College of Arts and Sciences Catalog and Announcements, 1893-1898 (2024)


Sewanee Calendar 1895«'96 m iiMW OF m sfloi papehs

Series B., Number §2.

Calendar, iScj:^-()6

r-UWAHBH, TBN'I. THI UNIVIRSITY P!^1*S. 1*95. The University of the South

Special Pamphlets give fuller accounts of the Uni-- versity. Persons interested are invited to address the^ Vice-Chancellor. Calendar, 1896

March 19 Lent Term begins in ail Departments of the University.

Aprils Good Friday. Holiday.

April 5 Easter Day.

April 6 Easter Monday. Holiday.

May i^ Ascension Day. Holiday.

May 25 Whitsun Monday. Holiday.

July 4 National Holiday.

July 20 General Examinations begin.

July 29 Commencement Exercises of the Sewanee Grammar School.

July 30 Contest in Debate for the Trent Medal.

July 30 Board of Trustees meet and Commencement Exercises begin.

July 31 Contest in Declamation for the Knight Medal,

August 2 Commencement Sermon, 11 a.m. Annual Ser- mon before the S. Luke's Brotherhood, 8 P.M.

August 3 Contest in Oratory between the Pi Omega and Sigma Epsilon Literary Societies.

August 4 Address before the Literary Societies. Literary Exercise?, August 5 Lent Term ends. Public of the Associate Alumni.


Aajvust 6 ...... Commencement Day. Trinity Term begins i» all Departments of the University.

-August 7 Three days recess. /August lo Examination and Classification of n«w students.. "^"S^"^/ ^3 Special Service in S. Augustine's Chapel, >Tith address by the Vice-Chancellor.

September i8. .Foundation Day. Holiday.

November i . . . All Saints' Day.

November . 36 Thanksgiving D»y. National Holiday. December 11 . General Examinations begin. December 24 . Trinity Term ends.

The Schola.stic Year begins with the Trinity I'erm.

A special program i.s issued of the Commencement Cere- >monies and Exercises from July 30 to Au^^ust 6. Board of Trustees


Rt. Rev. Thomas U. Dudley, D.D., LL.D., D.C.L., Bishop of Kentucky, Chancellor, and President of the Boards Louisville.

Rt. Rev, Richard H. Wilmer, D.D., Bishop of Alabama, Mobile,

Rt. Rev. Charles T. Q^iintard, S.T.D., LL.D., Bishop of Ten- nessee, Sewanee.

Rt. Rev. Henrj N. Pierce, D.D., LL.D., Bishop of Arkau.^us,., Little Rock. Rt. Rev. Alexander C. Garrett, D.D., LL.D., Missionary Bi.-hojv of Northern Texas, Dallas.

Rt. Rev. Hugh Miller Thompson, D.D., IXC.L., Bisht p ot Mis- sissippi, Jackson.

Rt. Rev. Alfred A. Watson, D.D., D.C.L., Bishop of East Caro- lina, Wilmington.

Rt. Rev. Edwin G. Weed, D.D., Bishop of Florida, ]acksonvilic-i..

Rt. Rev. James S. Johnston, D.D., Missionary Bishop of West- ern Texas, San Antonio.

Rt. Rev. Henry M. Jackson, D.D., Assistant Bishop of Ala- bama, Montgomery.

Rt. Rev. Davis Sessums, D.D., Bishop of Louisidna, Nevv- Or- leans.

Rt. Rev. Cleland K. Nelson, D.D., Bishop of Geoij^-ia, Atlanta^

Rt. Rev. George H. Kinsoiving, D.D., Bishop of Texas,^


Rt. Rev. William C. Gray, D.D., Missionarj Bishop of South- ern Florida, Orlando. Rt. Rev. Ellison Capers, D.D., Bishop of South Carolina, Columbia. Rt. Rev. Thomas F. Gailor, S.T.D., Assistant Bishop of Ten- nessee, Memphis.

'B.t. Rev. Joseph Blount Cheshire, D.D., Bishop of North Car- olina, Charlotte.

CLERICAL AND LAY TRUSTEES Alabama Flodda Rev. W. Dudley Powers, D. Rev. R. E. Grubb, Jackson- D., Montgomery. ville, B. J. Jones,M.A., Montgomery. G. R. Fairbanks, M.A., Fer- J. L. Cobbs, Montgomery. nandina. Arkansas W. W. Hampton, Gainesville. Rev. Davis, John B.A., Little -Southern Piorida Rock. Rev. Chas. M. Gray, Ocala. R. W. Sherwood, Pine Bluff. H. W. Greetham, Orlando. R. B. Bancroft, Hot Springs. J. G. Reardon, Ocala.

North Carolina Georgia

Rev. F. J. Murdoch, D.D., Sal- Rev. F. F. Reese, Macon. isbury. W. K. Miller, Augusta. Wm. L. London, Pittsboro. Z. D. Harrison, Atlanta. Wm. A. Smith, Ansonville. Kentucky South Carolina Rev. Reverdy Estill, D. D., Rev. T. D. Bratton, B.D., Spar- Louisville. tanburg. F. H. Dudley, Winchester. H. E. Young, Charleston. Wm. Soaper, Henderson. Thos. Plnckney, Charleston. LoHisiaisa Easst CaroHjift Kev. W. T. D. Dalzell, D.D., Rev. N. Collin Hughes, Choc- Shreveport. owinity. G. R. Westfeldt, New Or- Wm. E. Shepard, Edenton. leans.

J. B. Bonner, Aurora. W. Guion, Napoleonville. BOARD OF TRUSTEES

Texas Mississippi Houston Chris- Rev. C. M. Beckwith, 2^ev. A. Harris, Pass J. R. L. Brown, Austin. tian. Llewellyn Aubrey, Marshall. C. Leigh, Grenada. A. Nortiiern Texas Howard, M.D., Vicks- >G. W. Rev. Hudson Stuck, Dallas. burg. Dallas. W. S. Simpkins, M.D., Tennessee Autry, Corsicana. J. L. D.D., Jack- Texas Rev. ]. E. Martin, Western Starr, Gonzales. son. Rev. F. R. M.A., San An- H. H. Lurton, Nashville. W. P. Finley, A. T. McNeal, Bolivar. tonio. David Gregg, Luling.

ASSOCIATE ALUMNI TRUSTEES Houma, La. Knight, At- John D. Shaffer, Rev. Albion W. N.C. Silas McBee, Lincolnton, lanta, Ga.

TRUSTEES SECRETARY OF TUE BOARD OF Charleston, S. C 'Rev. John Kershaw

COMMISSIONER OF ENDOWMENT -, T^ I'.I'jntp-omery, Ala. T-, '.- ^ Rer. W. Dudley Powers : >

conmssARY to tme unsvfbrsity '. London. r^ 1 i.4- T-. r T "-izeize Park, . .Rev. F. W. Tremlett, D.L .1- . Standing Committees TO ACT ..KX.O XHK KKCESS OP XHK HOAKB O. T..STE..

EXECUTIVE ^, „ COMMITTEE Rt. Rey. T. U. DudleyuQ'ej, D.D.,D D t t i^ r . LL.D, Louisville, Kj., 0«,

Rt. Rev. T. F. Gailor, S.T.D Rey. A. W. Knight, Memphis, Tenn. Atlanta. Ga. Rt. Rev. C. K. Nelson, D.D Mr. G. R. Atlanta, Ga Fairbanks, Secre- tary, Fernandina, Rt. Rev. H. M. Fla. Jackson, D.D., Mr. A. Montgomery, T. McNeal, Bolivar,. Ala. Tenn, Rev. J. A. VanPIoose, Bir- Mr. Z. D. Harrison, mingham, Ala. Atlanta Ga. Rev. W. D. Powers, D.D., Montgomery, Ala.

ENDOWMENT COMMITTEE Rt. Rev. C. K. Nelson, D.D., Mr. H. H. Lurton, Atlanta, Ga. Nashville, Tenn. Rev. W. D. Powers, D.D Montgomery, Ala.

^;^^^^^^NE AND 0R05R COMMITTEE RtRt. Rev.R T.^ U. Dudley, D.D , pp,, ..r ^ TT ' LL.D., Louisville, ^' ^''^^^'^^ I^^^^I- Ky I \ Z' Mr. B. L^ L. Wiggins, M.A. Vue- p' \ ,ZA ^ ^^JT^^^'^' Chancellor, ^^"'^^"k^"'' ^ernan^ Sewanee, Tenn ^. ^i Rt. ' ^^^• Rev. T. F. Gailor, S.T.D.,' ' Memphis, Tenn.

[8] The University of the South


B. LAWTON WIGGINS, M.A., Professor of Anciefit Languages.

WILLIAM P. DuBOSE, MA., S.T.D., Dean of the Theological Departmejit and Professor of E:

CAMERON PIGGOT, M.D., Professor of Chemistry and Geology.

WILLIAM P. TRENT, M.A., Dean of the Department of Arts and Sciences and Professor of English and History.

BENJAMIN W. WELLS, Ph.D., ' Professor of Modern Languages.

J. S. CAIN, M.D., Dean of the Medical Department and Professor of I^ractice of Medicine.

HUGH R. MILLER, M.D., Professor of Anatomy. [9] .


T. HILLIARD WOOD, M.D., Professor of Diseases of Eye, Ear, and Throat.

J. B., M.D., Professor of Suroery.


.Dean of tJic La^v Department and Professor of Common and Statute La^v.

WILLIAM B. YOUNG, M.D., Professor of Gyncecology

WILLIAM B. HALL, M.A., M.D., Professor of Physiology, Materia Medica^ and Botany.

Rkv. WILLIAM A. GUERRY, M.A., B.D., Professor of Homiletics and Pastoral Theology.

JOHN ROSS, M.D., Professor of Obstetrics.

Rev. GREENOUGH WHITE, M.A., B.D., Professor of Ecclesiastical History.

Rev. REGINALD HEBER STARR, M.A., D.D., Pr&fessor of Dogmatic Thcologv.

Rev. F. A. SHOUP, D.D., Professor of Aletaphysics and Acting Professor of Physics.

SAMUEL M. BARTON, Ph.D., Professor of Matkeviailcs.

WILLIAM B. NAUTS, M.A., Associate Professor of Ancient Languages. OFFICERS II

JAMES W. HANDLY, M.D., Associate Professor of Genito- Urinary Diseases.

Rt. Rev. THOMAS F. GAILOR, M.A., S.T.D., Lecturer in Canon Lavj. y ROBERT B. LEES, M.D., D.D.S., Lecturer on Oral and Denial Surgery.

j. EDWARD MILES, Instructor in Physical Culture.

SAMUEL D. WILCOX, Instructor in Com?nercial Courses.

GEORGE RENEAU RAU, M.D., De7>io?istrator of Anatomy and Microscopy.

Rev. WILLIAM A. GUERRY, M.A., B.D. CJiaplain.

ROBERT M. DuBOSE, Treasurer.

W. B. HALL, M.A., M.D.,

Health Officer.

S. D. WILCOX, Registrar and Acting Libraria?i.




This Board is elected by the Board of' Trustees to act as sl <:ouncil of advice in the government of the University.

B. LAWTON WIGGINS, M.A., Vice-Chancellor, Chairvuur ex-ojjicio.



Rev. W. a. GUERRY, B.iy.

Rev. REGINALD H. STARR, Y).Yy. Rev. F. a. SHOUP, D.D. SAMUEL M. BARTON, Ph.D. Register of Students

FOR 1895

THEOLOGICAL Bassett, Rev. Colin Sharp Edmonton, Eu^.

JBrown, John Henrj Columbia, S. C.

Burrell, Rer. Frederick H Areola, III. Craighill, Francis Hopkinson Dalton, Ga. Dakin, Rev. Walter Edwin Tulhihorna, Tenn. DuBose, William Haskell, M.A vSewanee, Tenn. Easter, Rev. Ilenrv Sewanee, Tenn. Gresham, James Wilmer New Orleans, La.

Johnson, James Willis Cantey Charleston, S. C, Jovner, Nevili, M.A Kellj, Miss. Kirreh, Shibli Said Cincinnati, O.

Xovcless, William Fletcher Per.sacola, Fla. Maclean, Stuart Strother Atlanta, Ga,

Mikell, Harry Judah Sumter, S. C. Morris, James Craik, M.A Louisville, Kj. Skardon, Alvin Wilson Nev^ Orleans, La. Slack, William Samuel, M. A Rosedale, La. Smith, Rev. Russell Kane Alleghaaj, Pa. Smith, Walter Lennie Austin, Texas.

Thomas, Albert Sidnej Colarabia, S. C.

Walsh, Thomas Tracr Sumter, S. C. [13] 4


Waring:, James Cash Florence, S. C. Warren, James Daniell Orange Lake, Fla Wood, Clarence Sylvester Rome, Ga.

