General Debate 11 May 2024 | Kiwiblog (2024)

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Comments (249) Steve Otto(North Shore) Mike jkt mikenmildagain Steve Otto(North Shore) virtualmark Master Mariner virtualmark Steve Otto(North Shore) jkt imalwaysright jkt Steve Otto(North Shore) AitchW jkt Steve Otto(North Shore) jkt imalwaysright Steve Otto(North Shore) jkt Hard Cheese Master Mariner jkt NeverMindTheBollocks jkt softail 1450 jkt Steve Otto(North Shore) jkt I remember when jkt Benedict Yu Grunter Steve Otto(North Shore) igm Steve Otto(North Shore) Burtland CJames Steve Otto(North Shore) jkt Maggy Wassilieff jkt virtualmark jkt Bridgenag Steve Otto(North Shore) Rusty Debsta NeverMindTheBollocks jkt Steve Otto(North Shore) Steve Otto(North Shore) imalwaysright Steve Otto(North Shore) KH jkt Master Mariner jkt Anthony Melchett Pope Punctilious II Steve Otto(North Shore) NeverMindTheBollocks jkt Steve Otto(North Shore) Grunter Colville jkt NeverMindTheBollocks Hollyfield jkt AitchW Steve Otto(North Shore) NothingLeft NeverMindTheBollocks Pope Punctilious II SpencerArnold Master Mariner AitchW Burtland lifesgood AitchW Maggy Wassilieff tedbear pdm jkt Pope Punctilious II jkt julesnzuk Steve Otto(North Shore) Burtland cas jkt julesnzuk Steve Otto(North Shore) greybeard CJames Drone Steve Otto(North Shore) Southern Raider pdm Hollyfield rouppe Ghost CJames imalwaysright igm JimBobJoe jkt NeverMindTheBollocks Mike rouppe Chuck Bird Maggy Wassilieff artemisia rouppe Steve Otto(North Shore) Master Mariner Steve Otto(North Shore) Burtland Steve Otto(North Shore) Jack5 rouppe Inandout Steve Otto(North Shore) MCōs CJames Greenheart Ghost MCōs Bridgenag Bridgenag Steve Otto(North Shore) Steve Otto(North Shore) artemisia Chris Nisbet Maggie Pie Scott Benedict Yu Steve Otto(North Shore) Spam Benedict Yu Sir Henry Morgan AitchW julesnzuk Maggy Wassilieff pdm artemisia Steve Otto(North Shore) Ghost JJ56 Ghost Steve Otto(North Shore) Steve Otto(North Shore) thirteenstars mikenmildagain thirteenstars Mike thirteenstars Mike miltonF AitchW Maggy Wassilieff mikenmildagain Maggy Wassilieff Mike Maggy Wassilieff rouppe AitchW Chris Nisbet PurplePen Maggie Pie Mike MCōs Maggie Pie MCōs Ghost greybeard Don Beckett Maggy Wassilieff julesnzuk Ghost MCōs Don Beckett Steve Otto(North Shore) NothingLeft Steve Otto(North Shore) marcw MCōs Steve Otto(North Shore) Inandout imalwaysright Chris Nisbet Chuck Bird PurplePen Don Beckett Inandout PurplePen thirteenstars MCōs greybeard softail 1450 BeaB MCōs Benedict Yu Inandout Ra Henare surfing AitchW Steve Otto(North Shore) Ghost Inandout Maggie Pie Benedict Yu imalwaysright Inandout Maggy Wassilieff Maggie Pie NothingLeft Maggy Wassilieff AitchW Steve Otto(North Shore) AitchW MCōs greybeard surfing Ghost Steve Otto(North Shore) MCōs Ghost Steve Otto(North Shore) MCōs Steve Otto(North Shore) Steve Otto(North Shore) Maggie Pie Steve Otto(North Shore) Maggy Wassilieff Chris Nisbet Mike surfing Maggie Pie kevn Maggie Pie JimBobJoe Ghost Maggie Pie In Vino Veritas Jack5 Add a Comment

Comments (249)

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    • Mike

      “Give me a billion dollars and I’ll make any law you want”
      Nothing wtong with is there?

      • jkt

        Rent seeking is a real thing. “Here is some money if you will listen to my opinions on how we can build a better society.”

        But this way around it is even more vile. “Give me money and I will do as you ask.”

        Is this a new low or is it just Trump demonstrating to us the hypocrisy of the political establishment?

        • mikenmildagain


      • Steve Otto(North Shore)

        Biden closed down American oil and gas, then had to beg the Saudis for oil.
        Why Mike? America was exporting crude and refined. There was a huge surplus but Biden killed it off.
        A billion dollars does not go in Trump’s bank account. You would have to be naive to think that.
        Last time I was in Alaska petrol was US$2.30? a gallon. Now it is knocking on the door of $5 a gallon.

        • virtualmark


          America is producing more oil and gas today than it ever has in its history. In fact, America is currently producing more oil and gas today than any country ever has in all history. So no, Biden clearly hasn’t closed down American oil and gas.

          Neither has he, or America, had to beg the Saudis for oil. America is producing about 13 million barrels a day, Saudi just under 10 million barrels a day. And that gap is widening, not narrowing.

          But the price of oil is set by global markets, not by American presidents.

          Global supply is down … Russia, the world’s second largest producer, has production issues and faces embargos. Meanwhile global demand is climbing as the world recovers from Covid slowdowns and places like China add more and more cars to their fleets.

          Oh, and I wouldn’t be so naive as to think Trump didn’t mean the money going into his bank account. One thing we can always rely on is Trump’s greed and self-interest.

          • Master Mariner

            So that’s why the Strategic Petroleum Reserves are at an all time Low.
            Yes they are producing more Oil and Gas for Export due too blowing up someone’s Pipeline for Gas and too expensive to refine in states due to ESG costs involved.
            See where we are heading ?

          • virtualmark

            The SPR is at a low because it was tapped to temper high oil prices … which is one of its purposes.

          • Steve Otto(North Shore)

            So why has petrol doubled in price since 2020?

    • jkt

      Why are you so offended by EV’s when there is so much that one can be offended by.

      Be outraged by prejudges, unearned benefits, rent seeking, unnecessary cruelty, indiscriminate killing ……..
      Hell there is a lot to be outraged about.

