Hew lork, re We Hhould ive been iilejed if Mr. Walker id deult a liule more In pcat'ticil dft-ilh, and had told how he proioo to prm-ltide the K'irllt on the 4itxi Hide and on i he oilutr from iourliiK aetllore I "to htn't how be mlomla piocurtnit lair and Pnti4lnriory i find 11 a lull, freo and itob inu ol' lho will ol lb" pvoplo," Ho uromixiw limvli biit ll iM'iM'CompliliHH ho aim nt, we cmi ll't hn will he far nmre loiuiiute tliuU ti Ilce'liTH and Uourvf u-lio have preeo'lod him. It ovioeully tliu imiIIi of tho Kmc Hi ate wr in kiU-iw to Know t-very (nwttlble ob-tirli in the way of iumu'dmlo, in the buie that de luv will tntUile tliotn, by freh imiuitrrHtlon, Ui out nutnb'-r tlie pro-Uvtry nn'ii. Tltey will therei'orn rrtl-tt to the uiuumi of thoir ability tiov. Wnlker'a odorte oUUin a fu fru and ttoluiuu ex predion of (he popular will, cooiptfl bitn.

tu mhu of bia nianl ft'nt duHire to retiutiu utuiral, anitarenlly to rh With th- pro-slavery purty.uiid then HI) I tie air with iiiiuon04 oolO'iimuu ui urn injuNiice aim iwruaiuy, We foresee a vaal uinounl oi trout) ie umt eiohiirrM8 imiol iu utoro lor I lie new (Jovirnor vol ad he ui 4oubtedly poMMtHHtM great adtiiiiilittrutivu utility and energy, and iullmte Uu't and judKiiK-itt, It la p-iitile lie way "riue ine mmriwi a aim uireui iuo Btorio TheCreAuent.ontheBuhject of the douotlilng policy of our Covernraent genorally, and the matter of the New uraiutduto dimculty parllcu lfirly. obecrven i It li the do-not htng policy on our part which haa rcuderod Ine valtiiilil transit route tliroiiKti fiu ura-ruu wortbloaM, over ulme tVi.ta Itu-a took up aruu lor raettt afalne a net who had not uflondud her. but eoulit her friend -hip It tiiat mii oy which tun Ht itvi ot many oi our Muiitryiiii-ii, not only of ihae H-'hiiiig tu Wulkor'a rauka, but of uthora wto hud no'lnntr to ilo with Inn riMe, and lollowod their pemioiiit avoca'toim ine vain ri ll nco lliat tltelr qtiality or Amornaii t-ittxeu-hliip would uflord ample proteclion it I that oll lii hiH over and over tf''u itu Ameru'ao viltaoiia in aliiitwt ry quarter ot Mie K'otio to mhik uulr the hub II ik that protraiion from insulenre itnd or law Iowa violence, wltli I hey found it Iiiuhm itiio to obtaiu under their own for while JmIiii Hull will men.ueuiid oppro-a, and coerce if cuii, in iv o-K Hutt of lila own fulereat he if hliotkoil uud excoetliiu'ly Mralbful when olheradw It, uiiii liiw brave lim, whetiltioy meet i be American liitlie pur i of rcnioie ctunirii'J, are drawn to him iy coiuiiiou au and a common liucitfe. And dnaliy, it the do-noihinK fHiliey a Ht 1 11 in in. rutin upon our tleiuTsI (invertuui'iit, tt will in all pfNjbabiHiy Im for dirncclui lallnro to (ibmiii rediewa from a petty, dewp cable Hiate, for one ut I tie aud btmnly ouiruea evor HerMruU1.

The Creole, refi'irliifr to the prctlictkma iu vv' ard to the cotton crop, auya i is w-ti known ibfl or -diet niifl ao tl wuit a.i put lorih i'vry a- nami, are, in oltio case ou leu, bavliiK inlere-lfd inoiive. fh'-iv utu tt'dr iukI ll itla in the coHon at well ifi the nt4H trk i. it, m.r -1 uf one lo lpiT.i, and of iiiH.ih'-r ule prictt. Tlt holder I tm mhm ultnioii will ti( ervnie ihe liupreartiou I that a lybt hnK ii upon h.du eottt.n re-yioii, while tin liiiu-r will iili-uvr lotml a fuvora lile Mrii-'ii uihui ttli dm fii win ni be 4' Jlinn itnlcd 111 t' rd lo tlie p'oiii nu of ruhire. 'I' ere I- time etiooiih, thervloiv, one umutb le-Hee write failurt ayiHiHt tiin preatml coitou i-rop on tti iunt oi' the td ifciiUrly unprnpiiioua hpriint, m-nlt'-r, lo utter a dictum Iu Kard to the orububW iiriMiuciloti ui the flrxl ill fro-l The Picayune thinks that the cultivation of cotton iu the Ui Itlab Ktmi i idle ia oue of the remotoat pomdhltilica, if poaalbllity at all, Ouotb the l'U-ayuuc i Willi um present kuoMledue and the experience flf (il (be triala tiiude.