MEDICAL Allen, William Cline Delaware, N. J. Amos, Charles Fay Fairmount, W. Va. Arnecke, Christoph Adam Wquyj Arneckeville, Texas,, Bird, Arthur Judson Millview, Pa. Brunning, Charles New Orleans, La. Carter, Stephen Siverlo Bnidleyton, Ala. Corbett, John Lauderdale Hickman, Ky. Cramer, Morgan Joseph Chest Springs, Pa. Daniel, Joseph S Corsicana, Texas. De Long, William Edwaid Stroudsburg, Pa. de Nux, Emeric, B.A Marksville, La. Diven, Arlington Walton Blairsville, Pa. Emmer, William John New Iberia, La. Fisher, Alvah Arlington Barnesvilie, Pa. Foster, Ira Curtin Xittatinning, Pa. Gallaher, William Mack. Moon, Tenn. Gilbert, John Ross Bordentown, N. J. Hain, Aaron Erastus Birdsboro, Pa. Harper, Washington Allen Austin, Texas. Hepler, Philip Edward Fairmount City, Pa. Hootman, David Albert South Strabane, Pa. Jackson, William Van Alstyne, Texas. Kelton, Leslie Eugene Corsicana, Texas. Kinney, Terry Ripley, Miss. Kirbj-Smith, Reynold Marvin Sev/anee, Tenn. Knight, Thomas Howard Philadelphia, Pa. 5


Lutton, Joseph Robert Pennsylvania Mershon, Lewis Smith Philadelphia, Pa Miles, James Edward Baltimore, Md.

Moore, Albertus Adair, Jr Camden, S. C. Murray, Marshall Dantzler Orangeburg, S. C

Post, Charles Augustus Aurora, Mo. Tanner, John Stewart New Orleans, La. Taylor, James Franklin Booneville, Miss. Teeters, Henry Negley, D.D.S. Monongahela City,Pa.

Terrell, V. LaGrange Jackson, Miss. Turnbull, William Arthur Wilfrid Wakelield, Eng. Ward, Heber Aaron .Hobbsville, N. C. Woodall, Percy Hogan Nashville, Tenn. Worley, Ambrose Gaines St. Augustine, Fla. Young, Marion Albert Abbeville, La.

LAV/ Cole, Rev. Robert Kenry, B.D O^iebec, Canada. Constant, Frank Tebbetts Illawara, La. Crownover, Arthur Sewanee, Tenn.

Courtenay, St. John Newrj^, S. C. Donalscn, Walter Percy San Marcos, Texas.. Dowdall, Paul Mason Daniell Morrisonville, 111. Galleher, John Barbee Sewanee, Tenn. Albany, Ga. Hobbs, Richard, Jr Lynch, Francis Lafayette Decherd, Tenn Mallory, John Parker Jackson, Tenn. Ga. Peterson, William Archibald Mt. Vernon, Atlanta, Ga. Raine, Joseph S. Jr Springfield, 111. Scholes, Samuel Dairy mple, Jr Texas> Wicks, Edward Henry Sugar Land, 6


Wilson, Samuel, Jr , New Orleans, La. Yerger, Frank Johnston Mont Eagle, Tenn.

POST GRADUATe :KHrford, Spruille Kew York Citj.

ACADEniC Gownsmen Ambler, Francis Willis Atlanta, Ga. Beckwith, Samuel Carr Petersburg, Va. Beean, John Sewanee, Tenn. Benedict, Robert Ft. Meade, Fla. Benjamin, William Breithaupt Illawara, La. Berghaus, Paul Wilmington, Del. Blacklock, Alexander Galpin Cleveland, Tenn. Brown, Percv Spring Hill, Tenn. Cobbs, Edward Ellerbe Montgomery, Ala. Crank, James Montgomerv- Houston, Texas. Dabney, Ward Bonham, Texas. Glass, George Henry Hearne, Texas. Green, William Mercer, Jr Se^-anee, Tenn. Harding, Frederick Harriman Washington, N. C. Hebbard, Frederick New York Citj. Henderson, William, Jr New Orleans, La. Hodgson, Telfair Sewanee, Tenn. Hogue, Richard Wallace Marion, Ala. Hurter, William Hammond Montgomery, Ala. Johnston, Mereer Green San Antonio, Texas Jones, William Weems Shreveport, La. Matthews, Warn«r Douglass JacksoHrili., Fla. McMillan, Robert FrankHn Conesas @«.«tre, M.Y REGISTER OF STUDENTS ^7

Memminger, Willis Wilkinson Charleston, S. C. Morehouse, Howard Lord Milwaukee, Wis. Morris, John Morton Louisville, Ky. Noe, Thomas Pasteur Beaufort, N. C. Pickens, William Carrigan Greensboro, Ala. Pickett, Roland Jones Shreveport, La. Pinckney, Charles Cotesworth Charleston, S. C. Risley, Howard Sank Georgetown, S. C. Robertson, William Clendennen Houston, Texas.

Rust, Richard Sanford, Jr Atlanta, Ga.

Seibels, Henry Goldthwaite Montgomery, Ala. Selden, John Armistead Sewanee, Tenn.

Selden, Jos(? Martin Sewanee, Tenn. Shoup, Francis Elliott Sewanee, Tenn. Smith, Sidney Bertrand Rockvale, Tenn. Thomas, Harold Columbia, S. C. Torian, Oscar Noel Evansville, Ind. Tucker, Gardiner Leigh Mobile, Ala. Ala. , Mobile, Tucker, Prentiss . . .

Weed, Caleb Brintnall Knevals East Orange, N. J^ Woodward, Allen Harvey Birmingham, Ala. Wragg, Samuel Alston St. Louis, Mo. Young, Arthur Rutledge Charleston, S. C.

Juniors. Adoue, Julien Baptiste Calvert, Texas. Allen. John Brooks Springfield, 111. Averill, Frederick Sprague Port Royal, S. C. Aydelott, George Cortner Tullahoma, Tenn.. Barnwell, William McCaslan Abbeville, S. C. Benjamin, Herbert Wilson Illawara, La. I§ THE UNIVERSITT OF THE SOUTH

Branch, Austin Thomas Augusta, Ga. Branch, Robert Irvine Augusta, Ga. Buchanan, Thompson Crescent Hill, Kj. Bull, James Armitage Pensacola, Fla. Buntin, William Allison Nashville, Tenn. Cadman, Godfrey William Radcljffe. . . .Narcoossee, Fla. Carnahan, Hart San Antonio, Texas. Colmore, Charles Blayney Sewanee, Tenn. Colmore, Lionel Henry Sewanee, Tenn. Craig, Emmett New Orleans, La. Davis, Albert Hueling Louisville, Ky. Douglass, Kennett Malcolm Evansville, Ind. Dunlavy, Henry F Richmond, Texas. Dunn, John Guion New Eerne, N. C. Edwards, George Clifton Dallas, Texas. Elmore, Charles Gunter Montgomery, Ala. Epperson, Benjamin Holland. Jefferson, Texas. Estill, Reverdj Van Warren Louisville, Ky. Farrar, Edgar Howard, Jr New Orleans, La. >Galleher, Clarkson Sewanee, Tenn. vGalt, Hamilton Pope Louisville, Ky. Garrison, Lyle Webb City, Mo. Gaston, William Henry, Jr Dallas, Texas.

Gillett, William Lowrey Evansville, Ind.

Gray, Campbell Orlando, Fla.

Gray, Charles Quintard Ocala, Fla.

Green, Berkeley St. John St. Louis, Mo. Green, Duncan Cameron Sewanee, Tenn. Guerin, George Herbert Covington, Ky.

Hannon, Horace Blake Cassa, 111. REGISTER OF STUDENTS 19

Hogsett, George Arnold, Jr New Orleans, La. Howard, Benjamin Rollins Selma, Ala. Johnson, Bertram Page Sewanee, Tenn. Joyner, Edmund Noah, Jr Columbia, S. C. Kimbrough, Frank Richmond Clarksville, Tenn. King, Alfred Newell Nashville, Tenn. Kirby-Smith, William Selden Sewanee, Tenn. Lane, Carl Moorman Greeneville, Tenn. Laird, Samuel Boden Birmingham, Ala. Landauer, Horace Haas Winnsboro, La. Lord, Frank King Louisville, Ky. Mangum, Samuel Duncan Collierville, Tenn. Matthews, James Fouche Anniston, Ala. Maxey, Robert Austin, Texas. McArthur, Joseph Maxwell Gainesville, Fla. McClain, James Henry Henderson Ky. McKeage, Henry Roysens. Clarksville, Tenn McLemore, John Briggs Columbia, Tenn. Moore, Thomas Leo Hopeville, Ga. Parrott, Thomas Sargent. Newnan, Ga. Partridge, Charles Stevens Selma, Ala. Peter, George Freeland Georgetown, D. C

Pettit, William Foster New Orleans, La. Poole, William Henry Glyndon, Md. Reeve, Melville Arnold Greeneville, Tenn. Richardson, Albert Smith Nashville, Tenn. Ruef, John Leonhart. Sewanee, Tenn. Scott, Frederick Myers Atlanta, Ga. Shepherd, David Alexander Sewanee, Tenn. Shields, Bayard Benoist Jacksonville, Fla. 30 THR UNIVRRSITT OF THR SOUTH

Southwell, Ralph Delaney New Iberia, La. Smith, Dana Tjrrell St. Louis, Mo.

Smith, Ralph Henry Glenn Springs, S. C. Smith, Sidney Binion Darien, Ga. Stacker, Patrick Lewis Clarksville, Tenn. Stevenson, Eugene Valjean Dallas, Texas. Thompson, William Bess Dallas, Texas. Van Ness, Frank Waters Sewanee, Tenn. Van Vredenburgh, Richard Varick New Albany, Ind. Wainwright, Eric Ross Bowman's Bluff, N. C. Walts, Samuel William New Albany, Ind. Warner, Gaylord Tyler, Texas.

Watson, Sidney Powell, Jr Atlanta, Ga. Webster, William Worthington . Dayton, O.

Westcott, William Beverly Montgomery, Ala..

Whitaker, Harrison Moores, Jr Tyler, Texas. Wilder, Oscar Louisville, Ky.

Williams, George Croft Aiken, S. C. Williams, Luther George Hallam Macon, Ga. Wilson, James, Jr New Orleans, La. Woodco*ck, Julian Augustus Asheville, N. C. Wool ridge, Penn, Jr Austin, Texas. Woolf, Winfield Pinson Atlanta, Ga. Yeandle, William Henry, Jr Atlanta, Ga.

SPECIAL Francis, Charles Dawson Winchester, Tenn. Powell, Wilbert Benton Sewanee, Tenn. Soaper, Henry Turner . . Henderson, Ky. The University


The University of the South was founded in the year 1857 by the Southern bishops, clergy, and laity, in the interests of the Church and of christian educa- tion. A charter was soon afterward obtained from the Legislature of Tennessee, and a domain of nearly ten thousand acres of land was donated for the Uni- versity site. A sum of about five hundred thousand dollars had already been subscribed toward an endow- ment, the corner-stone of the central building had been laid with great ceremony, and the most actire measures were in process to push the work forward^ when the late Civil War broke out and put an abrupt end to all operations. At the close of the War, little remained except the University domain. The South was in poverty and distress, and not many people had the means to educate their sons. But with a iirm trust in Providence a few zealous persons undertook soon after to revive the work and save whatever still remained. Bishop Charles Todd Quintard, of Tennessee, was practically the second founder of the University. Largely through his untiring efforts, especially in England at the time of the Lambeth Conference of 1867, funds were secured to put the institution into [21] 22 THE UNIVERSITT OF THE SOUTH

Operation on a moderate scale in September of the fol- lowing year. Since that time there has been a rapid development. The Academic Department and the preparatory Grammar School were soon in working order. The Theological Department, organized several years be- fore, was formally opened, in 1878, in St. Luke's Hall, the gift of Mrs. Charlotte Morris Manigault, of South Carolina. The Medical Department was opened in 1892, in Thompson Hall, a building chiefly the gift of the Hon. Jacob Thompson, of Mississippi, ex-Secretary of the Interior. The Law Department was organized in 1893. This and the Academic Department are housed in the Walsh Memorial Hall, the gift of Mr. V. D. Walsh, of Louisiana. The number of chairs in the several departments has been steadily increased^ and a special course in Finance and Economy has been developed. The instruction given in Engineer- ing and Practical Chemistry has also been augmented and improved, and the University stands to-day in a position of efficiency which, considering the shortness and vicissitudes of its history, is both satisfactory and gratifying to all who have its interests at heart.


Sewanee is situated on an elevated plateau — a spur of the Cumberland Mountains — some 2,000 feet above the level of the sea, about 1,000 feet above the surround-

ng valleys. The climate is remarkably salubrious^ and the inhabitants are especially exempt from malaria HIS TORT AND DESCRIPTION 2$ and pulmonary complaints. The temperature, even in the hot season, is delightful and well adapted for the re- quirements of a Summer School, while the winters are no colder than those of the surrounding country. The plateau is abundantly supplied with pure, cold freestone water, which is now conveyed by pipes to the University buildings and baths and to several boarding halls. The picturesque character of the plateau with its rugged cliffs looking out upon the cultivated coves below, is too well known to require

is description here ; but it may be noted that there an abundant supply of timber, coal, and sandstone of fine building quality. Sewanee, the seat of the University, is reached by the Tracy City branch of the Nashville, Chattanooga, & St. Louis Railway, eight miles from the junction. Cowan. Perhaps a more definite idea of the exact location of the University may be given to those who

are not acquainted with it, by saying that the ^:^rcat tunnel on the Nashville, Chattanooga, & St. Louis Railway passes nearly under the University domain — eighty-seven miles south of Nashville by the said railroad, twenty-seven miles north of Stevenson, and eixty-five m.iles north of Chattanooga,

The postoffice address is " Sew^anee, Tennessee." There are express, money-order, and telegraph offices at the station, and a special telegraph office for the University. Address all telegram.s to ^' University OF THE South, Tennessee," and not to Sewanee. Thehealthfuiness of the place is remarkable, and in 34 THE UNIVBRSITT OF THE SOUTH

this connection the following quotation from the Re- port of the Tennesssee Board of Health, for 1884, i® " worthy of note : The Cumberland Mountain Plateau peculiarly abounds in resorts which possess to the full «very essential that nature is asked to supply. We name one by way of illustration — Sewanee — which, as a type of health resorts, fulfills all the requirements of the tourist, the invalid, and the seeker of rest and cool, enjoyable surroundings."