      • imalwaysright

        Murdering, homeless, racist beneficiaries don’t suck a hundred kilowatts from the grid when you plug them in.

        But its not a bad idea

        • jkt

          You know that is nonsense.
          It is not the EV that is doing the evil deed.
          It is the EV owner!

      • Steve Otto(North Shore)

        EVs will come to a grinding halt. Minerals for batteries will run out. The demand will exceed the supply of electricity – even with Nuclear.
        Biden will just walk away from the mess he created. Similar to what Ardern did to NZ.

        • AitchW

          That’s what the left does. Destroy the economy and dismantle the right’s improvements then walk away with a clear conscience because what they did was, in their mind, for the betterment of the whole world.
          Delusional, ideological wreckers since the start of democracy.

        • jkt

          Steve: That is a theory supported by many.

          But our problem is energy poverty, not evil EV’s.
          Our problem is self imposed and supported by bigots of all colours and creeds.

          Climate alarmists, anti-capitalist, critical theory bludgers, anti-semites, Semite Marxists, anti- Islamists, bludgers, do gooders, …… and the list goes on.

          We have solutions that will allow us to create more prosperity and reduce atmospheric CO2 as well as HARMFUL atmospheric substances and produce enough food and adequate shelter for all without the help of increased atmospheric CO2.

          • Steve Otto(North Shore)

            Where is future energy coming from for NZ?

          • jkt

            Try looking at basic economics. Demand/Supply.

            Every electric car decreases demand for fossil fuel, make sense? Charge EV’s using surplus energy that is available at night, makes sense?

            What happens with fuel demand/supply curve. Makes sense?

            Nuclear power and hydro can provide peak loads, right? Makes sense so far ………. Extend the argument and soon one realises ……. f…. the alarmists, critical theory elites, the anti capitalists ……. We have viable options.

            The solutions are on the table to make the world more prosperous and resilient at LOWER cost!! F… the Malthusians and doom sayers.

            It is a choice, it is all about balancing risk and consequences, it is about trade offs ….. We can choose to be victims or we can build a better society.

        • imalwaysright

          I don’t think he will walk away.
          I’m still predicting his demise has been scheduled for just before the election.

          • Steve Otto(North Shore)

            We all know the Democrats can be very evil – one in particular.

          • jkt

            He will self implode.
            Self destruct!

            Yeah, Hillary is evil 😈

        • Hard Cheese

          There is no shortage of lithium or iron on Earth. Finding and developing economically viable deposits of lithium to production takes time, but there is and never will be any shortage. Battery metals are also recyclable, unlike fossil fuels.

          In California—the national leader in electric cars with more than 1 million plug-in vehicles—EV charging currently accounts for less than 1 percent of the grid’s total load during peak hours. In 2030, when the number of EVs in California is expected to surpass 5 million, charging is projected to account for less than 5 percent of that load

        • Master Mariner

          The thing I’m curious about is where do you take them once at the end of there useful life ?
          Or How much will it cost you to dispose ?
          Really a game of Pass the Parcel, You dont want too be holding it when the music stops.

          • jkt

            Just like what we all do when an ice gets to the end of its life.

            My 2013 Leaf is still on its first set of tyres and my annual service cost is still less than $100 and my battery is more than adequate for my needs. 70% charge give me 98km on a freezing morning.

            Horse for courses. I feel for people who do not have the option of owning two cars.

          • NeverMindTheBollocks

            Jkt – you should replace the tyres. Regardless of mileage, tyres age out. Get them checked, for your own sake & the safety of your passengers.

          • jkt

            Thanks Bollocks:

            Good point. I am aware of the tyre manufacturer recommendation.

            Do not worry, my tyres are fine.
            I have been driving for 50 years and understand how to manage risk.

            Speed and long distance travel kill tyres. And lack of attention.

      • softail 1450

        JKT, Chinese EV producers are “outraged”that ten of thousands of their products are sitting in storage rapidly losing value because the previously brainwashed 1st world populace has caught on that they are expensive heavy piles of sh*te that lose their value faster than Dame Ardern lost her popularity a couple of years ago ,the farcical BS is over with just ask Musk.

        • jkt

          The market sort this type of sh*t out. Remember, economics 101.

          I am happy with my choices and I will never pick victimhood over self reliance and productivity, life over death will always be my choice until the choice to meet death stares me fair and square in the face.

          Only then, will I take the alternative option and do what is right by me and my loved ones.

        • Steve Otto(North Shore)

          It has something to do with Govt subsidies. The Chinese manufacturers know the market is declining but they make the car, collect the money, then park the car.
          Yes there are tens of thousands of cars that will probably never be on the road – just scrapped.
          I dunno where I read that, and I am not about to search the google machine.

          • jkt

            Pretty stupid, if you ask me.
            One can get the communist to the market but one cannot get the communist out of the commie.

      • I remember when

        “Why are you so offended by EV’s”
        It is not the EVs themselves that have caused the offence, it is the lack of reasonable argument and debate about the pros and cons.
        Or, rather, the acceptance of reasonable argument and debate.

        • jkt

          But behind it all there is a very reasonable argument for investing renewable energy. It provides choice, the market can be relied on to regulate the supply, it improves resilience it creates prosperity when it is mixed into the supply chain.

          That is why I do not trust the progressives. Are they too stupid to understand Economics 101 …no they are not. A different ideology drives them. The want equality of outcome but suck the source of life out of everything and share only misery!

    • Benedict Yu

      I would recommend that you don’t work yourself up over EVs. Especially in the USA, the market will decide their success.

      • Grunter

        Bidens about to hit Chinese EV’s with a massive tariff (some claiming it will be more than 75%!!). You have to laugh as these Leftards mix green subsidies and trade barriers together

      • Steve Otto(North Shore)

        It will come to a grinding halt there as well as NZ.
        We need electricity, and the infrastructure is not happening. Look at yesterday morning. It is freezing but use power sparingly. That means ration or the lights go out.

        • igm

          Two minute showers come to mind!

          • Steve Otto(North Shore)


          • CJames

            Grid charges for capital works (put forward by Transpower and approved by EA) are paid for by the power consumer – it is part of the levy in your power bill. So it isn’t only the nett taxpayer who will carry the cost.

