Television Archive News Search Service (2024)



Date Archived



70 70

Hearing Focuses on Oil and Gas Development on Federal Lands : CSPAN : June 30, 2017 3:03am-4:54am EDT

Jun 30, 2017 06/17



State officials from New Mexico and Utah, a law professor, and the acting assistant Interior Department secretary testified at a hearing on oil and gas development access on federal lands. Sponsor: House Natural Resources Subcommittee on Energy and Mineral Resources
Topics: ms. macgregor, new mexico, mr. flynn, dr. nelson, utah, mexico, apd, lowenthal, colorado, pearce,...
Source: Comcast Cable


40 40

House Ways and Means Committee Considers Resolution Seeking President's Tax Returns : CSPAN : March 28, 2017 8:33pm-10:43pm EDT

Mar 29, 2017 03/17



The House Ways and Means Committee began a markup of H.R. 186, a measure requiring the Treasury secretary to provide tax returns and other financial information of President Trump covering the 2006 through 2015 tax years. The resolution was introduced by Representative Bill Pascrell (D-NJ) and was derided by the committee's chair, Representative Kevin Brady (R-TX), and other Republican members as a political exercise in opposition of President Trump. Sponsor: House Ways and Means Committee
Topics: trump, russia, mr. pascrell, mr. trump, donald trump, mar-a-lago, pascrell, mr. paulson, bill...
Source: Comcast Cable


37 37

Housing Secretary Carson Testifies at Oversight Hearing : CSPAN : October 15, 2017 12:27pm-3:30pm EDT

Oct 15, 2017 10/17



Housing and Urban Development Secretary Ben Carson testified at an oversight hearing before the House Financial Services Committee. He answered questions on a range of issues including proposed budget cuts to several HUD programs, efforts to address homelessness across the country, and a series of tweets from President Trump in which the president said the electric grid and infrastructure in Puerto Rico "was a disaster before the hurricanes," and that FEMA, the military, and first...
Topics: carson, hud, sec, fha, beaty, washington, texas, maloney, michigan, mr. carson, new york, florida,...
Source: Comcast Cable


58 58

House Session, Part 3 : CSPAN : June 12, 2017 6:30pm-9:28pm EDT

Jun 12, 2017 06/17



[LIVE] The House convened for a legislative session. Sponsor: U.S. House of Representatives
Topics: texas, orlando, ms. plaskett, florida, the f.b.i., illinois, mr. veasey, soto, donald trump,...
Source: Comcast Cable


108 108

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi Briefs Reporters on Capitol Hill : CSPAN : January 13, 2017 6:46pm-7:14pm EST

Jan 13, 2017 01/17



House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) responded to reporters questions at his weekly briefing. Topics included the House vote on Affordable Care Act repeal legislation and whether there were ties between Russia and the Trump presidential campaign. People: Nancy Pelosi Sponsor: U.S. Capitol | House Radio and Television Gallery
Topics: pelosi, fbi, clinton, donald trump, obama, russia, ms. pelosi, bush
Source: Comcast Cable


68 68

House Session, Part 2 : CSPAN : July 24, 2017 6:30pm-8:55pm EDT

Jul 24, 2017 07/17



The House convened for a legislative session. Sponsor: U.S. House of Representatives
Topics: dana reeve, florida, ms. plaskett, christopher reeve, mexico, trump, mr. payne, elizabeth,...
Source: Comcast Cable


26 26

Hearing Examines Law Enforcement Challenges : CSPAN : May 18, 2017 1:56am-3:49am EDT

May 18, 2017 05/17



Local police chiefs testified before the House Judiciary Subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism, Homeland Security and Investigations on the challenges local departments face. Topics included improving relations between economically depressed communities and police, funding, and improving training for de-escalation techniques. Sponsor: House Judiciary Committee
Topics: houston, texas, south carolina, mr. gowdy, canterbury, thompson, iraq, mr. canterbury, mcdonnell,...
Source: Comcast Cable


55 55

Hearing Focuses on Hate Crimes Targeting Religious Groups : CSPAN : May 7, 2017 4:26am-7:01am EDT

May 7, 2017 05/17



The Senate Judiciary Committee convened a hearing on ways to address the increasing number of religious hate crimes in the United States. The special counsel for religious discrimination within the civil rights division at the Justice Department testified. Other experts including the police chief of the Arlington, Texas, Police Department and a religious hate crime victim also appeared before committee members. Sponsor: Senate Judiciary Committee
Topics: fbi, johnson, mr. greenblatt, ms. gupta, feinstein, minnesota, singh, washington, new york, steve...
Source: Comcast Cable


156 156

House Democrats Say More Immigration Enforcement Raids Are Expected : CSPAN : February 16, 2017 7:41pm-8:01pm EST

Feb 17, 2017 02/17



Congressional Democrats spoke to reporters following a meeting with Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Acting Director Thomas Homman on immigration raids and deportations happening in several states. They said a broadening of the current raids by ICE could be expected. Sponsor: U.S. Capitol | House Radio and Television Gallery
Topics: washington, trump, texas, new mexico, ms. pelosi, san antonio
Source: Comcast Cable


50 50

House Democratic Caucus Leaders Condemn Trump Administration's Immigration Crackdown : CSPAN : March 19, 2017 4:38am-5:13am EDT

Mar 19, 2017 03/17



House Democrats met with Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly to express their concerns about the department's immigration enforcement operations and the potential for mass deportations. They later spoke to reporters and said many of his answers to their questions were unsatisfactory. Speakers included House Democratic Caucus Chair Joseph Crowley, vice chair Linda Sanchez and the chair of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus Michelle Lujan Grisham. Sponsor: U.S. Capitol
Topics: kelly, mr. crowley, ms. lujan grisham, virginia, ms. sanchez, mexico
Source: Comcast Cable