The University is situated in the midst of its landed domain of nearly ten thousand acres, with a reserva-

tion of one thousand acres surrounding its central btiildings. Ample grounds are devoted to athletic ex- ^ercises. Building lots are leased for a lung term of years to suitable persons at prices ranging from $35 to ^50 per annum. Inasmuch as the entire one thousand

^cres of reserve, with all improvements, is exempt from taxation, lessees secure valuable privileges for a nominal sum. Walsh Memorial Hall, the principal academic building, and tlie individual gift of V. D. Walsh, Esq., is devoted mainly to class and lecture rooms in the Department of Arts and Sciences. It is a structure of pink sandstone, built in the early English style of ar-

chitecture. It is warmed throughout by steam, and is substantially fire-proof. It forms part of a large group of academic buildings to be erected around a quad- rangle. HISTORV AND DESCRIPTION 2$

St. Luke's Memorial Hall is wholly devoted to the use of the Theological Department, and has ac- commodations for thirty-six students in separate bed- rooms, with eighteen parlors, a beautiful oratory, and three large lecture rooms. This stone building is very attractive in itself as a fine specimen of old English architecture, and is surrounded by the extensive grounds of Manigault Park. Thompson Medical Hall is a well constructed building, mainly of sandstone, devoted principally to the purposes of the Medical School. It contains two large lecture rooms, chemical and microscopic labora- tories, dissecting rooms, etc., for the complete work of a Medical College. The Convocation and Libliaky Hall is one of the most substantial and beautiful buildings of the University. The first and second floors are occupied by the University Library, the east part as a tempo- rary Gymnasium. The Library contains soma 34,000 volumes. The tower attached to the building is calle(i^ the Breslin Tower,, after the gentleman whose gener- ^ ous gift it vi^as. It is built of stone, is twenty-five by thirty feet in base, and rises to the height of one hundred feet, very much like the celebrated tower of Magdalen College, Oxford. Its pinnacles rising above

the forest trees give it a very picturesque appearance. Hodgson Library Building, which was origi- nally built for the Library but found too small for the purpose, crowns a small eminence some distance from the other buildings. It is now occupied by a theo- 26 THE UNIVERSirr OF THE SOUTH

logical professor but will probably be devoted to the purposes of one of the Professional Schools, The present Chapel, the outcome of eight repeated additions, is a churchly building of wood with a seat-

ing capacity of eight hundred. The ceiling is of handsomely paneled pine, and the fittings of the sanc- tuary are appropriate. The plans are prepared for a

stone chapel of very large capacity, which it is hoped will be erected soon. Forensic Hall is one of a group of wooden buildings erected at an early period of the Univer- sity's history, for forensic exercises, lectures, theat-

ricals, oratorical contests, and dancing. It is plain in the extreme, but associated with many pleasant recol- lections in the mind of every Sewanee student. In addition to these public buildings, designed for the use of the University, the pleasant residences of the officers of the University and the boarding houses. are all in close proximity to the central group.


The University of the South embraces the I)epart-> ments of Theology, Law, Medicine, and Arts and Sciences. The requirements for admission to the- Professional Departments are stated in the special an- nouncements of those faculties ; for the Schools of the Department of Arts and Sciences they are stated in the announcement of the several Schools. Students are admitted to the Department of Arts and Sciences on satisfying the heads of the School of Einxlish and HISTORY AND DESCRIPTION 27

qualified to of any two other Schools that they are pursue the undergraduate courses in those Schools. oral or written, at This is ascertained by examination, the discretion of the respective Professors. Students who may not be qualified to enter other Schools whose supple- studies they desire to pursue, are allowed to for ment their preparation, without additional charge School, tuition, in the classes of the Sewanee Grammar while licentiate tutors are always in residence and prepared to give private instruction to such as desire

it for moderate and uniform fees.

COST OF EDUCATION AT 5EWANEE The necessary expenses for the Academic year of forty weeks of a student who receives no scholarship

or remission of fees, are these : ACADEMIC i«o 00 Tuition .-. •• * Board and Lodging % 150 00 — 200 00 Medical Fee io_oo

Total % 260 00 — $ 310 00 LAW Tuition $ 100 00. Board and Lodging $ 150 00 — 200 00 ^o Medical Fee - ^

Total $ 260 00— % 310 00 MEDICAL Tuition .$ 80 00 00 Board and Lodging (six n-.onths). . $ 90 00 — 120 Medical Fee None

Total $ 170 00— $ 200 OG 2'8 7'//i? UNIVBRSJTl OF THE SOUTH

THKOT.,OGICAL Tuition Pree Board and Lodging $ 130 oo Medical Fee 10 00 Total $ 140 00

Besides these expenses should be noted : Matriculatian fee, $15.00 ; washing, $1.50 a month ; mail carriage, $1.00 a year, library fee, $2.00 a term, and of all undergraduates for com- pulsorj use of the gymnasium, $5.00 a term. Students in the chemical laboratory pay a fee of $5.00 a term to cover break- age. contingent A deposit ($40) is required from all, but this forms no part of the expenses of the student, and so far as it is not used by him, will be returned on his leaving the University. Students, except those in the Theological Department, board and lodge at licensed halls, whose charges are regulated fey the governing board of the Faculty. Absolute uniformity in charges is not aimed at, but students can always obtain board at the prices named, and in some cases at tv^n less. The number of students that can be accommodated at the lowest mte is limited, aftd early application should b« made thro«ff& the Vi^e-Chaneellor.


The following Scholarships arc available to Theo-

logical students :

6^. Andrerv's ScJr^hfrshi^fs^—Two scholarships derived from the income of $10,000, the bequest of Mrs. C. M. Manigault, given to students nominated by the Bishop of South Carolina. Barmvell ScJwlarship.— T\-\Q income of $6,045, the bequest of Mrs. Isabella C. Barnwell, given to a student nominated by the Bishop of Tennessee. Waldburg Scholarship />,;, J._ Tiie Income of $15,000, the hequest of Mrs. E. L. W. Clinch, given to students nominated by the Bishop of Georgia. :


Susan Alexander VanHoose Memorial Scholarship.— The income of l5,ooo, the gift of Rev. J. A. VanHoose, B.Lt^ given to a student nominated bj the Bishop of Alabama.

The following Scholarships are available to Aca- demic students, but involve no remission of tuition

fees : The yajues Hill Scholarships^—Two scholarships, yielding an annual income of $280 each, and five scholarships of $212.80 each, based upon the bequest of the late James Hill, of Missis- sippi, awarded to deserving students by the Vice-Chancellor, upon recommendation of the Hebdomadal Board. This rec- ommendation will, except in special cases, be given only after a competitive examination, for particulars concerning which ap- plication should be made to the Vice-Chancellor. Besides these scholarships, free tuition rn the Academic Department is granted to a considerable number of worthy students The Bishop of each of the associated dioceses may nominate two persons whose tuition fees are wholly remitted, and the Vice-Chancellor may remit the fees of students not to exceed five in number. A reduction of tuition fees is also granted to all sons of persons resident in Sewanee, or in the County of Franklin, Tennessee, at the discretion of the Vice-Chancellor. Students may also reduce their expenses by acting as Proc- tors in the several University Boarding Halls, and every effort is made to procure remunerative work for those who require such assistance. Worthy students who wish special help in their University course should state their cases in advance ai fully as possible to the Vice-Chancellor.

UNIVERSITY LIFE AND STUWB5 A student admitted to the University matriculates before the Vice-Chancellor and the Registrar, and is then subject to the regulations of the University. In- 30 THE UNIVERSITY OF THE SOUTH formation and directions are at once given him as to the University Boarding Halls. These halls are sub- ject to close and constant sanitary inspection by the Health Officer of the University. Their water supply is from perennial springs and subject to no possible contamination. The quality and variety of the food furnished is under the control of the University au- thorities, and the orderly quiet necessary to a studious life is secured by the care of special officers who re- side in the halls for this purpose. The student next reports to the Dean of the Department he wishes to enter. When his fitness has been tested by examina- tion, he is assigned to the proper classes. Regularity of class attendance is strictly enforced, a daily record of work is kept, and periodical reports exhibit three times in every term to parents or guardians the exact standing of their sons or wards in every branch of their work. Examinations are held at the close of each term, which fix the future standing of the stu- dent. The results of these examinations are commu- nicated, with as little delay as possible, to the parents and guardians. The Academic Year begins with the Trinity Term.


All members of the Professional Schools, and such Academic students as have passed a certain number of University examinations and have sufficient ma- turity of age and character, are formed by the gov- erning board of the University into an order of Gowns- HISTOR 7' AND DESCRIPTION 31 men. These are distinguished by the academic dress (the Oxford cap and gown), and enjoy certain priv- ileges and immunities. The influence of this select body on their fellow students is most happy.


Students who complete the course in any School are given a diploma in that School. In certain cases a certificate is awarded for a partial course. The fol- lowing medals are annually given on the conditions

noted under the respective Schools : MEDALS

1. The Kentucky Medal (for Greek), founded by the Rt. Rev. T. U. Dudley, D.U., D.C.L., Bishop of Kentucky. 2. The Master's Medal (for Latin), founded bj the Rt Rev. Davis Sessums, D.D., Bishop of Louisiana.

3. The Price Medal (for English), founded bj Profes- sor Thomas R. Price, LL.D., of Columbia College, New York.

4. The Ruggles-Wright Medal (for French), founded hj Mrs. Ruggles-Wright, of New Jersej.

5. The VanHoose Medal (for German), founded by the

Rer. J. A. VanHoose. B.Lt.. of Alabama, 6. Honor Medal, Medical Department.

7. The Knight Medal (for Elocution), founded bj the Rev. Albion W. Knight, of Atlaata, Ga. DEGREES The University of the South awards, on due exam- ination, the degrees of Doctor of Philosophy, Doctor of Medicine, Master of Arts, Master of Science, Bach- elor of Divinity, Bachelor of Laws, Bachelor of Arts, and Civil Engineer. The honorary degrees of Doctot of Civil Law and Doctor of Divinity are conferred by 32 THE UNIVERSirr OF THE SOUTH

the Board of Trustees. A register of all the degrees^ conferred by the University since its organization wilt be found at the end of this Calendar. It will be seen that the high standard set in the beginning has- been rigorously maintained. The requirements for the degrees conferred on ex-

amination are as follows :

FOR THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF ARTS (B.A.) All students matriculating in the Faculty of Arts after August i, 1894,* can take the degree of B.A. on the completion of any one of the following courses, of which " A " and " B " lead to the degree of M.A., and " C " to the degree of M.S. The courses are estimated to be of equal length and difficulty.

Course A Diplomas in Certificates in Latin, six terms. History and Politics,three termg.. Greek, six terms. Philosophy, two terms. French or German, six terms. Physics, one term. Ethics, two terms. Geology, one term. Mathematics, six terms. English, four terms. Note.—For the Diploma in Mathematics and Certificate in Eng> lish, candidates may substitute the Diploma in English [10 terms aggregating 24 hours per week] and the Certificate [3 terms] in Math- ematics. Course B Diplomas in Certificates in Latin or Greek, six terms. Greek or Latin, four terms. English, ten terms. French, four terms. Philosophy, four terms. German, four terms. Ethics, two terms. History and Politics.three terms* Mathematics, three terms. Note.—For the Certificates in History and Politics and in Math-

* Students matriculated before this date are allowed to pursue the courses laid down in the CAiiKNUAB for 189a-'94.


Pol- ematics, candidates may substitute the Diploma in History and In this case an en- ities [8 terms, aggregating 20 hours per week]. trance examination will be required in Mathematics. Course C

Diplomas in Certificates in Mathematics, six terms. Latin or Greek, four terms. Physics, four terms. French, four terms. Chemistry, four terms and German, four terms. Ethics, two terms, [laboratory. English, four terms. Geology and Mineralogy, two Logic, one term. [terms. Botany, two terms. FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF ARTS (m. A.) The B.A, degree in course "A" or " B." Master's diplomas in, three schools. Additional courses to the amount of six hours a week for two terms, to be approved by the Hebdomadal Board. FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF SCIENCE (M.S.) The B.A. degree in course " C," Master's diploma in Chemistry and the diploma in Civil Engineering. FOR THE DEGREE OF CIVIL ENGINEER (C. E.) Diplomas in Certificates in Civil Engineering, four terms English, four terms, [24 hours. French or German, four terms. Physics, four terms. Chemistry (special) three terms Geology and Mineralogy, two [with laboratory.. [tei'ms. Mechanical Drawing. Mathematics, six terms. FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY (PH.D.)