          • Steve Otto(North Shore)

            We knew it was going to be colder yesterday morning, but the heat pump is on a timer. It clocked in at 3am to get to 17 degC until 10am. Um, that is why we installed a heat pump. It is not like a bar heater.
            Oh, we have one of those infrared heaters outside on the deck wall over the spa pool.
            What is the use of buying the f*cking thing and be told not to use it?
            We paid for the infrastructure years ago but the Govt and Councils just plain a simply waste the Rates/Taxes.

        • jkt

          While there is demand the price will stabilise and the market will do the rest.
          Punish the idiots and reward the industrious.

        • jkt

          The market is well established. Subsidising EV’s was always a crock.

    • virtualmark

      America is producing more oil and gas today, under Biden, than it ever has in its history.

      So Biden’s “burdensome environmental regulations” are clearly not holding the industry back.

      • jkt

        Interventionists always come up short.
        The American dilemma is that they can choose between two (senile) interventionist. Good luck.😉

    • Steve Otto(North Shore)

      Socialism – true.

    • Rusty

      Bridgenag – Eurovision has become a freak show.

      • Debsta

        The west has become a freak show!

    • jkt

      Government are you paying attention.
      Another government revenue stream under threat!

      Radio frequency fees under threat!

      Demand/supply tells us a story.

    • Steve Otto(North Shore)

      Downticker is awake early.

        • Steve Otto(North Shore)

          Yup! Go for your life, downticker!

          • KH

            That downtickers plural Steve.

      • jkt

        Some people believe in Superman.

    • Master Mariner

      GPS Satelites are having issues / Warnings.
      Starlink and other Satelite comms seems ok.

      Short answer Yes if Satelite derrived.

      • jkt

        Radio frequencies under threat.
        Electromagnetic interference. Many scada systems are these days backed up by fibre.

        Solar storm resilience.

  • Anthony Melchett

    [Mod – deleted]this prick should get 40 years not 4. No cultural report here it seems.

    And this[Mod – deleted] woman gets sentenced to 2 years, but has been in custody for a year since the attack so is already eligible for parole. Another piss weak sentence.

    [Mod – drop the racial crap from your messages]

  • NeverMindTheBollocks

    This is funny. A free bottle of wine was on offer from a tax-focused think tank. The offer was made in plain sight – in the privacy policy section of its website. It took three months for anyone to notice. Turned out to be a bottle of Château de Sales 2013/14, Pomerol too (weeps quietly).

    Who reads the T&Cs, eh.

    • jkt

      Good way to test, survey human behaviour.

    • Grunter

      He would clean up both of them in a proper debate. But it will never happen.

      Some polls show (who would believe any of them?) that in a one on one race Junior would beat Biden. Also shows he would beat Trump one on one. Basically means Junior is the favourite second pick.

      • Colville

        IMHO the next USA election will be decided by turnout, a lot of apathy in the centerist 20 -30%.

    • jkt

      My money is on the brain worm.

  • NeverMindTheBollocks

    Not every climate change fanatic thinks EVs are the answer.

    An army of protesters have attempted to storm the Tesla factory near Berlin. The riot was against the proposed doubling in size of the plant, which they allege would damage the environment.

    I wonder what Greta would do.

    • Hollyfield

      I suspect the climate protesters wouldn’t have minded a different brand of EV manufacturer expanding their factory and therefore production of EVs.

      • jkt

        These lunatics are protesting against capitalism and markets …. their prosperity.

        I am talking about Greta and her mates.

    • AitchW

      She’d fly round the world to lecture us about the evils of fossil fuels. And the hypocrisy would go straight over her head.

    • Steve Otto(North Shore)

      “Why do the police let the left-wing protesters off so easily?” Musk wrote in another post.
      I agree, throw them all in the hinaki.

      • NothingLeft

        Politically biased policing is a fact of life in modern west (and perhaps always was), establishment/civil service-aligned protestors will always be treated preferentially while contrarian upstarts will get the lash.

  • Pope Punctilious II

    This study examines the “Ramadan Effect” – the effect of fasting on frequency of workplace accidents involving Muslim workers in Spain. Apparently some Spanish employers have responding by “reshuffling schedules and working hours to help fasting employees” or giving “fasting employees less strenuous tasks”.


    • SpencerArnold

      Nope, worked with a muslim in the UK who was intolerable during Ramadan due to being hungry and generally tired. He also refused to stay at home when sick so I had to use my sick leave up staying away while he was infectious, and even though his wife could drive, she refused to so he picked up the kids from school daily. Never again if I can help it.

    • Master Mariner

      It is a major concern at sea too, Having sailed with all Muslim crew, Ramadam we reduce any maintenance etc to a minimum due too this very fact.
      Right Pain in the arse, In addition try getting anything done during this period is impossible mainly Middle East and Malaysia/ Indonesia this side of the swamp.

      • AitchW

        Any religion which imposes such strict impositions on its adherents, which dictates what they wear, what they eat and who may marry whom should be treated with a robust dose of skepticism. They inevitably run up against non believers almost always resulting in bloodshed.

      • Burtland

        bit like Christmas for the Christians – 4 weeks off

        • lifesgood

          Don’t talk rot.

        • AitchW

          Wow, where do you work that gets 4 weeks off at Christmas? One of the many bloated government departments who nobody notices that they’re all on holiday?

    • Maggy Wassilieff

      One of my hockey boys would observe Hindu fasts on occasions. I could guarantee that our team would lose that Friday night.

      (other Indian boys in the team and opposition teams didn’t seem to be observing a fast).

    • pdm

      Especially activist Maori and you could also include a number of non Maori activists as well tb.

      • jkt

        Progressives fighting against capitalism and markets will use any critical theory to support their actions while sucking on the teat of prosperity.

        They create critical theory think tanks and entice (coerce through threat of cancellation and other means) capitalists and free marketeers to sponsor these initiatives!

        The absurdity!!

        • Pope Punctilious II

          Progressives’ main target isn’t capitalism or free markets. Their main targets are “white privilege”, “systemic racism”, “misogyny”, “patriarchy”, “heteronormativity”, “transphobia”, “Islamophobia”. Their focus is squarely on identity politics, whereas old-school leftists (like Chris Trotter) attacked capitalism.

          • jkt

            That also…
            Whatever comes to mind.
            Marxism corrupts the mind! Religion corrupts the mind.

            People often choose to support evil over good. Weird?

            Sometimes for financial gain – that is rational right. Often, one can find no rational thought – like supporting a death cult over a pro-life cult.