147 147

House Speaker Election and Swearing-In of Members : CSPAN : January 4, 2017 2:41am-5:02am EST

Jan 4, 2017 01/17



Representatives Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-WA) and Joseph Crowley (D-NY) nominated their parties' nominees for Speaker of the House: Representatives Paul Ryan (R-WI) and Nancy Pelosi (D-CA). Following the nominations, the chamber voted, with Paul Ryan winning a 239-189-5 vote. He retained the gavel after initially being elected in October 2015. Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi and Speaker Ryan then delivered remarks before Speaker Ryan swore-in members of the 115th Congress. Sponsor: U.S. House of...
Topics: ryan, pelosi, california, wisconsin, florida, georgia, nancy pelosi, washington, texas, new york,...
Source: Comcast Cable


189 189

Homeland Security Secretary Testifies on FY 2018 Budget : CSPAN : May 25, 2017 4:21pm-6:18pm EDT

May 25, 2017 05/17



Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly spoke before a Senate subcommittee about his department's budget request for 2018. One of the areas he discussed was his concern of homegrown terrorism and his expectation of additional "Manchester-style" attacks similar to the bombing in the United Kingdom. Other topics included funding for a security wall along the southwest border, sanctuary cities, combating the opioid and heroin epidemics and the use of unmanned aircraft systems by the...
Topics: mexico, canada, mr. kelly, manchester, lankford, hoeven, leahy, vermont, kelly, montana, cochran,...
Source: Comcast Cable


46 46

House Session, Part 2 : CSPAN : September 6, 2017 10:15pm-1:35am EDT

Sep 7, 2017 09/17



[LIVE] The House convened for a legislative session. Sponsor: U.S. House of Representatives
Topics: california, texas, mr. carter, texas, iowa, washington, mr. fitzpatrick, new york, ms. jayapal, mr....
Source: Comcast Cable


35 35

Hearing Examines Electricity Industry Reliability : CSPAN : September 16, 2017 11:34am-12:29pm EDT

Sep 16, 2017 09/17



The House Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Energy held a hearing on the electricity industry and the reliability of the U.S. electric grid. Officials, including Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) Chair Neil Chatterjee, talked about ongoing efforts to modernize and strengthen the country's electricity infrastructure and electric grid, as well as the Energy Department's and FERC's roles in responding to Hurricanes Harvey and Irma. The hearing was relatively brief due to a series of...
Topics: harvey, irma, ferc, florida, north dakota, ms hoffman, texas, california
Source: Comcast Cable


44 44

Hernandez v. Mesa Oral Argument : CSPAN : June 26, 2017 11:12pm-12:16am EDT

Jun 27, 2017 06/17



The Supreme Court heard oral argument in Hernandez v. Mesa, a case on whether constitutional protections can extend past U.S. boundaries. The case concerns whether the family of a a 15-year-old unarmed boy on the Mexican side of the border can sue a U.S. Border Patrol agent for shooting and killing him. The shooting took place in a concrete culvert that separates El Paso, Texas, and Juarez, Mexico, with the boy on the Mexican side of the border and the agent on the U.S. side. Sponsor: U.S....
Topics: mexico, bivens, sergio hernandez, texas, ginsburg, breyer, verdugo, mr. hernandez, boumediene,...
Source: Comcast Cable


39 39

Hearing Examines Border Security Technology : CSPAN : July 30, 2017 6:33pm-8:01pm EDT

Jul 30, 2017 07/17



Homeland Security officials with the Border Patrol and Customs and Border Protection agencies testified at a hearing on the various technologies they were using to secure the nation's borders. During the hearing, Customs and Border Protection's Field Operations Executive Assistant Commissioner Todd Owens said the smuggling of the dangerous drug fentanyl into the U.S. via the courier system from China was an issue that needs to be addressed immediately. Mr. Owens added that the CBP had conducted...
Topics: arizona, california, texas, tucson, south texas, los angeles, washington, mexico, vietnam, faa,...
Source: Comcast Cable


68 68

House Debate on Abortion Funding : CSPAN : January 27, 2017 10:38am-11:36am EST

Jan 27, 2017 01/17



The House debated a bill to block federal funds for abortions, abortion services, as well as Affordable Care Act subsidizes for insurance policies that cover abortions, even if it is employer-provided health care. The bill makes permanent the "Hyde Amendment", which is typically added to annual bills, that bars federal medical facilities and federally funded health professionals from providing abortion services. Sponsor: U.S. House of Representatives
Topics: madam, colorado, florida, ms. degette, california, tennessee, illinois, washington, mr. smith,...
Source: Comcast Cable


46 46

House Debate on Fiscal Year 2018 Spending : CSPAN : July 27, 2017 12:30am-2:24am EDT

Jul 27, 2017 07/17



The House completed general debate on what's called the "minibus" bill, which combines four of the 12 spending bills for 2018, those for Defense Department, Energy Department, the Legislative Branch, and military construction and Veterans Affairs. Republicans focused on the spending increases in Defense and Energy programs. The legislation increases overall defense spending by $72.5 billion and cuts non-defense spending by $5 billion. Democrats pointed out that sequestration would cut...
Topics: new york, mr. frelinghuysen, mrs. lowey, texas, frelinghuysen, mexico, washington, simpson, alaska,...
Source: Comcast Cable