This degree will be conferred on Bachelors of Arts of this University or any other giving what this University accepts as an equivalent course, who being thus qualified, shall reside at least two years at the University, and shall pursue during three years a course of study embracing at least three subjects ap- proved by the Faculty, and shall pass a thorough examination, on that course, showing special attainments in one of his chosen giving evidence of subjects, on which he shall prepare a thesis presented, original investigation. This thesis must have been be conferred, and. at least two months before the degree can c ;


must he defended bj the candidate before the entire Academic Faculty, who may then question the candidate on any matters relatin,^ to his course. The University has not yet been able to offer the facilities for investigation that this course of study re- quires. TIence tlie Faculty is obliged to decline to receive can didates for this degree at present. The requirements for the degrees of Bachelor of Divinity (B.D.), of Bachelor of Laws (LL.B.), and of Doctor of Medi- cine (M.D.), will be found under the announcements of the respective Departments of Theology, Law, and Medicine. It will be seen that the courses outlined above provide for various needs. All of them may be supplemented, and in practice often are supplemented, by the practical studies com- prised in the School of Finance and Economy, where stu- dents may acquire a working knowledge of Commercial Law, Bookkeeping, Stenography, Telegraphy, and Typewriting.


An important element in the intellectual life of Sewanee is the public lectures given under the au- spices of the University by its own Professors and by those who have achieved distinction in their several professions elsewhere. During the year 1895 lectures were read on the following subjects

BENJAMIN W. WELLS, Ph.D., " : The Evolution of French Literature During the N'ine- leenih Century^ including the following lectures: "New Ideals and a New Art," Madam de Stael and Chateaubriand. "The Rise and Ebb of Romanticism," Beranger, Lamartine, de Vigny, de Musset, Gautier, Dumas. "The Youth and Man- hood of Victor Hugo." " Hugo in Exile and Triumph." " The Evolution of History and Criticism," Michelet, Sainte-Beuve, Tai;)e. Renan. '^ The Progress of Poetry," Banville, Leconte HIS TORT AND DESCRIPTION 35 de Lisle and the Parnassians, Baudelaire and the Decadents. "The Evolution of the Drama," Scribe, Augier, Dumas jils^ Sardou, and the Naturalists. " The Beginning of Naturalistic Fiction," Balzac, George Sand, Stendhal, Merimee. " Natural- ism in Extremis,'' Flaubert, the Goncourts, Zola, Maupassant. " The Devolution of Naturalism," Feuillet, Loti, Daudet, Bour get, Frevost, Margueritte.

Rev. GREENOUGH WHITE, M.A., B.D., The F'ine Arts: Their Psychologic Ground and the Philos- ofhy of their HistoryT '* The Acropolis of Athens:* " The Churches and Galleries of Florence^ " The Great Composers of Vienna ^^

Hon. H. F. SIMRALL, LL.D., of Mississippi, a course of six lectures on " Constitutional Laxv of the United States.'*

THE LIBRARY The University possesses a Library of about 34,000 volumes, peculiarly rich in classical, patristic, and theological literature. It is also a designated dejjosi- tory of the publications of the United States Govern- ment. The books are classified and arranged accord- ing to the decimal system, which admits of the accu- rate placing and ready finding even of pamphlets, broadsides, and newspaper cuttings. It is specially desired to make the library as complete as possible in the departments of American Church History and of the History of the Southern States. Many books on these subjects are no longer to be bought, and gifts, even the smallest, that bear on these matters, are wel- come, since they often serve to complete collections 3^ THE UNiVERsrrr of the south which have for us a special interest. Indeed, the Library is glad to receive books, new or old, in any department of learning, and donors can feel assured that their gifts will be prized and carefully guarded. The donations during the past year were as follows : Vols. Pamfts, United States Government 162 95 Tennessee Board of Health 11

Rev. J. F. Potter 291 126 Rev. R. C. Hall, D.D 179 34

W. E. Fitts : r B, L. Wiggins 2 Hon. I. G. Harris 26 2 University of Chili 9 Rutger's Scientific Female School i Mrs. E. C. Wail, 260 periodicals. New York State University 2 2

North Carolina Experimental Station. ... 4.

Historical Society of Pennsylvania...... i Miss Emi]y Peyton 10

Lenox Library, New York -^

Anonymous i

United States Military Academy i

Rev. S. J. Eales, D.C.L i i

Royal Society of Canada i

Harris Hanco*ck, Ph.D i

Rev. C. A. Lane i

State Agricultural Board, Ohio 1

Wm. Everett x

W. H. Metzler, Ph.D i Trans-Atlantic Publishing Company . . . . i

G. M. Pullman i

American Humanitarian League i

E. L. Godkin I

G. T. Angell; .Pre«: ? I BIS TOR 2' AND DESCRIPTION 37

State Bureau of Education W. P. Harris 6 Jean DuBuy

National Civil Service Ref. League. . . .

St. Louis Mer. Literary Association. . . W. H. Blanc, M.D Montreal General Hospital Rt. Rev. T. N. Clark, D.D., LL.D Dr. Don E. S. Zabellos Florida State Board of Health State of Nevada

Domestic and Foreign Miss. Society. . .

Hon. J. H.Kyle Boutelle, J. T. M.D University of Wisconsin Smithsonian Institution New York State Library Church Choir Guild, London i Mrs. D. C. Pell i Northwestern University

Hon. J. Patterson Hon. W. R. Moore Isaac Gibson University of Pennsylvania House of Bishops

American Baptist Publishing Society . . . . E. B. Latch

i Rev. J. A. Atkinson Warden S. Stephen's College i

i J. L. Peyton Mrs. Floyd Wilson i Henry Ferguson i Dean Hoffman i

i Universalist Publishing House , . . . Rev. H. G. Batterson, D.D 2 Rev. C. L. Hutchins, D.D 83 27 3^ THE UNIVERSITT OF THE SOUTH

V. M. Francis, M.D- ^ Society for Prop. Gospel i

State Board of Health, Florida i M. L. Rodkinson r

John Ross, M.D i

Rev, A. S. Hawkesworth i

Warren Holden i

George E. Raum i

Rt, Rev. C. T. Quintard, S.T.D.. LL.D. i

J. B. Killebrew, Ph.D 3

Eugene Parsons , 3

Miss V. Harrison i

Rev. R. Fairbairn, D.D i . .

E. L. Sanford, A.M i

Editor Psychological Review i King of Siam 39 Chicago Cong. Arbitra i

Tulane University i Rev. R. H. Cole, B.D 202 34 C. B. K. Weed i

W. C. Robertson i

Total 1,022 411


It lies in the conception of this University that the relations of intellectual and moral culture should be constantly observed. That the truest intellectual

freedom may exist together with, nay, rather is the natural result of, a devoted adherence to the principles

of the American Episcopal Church is the principle on which we stand as a Christian University. There-

fore, every student's day is opened by Morning Prayer, which the voluntary aid of a student choir assists to HIS TORT AND DESCRIPTION 39 make an impressive service, while it affords free train- ing in vocal music to a considerable number of young' men. On vSundays, Evening Prayer is chorally ren- dered. Other services are said daily in the University Chapel, and may be attended by such as desire. The character of all chapel services is under the immediate control of the Bishops of the Board of Trustees. The influence of the chapel services is strength- ened by the free social intercourse of the students with the University Chaplain and with the various Professors, This influence, necessarily restricted in institutions situated in large cities, has always been one of the most valued features of social life at Se- w^anee. The Sewanee Missionary Society affords op- portunity for those who desire it to do much needed mission work for the Church in the neighboring set- tlements, while the St. Andrew's Brotherhood fosters a feeling of Christian fraternity among the students, welcoming newcomers,' caring for the sick, and con- ducting a weekly class for the study of the Ploly Scriptures. While none of these agencies is obtruded on the students, their influence is obvious and gratify- ing. SOCIAL INFLUENCES

Seven Fraternities, or Greek Letter Societies, have Chapters at Sewanee, the A. T. O., the 2. A. E., the K,2., the $.A. @., the A. T. A., the K. A., and the 2.N. These Fraternities have separate Chapter Houses. They are controlled by the laws of the Uni- versity and by a joint convention of their own repre- 40 THE UNIVERSirr OF THE SOUTH

sentatives and exercise an elevating influence on stu- dent life.

Two Literary Societies, the S. E.. and the 11. H., have had a long and honorable career. Their regular exercises and annual contests develop not only that readiness in public speaking so necessary in active life, but also the general culture of their members. The Chelidon Society furnishes the iiiaturer students with further opportunities for extemporaneous debate.

PHYSICAL CULTURE The Sewanee Athletic Association gives strength of organization to the general interest in field sports, which our bracing climate incites. Its field days in spring and fall are scenes of animated competition, and show records that compare favorably with those of any institution in the South. The baseball and football teams of the University have achieved dis- tinction in inter-collegiate contests, and general inter- est in these sports is stimulated by rival organizations with which nearly all University students are con- nected. Several excellent tennis courts are at the disposal of the students.

A zeal for athletics may easily lead students to an excess that results in bodily injury. Hence the neces- sity for physical as well as intellectual discipline and training. For this purpose the University has en- joyed for many years the services of a competent and experienced athletic instructor, who carefully ex- amines the physical condition of each student and HISTORr AND DESCRIPTION 4^ advises him as to the exercises he should practise and avoid. The Gymnasium of the University has recently been fitted out with such apparatus as experience has shewn to be most useful in supplementing the work of the Athletic Association. To this has been added a system of shower, douche, and ordinary baths. Special trainers, in all cases college-bred men, are secured for the peculiar needs of the football eleven, but care is taken that the claims of aspirants for intercollegiate distinction does not interfere with the needs of those whose wishes extend only to keeping a sound mind in a sound body. Nor should it be forgotten in this con- nection that the surroundings of Sewanee, with their cliffs, ravines, and caves, are full of inducements to outdoor exercise and healthful contact with nature. 42 THE UN I VERS m OF THE SOUTH

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ScJiool of Ancient Langua

B. LAWTON WIGGINS, M.A., Vioe-Chance.llor, Professor.

School of English and History.

WILLIAM P. TRENT, MA., Dean, Professor.

School of Ethics and Evidences of Christianity^

WILLIAM P. DuBOSE, M.A., S.T.D., Acting Professor.

School of Chemistry, Mineralogy, and Geology,. CAMERON PIGGOT, M.D., Professor.

School of Modern Languages and Literatures., BENJAMIN W. WELLS, Ph.D., Professor.

School of Llcononiics and Politics, Ph.D., BURR J. RAMAGE, Acting- Professor.


ScJiool of Metaphysics, FRANCIS A. SHOUP, D.D., Professor.'^

School of Mathematics and Engineering; SAMUEL M. BARTON, Ph.D., Pi'ofessor.

School of Ancient Lans^nagcs and Literatures, WILLIAM B. NAUTS, M.A., Associate Professor.

.Lecturer on Botany, Physiology, atid Hygiene, WILLIAM B. HALL, M.A., M.D.,

Lecturer on History of Art, GREENOUGH WHITE, M.A., B.D.

Instructor in Physical Culture,


Instructor in Elocution, JOHN LOWRY, M.A.,

Instructor in Comme<-cial Courses, SAMUEL D. WILCOX,

•'Acting Professor of Physics. ;


ANCIENT LANGUAGES AND LITERATURES Professor Wiggins. Associate Professor Nauts.

This School embraces instruction in the Greek and Latin Languages and Literatures. Separate diplomas are given for three years (six terms) of class work in each course. Parallel reading is always required. A Master's diploma is awarded on the successful completion of one year's work after the attain- ment of a Bachelor's diploma. The general aim of the in- struction is to give each student as wide a range of reading ae possible in the literature of the different periods. Special at- tention is also paid to sight reading, and to Latin and Greek composition. In both languages, Geography, Mythology, etc.,- are taught incidentally throughout the entire course.

The requirements for admission are as follows :

Greek : The translation at sight of simple Attic prose [with qucjstions on the usual forms and ordinary constructions of the language].

Intending candidates are advised to do the foUov/ing or a fair equivalent: Xenophon's Anabasis, Books I-IV.; Homer's

Iliad, Books I-III. ; AUinson's Greek Prose Composition, Part

I. ; the Etymology and the essential points of the Syntax as set forth in Goodwin's Greek Grammar. Latin: The translation at sight of simple prose [with questions as in Greek].

In preparing for entrance, the following course is recom- mended : Caesar's Gallic War, Books I-IV.: Virgil's ^neid Books I-IV.; the four Orations of Cicero against Catiline; Gildersleeve's Exercise Book, first, second, and third courses Etymology in Allen & Greenough's Grammar, and essentiaL points of the Syntax in Gildersleeve's Grammar.