          • julesnzuk

            Some of the biggest misogynists are so-called “progressives”.

    • Burtland

      two parties signed it – one party controls it

    • cas

      They seem to be in wall to wall hearings. Why doesn’t a decent journalist check on the costs ,fees and expenses? Oh I forgot. There aren’t any decent journalists

      • jkt

        There is a massive incentive to stretch this out and out and out ……

    • julesnzuk

      Not “Maori”, activist Maori extremists and leftist Europeans. Especially the latter.

  • greybeard

    8:53am and the score is Steve Otto 6, Bridgenag 1

    • CJames

      You forgot all the wisdom from the ones still in moderation. They can still downtick.

    • Drone

      Must be a slow day on the North Shore..

      • Steve Otto(North Shore)

        Still in bed man. Nice breakfast, now cruising the net.

  • Southern Raider

    Yes public facilities need to ensure they have adequate safety measures in place

    But where is the call out against parents who can’t take even basic steps to look after their kids.

    toddler was swimming while still eating
    – toddler was found at bottom of the pool by a stranger
    – mother just yelled for help as I assume couldn’t or wouldn’t get in the pool

    • pdm

      It can happen quickly SR.

      mrspdm and I were staying at the Outrigger Motel Suva, on transfer there in 1974. We were sitting by the pool and our almost 4 and almost 2 year olds were playing on the steps at the shallow end.

      We were no more than 2 yards away at a table at the side of the pool when I saw miss 2 year old, always the adventurous one, step off into the pool and disappear under water. I immediately jumped in and grabbed her and lifted her on to the side – no harm done.

      When she stepped off however she was within touching distance of another adult motel occupant who had no idea what was happening until I jumped in and lifted our daughter out. He was most apologetic – but it was not his responsibility.

      • Hollyfield

        Yes it can happen very quickly, but by your own statement you were no more than 2 yards away and you saw your child go into the water. You were supervising your children. Young children have to be watched constantly around water, and as a parent I never assumed that anybody would watch my child more carefully than I would. Great to be at a pool with lifeguards, but I had a lot more at stake than they did, and as a sometimes visitor to Mt Albert pool the lifeguards look pretty complacent.

        I actually have saved a child from drowning at a pool, caused by the inattention of the boy’s father. My extended family was at a school pool over the summer break. Of our group 2 dads of pre-schoolers and primary age children were in the pool with their children, while around 6 of us sat in the sun watching, as we either had no children, or our children were older and no longer needed close supervision. (In my case, my daughter was 16 and could swim 2km in a pool, so was reasonably safe in a 1m deep child’s pool.) Anyway, a young boy not part of our group got slightly out of his depth, went under and struggled. I got up, walked about 5m to where he was, reached over, grabbed his arm and pulled him out of the water. I was the only person who got up – nobody else in my group, all sitting in the same spot as me, all looking at at the pool, noticed what was going on with the boy. (Although one childless cousin commented that he had seen the boy in the trouble – didn’t seem to occur to him to get up though.) Several minutes later the boy’s father came out of the changing rooms with another child. That boy should not have been in the water at all, with no parents poolside. They probably thought he was old enough, it was probably his school pool, but very quickly it could have been a disaster for the family. Luckily for the boy I was there, observant enough to realise what was going on, and present enough to actually get up off the grass and do something.

        • rouppe

          My son was a lifeguard at the local pool.

          His duties mainly consisted of
          * stopping kids running (so they don’t crack their own stupid heads)
          * stopping eating in the pool (filthy bastards, making the pool filthy for everyone)
          * cleaning other people’s vomit
          * cleaning literal piles of sh*t that people leave in the changing room – despite toilets being in the same room.

          Actual number of times a life saving action had to be taken while he was on duty in the three years he was there? Zero.


      The mother was frantically searching for her 4 year old for 10-15 minutes. She should have been keeping a constant eye on her child.

      The apparent food in the child’s mouth during CPR efforts could have been caused by regurgitation, which is not unusual after swallowing volumes of water.

    • Ghost

      It sounds like the boy got away from the mother, she was looking for him. It happens. This shouldn’t happen, but it sounds like the life guards whose job it is to monitor everyone in and out of the pool were not up to the job.

  • CJames

    One of the money wasting projects not being stopped is the cycleway Petone to Ngauranga. being built. Only $312M budget but at least it does have iwi involvement. Being built with NZTA funding so like to be from road user charges.
    Doesn’t that give you a warm feeling.

    • imalwaysright

      Ironically they have painted a temporary cycle lane at the side of the motorway.
      Seems to work perfectly!

      • igm

        Have never seen the cycleway being used . . . waste of money.

    • JimBobJoe

      To be fair is a dual purpose. The really purpose is protecting the rail line beside SH2. Line carries thousands daily to from the Hutt and City plus shifts good volumes of freight.

      The cycleway is not really needed as the motirway shoulder is fine most of the way for cycling.

      The existing path is ok for walking (I have used it yo walk to/ from City) but narrow

      • jkt

        Climate alarmism has for once been used to improve a critical asset.

      • NeverMindTheBollocks

        Where’s the cost-benefit analysis of the railway line protection which, we are told, carries the major part of the cost?

        To my recall of the last 40 odd years, the harbour railway line has been washed out only two or three times, and was repaired each time within a few days.

        Is that really worth $300m+?

        • Mike

          Should I research that for you?

    • rouppe

      Another one not stopped is the Papakowhai shared path. Millions being spent on widening a perfectly good footpath that was about 1.5m wide to about 3m wide. Means 50 lamp posts have to be moved, and 4 roads have raised beds across their intersection with Papakowhai Road.

      However the original plan was to complement that with traffic lights at the intersection with Whitford Brown. This would allow that cycleway to immediately cross WB at a controlled crossing as well as deal with the problem of trying to get out of papakowhai onto SH59 (old SH1) particularly at 7am, 3pm and 6pm.

      That part was canceled due to the budget constraints.

      Why? Because the cycleway came out of one “bucket”, while the intersection improvements came out of a different one. No actual analysis on which of the two activities would improve the system more, just blind adherence to the rules of “bucket theory”.

  • Chuck Bird

    I watched the tattooist of Auschwitz.

    I can see why the Jews say never again.

      • artemisia

        Streisand Effect.

      • rouppe

        Next will be tagging those businesses with some sort of common mark.