it I mn nit liie exi'i-uio nil urulmbiliiiea, be tiuy be reckoned oidy, a-i in- iliiilelv Hmall iteiee borl ol 'uhduptly demou-dra. tod ImpOMibiliiy, Nor ito we care to eeulate uin (lie vaiioui oilu Mhemen whu li the hMnUMi are tii and putting' on trml. to create coium Ihddn in N'orllo ru and -t'ru At ilea. 1l)nu ate faHurea In all probability ut lite bcol lull cwijliiiKOiicic lor thfr lailure u'ar off isHM vimre inuat elajwe bolore 4Utboror Iheio, in the form ol a iii'ccful uxiM-mueiit. tan nw ho production of (lie Vui eJ hi a tea, and In the tame tub i val ol lime, our pio-iiii'ilvcnt)a inul alco Increase Iu a ratio Ithlch Mill keep ua ua the ehir maikt fr auppiy luid the tfrowiiiH of mankind will add con oa-poiiditi'y to Ibo oou-uuirtiont and the depuuducu td'iuanuiaciuiiUii Kuatau I ou ttlaveholduu America.

Wo can imuKiite no oourae of oveuUwlm will re-Hove Knalalrd rruu tbo (lep'orabh iw iy of koep-Um paaue with ih I' -hd Hiatoa iot bar oU aaka. Capital pualaliuieut," the bay aaid wUeu ill wbwJ Ditrea eeattd biia iritu tto ifiiU. I as of the by um be in for 4061 an Increase since 1H50 of 711 oumlwr of chlldrea between 4 and 21 years old average attendance increases 34 amount raicd lor support of school 52; Increase PMMH 39. A man named Airon Bedbug, of Montgomery County, Kentucky, intends petitioning tlie Legit luture to change hU name. Ho anyM that his -act heart, whose name Is Olivia, unwilling that he should 1 called A.

lh-dlmg, she O. Bedbug, and the little ones little Bedbug. Dr. Kane's heir have been mild 9 7, 000 for the solo of the lamented explorer's work, the "Arctic Kxpeditlon," and Professor Longfellow, it Is said, netted 13,000 by the silo ol Hiawatha." A French writer, speaking of Dr. Bm-kland, the accomplialied naturalist, ajhidea to his celebrated Brldgewater Treatise," saying that Dr.

Bucklaiid has puhliahcd a work on the construction of bridgca." The Pennsylvania Legislature have, at the present session, passed twenty-two bank charters, with an afrcg.tte CHpitul of six million dollars. A new paper, It Is s.tld, is to bo started In New York city, with a capital of nud Thurlow Weed as editor. It is to le the organ of the IbpubHciin party of the Htate of New York. The Charleston Uerenry states that the rice crop on the sra coast Iihs been luateriully In- lured bv the Ncvcre cold weather. President Monagfts, of Yenesnela, haa been rc-elcctcd for another teim, with Sennr Oriach hiv son-in-law, as Vice President.

It never rains but it pours. The Empress of Russia Is announced to be iu the snine boat with the Uuetn of Bon In. A woman named Mrs.Henrtehas been confined inthejuil ftt Hamilton, C. for over even years. A horse-dealer, describing a iiwd up horse, aaid he looked "as if he had been editing a daily ewspuperF" Mrs.

Brown says her husband Is such blun derer that he can't even try on a new boot wilt out patting his foot In It. The clear Domocratlo majority In Philadelphia, over both Americans and Republicans ftOBT. The steamship Prometheus, Capt. Gray, sailed at 8 o'clock tola morning for New York via Havana, with an assorted cargo of merchandise, in specie for New York, and the following pssaengers alra the California mails i Kok Nkw Yom Mrs, hew and iiifnut, tti (truy-son, 11 f'laer, iNn (. i (iamilul, lady mid inriint, mre.

Mr DT id ir.1, Misa tt Hie Miss II ..1, Mi'H Koek, flmi and ner van t. Mra Moah', Mn Vbillis, ll Miloret, Mr WeRenSie, Win H'co, I' eker, Mr F. Porter, A Kvnii. rfcfiriwick nnd lady. Mrc tt'Ai' vsnd (iu.ijlimr, A lliMy.

Urev, It Uir low, II Hnirclni aud truly, II Allen, A Van IbMeii, ft liavnUun, I V. f. otli' er, ib I. H. troops, 3 lami-dieeit, servant, and IS9 In the Koa Havana li-is Emilv Trlrrure, Mhs Einlly irret, Jonu tri-po, Mi.a Kiiiott, V.