The following courses are oflFered for 1895-96: —



Junior Class, Trinity Term (five hours a week)—Lysias, se- lected Orations. Private reading, Xenophon's Symposium. Grammatical forms treated from the comparative standpoint. Accentuation. S3mtax by lectures and recitation. Prose Com- position. Junior Class, Lent Term (five hours a Aveek) —Demosthenes in Philippum. Private reading, Andocides, De Mysteriis. Syntax by lectures and recitation. Prose Composition. Lec- tures on Greek orators

Intermediate Class, Trinity Term (three hours a week) Thucydides, Book V. Private reading, Herodotus, Keep's Selections. Syntax by lectures and recitation. Prose Compo- sition. Lectures on Greek historians. Intermediate Class, Lent Term (three hours a week) Homer's Odyssey, Books IX-XII. Private reading, Lyric poetry, selections. Prosody and metres. Prose Composition. Lectures on Epic and Lyric poetry. Senior Class, Trinitj' Term (three hours a week)—Euripides, Bacchantes. Private reading, ^schylus, Prometheus Vinctus. Syntax of the Paratactic Sentence, with an exposition of the fundamental principles of Comparative Philology. Prose Com- position. Lectures on the Drama. Senior Class, Lent Term (three hours a week)—Sophocles,

Ajax ; Aristophanes, Frogs. Private reading, Plato, Apology and Crito. Syntax of the Hypotactic Sentence, with an expo- sition of the fundamental principles of Comparative Philology. Prose Composition. Lectures on the Scenic and Private An- tiquities.

The one year course for the Master's diploma will comprise a critical study of Plato's Gorgias, and Herodotus. —



junior Class, Trinity Term (five hours a week)—Ovid, Met- amophoses. Private reading, Cicero, De Senectute. De Am- icitia. Grammatical forms treated from the comparative stand- point. Syntax by lectures and recitation. Prose Composition, Junior Class, Lent Term (five hours a week)—Livy, Books XXI-XXII. Private reading, Sallust. Syntax, by lectures and recitation. Prose Composition. Lectures on the Punic wars. Intermediate Class, Trinity Term (three hours a week) Catullus, select Odes. Private reading, Martial, select Epi- grams. Syntax by lectures and recitation. Prose Composition. Prosody and Metres. Intermediate Class, Lent Term (three hours a week)—Taci- tus, Agricola and Germania— Private reading, Horace, select Odes and Epodes. Syntax by lectures and recitation. Prose Composition. Lectures on the Roman historians. Senior Class, Trinity Term (three hours a week)—Juvenal

Satires ; Horace, Satires. Private reading, Lucretius, de Rerum Natura. Syntax of the Paratactic Sentence with an exposition of the fundamental principles of Comparative Philology. Prose Composition. Lectures on Roman Satire. Senior Class, Lent Term (three hours a week) — Plautus, Mostellaria, Menaechmi. Private reading, Terence, Andria, Adelpboi.'. Syntax of the Hypotactic Sentence, with an exposi- tion of the fundamental principles of Comparative Philology. Prose Composition. Lectures on Roman Comedy and Scenic and Private Antiquities. The one year course for the Master's diploma will comprise a critical study of Horace's Satires, and Sallust. The Kentucky Medal (for Greek), founded by Bishop Dud- ley, and the Master's Medal (for Latin), founded by Bishop Sessums, are awarded annually, and are open to undergraduates ,and Bachelors of Arts. The examinations are based upon authors announced a year in advance, and include everything legitimately involved. :


The authors for 1896 are : In Greek — Herodotus. In Latin — Sallust.


This School regularly comprises courses in the languages- alsa and literatures of France and Germany. Instruction is qualified stu- given, whenever a sufficient number of properly Advanced students can dents desire it, in Spanish and Italian. make arrangements for instruction in Old French, and in the Icelandic, and older forms of the Germanic languages, Gothic, the Old German. Instruction in Anglo-Saxon is given in School of English. The University course in Modern Languages occupies course re- three years. Those who complete the second year's must be able to ceive a certificate. To obtain this students sight. They read modern prose of the selected language at and be must be acquainted with the outlines of its literature free composition.. able to express simple thoughts intelligibly in study of litera- The third year is devoted to a more thorough the work ture and the classical authors. Those who complete in this School. of this year receive the Bachelor's diploma but an ad- The classes meet regularly three times a week, at any time for ditional hour may be required by the Professor classes to com- exercises in composition or to enable backward plete the course. the il/g^a/.— The VanHoose Medal (for German) and best Ruggles-Wright Medal (for French) are given to the have at- senior student in each of these languages, who shall years work. tained an average of 2.6 from a possible 3, for that to suit The course pursued is subject to some variation, seen from the needs of different classes. Its charater will be be during the following statement of work done, or to be done, the Gwrrent year ARTS AND SCIENCES 49

First Term Germau. French. Harris, German Lessons. Grandgent Gram. & Exercises. Harris, Composition, Part I. Vojage de M. Perrichon. Brandt, German Reader. Bourgeois Gentilhomme. La Debacle (Heath's Edition),

Second Tera* German. French. Harris, Composition, Part 11. Grandgent Gram. & Exercises. Schiller, Neffe als Onkel. La Debacle (Heath's Edition), Jungfrau von Orleans. La Mare au diable. German Literature, I-III. Lectures on Lit., 1500-1789.

Third Term German. Rrenck.

Schiller, Gedichte. Corneille Le Cid. Schiller, Wilhelm Tell. Moliere, L'Avare. Minna von Barnhelm. Le Gendre de M. Poirier. Hermann und Dorothea. Balzac, Contes (Jenkins' ed) = Harris, Composition, Part III. Exercises in Composition. German Literature, IV-VII. Lectures on Lit., 1789-1843.

Fourth Term German. French. Sesenheim, (Heath's edition). Corneille, Horace. Heine, Poems (Heath's ed). Racine, Athalie. Meistervrerke des Mittelalters. Hugo, Hernani. Harris, Composition, Part IV. Le Nabab (Ginn's edition). German Literature, VIII-XI. Exercises in Composition. Lectures on Lit., 1843-189S, ^ Fifth Term German. French. Heine, Prose Selections. Bowen, French Ljrics. Wallenstein, Three Parts. Difficult Modern French. Nathan der Weise. Colomba. German Literature (review). Lectures on Lit., (review.). D :


Sixth Term

German. Frencli. Life and Works of Goethe. Life and Works of Moliere.


This School embraces courses in the English Language and Literature, and in Rhetoric and English Composition. Anglo- Saxon is taught both in elementary and advanced classes. Stu- dents desiring to study the cognate Germanic languages are referred to the School of Modern Languages. For the Master's diploma the student is allowed to choose advanced work either in literature or philology.

The following are the requirements for admission to the •classes taught in this School {a) The candidate must be able to write a theme or com- position of about 200 words, showing a fair proficiency in the use of the vernacular and free from vulgar errors of grammar or spelling.

{b) He must be able to pass a short written examination upon the main principles of English Grammar, including the Analysis of Sentences. Intending candidates will do well to notice the course of studies in English laid down for the Sewa- nee Grammar School, as well as to prepare themselves in Bain's Brief and Higher English Grammars. (c) He must be able to pass a similar examination on the main principles of Rhetoric, and will do well to use the ele- mentary text-books of Genung or Waddy.

{d) He must give evidence, by examination, of having read and studied the following books : Irving's Tales of a Trav- eller, George Eliot's Silas Marner, Scott's Woodstock, Defoe's History of the Plague, Webster's First Bunker Hill Oration, Macaulay's Essay on Milton, Shakspere's Midsummer Night's : :


Dream and Merchant of Venice, and Milton's L' Allegro, II Pen- seroso, Comus, and Lycidas. Certificates from colleges in good standing or from teachers in well known schools will be accepted in lieu of the ahove re-

years, or in the case of very well advanced students in one ; but three years is the usual period. Reckoned in terms, the course

covers ten ; in hours per week, twelve. Students usually take jix hours per week for the first year, four hours for the second, and two for the third. A certificate is awarded for the comple-

tion of the work in Junior Literature and Rhetoric ; a diploma for work covering the whole course. The Price Medal (for English) is awarded for special work, including an essay, on some topic of English Literature, selected by the Professor. The following are the classes taught in the School

/. yunior English Literature

Three hours a week, Trinity and Lent Terms. This class takes a general survey of the History of English and American Literature, with readings from the chief authors and occasional special lectures. Ward's English Poets, Craik's English Prose, Beers' Century of American Literature, Palgrave's Golden Treasury, Selected Plays of Shakspere, and Poems of Chaucer, Spenser, Milton, Dryden, Wordsworth, etc., form the basis of the reading, which is done partly in class and partly in private. Brooke's and Richardson's Primers and notes by the Professor form the basis of the woi-k from the historical side. The great authors are studied from the stylistic and linguistic points of view in the classes of Rhetoric and English Language respect- ively. The chief object of the classes in Literature is to en- courage the student to read for himself, to give him a broad view of the range of English and American Literature, and t© enable him to follow in minute detail the development of some special category of Literature. The last object is especially nought in the class that follows 52 THE UNIVBRSITT OF THE SOUTH

II. Senior Ett^lish Literature

Two hours a week. Trinity and Lent Terms. This class pre- supposes the successful completion of the work of the junior class in Literature and, preferably, of the work of the class ia Rhetoric and English Composition. Each year or term a sep- arate category of Literature, e. g., the elegy, the essay, the satire, is taken up and exhaustively treated, both historically and critically. Students trained in the classical and continental literatures have manifestly an advantage over those knowing their own language only, and it is therefore advisable that this class be postponed to the last year of University life ; but there is no imperative rule on the subject. Instruction is chiefly by written lectures by the Professor, by private reading and re- search by the student, and by critical reading of selected specimens and authors in the class room. In recent years this class has studied the evolution of the Pre-Shaksperian Drama, the history of the Elegy in English, and the master- pieces of English prose that treat of the nature and elements of poetry, including a study of Sidney, Shelley, Newman, Ar- nold, and Watts. Future topics will be the History of the English Sonnet, the Development of Vers de Societe, the Prin- ciples of Dramatic Construction, etc,

///. Rketoric and English Cofi>j osition

Three hours a week. Trinity and Lent Terms. This course embraces a study of the principles of formal Rhetoric, a sty- listic analysis of selections from leading authors, and practical weekly exercises in English Composition. The text-books used are Genung's Practical Rhetoric and Rhetorical Analysis. Stu- dents are advised to take this class along with that in Junior English Literature, during their first year.

IV. yunior English Language

Two hours a week, Trinity and Lent Terms. This cla^& makes an elementary study of Anglo-Saxon and of Early and :

A^TS AND scrBJsrcBS 53

Middle English. Text-books are Cook's First Book of Old Historical English, Sweet's Primers of Middle English, Morris' History of Outlines of English Accidence, and Loiinsbury's the English Language.

V. Senior English Lan

SCHOOL OF PHILOSOPHY Professor Shoup. pe- The course of instruction in this School extends over a subjects riod of two years, and embraces the following general Logic, Psychology, History of Philosophy, and Metaphysic. completion of all these A diploma is given upon satisfactory subjects; a certificate, for the accomplishment of Logic an4 Psychology.

/. Logic,

Lectures are given to the class in Logic three hours a week daring the Trinity Term of each year. The effort is to train «he mind to methods of exact and definite thinking, and to ap- prehend the apodictic nature of all valid argumentation. The re- -essential nature of concepts is carefully developed, and the lation of concepts in propositions fully discussed. The doc- trine of the syllogism is made the subject of especial study. of the The constant object is to derelop the thinking powers student, and to this end the fundamental laws of thought att4 ex- tern principles of expression in language are discus^d and emplified. Alter the deductive Logic i.s fairly comprehendei, 54 THE UNIVERSITY OF THE SOUTH

the laws of induction are formallj taken up, though it is care- fullj pointed out that there can be no deduction without a pre- Tious induction, and no induction without involving the funda- mental elements of a priori truths.

//. Psychology.

Lectures in this subject are given three hours a week during the Lent Term of each year, Shoup's Mechanism and Person- ality being used as the basis of instruction. The course begins with a candid and careful consideration of the physiological basis of psychological phenomena, and the latest results of scientific research are laid before the student. The relation of tlie mechanical and psychical factors of personality is fully dis- cussed ; and the doctrine of evolution in the development of the psychical organism is traced in the light of the most ad- vanced thought in neural science. After this the psychical power* of the self and tiie fundamental modes of the human personal- ity are carefully studied and defined. While the fullest weight is given to the claims of the Empirical Philosophy of the day, the

« priori factors of the self are shown to be clearly entitled to^ priority in all processes of thought. The metaphysical bear- ings of psychical problems are constantly pointed out, and the- fact of man's power of self-determination is clearly shown.

///. History of Philosophy.

This subject is taken up by the advanced class in the Trin- ity term of each year, the lectures being three hours a week. Schwcgler's History of Philosophy is used as a text-book» though constant reference is made to Uberweg, Erdmann, Mor- rell, Lewes, and other writers on the subject. The develop- ment of speculative thought through the ages—from the dawn of Greek Philosophy to our own day—is traced with constant effort to help the student to a sound footing in the funda- mental principles of psychological and ontological problems. AR7S AND SCIENCES 55

/ V. Metaphysic.