Kirstjen Nielsen, President Trump's nominee for Homeland Security secretary, testified before the Senate Homeland Security Committee. She pledged to ensure the integrity of the election system and said cybersecurity is the greatest challenge to the U.S. Ms. Nielsen addressed President Trump's immigration enforcement policies saying she does not support construction of a border wall along the entire U.S. southern border. In addition, she told the committee she is committed to finding a permanent...
Topics: ms. nielsen, mccaskill, peters, dhs, montana, texas, katrina, kelly, fema, john kelly,...
Source: Comcast Cable


71 71

Housing Secretary Carson Testifies at Oversight Hearing : CSPAN : October 13, 2017 2:23am-5:28am EDT

Oct 13, 2017 10/17



Housing and Urban Development Secretary Ben Carson testified at an oversight hearing before the House Financial Services Committee. He answered questions on a range of issues including proposed budget cuts to several HUD programs, efforts to address homelessness across the country, and a series of tweets from President Trump in which the president said the electric grid and infrastructure in Puerto Rico "was a disaster before the hurricanes," and that FEMA, the military, and first...
Topics: hud, sec, carson, mr. carson, fha, texas, maine, washington, new york, michigan, homelessness,...
Source: Comcast Cable


45 45

House Speaker Election and Swearing-In of Members : CSPAN : January 3, 2017 9:51pm-12:13am EST

Jan 4, 2017 01/17



Representatives Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-WA) and Joseph Crowley (D-NY) nominated their parties' nominees for Speaker of the House: Representatives Paul Ryan (R-WI) and Nancy Pelosi (D-CA). Following the nominations, the chamber voted, with Paul Ryan winning a 239-189-5 vote. He retained the gavel after initially being elected in October 2015. Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi and Speaker Ryan then delivered remarks before Speaker Ryan swore-in members of the 115th Congress. Sponsor: U.S. House of...
Topics: ryan, pelosi, california, wisconsin, washington, florida, georgia, nancy pelosi, paul ryan, texas,...
Source: Comcast Cable


43 43

HHS Nominee Representative Tom Price Testifies at Confirmation Hearing : CSPAN : January 24, 2017 8:49pm-12:48am EST

Jan 25, 2017 01/17



Representative Tom Price (R-GA) testified before the Senate Finance Committee on his nomination to be Health and Human Services secretary in the Trump administration. Representative Price in his remarks committed to several committee members he would work with them to ensure that all Americans have access to affordable health coverage as congressional Republicans continued working toward their pledge to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act. He also talked about the solvency of Medicare,...
Topics: mccaskill, wyden, washington, casey, aca, hhs, isakson, florida, brown, cardin, georgia, bennet,...
Source: Comcast Cable


94 94

Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly Testifies on U.S. Border Security : CSPAN : February 8, 2017 1:37am-4:48am EST

Feb 8, 2017 02/17



Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly testified at a hearing on U.S. border security. Sponsor: House Homeland Security Committee
Topics: mexico, kelly, trump, california, syria, iraq, europe, texas, yemen, florida, ut, south america,...
Source: Comcast Cable


38 38

Hearing Considers Modernization of Endangered Species Act : CSPAN : May 14, 2017 3:44am-4:40am EDT

May 14, 2017 05/17



Fish and wildlife agency directors for Florida, Arizona, and Rhode Island testified at a hearing on the Endangered Species Act and their experiences working with federal officials to enforce the 1973 law. The hearing was cut short because of a procedural move made by Senate Democrats disallowing committee hearings for the remainder of the day, a reaction to President Trump having fired FBI Director James Comey. Sponsor: Senate Environment and Public Works Committee
Topics: esa, mr. wiley, florida, oklahoma, jackson, u.s. fish & wildlife, wiley, arizona, inhofe,...
Source: Comcast Cable


29 29

House Debate on Dodd-Frank Rule : CSPAN : June 8, 2017 2:21am-3:11am EDT

Jun 8, 2017 06/17



House members debated a rule for H.R. 10, the Financial CHOICE Act, which would repeal and change significant portions of the 2010 Dodd-Frank financial regulations law Sponsor: U.S. House of Representatives
Topics: new york, colorado, washington, texas, russia, mrs. maloney, mr. pearce, kentucky, mexico, fargo,...
Source: Comcast Cable


33 33

House Rules Committee Meets on Pending Legislation : CSPAN : December 21, 2017 9:10am-11:57am EST

Dec 21, 2017 12/17



[LIVE] The House Rules Committee meets to consider rules for passage of pending legislation. Sponsor: House Rules Committee
Topics: ms. pelosi, mr. woodall, mr. cole, ms. lujan grisham, texas, mr. byrne, mr. mcgovern, mr. weber,...
Source: Comcast Cable


36 36

House Minority Leader Holds Weekly Briefing : CSPAN : February 16, 2017 10:55am-11:24am EST

Feb 16, 2017 02/17



[LIVE] House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) took questions from reporters at her weekly briefing. People: Nancy Pelosi Sponsor: U.S. Capitol | House Radio and Television Gallery
Topics: ms. pelosi, russia, mulvaney, trump, paul ryan, washington, c-span, schiff, schumer, mexico, ryan,...
Source: Comcast Cable


22 22

House Budget Committee Marks Up ACA Replacement Legislation : CSPAN : March 17, 2017 12:20am-1:52am EDT

Mar 17, 2017 03/17



The House Budget Committee met to mark up Republicans legislation to replace the Affordable Care Act. Sponsor: House Budget Committee
Topics: washington, madam, texas, florida, mr. palmer, mr. mcclintock, obamacare, california, illinois,...
Source: Comcast Cable