        Directly after that is our version of Krystallnacht. But that’ll initially be passed off as ram raids.

  • Jack5

    Non-Maori Polynesians seeming to be seeking special consideration in journalism.

    Or is this hoo-ha from the pop world really about the difficulty and sensitivity of reporting illnesses that are typically terminal?

    It springs from an interview by Andre Chumko in the Sunday Star Times with entertainer Teremoana Rapley. She told Chumko that she had inoperable brain cancer.

    You can see Rapley in an interview about her illness at the link below.

    Susana Guttenbeil, general manager of content at Pacific Media Network, has commented that newsrooms “should do thorough checks before running a Pasifika-related story, should there be no Pacific reporters.

    “As we’ve seen recently, with Teremoana Rapley, we see these stories that go out that are quite hurtful to people when their mana isn’t restored in the way that they intended the story to be told.”

    Guttenbeil seems to suggest that people either should be interviewed by reporters of their own ethnicity, or if that’s not possible , there should be special editing (“thorough checks”).

    The Pacific Media Network is a New Zealand radio network owned by the National Pacific Radio Trust and partly funded by the Government.

    Teremoanma Rapley in Tagata Pasifika video interview

    • rouppe

      Did Teremoana Rapley feel she had not been treated properly?

      Is not really for the pacific media network to decide that

  • Inandout

    Parents in US universities who pay around US$80k a year want value for money, not study time wasted on demos. Well finally some unis are being sued and this should see some action.

  • MCōs

    Sunny and 15° in Auckland today
    To put it in perspective that’s shirts off weather in Edinburgh I’m told

    • CJames

      Shirts off? In Aberdeen there would be mass fainting in the streets.

    • Greenheart

      Dont be silly.

    • Ghost

      Dear Aucklanders, please, please keep your shirts on. That is an eyesore no one wants to see……

      • MCōs

        In certain parts of the super city even loosening one’s tie can cause onlookers to blush

        • Bridgenag

          rofl well done

          • Bridgenag

            whoops ROFL means rolling on floor laughing Otto

          • Steve Otto(North Shore)

            Sorry reported.
            You have not seen what we get up to on the Shore Bridgenag.
            How about drinking whisky sitting in the spapool, it is raining – sometimes even some hail, and we have umbrella hats on? Neighbours think it is crazy – but they really want to join us…….

    • Steve Otto(North Shore)

      Sit out on the deck, in the sun – nice. When the breeze changes that southerly SE/S/SW or even west, has a bite.

  • artemisia

    Census 2028 – public consultation now open, until 18 June.

    Stats Department is considering using mainly existing data plus surveys like current census docs. Sounds like a plan, and could actually get a higher proportion of the population counted. Not sure about ‘undocumented aliens’ though. Many of them, and they will want to stay well under the radar.

    Lots of clued up people on Kiwiblog, more likely to contribute to the consultation than gen pop.

    • Chris Nisbet

      Could we please try and do it for less than $300m?

    • Scott

      Agree Maggie. I think the coalition is working well. Luxon does the moderate Chairman of the board speaking while Peters and Seymour tell it like it is.

      And let’s not forget that lots is getting done. This week 3 waters replacement going ahead. First budget on the way.

      Peters tell it like it is on male and female. I would also say Erica Stanford wants our kids to learn the basics in schools and away with the trans stuff. So lots of good work being done by this govt.

      • Benedict Yu

        “So lots of good work being done by this govt.”

        In the case of education they have barely made a dent in the mess.

      • Steve Otto(North Shore)

        3 waters replacement? Previous it was “repealed.”
        Not a fan of that word “repealed.”
        I want 3 waters “GONE” forever!

    • Spam

      “How hard is it?”

      It might be original, might just need viagra.

    • Benedict Yu

      Only problem is that his Bill will be soundly defeated in Parliament.

      IMO toilets are a sideshow. What needs attention is men being allowed to compete in women’s sports and to get undressed in front of women and girls in changing rooms.

      • Sir Henry Morgan

        To be honest I’m far more concerned by the irreversible medicalization of minors. The other issues are comparatively minor.

        For what it’s worth, I’m getting tired of seeing women blame the trans mess on ‘misogyny’ when its roots lie in the critical gender theory, queer theory and intersectionality promoted by generations of mainstream feminists, and in feminism’s normalization of endless ‘minority’ demands for special treatment.

        • AitchW

          And on university medical centres handing out hormones to change genders with no questions asked. I have personal knowledge of this through a family member ‘transitioning’ from female to male. It was a simple transaction, rock up to the med centre and ask for some testosterone. At 18. Unethical, immoral and repugnant. It broke my heart when a beautiful young woman became a shaven head parody of a man.

        • julesnzuk

          Your attempt to link “mainstream feminists” (who from what I’ve read only ever campaigned on the right to work outside the confines of domesticity and to receive equal pay for doing so – hardly controversial stuff) is a massive long bow. Anyone who states that this trans crap is deeply misogynistic is 100% right. It has a detrimental impact on women in a way that it just doesn’t on men and – this is the key bit – women are expected to passively acquiesce to it. Women are expected to be “kind” and “nice” to the trannies by sacrificing their spaces and narratives and indulging their delusional bull***. Hell will freeze over before I acquiesce to it (and the truly kind thing to do would be to provide these people with the psychiatric treatment that they are in dire need of).

    • pdm

      Maggy Michael Bassett articles are always worth reading. Just like he was always good value when interviewed by Leighton Smith back in the day when Leight was the number one Talkback host in the country..

      It is a shame Michael Bassett does not get the same radio or TV opportunities these days.

    • artemisia

      I don’t disagree with Dr Bassett, but would point out that before the DPB there was the Deserted Wives Benefit. Restricted eligibility, as per the name. A lot of abuse went on behind closed doors.

  • Steve Otto(North Shore)

    NZCPR. Unwinding Labour’s Agenda. Dr. Muriel Newman.
    “Former US President Ronald Reagan once said, “Freedom is a fragile thing and it’s never more than one generation away from extinction.”
    So true.
    Victoria University was to have an event to discuss how to have a discussion about ‘Free Speech” is now cancelled.
    Universities are not what they used to be.

  • Ghost

    Seems this is causing a bit of panic online, ,some claiming they have received emergency texts in the USA to prepare for black outs……. Looks like a great Aurora last night

    It’s gone and done it again.