Lectures are givrn in this subject to the advanced class three times a week during the Lent Term of each year. The Lotzian general tone is that of Lotze, or perhaps better, the phase of Kant. Lotze's Outlines of Metaphysic is used as the basis of the course of lectures. The effort of the in the Professor is to present the present attitude of Metaphysic to the full light of modern scientific research, and in a way suited comprehension of those fairly well rersed in the fundamental principles of speculative thought. There is no effort to keep back or underrate the conclusions of the most advanced scientific research, and the great questions between the Empiricists and Transcendentalists are presented with the utmost fairness and candor. The conclusions arrived at are those of a friori or Transcendental Truth.


Graduation in this School is required for the Bachelor's de- for gree in the University. While no requirements are imposed late as entrance, it is desirable that the School should be taken as possible in the degree course, and by those only who have com- pleted the work of the Junior Class at least m the School of Metaphysics, The instruction is wholly by lectures, the aim being not only scientific but practical, and the student being examined from time to time in writing. an ad- The course is one year for the Bachelor's degree and ditional year for the Master's degree.

/. Moral Science.

Trinity Term, three hours a week — The object in this scientific course is not so much to criticise and examine the basis of Ethics, as to construct a practical system of human conduct, character, and life. The students are eiicv^iurtgea to :


enter into the discussion of tiie principles, and to assist in forming for themselves a theory or ideal of moral action. The course is based upon a study of one or other of such funda- mental works as the following, the discussion being adapted to modern thought and needs : Aristotle's Nicomachasan Ethics, Kant's Theory of Ethics, Bishop Butler's Works, Jouffroy's In- troduction to Ethics, Janet's Theory of Morals, Lotze's Prac- tical Philosophy, Herbert Spencer's Data of Ethics.

//. Evideftces of Christianity.

Lent Term, three hours a week—The course falls naturally into three nearly equal pirts. In the first, the general subject is Theism, and the several f*rms of anti-theistic belief are ex- plained and examined. In the second part the subject is Re- ligion, or the relation between God and man, and in the third the subject is Christianity, as the absolute and divine religion. On the ground that truth is always its own best evidence, the aim is not so much to prove as to eihibit Christianity, in suck a way that it may speak for itself to the reason and to the spiritual and moral consciousness and understanding. Tiie Master's course is at present based on a study of the Nicomacheean Ethics in the original, with discussions of the Philosophy.

NIfTOVICAL AN© POLITICAL ACIBNCB. Acting Professor Trent. Acting Professor Ramage.

This School embraces courses in History, Political Ec»n- ©njy, CiTics, Politics, and in Constitutional, International, att4 Roman Law. For the Master's diploma advanced work can b« done in any of these studies.

The following are the requirements for admission into tki« School ANTS JA'/J SCIEMCBS S7

The candidate must be able to pass satisfactory written ex- aminations on the elementary facts of Roman, Greek, English, and American History, and also upon the general History of Europe from the age of Charlemagne to the present time. For this purpose intending candidates are advised to notice the course in Historj^ given in the Sewanee Grammar School and to make use of the following text-books : Creighton's and Fyffe's Primers, Montgomery's Leading Facts of English and American History, Myers' Mediaeval and Modern History. Myers' Ancient History and Fisher's Outlines -ma}^ also be used. Certificates from colleges in good standing or from teachers of well-known schools will be accepted in lieu of any entrance ex- amination, provided an equivalent amount of work is covered. University courses in History and Political Science maybe completed in two years, or in the case of cxceptioaal students, in one. Reckoned in terms, the coui^'se covers eight; in hours per week, ten. This does not count the optional classes, work in which may, however, at the discretion of the senior Pro- fessor, be counted for the diploma of the school. A certificate will be awarded for the completion of the work in Junior His- tory and of one term of Politic;

The following^ are the classes taught in the ScIjooI :

/. yvnior Hisiory—Profest^or Trent.

Three hours a week, Trinity and Lent Terms. ThisS cia*» studies in considerable detail the history of the chief countries «f the world. In Trinity Term, Greek and Roman History are studied in alternate years. In Lent Term, English and American and French and German History ar«» studied in alternate years. Text-books are Oman's Greece, Mommsen's Rome and Capes' Early Empire and Age of the Antonines, Green's Short History of the English People, Johnston's United States, Duruj's France, and Bryce's Holy Roman Empire, 5^ THE UNIVERSITT OF THE SOUTH

II. Seuwr Hisiory—Professor Trent.

Two hours a week. Trinity and Lent Terms. This class-

makes a special study of some particular epoch. The work is largely by lectures and by private research on the part of the student. Frequent essays are required, and the student is in- structed in the methods of Historical Research.

///. Political Economv— Professor Ramaire.

Three hours a week, Trinity and Lent Terms. This class is occupied with the elementary principles of Economic Theory and with practical applications of them to social and finuacial problems. Text-books are Walkers Brief Political Economy^ Ely's Problems of To-day, Wells' Recent Economic Changes, Adams' Public Debts, Marshall's Economics of Industry,

Nicliolson's Principles, Vo!. i.

IV. Politics and Civics— Professor Raniai^e.

Two hours a week, Trinity and Lent Terms, This class studies Administration in Trinity Term, and the Theory of the State in Lent Term. Text b«Mjks are Wilson's The State,. Bluntschli's Theory of the State, Pollock's History of the Science of Politic*.

V. ( Optional.) International La-v—Professor Rantoge.

Two hours a week, Trinity Term. This class stmiies the gradual evolution of international ideas from the earliest times to the present day. Special attention is devoted to the Diplo- matic History of the United States. Text-book — VVoolsey, Reference books — Grotius, PuflFemiorf, Vattel, Bluntschli. Essays on special topics are assi«i;ned from time to time.

VI. {Optional.) English and American Cousfituliona! f^ai/j and History—Professor Ramag-e.

Two hours a week. Lent Term. This class studies the


origin and deselopment of the English and American Consti- tutions, laying especial stress upon a minute study of the En- glish charters and American judicial decisions. Text-books are Bagehot's English Constitution, Andrews' Manual of the- Cur.Ptitution, Kent, Blackstone, Stubbs.

VII. {Optional) Roman Laxv— Professor Ratuage.

One hour a week, Trinity Term. This class studies in out- line the elements of the Civil Law and traces its iniiuence upo& modern jurisprudence. Text-book — Hadley's Introduction,

PURE MATHEMATICS Professor Barton.

In this School, while the great value of Mathematics as an intellectual exercise fitting the Jtudent for any field of mental

activity, is not overlooked, the application of the science ta economic and social problems is pointed out as far as time will allow. Instruction is giren mainly by text-books, which, how- ever, especially in the more advanced classe*, are often supple- mented by lectures. For admission to \\:\^ School, the student must have completed Plane Geometry and Algebra througfe Quadratic Equations.

The course! are arranged as follosv,^ : 'Junior Classj Trinity and Lent Terms, three hours aweek.^ Trinity Term — Solid Geometry, Elements of Modern Geometry. In this class special stress is laid on the solution of original exercises. It is believed that tht elements of Modern Geometry will be of benefit to a student at this stage of his work. Text-book— Chauvenet's Geometry. Lent Term — Plane and Spherical Trigonometry, including the theory and use of Logarithms and applications to problem* of Surveying and Naiiticiii Astronomy. The work of this class will also embrace some field practice- with the Transit and othrr measuring instruments. ^O THE UNIVERSirr OF THE SOUTH

Text-book — Bowser's Treatise on Trigonometrj. Anj .^ood table of Logarithms (six-place preferred).

liitermediate Class, Trinity and Tent Terms, three hours a 'week.

Trinity Term— Higher Algebra and Theory of Equations. A student cannot make satisfactory progress in this class unless he has had thorough preparation in Elementary Alge- bra including quadratic equations. The text is freely supple- mented by notes and lectures. Text-book — Taylor's College Algebra. Lent Term— Analytic Geometry of two and three dimen- sions. The work of this class will include the discussion of the General Equation of the second degree and of suj-faces of the second order, -j^nd a few lectures will be devoted to Higher •Plane Curves. Text-book — Nichols' Analytic Geometry. Settlor Class, Truutj and Lent Terms, three hours a week Trinity Term—Differential and Integral Calculus. Text- book — Bj-erly, Vol. I. Lent Term— Integral Calculus, History of Mathem^itics. Text-book — Byerlj, Vol. II.

In Lent term, the work commences with a scries of lectures «n the History of Mathematict. These lectures, six to ten m number, are followed by Integral Calculus with its application to mechanical, engineering, and asti-onomical problems. In thk) Senior Year, as far as possibles, the work will be made to serve as an introduction to the methods of mod- ern mathematical analysis. When a student desires to pre- pare himself more thoroughly for adranced work in any Amer- ican or foreign uniYersity, a post-graduate class will be formed in Pure Mathematics.

The student is entitled to a certificate in thi-s School ^«hcn ha has completed the work of the Junior year and oi the Trinity Term of the Intermediate,

A diploma is given on the completion of the bkXi coutfc. AMTS AND SCTENCES or


Acting Professor Barton,

For entrance into this School the student must have com- pleted the Mathematics of the Junior Year and Junior and Inter- mediate Physics, or must at least give evidence of being reason- ably proficient in the Physici taught in those classes. Students^ who do not expect t© become candidates for the C.E. degree,

may often find it to their advantage to take the First Year in Civil Engineering, either as a preparation for active work in the field or for more special engineering work in some tech- nical college. Before entering upon the studies of the Second Year, he must have completed Intermediate and Senior Mathematics and Trinity Term of Senior Physics. A well prepared student can complete the course, for which a diploma is given, in two

years, the work being distributed as follows :

First Year, Trinity Term. A tri -weekly class in Land^ Topographical, City, and Mining Surveying; Practical Uses and Adjustments of the Instruments. Mechanical Drawing four hours a week, elementary exercises, drawing to scale, let- tering, etc. Field Work six hours a week. Text-books—John- son's Theory and Practice of Surveying, MacCord's Drawing. First Year, Lent Term. A tri-weekly class in Preliminary Surveys, Location, Construction and Maintenance of Roads- and Railroads. In this term the drawing class takes up De- scriptive Geometry, Perspective, Shades and Shadows. Field Work six hours a week. Text-books — Johnson's Theory and Practice of Surveying, Henck's Field Book. Second Year, Trinity Term. A tri-weekly class in Uniting and Preserving Materials, Analytical Determination of the Strength of Materials, Foundations, Arches, etc., Civil Engi- neering Drawing, four hours a week throughout the term This class draws plans for foundation, arches, profile and topo- graphical maps, etc. Field work six hours a week. Text- :

^2 THE UNnERSnr OF THE SOUTH books— Mahan's Civil Engineering;, Merriman's Mechanics of Materials. Bridge Second Year, Lent Term. A tri-weekly class in Engineering. In this class the general theory of stresses is by analytic 4aken up. to be followed by the calculation, both roof and graphic methods, of the stresses in various forms of spent in and bridge trusses. The time in drawing room is hours a making these graphic calculations. Field work six the main, be week. In the Second Year the lield work will, in First Year, though there a continuation of the practice of the Topographical Sur- will be some special work in Geodetic and Bridges, Parts I. veying. Text-books — Merriman's Roofs and are freely supplemented and II. In both years the text-books hj notes and lectures. student>ill be in order to encourage outside reading, the Year two es- required to write during Lent Term of the First on subjects ap- says, and during his second year five essays, department. It proved by the Professor in charge of the supposed to be should be\aiderstood that thes*^ essays are not student, and he is ex- original. A subject is assigned to the possible, and to pected to inform hi^n^elt as thoroughly as discussion, of the write in his own words a concise history, or the subject. theory, method, apparatus or whatever constitutes the fol- Reference Books.—The student will have access to lead- lowing works: Hand-books and specifications of several Geological Sur- ing bridge companies; Reports of the U. S. Sun^ey; Traut- vey; Reports of the U. S. Coast and Geodetic Baker's Ma- wine's Field Book; Rankine's Civil Engineering; Foundations; DuBois' Strains in Framed sonry : Patton's Structures, and other standard works on Engineering.

PHYSICS Acting Professor Shoup.

The course begins with the Trinity Term and extend* through two years, divided as follows :


Junior Physics, Trinity Term, three hours a week. This is a brief course in general Physics, arranged especially for students who wish to take course "A," in the schedule of de- grees, and who do not wish to pursue this subject further. It can be entered by any student admitted to the University. The General Properties of Matter, Dynamics, Molecular, and Radi- ant Energy are studied. Text-book — Gage's Physics. Intermediate Physics, Lent Term, three hours a week.

This is a continuation of the above course, special attention being given to Heat, Light, and Electricity. Text-book — Bar- ker's Advanced Physics. Senior Physics, Trinity and Lent Terms, three hours a iveek. In Trinity Term the class studies Analytic Mechanics. In Lent Term it studies General Astronomy. Text-books are Woods' Analytic Mechanics and Young's Astronomy. A certificate is awarded for the completion of the first terna •ef Junior Physics, a diploma for the whole work of the School.


Professor Piggot.

The following courses are offered in this School (A.) General Chemistry, three hours a week for two terms, Trinity and Lent, with nine hours a week laboratory work during Trinity Term. Text-books, Trinity Term — Remsen's Introduction to the Study of Chemistry; Lent Term — Remsen's Inorganic Chem- istry, (advanced course).