59 59

House Tribute to Representative Bob Michel : CSPAN : March 5, 2017 12:10am-12:41am EST

Mar 5, 2017 03/17



House members paid tribute to former Representative Bob Michel (R-IL), who died on February 17, 2017. Sponsor: U.S. House of Representatives
Topics: bob michel, illinois, peoria, bob michael, washington, michel, mr. lahood, mourning, lahood, mr....
Source: Comcast Cable


49 49

HHS Nominee Representative Tom Price Testifies at Confirmation Hearing : CSPAN : January 25, 2017 3:01am-7:01am EST

Jan 25, 2017 01/17



Representative Tom Price (R-GA) testified before the Senate Finance Committee on his nomination to be Health and Human Services secretary in the Trump administration. Representative Price in his remarks committed to several committee members he would work with them to ensure that all Americans have access to affordable health coverage as congressional Republicans continued working toward their pledge to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act. He also talked about the solvency of Medicare,...
Topics: mccaskill, wyden, casey, heller, washington, isakson, aca, stabenow, brown, florida, hhs, cardin,...
Source: Comcast Cable


35 35

Hurricane Irma Update by Governor Scott : CSPAN : September 9, 2017 6:06pm-6:19pm EDT

Sep 9, 2017 09/17



Florida Governor Rick Scott (R) said his state is under a state of emergency as Hurricane Irma continues to move west. He warned of severe storm surges and life-threatening winds and urged residents in evacuation zones to leave immediately. He gave a briefing at the Orange County Office of Emergency Management in Winter Park, Florida. People: Rick Scott Sponsor: C-SPAN
Topics: florida, irma, fema, texas
Source: Comcast Cable


50 50

House Debate on Abortion Funding : CSPAN : January 25, 2017 2:12am-2:57am EST

Jan 25, 2017 01/17



The House debated a bill to block federal funds for abortions, abortion services, as well as Affordable Care Act subsidizes for insurance policies that cover abortions, even if it is employer-provided health care. The bill makes permanent the "Hyde Amendment", which is typically added to annual bills, that bars federal medical facilities and federally funded health professionals from providing abortion services. Sponsor: U.S. House of Representatives
Topics: colorado, california, florida, washington, illinois, smith, diane, wade, mr. smith, texas,...
Source: Comcast Cable


42 42

Hearing Examines Security Implications of Visa Overstays : CSPAN : May 24, 2017 1:46am-3:12am EDT

May 24, 2017 05/17



The House Homeland Security Committee on Border Security held a hearing on the impact of visa overstays on national security. Officials from Immigrations and Customs Enforcement and Homeland Security testified on current efforts underway to better track those who stay in the U.S. after their visas have expired. Sponsor: House Homeland Security Subcommittee on Border and Maritime Security
Topics: hsi, mr. wagner, mcsally, trump, barragan, dhs, mr. roth, mexico, atlanta, mick mulvaney, canada,...
Source: Comcast Cable


30 30

House Rules Committee : CSPAN : December 21, 2017 10:21pm-1:06am EST

Dec 22, 2017 12/17



The House Rules Committee met to talk about a government funding bill, Democratic leaders talked to the committee about legislation to help so called "Dreamers", undocumented immigrants brought to the U.S. as children.. Sponsor: House Rules Committee
Topics: ms. pelosi, mr. byrne, ms. lujan grisham, mr. woodall, mr. cole, obama, mr. burgess, pelosi, new...
Source: Comcast Cable


27 27

Hearing Examines Border Security Technology : CSPAN : July 29, 2017 1:56am-3:23am EDT

Jul 29, 2017 07/17



Homeland Security officials with the Border Patrol and Customs and Border Protection agencies testified at a hearing on the various technologies they were using to secure the nation's borders. During the hearing, Customs and Border Protection's Field Operations Executive Assistant Commissioner Todd Owens said the smuggling of the dangerous drug fentanyl into the U.S. via the courier system from China was an issue that needs to be addressed immediately. Mr. Owens added that the CBP had conducted...
Topics: arizona, california, texas, tucson, madam, mr. owen, san diego, south texas, mcsally, mexico,...
Source: Comcast Cable


34 34

House Debate on Criminal Alien Gang Members : CSPAN : September 14, 2017 6:47pm-8:01pm EDT

Sep 14, 2017 09/17



House members debated a bill designed to deport criminal alien gang members, and stem smuggling. Republicans cited crimes committed by illegal aliens and the dangers of smuggling. Democrats said the bill was too sweeping, endangering faith organizations and others that deal with immigrant communities. People: Nancy Pelosi Sponsor: U.S. House of Representatives
Topics: virginia, idaho, mrs. comstock, ms. lofgren, california, texas, new york, washington, goodlatte,...
Source: Comcast Cable


60 60

House Administration Committee Hearing on Sexual Harassment : CSPAN : November 19, 2017 4:18pm-6:01pm EST

Nov 19, 2017 11/17



The House Administration Committee convened a hearing to review the U.S. House of Representatives policies and training on sexual harassment. Witnesses included Rep. Jackie Speier (D-CA), a sexual assault survivor and advocate, who said in her testimony that she knew at least two current members of Congress that are sexual harassers. Rep. Barbara Comstock (R-VA), who sits on the committee, said she knew of a current male member of Congress who exposed himself to a young female staffer....
Topics: new york, cia, mr. brady, mrs. wallace, california, bradley byrne, caa, harper, maryland, jackie,...
Source: Comcast Cable


39 39

Hearing Examines Fishery Laws Ahead of Reauthorization : CSPAN : August 1, 2017 5:28pm-6:53pm EDT