    Colossal sunspot AR3664 has unleashed its most powerful solar flare yet, and Earth is once again in the firing line.

    The X3.98 flare peaked in the early hours this morning (May 10) at 2:54 a.m. (0654 GMT) triggering either temporary or complete loss of high frequency (HF) radio signals across Asia, eastern Europe and eastern Africa.


    • Ghost

      Transpower is removing some transmission lines from service across the South Island as a precaution due to a G4 geomagnetic storm that is likely to affect Earth on Saturday morning.

      The storm is a result of significant solar activity producing a coronial mass injection.


      • Steve Otto(North Shore)

        Nice. Send the power to Auckland so we don’t freeze when it is 4 degC

    • mikenmildagain

      So it only applies to Easter. Why doesn’t ACT make a stand for businesses to be allowed to open whenever they want? Perhaps they should select a few libertarians for their next candidate list.

      • thirteenstars

        Politics is the art of the possible. They’ll have enough trouble getting this past the religious conservatives in National and their strange secular bedfellows on the opposition benches.

        But it’s gratifying to see this forum has such principled libertarian types as yourself.

        All the best.

        • Mike

          Yes, I’m a libertarian socialist.

          • thirteenstars

            Contradiction in terms but no doubt the meetings are entertaining.

          • Mike

            Some people seem to think libertarianism must be conservative or even right wing.

          • miltonF

            “Some people seem to think libertarianism must be conservative or even right wing.”

            Libertarianism is always “right wing” as it requires minimal state involvement in individuals lives. Libertarianism and socialism (leftism) are mutually exclusive.

            But you are correct in saying libertarianism isn’t always conservative. On this topic, the conservative stance is that Christian holy days should be national holidays, because that’s how we’ve always done it. Letting people have freedom of choice over these days is both progressive and libertarian. It is also logically consistent. Any other stance is cognitive dissonance.

          • AitchW

            Thirteen stars, meetings in phone boxes are rarely that entertaining….

  • Maggy Wassilieff

    We do not know how many Maori are in NZ.

    The term ‘Māori’ is used to refer to a diverse group of Indigenous peoples, who now comprise approximately 16.5% of Aotearoa’s population by ethnicity, or 19.1% by descent (Stats NZ Citation2019).

    It’s good that this Government realises it is time to determine what proportion of our population is Maori.

    Alas, article is paywalled…

    • mikenmildagain

      Would you prefer to count by descent or declared ethnicity?

      • Maggy Wassilieff

        It would depend on the reason you’re collecting the data.

        If we accept that Ethnicity is a social construct, then I don’t think that is a good criterion for Health data.
        Use descent….

        If we are talking about how folks want to live their lives and be treated, then Ethnicity is probably OK.

        If you meant “you” for me personally, then there is no issue… I have direct lines of descent from a very small gene pool of folks of common heritage/ethnicity..

        • Mike

          You wrote that it is good that the govt realises it is time to determine what percentage of our population is Maori. Forgive me for assuming your approval would indicate support for particular purposes or methods.

          • Maggy Wassilieff

            Personally I would rather have no racial/ethnic classification of citizens, but if we are going to be directing tax-payers’ funds and voting rights to certain groups of our society based on ethnicity/racial categories, then we should standardise our data collection.

          • rouppe

            “Personally I would rather have no racial/ethnic classification of citizens…”

            Exactly. Health, for example should be on need, not ethnicity.

            If one’s ethnicity means you are likely to suffer from condition A earlier than another ethnicity, then you present earlier, and get treatment earlier.

            If you don’t present for diagnosis and therefore treatment, that’s not a failure of, or proof of racism in, the health system. It’s evidence of failure to take responsibility and accountability for yourself.

            By allocating funds based on ethnicity, you waste funds that could be used to treat someone else who does present on time, but doesn’t get treated because there no money for you.

            Looking at you, Wellington, where I’ve been waiting 6 months for a CT scan.

        • AitchW

          If someone can change their gender because they were “assigned” the wrong gender at birth then ethnicity must be equally transferable. If a person can be “gender fluid”, then surely ethnicity fluidity is equally normal.

    • Chris Nisbet

      Maybe we could categorise people by important characteristics instead.

      • PurplePen

        Sourced from elsewhere, but makes a good point.
        A Health NZ study captured health outcomes and people’s hair colour finding people with purple hair (PWPH) have poor health. HNZ services targeted PWPH and it showed some success.

        Were there other attributes related to PWPH and poor health. HNZ found PWPH are over-represented in the low-income group and non-low-income PWPH had good health; and they found poor health in non-PWPH who also have low income.

        This confirmed for HNZ their inability to get good health outcomes for PWPH was not related to their hair colour but in fact related to a high number having low income. Focussing on low income earners instead of just PWPH meant greater success with PWPH and also the wider group of people in the poor health group. PWPH were also no longer unnecessarily stigmatises as a failure group – a borderline hair-ist approach at best.

        No-one seems to look beyond attributes other than hair colour when identifying problem groups and solutions for such groups. The result being solutions don’t quite work and government and community resource is wasted.

  • Maggie Pie


    After being snubbed by his father and the rest of the family during his recent trip to the UK, Prince Harry returned home to the US, where he and Megz immediately set off on their own ‘royal tour’ of Nigeria.

    By all accounts, even that has been a bit of a disaster…. 😀 😀 😀

    • Mike

      We should invite them to be king and queen of NZ. Make a nice change from the procession of boring governors-general.

    • MCōs

      You mean by a few spiteful accounts on X going by the one you have referenced

      • Maggie Pie

        You’re obviously not a ‘Royal Watcher’ like me Cossie 😀
        Even King Charles hates their guts!

        • MCōs

          I couldn’t give a sh*t what professional back biters say about their relationship

        • Ghost

          It is sad though Maggie, a father should always have time for his son. Was Mr Hewitt too busy?

          • greybeard

            If James Hewitt is indeed Harry’s father, and Diana was a commoner, then Harry has no Royal Windsor blood in him at all and himself is a commoner. which may explain his treatment by the rest of them, and his own behaviour.

          • Don Beckett

            I understood that a DNA test proved that Hewitt was NOT his father.

          • Maggy Wassilieff

            Harry seems to have the current Windsor family – Patterned baldness gene… seen in: current Duke of Ed, King Charles; Duke of Wales.

