Compounding Interest: Formulas and Examples (2024)

What Is Compounding?

Compounding is the process in which an asset’s earnings, from either capital gains or interest, are reinvested to generate additional earnings over time. This growth, calculated using exponential functions,occursbecause the investment will generate earnings fromboth its initial principal and the accumulated earnings from preceding periods.

Compounding, therefore, differs from linear growth, where only the principal earns interest each period.

Key Takeaways

  • Compounding is the process whereby interest is credited to an existing principal amount as well as to interest already paid.
  • Compounding thus can be construed as interest on interest—the effect of which is to magnify returns to interest over time, the so-called “miracle of compounding.”
  • When banks or financial institutions credit compound interest, they will use a compounding period such as annual, monthly, or daily.
  • Compounding may occur on investment in which savings grow more quickly or on debt where the amount owed may grow even if payments are being made.
  • Compounding naturally occurs in savings accounts; some investments that yield dividends may also benefit from compounding.

Compounding Interest: Formulas and Examples (1)

Understanding Compounding

Compounding typically refers to theincreasingvalue of an asset due to the interest earned on both aprincipal and accumulated interest. This phenomenon, which is a direct realization of the time value of money (TMV) concept, is also known as compound interest.

Compounding is crucial in finance, and the gains attributable to its effects are the motivation behind many investing strategies. For example, many corporations offerdividend reinvestmentplans (DRIPs) that allow investors to reinvest their cash dividends to purchase additional shares of stock. Reinvesting in more ofthesedividend-paying shares compounds investorreturns because the increased number of shares will consistently increase future income from dividend payouts, assuming steady dividends.

Investing in dividend growth stocks on top of reinvesting dividends adds another layer of compounding to this strategy that some investorsrefer to as double compounding. In this case,not only are dividends being reinvested to buy moreshares, but these dividend growth stocks are also increasing their per-sharepayouts.

Formula for Compound Interest

The formula for the future value (FV) of a current asset relies on the concept of compoundinterest. It takes into account the present value of an asset, the annualinterest rate, the frequency of compounding (or the number of compounding periods) per year, and the total number of years. The generalized formula for compound interest is:

FV=PV×(1+in)ntwhere:FV=FuturevaluePV=Presentvaluei=Annualinterestraten=Numberofcompoundingperiodspertimeperiodt=Thetimeperiod\begin{aligned}&FV = PV \times \Big (1 + \frac{ i }{ n } \Big ) ^ {nt} \\&\textbf{where:} \\&FV = \text{Future value} \\&PV = \text{Present value} \\&i = \text{Annual interest rate} \\&n = \text{Number of compounding periods per time period} \\&t = \text{The time period} \\\end{aligned}FV=PV×(1+ni)ntwhere:FV=FuturevaluePV=Presentvaluei=Annualinterestraten=Numberofcompoundingperiodspertimeperiodt=Thetimeperiod

This formula assumes that no additional changes outside of interest are made to the original principal balance.


Curious what 100% daily compounding looks like? One Grain of Rice, the folktale by Demi, is centered around a reward where a single grain of rice is awarded on the first day and the number of grains of rice awarded each day is doubled over 30 days. At the end of the month, over 536 million grains of rice would be awarded on the last day.

Increased Compounding Periods

The effects of compounding strengthen as the frequency of compounding increases. Assume a one-year time period. The more compounding periods throughout this one year, thehigher the future value of the investment, so naturally, two compounding periods per year are better than one, and four compounding periods per year are better than two.

To illustrate this effect, consider the following example given the above formula. Assume that an investment of $1 million earns 20% per year. The resulting future value, based on a varying number of compounding periods, is:

  • Annual compounding (n = 1): FV = $1,000,000 × [1 + (20%/1)](1 x 1) = $1,200,000
  • Semi-annual compounding (n = 2): FV = $1,000,000 × [1 + (20%/2)](2 x 1) = $1,210,000
  • Quarterly compounding (n = 4): FV = $1,000,000 × [1 + (20%/4)](4 x 1) = $1,215,506
  • Monthly compounding (n = 12): FV = $1,000,000 × [1 + (20%/12)](12 x 1) = $1,219,391
  • Weekly compounding (n = 52): FV = $1,000,000 × [1 + (20%/52)] (52 x 1) = $1,220,934
  • Daily compounding (n = 365): FV = $1,000,000 × [1 + (20%/365)] (365 x 1) = $1,221,336

As evident, the future value increases by a smaller margin even as the number of compounding periods per year increases significantly. The frequency of compounding over a set length of time has a limited effect on an investment’s growth. This limit, based on calculus, is known as continuous compounding and can becalculated using the formula:

FV=P×ertwhere:e=Irrationalnumber2.7183r=Interestratet=Time\begin{aligned}&FV=P\times e^{rt}\\&\textbf{where:}\\&e=\text{Irrational number 2.7183}\\&r=\text{Interest rate}\\&t=\text{Time}\end{aligned}FV=P×ertwhere:e=Irrationalnumber2.7183r=Interestratet=Time

In the above example, the future value with continuous compounding equals: FV = $1,000,000 × 2.7183 (0.2 x 1) = $1,221,403.