Aug 1, 2017 08/17



Officials from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and the New England Fishery Management Council testified at a hearing A to assess the nation's fishery laws, specifically reauthorization of the the Magnuson-Stevens Act. This law was enacted in 1976 and governs the management of marine fisheries in U.S. federal waters. The witnesses provided recommendations for improving fishery management efforts and addressed the potential challenges posed by climate change and...
Topics: mr. oliver, dr. quinn, alaska, michigan, noaa, england, texas, new england, massachusetts, magnuson...
Source: Comcast Cable


29 29

HHS Secretary Tom Price Speaks About Flu Preparedness : CSPAN : September 28, 2017 4:38pm-5:35pm EDT

Sep 28, 2017 09/17



Health and Human Services Secretary Tom Price joined medical and public health experts at the National Press Club to discuss influenza prevention and preparedness. Speakers talked about current vaccination rates and urged anyone six months of age and older to get an annual flu shot. They said the virus is a serious public health concern, especially for the very young and elderly. After his remarks, Secretary Price got a flu shot on stage in an effort to promote public awareness. People: Tom...
Topics: dr. schaffner, influenza, influenza vaccine, australia, dr. jernigan, nevada, cdc, kathy, maryland,...
Source: Comcast Cable


28 28

House and Senate Democrats Unveil "Better Deal" Agenda : CSPAN : July 24, 2017 10:41pm-11:47pm EDT

Jul 25, 2017 07/17



Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), joined by fellow House and Senate Democrats, announced their party's new economic agenda called "A Better Deal." Sen. Schumer said that with this plan, his party intends to show America that Democrats are the party "on the side of working people." He and the others who spoke focused their remarks around three main goals of their plan: "higher wages, lower costs and the tools for a...
Topics: schumer, virginia, washington, pelosi, warren, minnesota, berryville, orioles, berryville,...
Source: Comcast Cable


26 26

House Rules Committee : CSPAN : December 22, 2017 3:18am-6:01am EST

Dec 22, 2017 12/17



The House Rules Committee met to talk about a government funding bill, Democratic leaders talked to the committee about legislation to help so called "Dreamers", undocumented immigrants brought to the U.S. as children.. Sponsor: House Rules Committee
Topics: ms. pelosi, mr. byrne, ms. lujan grisham, mr. woodall, mr. cole, mr. hoyer, obama, mr. burgess, new...
Source: Comcast Cable


28 28

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi Weekly Briefing : CSPAN : October 5, 2017 1:28pm-1:48pm EDT

Oct 5, 2017 10/17



At her weekly news-briefing, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) called on Republicans to bring bills addressing gun violence and the Deferred Action Childhood Arrivals (DACA) up for a vote. She also discussed federal response to Hurricane Maria in Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands. Sponsor: U.S. Capitol | House Radio and Television Gallery
Topics: mike thompson, ms. pelosi, florida, ms. sanchez, fema, bruce bartlett, vietnam, middle america,...
Source: Comcast Cable


68 68

House Debate on Fiscal Year 2018 Spending : CSPAN : July 27, 2017 3:58am-5:53am EDT

Jul 27, 2017 07/17



The House completed general debate on what's called the "minibus" bill, which combines four of the 12 spending bills for 2018, those for Defense Department, Energy Department, the Legislative Branch, and military construction and Veterans Affairs. Republicans focused on the spending increases in Defense and Energy programs. The legislation increases overall defense spending by $72.5 billion and cuts non-defense spending by $5 billion. Democrats pointed out that sequestration would cut...
Topics: new york, texas, mexico, mr. frelinghuysen, frelinghuysen, washington, mrs. lowey, alaska, simpson,...
Source: Comcast Cable


53 53

House Rules Committee Considers Health Care Bill as GOP Searches for Votes : CSPAN : March 22, 2017 6:12pm-11:44pm EDT

Mar 22, 2017 03/17



The House Rules Committee met to consider a rule for floor debate on the American Health Care Act, the Republican bill to replace the Affordable Care Act. Sponsor: House Rules Committee
Topics: ms. pelosi, mr. mcgovern, new york, mr. hoyer, texas, mr. cole, mr. clyburn, maine, washington,...
Source: Comcast Cable


34 34

Hudson Institute Forum Focuses on Middle East Alliances : CSPAN : June 5, 2017 4:15am-5:58am EDT

Jun 5, 2017 06/17



The Hudson Institute held a discussion on the changing alliances between Israel and Arab states in the Middle East, examining the impact of ISIS and the Iran nuclear deal on the region. Panelists included Michael Doran, President George W. Bush's National Security Council senior director and Tablet Magazine's Senior Writer Liel Leibovitz. People: Michael S. Doran; Lee Smith Sponsor: Hudson Institute
Topics: israel, jerusalem, washington, egypt, europe, nasser, london, u.n., yemen, soviet union, jordan,...
Source: Comcast Cable


177 177

House Session, Part 2 : CSPAN : September 6, 2017 6:15pm-8:16pm EDT

Sep 6, 2017 09/17



[LIVE] The House convened for a legislative session. Sponsor: U.S. House of Representatives
Topics: georgia, florida, michigan, illinois, alabama, california, iowa, new york, north carolina,...
Source: Comcast Cable


142 142

Hearing Focuses on Oil and Gas Development on Federal Lands : CSPAN : June 29, 2017 9:34pm-11:27pm EDT

Jun 30, 2017 06/17



State officials from New Mexico and Utah, a law professor, and the acting assistant Interior Department secretary testified at a hearing on oil and gas development access on federal lands. Sponsor: House Natural Resources Subcommittee on Energy and Mineral Resources
Topics: ms. macgregor, new mexico, mr. flynn, dr. nelson, utah, mexico, apd, lowenthal, colorado, texas,...
Source: Comcast Cable