        • julesnzuk

          No, Maggie, he doesn’t “hate their guts”. I suspect is love for MeAgain Markle is sorely diminished but you have no evidence that his love for his son is and I certainly doubt that he “hates his guys”. (Prince William, along with the rest of the British and Commonwealth population, is of course another matter).

    • Ghost

      Got to admit it, this couple that wanted their privacy sure know how to get it…..

      I wonder where Williams will put what’s her name and frost bite Willy for his Coronation

      • MCōs

        I think the problem a lot of that family has, and the Trumps for that matter, is that none of them is particularly bright. They’re average people who due to circ*mstance are pushed out to the front of the crowd, in the main. QEII knew her limitations.
        Trump is a superb salesman, but mediocre world leader and politician. His progeny are nothing without him

        • Don Beckett

          Have you checked Trump’s IQ ? I would suggest it is higher than most on this blog.

          • Steve Otto(North Shore)

            Or even on this thread Don.

        • NothingLeft

          I bet those that marry in are – the allure of fame and power will attract very smart mates. So I would be on Kate Middleton and Charlies’ shag (can’t recall her name) being smartest in that lot.

        • Steve Otto(North Shore)

          Not particularly bright?
          I am not even a millionaire, but Trump is.
          You could be.
          Yeah yeah yeah his Father left him some money.

  • marcw

    Is it significant that “Dr” Jill seems to have been MIA for the last 4 – 6 weeks? She was often pictured leading Joe on and off transport, and at their Delaware home. Is she being silenced / cancelled as she wants the charade to end?

    • MCōs

      Maybe she’s keeping out of view like Mrs Trump who ain’t standing by her man while Stormy Daniels describes their sexual encounter in some detail

      • Steve Otto(North Shore)

        Maybe Melania does know that The Don was always surrounded by great women.
        Bit like being in – oh never mind.
        Many people have had many sexual encounters – how about you MCos? Virgin until you met your wife? I wasn’t.
        The Don and Melania will fight – besides the Election.
        Oh, MCos did you know that Barron is now being “groomed!”

    • Inandout

      mar, the good doctor may be checking out the Vice President’s husband. The last time I saw Jill was when she walked away from Joe when he stood awkwardly for a moment.

        • Chris Nisbet

          At one point he admitted to being a Democrat.
          Knock me down with a feather.

    • PurplePen

      About 1500 years ago factions within the catholic church debated or questioned whether women had a soul, and even whether they were human or not. Thankfully we’ve moved on since then.

      • Don Beckett


      • Inandout

        PP, have we moved on when you look at how the women are segregated in a mosque, allowed only to observe proceedings through a grille?

        • PurplePen

          Good point. Well, western society has moved on then? I’ll admit the islamic religion is still in the dark ages compared to just about any other religion, 2000 years behind. BTW .. in case it matters, I have no affiliation with any religion. If I was to subscribe to one it would be hedonism or buddhism maybe.

  • thirteenstars

    KB running very slow for a couple of days. Page loads and comment submissions take at least 15-20 seconds. Are the mods aware of this?

    • MCōs

      Oh! The humanity

    • greybeard

      Solar flares.

  • softail 1450

    I see those two bastards Putin and Trump are to blame for huge solar flares that are going to cause havoc with our electricity grid over the next few days, maybe we can arrange for whacko Jacko to detour to Moscow and Florida to give them both a stern talking to on his way to the UK where he will take part in an adversarial debate with some of the smartest professors in that country,( OMG who hates our country so much that they arranged this)? I can just imagine it actually , Wee Willie Haka all the way across red square with his taiaha and bashing on the doors of the Kremlin ,I have no doubt that Putin and his ministers will immediately shelter in place and beg forgiveness 😂😂😂😂

  • BeaB

    If the minor inconvenience of saving electricity for 2 hours can make savings equal to the usage of the city of Hamilton, surely we can all do this every time there is a likely power emergency. Much cheaper and easier than spending billions on flawed storage lakes or ghastly wind farms.
    And have we actually used up all our hydro capacity? If not why not?

    • MCōs

      “the minor inconvenience of saving electricity for 2 hours can make savings equal to the usage of the city of Hamilton”
      That sort of talk is music to the ears of the Contact, Genesis, Mercury and Meridian who are the power generators and don’t want to built additional plant if they don’t have to.

  • Benedict Yu

    The perils of long term weather forecasts. 🙂

    6 months ago.

    “Sydneysiders warned to brace for possible water restrictions as rainfall, dam levels take a dive”


    “Sydney set for two more weeks of rain as system lingers over east coast”

    • Inandout

      BY, my sister was in Sydney for the last week and she said the weather didn’t affect any sightseeing at all. Weather forecasts are like home baking, some cakes turn out well while others are crap.

    • surfing

      So because there were some false claims (by who?) it is ok by you that Hamas raped and murdered kids enjoying a music festival.

      While I wish this war would end, Hamas started this in the most atrocious way and Israel are completely justified in what they are doing. Palestinians need to rethink their hatred because it is the children who suffer most.

      • AitchW

        And Hamas needs to stop hiding in schools and hospitals. These inhumane zealots will never, ever resile from their stated aim of destroying Israel. Religion trumps morality. Every single time.

        • Steve Otto(North Shore)

          Cowards is the word to be used.
          “HAMAS ARE COWARDS!”

    • Ghost

      And yet hamas were putting up photos and videos showing, in the one I saw, a decapitated baby being held up in the crowd around it. Was seriously vile video to see. Not to forget the photos of dead bodies, including children burnt.

    • Inandout

      Ra, find a video of the son of a Hamas leader and hear what he has to say about that organisation. Multiply Dr Mengele’s experiments on Jewish prisoners by 100% and you will get near what absolute sub humans infest Hamas. Fear not though as Mossad will track down every last one.

  • Maggie Pie

    Don’t know if any one else here has come across this, but what really grinds my gears… when I order the 250 Jumbo box of ‘Kleenex Tissues’, everytime I open the perforated hole to get it started, you always end up pulling at least 50 out of the slot in one go just to get them started.

    I’m sure they’re designed like that on purpose 🙁
    Just saying

    • Benedict Yu

      Some packaging is left poorly designed. Because it has always been like that.

      Can you open a box of weetbix so you can reseal it using the little tab?