Utiriy, Toweua, l.idv and ntrvantn, Mr 9 ft.mldlog, ii Kubler, Navidnd, I'urny, I. Trlrrure aud bov. 8 Kernochan, snd 1 in tlie steerage, Vim tli.rliupl mill frlMH.I Pudding, M'S Dii'ldiiifr,, Mra Mc- Ritvnolflfl, injlfon alio iwo eiiiiuren, urn inuon, Miss CJ Karretl, Harris, A'liC, Mis Itl'llult, Mkh Wlo-olun, AifHn, llr- Au-iin nnd chibt. It Hull, Mm til and iiif int, Tlina tilbini, Mrs ri.bbins and infant, lh MctVir-mirk. Ann Brown, Mrs ixU and three children, l.ucv Iitruv, Ann Kvaiia, I.

liroin and norvaut, I- W-itroiH. II Brat k-hove, MrHdiair, lr Bondman. Htanley, II Hakdl, Hildwin, KJ Hndielli. STiiompaoii, Maftee, MI-m WolUm, Bt'Nik, t'ak, Mr Hart, lira Hart aud iulaut, und 2U Kteeruj(e. Thk Amphithkatkk Tlie performances of Wymon.

the magician, at the Ainpluilieutie continue lluety attractive in every sense of the word. The delightful weather we are now enjoying should hringcrowds to Spalding Rogers' establishment. They will Hud themselves eu- joying hugely the entertainment of Wynmn, from tlie time the curtain rise until It drops. The Necromancer is ft great fellow, truly, In everything that aptMirtaiua to bis art, and should be seen by every oue caring to have a couple of hours' Hrst-ntte fun. ItEWAHD FOH 11IK Ml'KllKKKttri OK Dft.

Hl'lt- DKLL-Tiie proprietors of the V. Timca offer reward of $.000 for such Information as shall unravel the mystery that now envelops this case, and lead tu the detection, conviction and punishment of parties guilty of this murder. The proprietor of the Times say they are prompted to thU course by a profound convic tion that the regular authorities of the city and State cannot bo relied on for such action as the interests of the people demand ftt their hands, aud that the public press will In this limtance in many others, be found tlie tniset represen tative and most faithful gimrdi ui of the public welfare. MOI'NT VKTNON Tlie nice ting the Mount Vcruou Association, of dgomery was wed attended and much interest tuaiil fested. Speeches were delivered by Hon.

Win, Yam ey and others. The example of the giited Kvcrott Is being followed by other distinguished gentlemen In Alabama aud Tennessee. Will not soiuo gitted son of louUlaua raise his voice foi tomb of Wisliington. National Ocahantink CoNVkNnox. This Convention met on the Llth, and was orgunixt the appoiutiuent of the folluwiug gentlemen permauentofticerst President, WilMin Jotvell, VicPivaiileiiU, 11.

inon, i. Louisiana; Hmi. Alex. H. Bice, of Massacbu- setts.

Ht-cretitrieK, Kd. Harlshome, M. ol Pennsylvania Homer Fntukllu, of New York. llYPKot'iioaiA. -We learu froui the Mobile Tribune that, on the 1 ill three mud dog ap peared in he, south-western part of the city, and suixct'dt di bitiifg two mules, one horse, und a negro, before they were apprehended.

We liuve heard, auya vhu Tribune, of mad dogs iu other purta uf the city, and we advi-e our cltiacns to ou their guaid. Viuuiku lKMocaAnc ConvkniioN. T'tia body met iu Kicbmond on tlie Uth, for the pur-pone of nominating euudidato lor Attoruey Genural. The Kuqulrur swya Umt the finest spirit of harmony uuUerally prevailed." John Randolph Tucker, of Frederick county, wa nominated ou the Hi st ballot. A Oakmivai.

Thick I'nder the reigu of mU Philippe. Ihough all tlie liouapurte family were exile, ixjuia Napohsin contrived to enter Krtiuc, spend two Jolly days of the carnival in Purls, aud eveu pa oue evening at the opciu loill, In ooiiipauv with two ludies ol thu king's own family. Tlie police wen on the a lei I wo days ullei w.nls, but he niidc h'-i iriuiiiphuutly. It ia aaid that to this iy day this feat imes mom pride tu Loub Napoleon than hia toun li'ttm or the kian that lie rixeiwd Uo'ui V-it'CU icWria. a old.

The Daily Delta from New Orleans, Louisiana (2024)
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Name: Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner

Birthday: 1994-06-25

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Introduction: My name is Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner, I am a zany, graceful, talented, witty, determined, shiny, enchanting person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.