28 28

Homeland Security Secretary Nomination : CSPAN : November 8, 2017 11:20pm-1:41am EST

Nov 9, 2017 11/17



Kirstjen Nielsen, President Trump's nominee for Homeland Security secretary, testified before the Senate Homeland Security Committee. She pledged to ensure the integrity of the election system and said cybersecurity is the greatest challenge to the U.S. Ms. Nielsen addressed President Trump's immigration enforcement policies saying she does not support construction of a border wall along the entire U.S. southern border. In addition, she told the committee she is committed to finding a permanent...
Topics: ms. nielsen, mccaskill, texas, peters, dhs, montana, fema, katrina, kelly, john kelly,...
Source: Comcast Cable


22 22

House Speaker Ryan: There is No Agreement on DACA : CSPAN : September 14, 2017 1:58pm-2:09pm EDT

Sep 14, 2017 09/17



House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI) held his weekly press availability with reporters following a series of votes on the chamber floor. While he spoke about the passage of spending bills for fiscal year 2018, reporters pressed him on President Trump's most recent discussions with congressional Democrats on immigration and border security legislation. Speaker Ryan defied earlier statements by his Democratic colleagues, saying a legislative deal had not been struck to codify the Deferred Action for...
Topics: mr. ryan, trump, florida, frelinghuysen
Source: Comcast Cable


22 22

Health Care Policy : CSPAN : October 19, 2017 1:32pm-2:45pm EDT

Oct 19, 2017 10/17



Sen. Lamar Alexander (R-TN), who chairs the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions committee and co-authored a bipartisan deal with Ranking Member Patty Murray (D-WA), joined Senate colleagues Bill Cassidy (R-LA) and Tim Kaine (D-VA) to discuss the latest in health care policy. The event came one day after a bipartisan deal was reached on a proposal to help stabilize insurance markets for the next two years. Axios Co-Founder and former Politico chief political correspondent Mike Allen...
Topics: kaine, ms. owens, virginia, alexander, washington, mr. allen, graham cassidy, caitlin owens,...
Source: Comcast Cable


43 43

Hudson Institute Forum Focuses on Middle East Alliances : CSPAN : June 3, 2017 12:01am-1:43am EDT

Jun 3, 2017 06/17



The Hudson Institute held a discussion on the changing alliances between Israel and Arab states in the Middle East, examining the impact of ISIS and the Iran nuclear deal on the region. Panelists included Michael Doran, President George W. Bush's National Security Council senior director and Tablet Magazine's Senior Writer Liel Leibovitz. People: Michael S. Doran; Lee Smith Sponsor: Hudson Institute
Topics: israel, jerusalem, washington, europe, egypt, nasser, soviet union, london, yemen, u.n., britain,...
Source: Comcast Cable


49 49

Homeland Security Secretary Testifies on FY 2018 Budget : CSPAN : May 28, 2017 6:32pm-8:01pm EDT

May 28, 2017 05/17



Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly defended President Trump's proposed budget cuts for his department at a House Appropriations Subcommitee hearing. He told members that state and local governments are more prepared to deal with national security issues since 9-11 having the personnel in place to deal with a potential crisis without federal counterterrorism funding.
Topics: new york, fema, dhs, mexico, ms. lowey, texas, el salvador, kelly, honduras, trump, jay johnson,...
Source: Comcast Cable


71 71

House Session, Part 2 : CSPAN : September 6, 2017 2:15pm-4:16pm EDT

Sep 6, 2017 09/17



[LIVE] The House convened for a legislative session. Sponsor: U.S. House of Representatives
Topics: mr. mcgovern, california, massachusetts, oklahoma, daca, new york, texas, mr. cole, illinois, mr....
Source: Comcast Cable


81 81

Hearing Focuses on Hate Crimes Targeting Religious Groups : CSPAN : May 2, 2017 10:32am-12:00pm EDT

May 2, 2017 05/17



[LIVE] The Senate Judiciary Committee convened a hearing on ways to address the increasing number of religious hate crimes in the United States. The special counsel for religious discrimination within the civil rights division at the Justice Department testified. Other experts including the police chief of the Arlington, Texas, Police Department and a religious hate crime victim also appeared before committee members. Sponsor: Senate Judiciary Committee
Topics: grassley, feinstein, minnesota, franken, the f.b.i., tillis, blumenthal, mr. treene, whitehouse,...
Source: Comcast Cable


135 135

House Session, Part 2 : CSPAN : February 14, 2017 2:15pm-7:54pm EST

Feb 14, 2017 02/17



The House convened for a legislative session. Sponsor: U.S. House of Representatives
Topics: texas, california, oklahoma, brown, washington, flynn, mr. johnson, d.c., louisiana, sacramento,...
Source: Comcast Cable


32 32

Hurricanes and Tornadoes : CSPAN : August 27, 2017 2:04pm-2:44pm EDT

Aug 27, 2017 08/17



James Elsner spoke about changing patterns in hurricanes and tornadoes. He said increasing ocean warmth was making hurricanes stronger and that tornadoes were appearing in bigger and more powerful bunches. Mr. Elsner is the president and CEO of Climatek, a company that develops software for hurricane and tornado risk models that are used by insurance companies to help determine rates. People: James Elsner Sponsor: Florida State University
Topics: felicia, fsu, florida
Source: Comcast Cable


39 39

House Rules Committee Tax Reform Bill : CSPAN : December 19, 2017 5:17am-6:59am EST