(B.) Analytical Chemistry : i. Qualitative, nine hours a week, one (Lent) term. 2. Quantitative, twelve hours a week, one (Trinity) term. Text-books are Beilstein's Qiialitative Analysis and Fres- enius' Quantitative Analysis.

( C.) Organic Chemistry, three hours a week, one (Trin- ity) term. Text-book — Remsen's Or«:anic Cbemistrr. :

64 THE uNivEnsirr of the south

On the completion of courses A. and C, the student is en- titled to the diploma of the School. For the certificate needed^ for the degree of C.E., the student must complete course A.,. a»d the Qualitative work of course B. For the Master of Science diploma the three courses, A., B., and C, must be completed.

BCfl'ANY Lecturer Hall.

In this School the course of study is continued through two terms, Trinity and Lent. Students are accepted who have received sufficient chemical instruction to enable them to understand plant physiology, especially assimilation of food. Gray's Structural Botany is used as the text during Trinity Term, with special reference to Bastin's Elements of Botany. Special lectures on Vegetable Physiology, laboratory work, and the collection of an Herbarium will constitute the course during Lent Term. Practical Botany by Strasburger and Hill- house, Vine's Student's Text Book of Botany, and Sachs' Mor- phological and Physiological Botany are recommended to the student as works of reference. Examinations are held at the end of each term, on the satisfactory passing of which the stK-

«lent is entitled to a certificate.


The following courses are offered in this School (A.) Geology, Trinity Term, three hours a week. Text-books are Geikie's Class Book of Geology and Dana% G«ology. {B.) Mineralogy, Lent term, three hours a week. Text-book — Dana's Mineralogy. The second term of the course is open only to students who have completed the course in General Chemistry. ;


A certificate is awarded on the completion of the course in Geology, and a diploma in the School of Geology and Mineral- ogy on the completion of both courses. The collection of minerals and geological specimens is con- stantly open to students in this School. HISTORY OF ART Lecturer White. A course in the History of Art in modern times is offered for the Lent Term, of 1896. The great schools of the seven- teenth century in Italy, Spain, and the Netherlands, and of the last two centuries in France, England, and Germany, will be passed in review. Special attention will be paid to the following artists: Zampiere, Reni, and Rosa, Murillo, Velasquez, Zurbaran, and

Ribera, Rubens, Van Dyck, and Rembrandt ; Poussin, Claude, LeSueur, LeBrun, Watteau; Raphael Mengs (with notice of Winckelmann), Wilson, Gainsborough, and Sir Joshua Rey- and Ingres^ nolds; Flaxman, Canova, Thorwaldsen ; David Delacroix and Delaroche; Overbeck and the German, Rossetti and the English Pre-Raphaelites; Constable, Turner, Rous- will seau, Millet, and Corot. Lives of these artists therefore be serviceable. As texts the illustrated manuals on painting in^^ R.A., published by the series edited by Edward J. Poynter, Sampson Low. Marston, Searle & Rivington, are indispensable^ As there will be but two lectures a week, it is purposed to sup- plement these by monthly seminars.

ELOCUTION Instructor Lowry. Organs of the The instruction seeks: i. To Train the To Culti- Voice. 2. To Impart an Appropriate Delivery. 3. vate Taste in Reading. Gestures There are constant exercises in Articulation and Recitation, and and frequent^practice is given in Declamation, Reading. 66 THE UNIVRRSITT OF THE SOUTH

Books for studj and reference — Fenno's Elocution, Rus- sel's Culture of Voice, Brooks' Manual of Reading and Elocu- tion, and Sargent's Standard Speaker.

A Medal, founded by Rev. Albion W. Knight, of Atlanta, is offered as a prize for Declamation. Six competitors are ap_ pointed by the Faculty, and the annual contest is held on the evening of Friday preceding Commencement Day.




Act ! Jig Professor of Economics and Politics.

WILLIAM P. TRENT, M.A., ,' Professor of E^nglish and Hisiorv.


Instructor in Banking, Bookkeeping-, etc. '

GARDINER L. TUCKER, Licentiate in English.

It is the object of the Course in Finance and Econ- omy to prepare young men for the active duties of a business career and at the same time, in connection

with their preliminary training, to afford them all the advantages to be derived from the quickening in- fluences of University life. With this end in view, the course of instruction is designed to cover a period of two years, although by unusual industry students

may complete it in less time. Attention is also called to the fact that the several Schools of the Department of Arts and Sciences of the University are open to the students of this Course without additional charge, :

ARTS AND SCIENCES 67 the instruction in which includes courses in the nat- ural sciences, mathematics, and the liberal arts. The reading room and gymnasium are also open to the students of this Course on the same terms extended to students in the various Schools of the University. ORIGIN OF THE COURSE. The Course in Finance and Economy was estab- lished by the University of the South as a direct an- swer to the request contained in the following excerpt from a resolution passed by the American Bankers' Association, at its meeting held a few years ago, in the city of New Orleans :

Resolved, That the American Bankers' Association most earnestly commends, not only to the bankers, but to all intelli- gent and progressive citizens throughout the country-, the founding of Schools of Finance and Economy, for the business training of the youth, to be established in connection with the universities and colleges of the land.

COURSE OF INSTRUCTION. Instruction is given in the following branches Bookkeeping, Accounting, Corporations and Banking, Commercial Law, Finance, Political Economy, His- tory, English, Commercial Arithmetic, Commercial Geography, Typewriting, Penmanship, Stenography,

and Telegraphy. Special attention is devoted to the subject of Bookkeeping, each student being required to keep a regular set of books, both in single and double entry. COUNTING ROOM.

A regular counting room has been added to this 68 THE UNIVERSITT OF THE SOUTH

Course, where practical experience is gained in draw- ing up notes, drafts, checks, deeds, and invoices, as well as in writing business letters.

TYPEWRITING, STENOGRAPHY, AND TELEGRAPHY. The practical course in Typewriting, Stenography, and Telegraphy may be advantageously pursued by those looking forward to any career. Several im- proved typewriting machines have been added to the School, while a branch office of the Western Union Telegraph Company has been established in close proximity to the University, where experience maybe quickly acquired in the transmission and receipt of messages. EXPENSES.

The cost of tuition in this course is $iOO per year, half of which is payable at the opening of each term. Good board may be obtained near the University at rates averaging from $i8 to $21 per month, including lodging, meals, laundry, and lights.


Those wishing to pursue a special line in this Course, are allowed, with the consent of the Univer- sity authorities, to elect such studies as may be pros- ecuted most profitably. DIPLOMAS.

Certificates of proficiency and diplomas are duly awarded those who satisfactorily complete the follow- ing courses : ABTS AND SCIENCES 69

STUDIES — FIRST YEAR. Trinity and Lent (a) Bookkeeping and Accounting, Terms, three hours a week. Lent Terms, two (b) Civics and Politics, Trinity and hours a week. Terms, three hours (c) Junior History, Trinity and Lent a week. Terms, three hours (d) Political Economy, Trinity and Lent a week. and Penman- (e) Typewriting, Stenography, Telegraphy, ship, daily. Trinity and Lent Terms, three hours (/) Commercial Law, a week. two hours a week. (^) Commercial Arithmetic, two hours a week. (//) Commercial Geography, English Composition, Trinity and Lent ( / ) Rhetoric and Terms, three hours a week.

STUDIES SECOND YEAR. Trinity and Lent (a) Theory and Practice of Banking, Terms, three hours a week. special reference to the (b) Principles of Finance, with Monetary System of America, two hours a week. Terms, three hour* (c) Senior History, Trinity and Lent a week. Trinity and (d) United States Constitutional History, Lent Terms, two hours a week. Trinity and Lent (e) Moral Science, (including Ethics), Terms, three hours a week. Lent Terms, three (/) English Literature, Tririity and hovirs a week. Theological Department


B. LAWTON WIGGINS, M.A. Vice- Chancellor.

Schools of Old atid Nezv Testament Language and Inter j>retatto?i. Rev. WILLIAM P. DuBOSE, M.A., S.T.D., Dean, Professor.

Se/iool of Ecclesiastical History and Church Polity^. Rev. GREENOUGH WHITE, M.A., B.D., Professor.

School of Homiletics and Pastoral Theology, Rev. WILLIAM A. GUERRY, M.A., B.D., Professor.

School of Dogmatic Theology, Rkv. REGINALD H. STARR, M.A., D.D., J^ro/essor.


Lecturers^ Rt. Rev. THOMAS F. GAILOR, M.A., S.T.D., Assistant Bishop of Tennessee.

Rt. Rev. THOMAS U. DUDLEY, D.D., LL.D., Bishop of Kentucky.

Rt. Rev. HENRY M. JACKSON, D.D., Assistant Bishop of Alabama.

Rt. Rev. DAVIS SESSUMS, D.D.. Bishop of Louisiana.

first Mon- Regular meetings of the Faculty are held on the day of each month.

REGISTER OF STUDENTS senior. .Illinois. Frederic H. Burrell, Rev. (Dio. Springfield). . Thomas Tracy Walsh South Carolina. Georgia. Clarence Sylvester Wood INTERMEDIATE. South Carolina. William Haskell DuBose, M.A Alabama. William Fletcher Loveless William Samuel Slack, M.A Louisiana.

JUNIOR. South Carolina John Henry Brown .Maryland. Francis Hopkinson Craighill (Dio. Georgia) . Mississippi. Nevill Joyner, M.A. (Dio. Tennessee) South Carolina. Harry Judah Mikell, B.A Walter Lennie Smith Texas. Louisiana. Alvin Wilson Skardon South Carolina. James Cash Waring, M.D 72 THE UNIVBRSIT7^ OF THE SOUTH

SPECIAL. Colin Sharp Bassett, Rev. (Dio. Tennessee) . . .England. Henry Easter, Rev Tennessee. Shibli Said Kirreh Samaria. James Craik Morris, M.A Kentucky. Albert Sidney Thomas South Carolina. James Daniell Warren (Dio. So. Florida) England.


Every candidate must possess the qualifications re- quired by Canon II, section 4, and Canon IV, section

2, as follows :

If the postulant desires to be a Candidate for Priesthood as well as for the Diaconate, he must lay before the Bishop a satisfactory diploma or other satisfactory evidence that he is a graduate ia arts of some university or college in which the learned languages are duly studied ; and if the Bishop be not fully satisfied of the sufHciency of such a diploma, he may re- mit the same for consideratioa and advice to the Standing Committee of the Diocese. An examination of the literary qualification of a Postulant or Candidate shall extend to his knowledge of the English language and literature, and at least the fir

Students in good standing from otlier Theological Schools of the Church will be admitted ad eundem. The scholastic year is the same as that of other De- part tnents of the University, classes beginning in Au- |?ust. Students are required to wear the cap and gowa <)^ tlie University, with the distinctive color of this Department. THEOLOGICAL DEPARTMENT 73

EXPENSES The Theological Department occupies St. Luke's Memorial Hail, which contains, besides Oratory and lecture rooms, accommodation for thirty-six students. Two students occupy in common a study with two their rooms. bedrooms attached : they furnish own The cost of board, washing, fuel and lights, medical at- tendance, and janitor's fee is about one hundred and sixty dollars a year; there is no charge for rent or tuition. DEGREES

The degree of Bachelor in Divinity is awarded to Bachelors of Arts who present a diploma of graduation in every School of the Theological Department, and have attained an average of two and five-tenths out of a maximum of three in their whole course therein, and also present a satisfactory dissertation upon a sub- ject approved by the Faculty. Notice of application for the degree must be given to the Faculty at the bc:g!:ining of the course. The degree of Graduate in Divinity is conferred upon any student who has obtained diplomas in all the Schools of the Department. Those who take a partial course are classed as special students. DIVINE SERVICE

The devotional life of the students is provided for

as follows :

Celebrations of the Holy Communion at seven o'clock in St. Augustine's Chapel on Sundays; in St. Luke's Oratory on 74 THE UNIVERSITT OF THE SOUTH

Thursdays and Holy Days; daily morning prayer at St, Au-

gustine's Chapel at eight o'clock ; noonday prayer for mis- sions and daily evening prayer in the Oratory, with sermons by students on Mondays and Thursdays, and a conference of Faculty and students on the first Monday of each month. Several missions in the neighborhood of the University are naaintained by members of the Department.


Missionary spirit is cultivated among the students by the monthly meetings of the vSewanee Missionary Society, founded on Tuesday in Whitsun week, 1878. Provision is made for the cultivation of literary taste and for practice in extempore preaching and speaking by the literary societies of the University, and by the Homiletic Society of this Department, fouiided on St. Luke's D;iy, 1879. The St. Luke's Brotherhood, organized in Xo^-em- ber, 1892, b}^ alumni and students of the Theological Department, now numbers several hundred members. Its object is to increase and improve the supply of candidates for Holy Orders, and, in case of need, ta assist and encourage any who are pursuing studies to- ward that end at the Universit3^


Beside the University libtary, tliere is a collection*

•f books in St. Luke's Hail that is always accessible t© the students. 1 1



Mon. Tues. Wed. T/i'rs. T'ri. Sat.