Compounding is an example of "the snowball effect" where a situation of small significance builds upon itself into a larger, more serious state.

Compounding on Investments and Debt

Compound interest works on both assets and liabilities. While compoundingboosts the value of an asset more rapidly, it can also increase the amount of money owed on a loan, as interest accumulates on the unpaid principal and previous interest charges. Even if you make loan payments, compounding interest may result in the amount of money you owe being greater in future periods.

The concept of compounding is especially problematic for credit card balances. Not only is the interest rate on credit card debt high, the interest charges may be added to the principal balance and incur interest assessments on itself in the future. For this reason, the concept of compounding is not necessarily "good" or "bad". The effects of compounding may work in favor of or against an investor depending on their specific financial situation.

Example ofCompounding

To illustrate how compounding works, suppose$10,000 is heldin an account that pays 5% interest annually. After the first year or compounding period, the total in the account has risen to $10,500, a simple reflection of $500 in interest being added to the $10,000 principal. In year two,the accountrealizes 5% growth on both the original principal and the $500 of first-year interest, resultingin a second-year gain of $525 and a balance of $11,025.

Example of Compounding
Compounding PeriodStarting BalanceInterestEnding Balance

After 10 years, assuming no withdrawals and a steady 5% interest rate, the account would grow to $16,288.95. Without having added or removed anything from our principal balance except for interest, the impact of compounding has increased the change in balance from $500 in Period 1 to $775.66 in Period 10.

In addition, without having added new investment on our own, our investment has grown $6,288.95 in 10 years. Had the investment only paid simple interest (5% on the original investment only), annual interest would have only been $5,000 ($500 per year for 10 years).

What Is the Rule of 72?

The Rule of 72 is a heuristic used to estimate how long an investment or savings will double in value if there is compound interest (or compounding returns). The rule states that the number of years it will take to double is 72 divided by the interest rate. If the interest rate is 5% with compounding, it would take around 14 years and five months to double.

What Is the Difference Between Simple Interest and Compound Interest?

Simple interest pays interest only on the amount of principal invested or deposited. For instance, if $1,000 is deposited with 5% simple interest, it would earn $50 each year. Compound interest, however, pays “interest on interest,” so in the first year, you would receive $50, but in the second year, you would receive $52.5 ($1,050 × 0.05), and so on.

How Do I Compound My Money?

In addition to compound interest, investors can receive compounding returns by reinvesting dividends. This means taking the cash received from dividend payments to purchase additional shares in the company—which will, themselves, pay out dividends in the future.

Which Type of Average Is Best Suited to Compounding?

There are different types of average (mean) calculations used in finance. When computing the average returns of an investment or savings account that has compounding, it is best to use the geometric average. In finance, this is sometimes known as the time-weighted average return or the compound annual growth rate (CAGR).

What Is the Best Example of Compounding?

High-yield savings accounts are a great example of compounding. Let's say you deposit $1,000 in a saving account. In the first year, you will earn a given amount of interest. If you never spend any money in the account and the interest rate at least stays the same as the year before, the amount of interest you earn in the second year will be higher. That is because savings accounts add interest earned to the cash balance that is eligible to earn interest.

The Bottom Line

Once referred to as the either wonder of the world by Albert Einstein, compounding and compound interest play a very important part in shaping the financial success of investors. If you take advantage of compounding, you'll earn more money faster. If you take on compounding debt, you'll be stuck in a growing debt balance longer. By compounding interest, financial balances have the ability to exponential grow faster than straight line interest.

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  1. University of Georgia. "One Grain of Rice."

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Compounding Interest: Formulas and Examples (2024)


Compounding Interest: Formulas and Examples? ›

The math for compound interest is simple: Principal x interest = new balance. For example, a $10,000 investment that returns 8% every year, is worth $10,800 ($10,000 principal x . 08 interest = $10,800) after the first year. It grows to $11,664 ($10,800 principal x .