Dec 19, 2017 12/17



The House Rules Committee approved rules for debate for the tax reform bill. The 9-4 vote was along party lines. House members will take up the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act December 19th. Sponsor: House Rules Committee
Topics: mr. neil, washington, colorado, mr. brady, texas, brady, dallas texas, united states senate, dr....
Source: Comcast Cable


14 14

Hearing Examines Challenges Posed by Criminal Gangs in Communities : CSPAN : July 23, 2017 1:36pm-2:40pm EDT

Jul 23, 2017 07/17



Federal, state, and local law enforcement officials testified at a hearing examining gang violence, sex trafficking, and drugs. They spoke about the relationship between gangs, sex trafficking, drugs, and how social media has changed the fight against these crimes. Sponsor: House Judiciary Subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism, Homeland Security, and Investigations
Topics: chicago, jackson lee, los angeles, mr. blanco, mr. vanek, rutherford, sensenbrenner, mr....
Source: Comcast Cable


30 30

House Rules Committee Approves Risk-Sharing Fund Amendment to Health Care Bill : CSPAN : April 6, 2017 4:28pm-6:11pm EDT

Apr 6, 2017 04/17



The House Rules Committee met to consider an amendment to the American Health Care Act, the Republican replacement bill for the Affordable Care Act. The amendment, as explained by Representatives Gary Palmer (R-AL) and David Schweikert (R-AZ), proposed a $15 billion federal risk-sharing program between the U.S. government, states, and insurance providers for care of patients with pre-existing conditions or serious illnesses. Sponsor: House Rules Committee
Topics: mr. mcgovern, mr. palmer, maine, mr. schweikert, mr. burgess, massachusetts, florida, texas,...
Source: Comcast Cable


49 49

Hearing Examines Challenges Posed by Criminal Gangs in Communities : CSPAN : July 20, 2017 10:32pm-11:38pm EDT

Jul 21, 2017 07/17



Federal, state, and local law enforcement officials testified at a hearing examining gang violence, sex trafficking, and drugs. They spoke about the relationship between gangs, sex trafficking, drugs, and how social media has changed the fight against these crimes. Sponsor: House Judiciary Subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism, Homeland Security, and Investigations
Topics: chicago, jackson lee, los angeles, mr. blanco, mr. vanek, rutherford, sensenbrenner, mr....
Source: Comcast Cable


48 48

Hurricanes and Public Health Preparedness Hearing : CSPAN : October 24, 2017 10:53pm-1:33am EDT

Oct 25, 2017 10/17



The House Energy & Commerce Subcommittee on Oversight & Investigations convened a hearing to assess the federal government's public health preparedness for hurricane season. This hearing comes after three major hurricanes - Harvey, Irma and Maria - have devastated parts of Texas and Florida as well as Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands. Food & Drug Administration (FDA) Commissioner Dr. Scott Gottlieb testified that he had serious concerns about Puerto Rico as it is a major hub...
Topics: texas, florida, harvey, fema, cms, irma, maria, houston, cdc, fda, katrina, hhs, hollywood, new...
Source: Comcast Cable


43 43

House Rules Committee Meeting on Fiscal Year 2018 Appropriations Bills, Part 1 : CSPAN : September 7, 2017 1:39am-3:32am EDT

Sep 7, 2017 09/17



The House Rules Committee met for a second day to consider amendments and vote on a rule for next year's remaining spending bills. In this part, committee members heard from the leadership of several appropriations subcommittees. Rep. Pete Sessions (R-TX) chairs the committee while Rep. Louise Slaughter (D-NY) serves as the ranking member. Sponsor: House Rules Committee
Topics: nasa, houston, texas, new york, harvey, florida, louisiana, nih, irma, epa, irs, dallas, georgia,...
Source: Comcast Cable


26 26

Hearing Focuses on Immigration and Gang Membership : CSPAN : June 21, 2017 10:41am-12:00pm EDT

Jun 21, 2017 06/17



The Senate Judiciary Committee held a hearing to examine links between illegal immigration and gang membership, as well as how policy makers and officials can best to respond to the threat. Sponsor: Senate Judiciary Committee
Topics: mr. albence, mr. lloyd, mr blanco, blumenthal, el salvador, grassley, mr. blanco, tillis, mr....
Source: Comcast Cable


27 27

Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly Testifies on U.S. Border Security : CSPAN : February 7, 2017 9:08pm-12:19am EST

Feb 8, 2017 02/17



Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly testified at a hearing on U.S. border security. Sponsor: House Homeland Security Committee
Topics: mexico, kelly, trump, california, syria, iraq, europe, florida, texas, yemen, massachusetts, isis,...
Source: Comcast Cable


20 20

House Members on Affordable Care Act Replacement : CSPAN : March 7, 2017 10:43pm-11:13pm EST

Mar 8, 2017 03/17



House members spoke about the Republican plan to replace the Affordable Care Act. Sponsor: U.S. House of Representatives
Topics: maine, washington, stacy, florida
Source: Comcast Cable


36 36

House Colloquy on Affordable Care Act Replacement : CSPAN : May 19, 2017 8:31pm-9:04pm EDT

May 20, 2017 05/17



During the House colloquy between Representatives Hoyer (D-MD) and McCarthy (R-CA), Representative Hoyer asked why the Republican health care bill had not been sent to the Senate. Representative McCarthy explained that it was awaiting a Congressional Budget Office (CBO) score, which would be available the following week. Sponsor: U.S. House of Representatives
Topics: mr. mccarthy, mr. hoyer, iowa, h.w. bush, tennessee, united states senate, obamacare
Source: Comcast Cable