      Can you open a single bandaid by pulling the little red string?

      and my favourite… On a roll of clear sellotape, can you locate the end of the tape, or do you throw it out the window?

    • Inandout

      Maggie, we used to buy the most expensive boxes of tissues thinking they would open easily but then discovered Pams were just as good. Sorbent 4 ply are best because thick pulls out cleanly.

    • Maggy Wassilieff

      Are you not dexterous?

      • Maggie Pie

        I am left handed you know.

        • NothingLeft


        • AitchW

          One day Maggie, lefties will rise up against the rightist oppressors and reclaim what is rightfully (yes I see the irony) ours.

          • Steve Otto(North Shore)

            My partner is a leftie – hands. She is waving her left hand at me now just for posting this.
            Never ever know what a leftie is going to do.
            Nothing to do with politics, ok?

          • AitchW

            Sorry Steve, reported in error!
            I was going to say that in the general population 10% are left handed. (Right brained if you prefer.)
            When I was at Auckland University in the early 80s we lefties managed to have a question about manual orientation on the application for membership of the students association.
            Upon tallying the answers we established that 15% of students were lefties. Make of that what you will.

        • MCōs

          And a left footer

    • greybeard

      Turn the box 180 degrees ! Simple !

  • surfing

    Why is it that this solar storm has been widely reported overseas for two days now… and the nz media only get interested a few hours ago when trans power put out a press release?

    • Ghost

      The flare that is causing concern only happened in our night. There were a few smaller ones before that.

    • Steve Otto(North Shore)

      Could it be the media are more interested in trashing the coalition Govt than reporting “NEWS!!”
      There could be something serious but Toxic Tova would be on Luxon’s back about something childish.

      • MCōs

        I had a quick look at Stuff
        Nothing about trashing the coalition government
        Interesting story about Poi E, which I’d rather read anyway

        • Ghost

          Damn, it’s been 40 years since poi e. Still a great song

        • Steve Otto(North Shore)

          You looked at “Stuff”
          Good onya, taking one for the team.

          • MCōs

            What team would that be?

    • Steve Otto(North Shore)

      Sooner or later NZ is going to wake up – even some on this Blog.
      When some wake up they will be in denial – yeah, the river in Afrika,
      All of what I post here on Kiwiblog is freely available on the internet and through

      Remember, I am just the messenger.

  • Maggie Pie

    “If you put the Labour Government
    in charge of the Sahara desert,
    in 5 years, there’d be a shortage of sand”

    – Leyton Smith podcast.

    • Steve Otto(North Shore)

      Yeah! And that sand is no good for concrete!
      Not explaining why.

    • Chris Nisbet


    • Mike


    • surfing

      If he’d only whacked those kids a few years later he might have gotten away with his argument.

  • Maggie Pie


    A crowd of 4 excited school girls gather to greet Hazza & Megs during their Royal Tour of Nigeria.
    One steps forward to offer MeGain a plate of homemade cakes, to which she responds ….”No thankyou, I’m on a diet”

    • kevn

      Maggie… Just fake in all ways…

      • Maggie Pie

        Not sure weather it was Charlie or Wills who was
        overhead to say…. “Meghan thinks she’s not black”


  • JimBobJoe

    “Powercuts in a wealthy country like New Zealand don’t make us third world. It’s bog standard neoliberalism which has both impeded upkeep of our infrastructure and blocked meaningful climate transition. Third world is when you can’t afford to fix, maintain and futureproof society. Neoliberalism is when you do that by choice.”

    ahhhh…. The Standards resident wild bird, Weka, reckons any power problems are all the fault of the Rights Neoliberalism….

    I do wonder why the Left, and especially Greens like Weka, feel the need to dress their ‘tear it all down and build socialisms utopia’ objective in climate alarmism. I guess because the Left know, in their inner selves, that socialism is a failure and too many people know that so subterfuge is the best way to try and gain their utopia

  • Ghost

    Wait, what. No public interest.

    A group of Navy recruits caught sharing “extreme” sexual and violent imagery involving animals and children avoided a court martial because it was considered there was no “public interest” in a prosecution.

    Yet an agency fighting the sexual exploitation of children says being found with such images could have led to up to 14 years in prison in the civilian system of justice.


    The Classification Office viewed the material and by July 2019 provided a formal opinion to NZDF that the content was “objectionable” and illegal to possess and share.

    Its official finding said the content was intended to “promote and support” bestial*ty, “the exploitation of children for sexual purposes”, necrophilia and “acts of extreme violence and extreme cruelty”. The Herald will not detail the material being shared because of its graphic nature.

    This is just so wrong. Absolutely pathetic to not charge them

  • Maggie Pie

    Just been enjoying a few Pinots b4 dinner and watching… ‘Botched’
    Poor womean was having ‘surplus breast-tissue’ removed from under her armpits
    which had formed durng pregnancy.
    My partner could harly believe the size of her Areola. They were yuge 🙁

    (Duck a la’ orannge tonite. Shot last week and been hung in the garage.)

    • In Vino Veritas

      Best you get on with it then Mags, the preparation and reduction of the Bigarade sauce will take a good few hours……

  • Jack5

    Send for Jacinda to stamp her foot!

    Russia has found huge reserves of oil in Antarctica.

    The Telegraph reports:

    Reserves totalling 511bn barrels of oil – about 10 times the North Sea’s entire 50-year output – have been reported to Moscow by Russian research ships, according to evidence given to the Commons Environment Audit Committee (EAC) last week.

    This discovery comes from a series of surveys by the research vessel Akademik Alexander Karpinsky.

    Greenpeace and Extinction Rebellion protesters gave the ship a cold reception when it berthed in South Africa in January.

    RosGeo, the state-owned Russian exploration company that operates the ship, has been exploring Russia’s designated part of Antarctica since 1970 for hydrocarbons.

    RosGeo’s web site says the the hydrocarbon potential of the designated area is estimated at approximately 70 billion tonnes.

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Author: Sen. Emmett Berge

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Name: Sen. Emmett Berge

Birthday: 1993-06-17

Address: 787 Elvis Divide, Port Brice, OH 24507-6802

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Job: Senior Healthcare Specialist

Hobby: Cycling, Model building, Kitesurfing, Origami, Lapidary, Dance, Basketball

Introduction: My name is Sen. Emmett Berge, I am a funny, vast, charming, courageous, enthusiastic, jolly, famous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.