What is the formula for compound interest and examples? ›

The formula for compound interest is A=P(1+rn)nt, where A represents the final balance after the interest has been calculated for the time, t, in years, on a principal amount, P, at an annual interest rate, r. The number of times in the year that the interest is compounded is n.

How do you solve compound interest questions easily? ›

A = P (1+ r/n)nt
  1. A = Total Amount.
  2. P = Initial Principal.
  3. r = Rate of interest on which loan or deposit is disbursed.
  4. n = number of times the interest is compounded in a year. It can be monthly, half-yearly, quarterly, or yearly.
  5. t = time in years.
Nov 7, 2023

What is the formula for finding the answer to a compound interest problem? ›

To calculate the compound interest, we just need to substitute the principal (P), rate r% (r/100), time (t), and the number of times the amount is compounded (n) in the formula P(1 + r/n)nt - P.

What will be the compound interest on $25,000 after 3 years at 12 per annum? ›

25000 after 3 years at the rate of 12 per cent p.a.? Rs. 10123.20.

How much is $1000 worth at the end of 2 years if the interest rate of 6% is compounded daily? ›

Hence, if a two-year savings account containing $1,000 pays a 6% interest rate compounded daily, it will grow to $1,127.49 at the end of two years.

What is the fastest way to calculate compound interest? ›

Compound interest is calculated by multiplying the initial principal amount by one plus the annual interest rate raised to the number of compound periods minus one. The total initial principal or amount of the loan is then subtracted from the resulting value. Katie Kerpel {Copyright} Investopedia, 2019.

What is the simplest way to explain compound interest? ›

Compound interest is when you earn interest on the money you've saved and on the interest you earn along the way. Here's an example to help explain compound interest. Increasing the compounding frequency, finding a higher interest rate, and adding to your principal amount are ways to help your savings grow even faster.

How do you solve compound interest step by step? ›

You can use the following formula to calculate compound interest:FV = P ( 1 + [ r / n ] ) ^ ntIn this formula:
  1. FV: future value.
  2. P: principal.
  3. r: interest rate.
  4. n: number of compounding periods per year (yearly = 1, monthly = 12, weekly = 52, daily = 365)
  5. t: time in years of the investment or loan.
Sep 30, 2022

What will be the compound interest on 8000 at the 15% rate per annum for 2 years and 4 months? ›

Compound interest = ₹ 11109 - ₹ 8000 = ₹ 3109. Q. Find compound interest on Rs. 8000 at 15% per annum for 2 years 4 months, compounded annually.

What is a real life example of compound interest? ›

Let's say you have $1,000 in a savings account that earns 5% in annual interest. In year one, you'd earn $50, giving you a new balance of $1,050. In year two, you would earn 5% on the larger balance of $1,050, which is $52.50—giving you a new balance of $1,102.50 at the end of year two.

What is the formula for daily compound interest? ›

Daily compound interest is calculated using the formula: A = P (1 + r / n)nt, where P is the principal amount, r is the annual interest rate, n is the number of compounding periods per year (365 for daily), and t is the time the money is invested, in years.

How do you calculate compound interest in math? ›

If we were to calculate the amount after each year, we could just use the a multiplier of 1.03 to find each amount. This P×1.03 gives the value after the first year. The second year's amount is this amount, multiplied by a further 1.03 and so on for the amount of years. This can be expressed using a table.

What is the compound interest on $25,000 at 10% per annum for 3 years? ›

∴ CompoundInterest=Rs. 4775.40.

How long does it take to double $5000 at a compound rate of 12% per year approx )? ›

Question: Double Your MoneyHow long does it take to double $5,000 at a compound rate of 12% per year (approx.)? PV=-5,000FV=10,000i=12N=6.12 Years.

What will be the compound interest on 15000 for 2 years at 12% per annum? ›

Answer. In this case, P = 15,000, r = 0.12 (12% as a decimal), n = 1 (since the interest is compounded annually), and t = 2. Therefore, the amount on a sum of 15,000 at 12% p.a. compounded annually for 2 years is 18,816.

What is a compound formula example? ›

For example, the chemical formula of water, which is H2O, suggests that two hydrogen atoms combine with one oxygen atom to form one molecule of water.

What is the compound interest on RS 2500 for 2 years at rate of interest 4% per annum? ›

Therefore, the compound interest on Rs. 2500 for 2 years at a rate of interest of 4% per annum is Rs. 204.

How do you calculate simple and compound interest with examples? ›

Let's understand the workings of the simple interest calculator with an example. The principal amount is Rs 10,000, the rate of interest is 10% and the number of years is six. You can calculate the simple interest as: A = 10,000 (1+0.1*6) = Rs 16,000.

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