22 22

House Debate on Criminal Alien Gang Members : CSPAN : September 15, 2017 3:21am-4:33am EDT

Sep 15, 2017 09/17



House members debated a bill designed to deport criminal alien gang members, and stem smuggling. Republicans cited crimes committed by illegal aliens and the dangers of smuggling. Democrats said the bill was too sweeping, endangering faith organizations and others that deal with immigrant communities. People: Nancy Pelosi Sponsor: U.S. House of Representatives
Topics: virginia, idaho, mrs. comstock, ms. lofgren, california, texas, new york, goodlatte, madam,...
Source: Comcast Cable


23 23

House Debate on Criminal Alien Gang Members : CSPAN : September 14, 2017 2:20pm-3:35pm EDT

Sep 14, 2017 09/17



House members debated a bill designed to deport criminal alien gang members, and stem smuggling. Republicans cited crimes committed by illegal aliens and the dangers of smuggling. Democrats said the bill was too sweeping, endangering faith organizations and others that deal with immigrant communities. People: Nancy Pelosi Sponsor: U.S. House of Representatives
Topics: virginia, idaho, mrs. comstock, ms. lofgren, california, texas, new york, goodlatte, madam,...
Source: Comcast Cable


34 34

HHS Secretary Tom Price Testifies on FY 2018 Budget : CSPAN : June 9, 2017 3:26pm-5:38pm EDT

Jun 9, 2017 06/17



Health and Human Services Secretary Tom Price testified before the Senate Finance Committee on the president's proposed 2018 budget request. Democrats had tough questions for Secretary Price on proposed cuts to Medicaid and allowing businesses to opt out of providing insurance that covers birth control to its female employees. Sponsor: Senate Finance Committee
Topics: stabenow, heller, mccaskill, cantwell, nelson, bennet, georgia, colorado, isakson, roberts,...
Source: Comcast Cable


36 36

House Session, Part 3 : CSPAN : June 6, 2017 6:30pm-7:25pm EDT

Jun 6, 2017 06/17



[LIVE] The House convened for a legislative session. Sponsor: U.S. House of Representatives
Topics: europe, california, normandy, france, paris, mr. jones, texas, alzheimer, lonnie, ms. jackson lee,...
Source: Comcast Cable


40 40

HUD Secretary Nominee Ben Carson Testifies at Confirmation Hearing : CSPAN : January 15, 2017 4:25am-7:01am EST

Jan 15, 2017 01/17



Ben Carson testified on his nomination to be Housing and Urban Development Department (HUD) secretary in the Donald Trump administration. Dr. Carson, a former neurosurgeon and 2016 Republican presidential candidate, spoke extensively about his childhood growing up in poverty, and answered questions on a variety of housing issues, including rental vouchers, tribal housing, and federal backing of mortgage loans. He was also asked to reconcile his personal views on poverty and LGBT rights with...
Topics: carson, hud, washington, fha, brown, homelessness, baltimore, ben carson, detroit, donald trump,...
Source: Comcast Cable


22 22

House and Senate Democrats Unveil "Better Deal" Agenda : CSPAN : July 25, 2017 5:53am-7:01am EDT

Jul 25, 2017 07/17



Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), joined by fellow House and Senate Democrats, announced their party's new economic agenda called "A Better Deal." Sen. Schumer said that with this plan, his party intends to show America that Democrats are the party "on the side of working people." He and the others who spoke focused their remarks around three main goals of their plan: "higher wages, lower costs and the tools for a...
Topics: schumer, virginia, washington, pelosi, warren, minnesota, berryville, cheri bustos, illinois, mr....
Source: Comcast Cable


24 24

Hearing Examines Benefits of Self-Driving Trucks : CSPAN : September 16, 2017 3:57pm-6:09pm EDT

Sep 16, 2017 09/17



The Senate Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee held a hearing on the future of self-driving trucks and how federal regulators can promote innovation, competition, and safety in the development of autonomous vehicles. Witnesses spoke about the need for a comprehensive federal regulatory framework to guide the development and safe implementation of new self-driving technologies. They also talked about the impact autonomous commercial vehicles could have on commerce, the workforce, and...
Topics: peters, colorado, blumenthal, nhtsa, inhofe, markey, mr. clark, ms. hersman, nelson, navistar, col....
Source: Comcast Cable


46 46

HHS Secretary Tom Price Testifies on FY 2018 Budget : CSPAN : June 12, 2017 3:40am-5:53am EDT

Jun 12, 2017 06/17



Health and Human Services Secretary Tom Price testified before the Senate Finance Committee on the president's proposed 2018 budget request. Democrats had tough questions for Secretary Price on proposed cuts to Medicaid and allowing businesses to opt out of providing insurance that covers birth control to its female employees. Sponsor: Senate Finance Committee
Topics: stabenow, heller, mccaskill, cantwell, nelson, bennet, georgia, colorado, roberts, isakson,...
Source: Comcast Cable


25 25

Hearing Focuses on Taxpayer Dispute Resolution : CSPAN : September 13, 2017 7:03pm-8:01pm EDT

Sep 13, 2017 09/17



The House Ways and Means Subcommittee on Oversight held a hearing on resolving taxpayer disputes. A former IRS commissioner and several career taxpayer advocates presented their thoughts about and experiences with the current system and appeals process for resolving disputes with the IRS. All four witnesses agreed with the position that the system is inefficient and intimidating, and that action by Congress and the IRS is needed to make the dispute resolution process faster, simpler, and less...
Topics: mr. lewis, florida, ms. wilson, georgia
Source: Comcast Cable

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