Senior. nrvif»nioo'v .... 9 9 9 Hicfnrv and Politv lO 9'-2 10 "9h 10 Npw Testament 1 II II II 12 12 12 Pastoral Care 12 12

Intermediate. Historv 9 9 8K 9 Theolosrv lO 10 10 II II II II Old Testament 12 12 12 12

'junior. Homiletics M^oral Science 9 9 9 Theology 9^ "9K H istorv «H "Vfp-iTT 1 II Testament 1 2 1 Old Testament 1 m

\ Homiletics i 12

OLD TESTAMENT LANQUAQE AND INTERPRETATION Acting Professor DuBose. are Junior Year — The rudiments of the Hebrew language taught, and portions of the Pentateu.oli and historical books are read. > Text-books — Hebrew Bible and Lexicon, Harper'slHe" " brew Method, Mitchell's Gesenius' Grammar. Intermediate Year — Exegesis begins. Portions of the Psalms and Prophets are studied. Reference books — Delitsch's Commentaries'on the Psalms- and Isaiah. 76 THE UNIVERSITY OF THE SOUTH

Senior Year — The same, continued. Lectures on Mes" sianic passages and Introduction. Students are required to be- come familiar with the contents of the Old Testament Scrip- tures. Text and reference book^^ — Delitsch's Messianic Prophe- cies, Bleek's Introduction to the Old Testament.


Instruction in this School is divided into three annual courses. Weekly written exercises in Exegesis are required of all students. Questions of Introduction are treated yearly in lectures.

Junior Year — The Synoptical Gospels are studied in con- nection with the Life of Christ. Text and reference books—Westcott and Hort's Greek Tes- tament, Gardiner's Harmony of the Gospel, Winer's Grammar, Thayer's Lexicon of New Testament Greek, Salmon's and Bleek's Introductions, Lives of Christ (Andrews, Farrar, Gei- kie, Eliicott).

Intermediate Year — Trinity Term : The Gospel according to St. John. Lent Term — The Epistle to the Hebrews and the First Epistle of St. John. Reference books — Westcott's and other Commentaries, Delitsch on Hebrews, Bleek's Introduction. Senior Year — Trinity Term: The Epistle to the Romans. Lent Term — Other Epistles of St. Paul, read in connection livith the story of his life and missionary journeys. Text and reference books — Commentaries of Olshausen, Alford, Lightfoot, Meyer, and Godet; Lives of St. Paul (Con- jbeare & Howson, Farrar) ; Smith's New Testament History and Bible Dictionary. THEOLOGICAL DEPARTMENT 7/


The Voice of the Church in the Creeds, Holy Scriptures^ Councils and Liturgies.

First 7'ear.

Trinity Term — Theology proper, Cosmology, Angelology,. and Anthropology. Lent Term — Christology and Pneumatology. Lectures on the Creeds and the Articles. Text- books — Pearson on the Creed, Brown on the Arti- cles, Westcott's Historic Faith, and Mason's Faith of the Gos- pel. Books of reference — Forbes on the Articles and the Ni- cene Creed, Westcott's Gospel of Life, Liddon's Some Ele- ments of Religion, Martensen's Dogmatics, McLaren's Cathol- ic Dogma, the Antidote to Doubt, Illingworth on Person- ality, human and dirine, and Stanton's Place of Authority in Religious Belief. Additional reading — Heurtley: De fide et Symbolo and

S. Cyril, of Jerusalem : Catechescs. Second Tear,

Trinity Term — Bibliology. Lent Term — Soteriology and Eschatology. Lectures on Inspiration and the Canon of Scripture. Text-books-— Westcott's Bible in the Church and Historic Faith, Pearson on the Creed, Brown on the A-rticles, Hooker's Ecclesiastical Polity, Book V., Liddon's and Gore'* Bampton Lectures. Books of reference — Book by Book, Kirkpatrick's Divine Library of the Old Testament, Body's Permanent Value of the Book of Genesis, Oxenham's Catholic Doctrine of the Atone- ment, Dale on the Atonement, Wilberforce on the Incarnation^ Dix's Sacramental System, and Westcott's Christus Consum- mator. 7§ THE UNIVERSirr OF THE SOUTH

Additional reading— Eusebins' Ecclesiastical Historj, Book v., and S. Augustine's Enchiridion.

Third Tear.

Trinity Term — Ecclesaology. Lent Term — Liturgiology. Lectures on the relation of the Ethnic Religions to Chris- tianity, and on the History and Doctrine of the early liturgies? and the English and American Prayer Books. Text-books — Wordsworth's One Religion, Blunt's Anno- tated Book of Common Prayer, Browne and Forbes on the Arti- cles, Barry and Evan Daniel on the Prayer Book. Books of reference— Westcott's Gospel of Life, Boyd Carpenter's Permanent Elements of Religion, Goulburn on the Communion Office, Freeman's Principles of Divine Ser- vice, Hammond's Liturgies, Eastern and Western ; Liturgicae Americanse, and Bingljam's Antiquities.

Additional reading — S. Athanasius : De Incarnatione Verbi

and Irenaeus : Books ITT. and V.


The subjects are treated simultaneously, administrative and ceremonial developments being indicated at their proper place In the general instory. Particular attention is paid in the Senior Year to the polity and canon law of the Church in England and America. In the progress of instruction the following categories are constantly applied: i. Missions. 2. Relation of Church t» civil power. 3. Government — episcopal constitution, met-

ropolitan, patriarchal, and papal developments. 4. Doctrine — the Trinity, Incarnation and Atonement, the Sacraments, Eschatology. 5. Phases of heretical thought. 6. Public Wor-

ship. 7. Church architecture and decoration. 8. Christian life. 9. Esoteric piety — asceticism, mysticism. THEOLOGICAL DEPARTMENT 79

Instruction is given by lectures and reports of students upon allotted themes. The great formative periods — as the times of Constantine and his sons, of Charlemagne and Charles the Bald, of Ilildebrand, Dante, Luther — are discussed in sem- inars. The principal texts and books of reference are Smitk and Wace: Dictionary of Christian Biography, Milman's,

Schaff's, and Gibbon's Histories, Bryce : Holy Roman Empire,

: of Civilization, Hodgkin : Italyand her Invaders,Guizot History Sismondi's Italian Republics, Kitchin's France, MuUer's and Green's Histories of the German and English People respect- ively, von Reber: History of Mediaeval Art.

Junior Tear. Trinity Term — The Post-ApostoHc Age. The Church in the Roman Empire; its relation to both Jews and Gentiles. Detailed study of the Apostolic Fathers, with reference to the constitution, teaching, worship and life of the Church. The era of the Apologists, Justin Martyr, Tatian, Theophilus and Ebionism, Gnos- Athenagoras; Apocryphal Gospels and Acts ; ticism (including its Marci^nite and pseudo-Clementine forms) and Montanism. Lent Term — The Old Catholic Age. Formation of the Canon; hierarchical, doctrinal and liturgical progress. De- tailed study of Irenaeus and Clement of Alexandria. The Trinitarian controversy. TertuUian, Hippolytus, Origen, Cy- prian. Sabellianism, Manicheism, and the Novatian schism. The Apostolical Constitutions. The Art of the Catacombs.

Intermediate Year. Trinity Term— The Conciliar Age; alliance of Church and Empire. The Patriarchal Constitution. Trinitarian^ Christological and Soteriological controversies. The liturgies and the basilica. Monasticism, the barbarian invasions, the conversion of the Franks, the Celtic Church, the age of Jus- tinian. Special texts— Stanley on the Council of Nice, Lives and the same» Writings of Athanasius, Chrysostom, and Augustine ;

X :

8o THE UNIVERSITY OF THE SOUTH with less detail, of Ambrose, Basil, Gregory Nazianzen, Jerome,.

Leo the Great, Palmer. Origines Liturgicge : Finlay's Greece. Lent Term — The Dusk Ages; the Church amid barba- rian monarchies. Mohammedanism. The Benedictine order. The Papacy and the schism between the Greek and Latin Churches. Conversion of Saxons, Scandinavians, Slavs. Mo- nothelite, Iconoclastic, Adoptionist, Eucharistic and Predesti- narian controversies. The Frankish supremacy. Special texts — Gregory I, Isidore, Bede, Alcuin, Agobard. The Pseudo-Isidorian Decretals. Bertram on the Eucharist, Servatus Lupus and Amalarius on Justification, Mombert

Charles the Great. Reichel : See of Rome. Writings of Rathe- rius, Abbo, Gerbert. Era of Saxon Emperors.

Senior Year. Trinity Term — The Middle Ages proper; the Crusade* papal supremacj, monastic, military and mendicant orders, scholasticism, Gothic architecture. Manichean and other heretical outgrowths. Mysticism. The " Babylonian Captiv- ity," Schism, and Conciliar Settlement. The Renascence. Evangelical movements, culminating in the Reformation.

Texts—Church : Life of Anselm, Morison : Life of Bernard,

Hook : Lives of Archbishops, Dante's Divine Comedy, Petrarch'* and Chaucer's Works, Lechler, Life of Wyclif, Creighton, Burckhardt, Seebohm, Fisher, Perry's English Church.

Lent Term — Modern Times ; the Roman Catholic re- action. Reformation settlements in England, Germany and

Scandinavia ; emergence of principle of Toleration in France and Holland. Rise of the English Puritans. Early Latitudina- rians. Gallicanism, various forms of mysticism, scepticism. The Revolution of 1688. Convocation controversy, Wesleyan and cognate movements. The French Revolution. Foreign Missions. History of the American Church. Texts — Ranke, Gieseler, Perry, Jewel's Apology, Hooker's

Ecclesiastical Polity, and the Canons of 1604. Gardiner : Thirty Years' War, and The Puritan Revolution. Southey's Life of T 1


Wesley. Church: The Oxford Movement; Haddan : Apos- the American Church, lives of tolical Succession ; Perrv on Bishops White, Seabury, Hopkins and Polk, and Dr. Muhlen- berg. The Prayer Book and Canons.


Eirst Year.

Subject — The English Bible. Text-book — Pinnock's Analysis of the Old Testament.

Reference books — Smith's Bible Dictionary ; Hours With Church, Stanley; His- the Bible, Geikie ; History of the Jewish tory of the Jews, Milman. Instruction is given in the public reading of Holy Scrip- ture. Bible class work is discussed, with suggestions as to the formation of Bible classes and the best methods of instruction.

Secojid Tear. Trinity Term.—Subject: Homiletics. Text-book — Lectures on Preaching. Phillips Brooks' Se_ lections from the sermons of the great preachers of the Chris, tian Church, both ancient and modern, are read aloud in class; their style, methods of treatment, and distinguishing character- istics, pointed out and commented upon. Pulpit Eloquence, Fish Reference books — Masterpieces of ; Preparation and Delivery of Sermons, Broadus; Yale Lectures,

Beecher; Homiletic and Pastoral Lectures, Ellicott ; Homilet- ics, Vinet. Lent Term.—Subject: Pastoral Care. Text-book — Book of Common Prayer. The object of this course is not to study the Prayer Book liturgically, but to give practical suggestions as to the public and private offices of the Church, visitation of the siek, burial F ;;

82 THE UNIVRRSirr OF THE SOUTH of the dead, etc. Special instruction is given in the readins^- of the service. Reference books — "The Catholic Religion," Staley Blunt's Annotated Book of Common Prayer; Evan Daniel, Proctor, and Wheatlej, on the Prayer Book ; The Parish Priest Blunt; Treatise on the Pastoral Offices, Dean Burgon.

Third Tear. Trinity Term.—Subject: Practical Christianity. Text-book — Taylor's Holy Living and Dying. Reference books — Social Aspects of Christianity, Elv

The Clergyman's Instructor ; The World the Subject of Re- demption, Freemantle. Lent Term.—Subject: Parochial Organization.

Text-books — Parish Priest of the Town, John Gott ; The Churchman's Hand-book, Richey. The "Year Books " of prominent city parishes are studied with a view to giving practical hints in parochial organiza- tion, etc.

In addition to the above, the students are required to preach in S. Luke's Oratory. Two sermons are delivered each week, and the manuscripts are afterward handed in to the Pro- fessor of Homiletics. All the students meet once a week to hear his corrections and criticisms. Sermon outlines on texts furnished by the Professor are required of every student twice a month.


Note.—Instruction in Theology was afforded from the year

1873 ; in 1878 the Theological Department was fully organized and established in St. Luke's Hall. The existing rule concern ing Graduation in Divinity went into effect in 1891, that concern- ing the Bachelor's Degree in 1895. The hoods pertaining to both degrees are of black silk, the Graduates with white, the Bachelor's with scarlet lining, purple cord cutting the colors of both. THEOLOGTCAl. DEPARl^MENT 83

1881 William Klein, B.D., D.I)., England, St. Paul's, Forest Hill, London, England. 1881 Stewart McQueen, Alabama, St. Stephen's, Goldsboro^ North Carolina. r882 Charles Buckner Hudgins, Virginia. St. Peter's. Rome, Georgia. 1884 McNeely DuBose, B.D., South Carolina, Trinity, Ashe- ville. North Carolina. 1884 Robert Elliott Grubb, Kentucky, St. Andrew's, Jackson- ville, Florida. 1885 Andrew Ernest Cornish, South Carolina, St. John's Charleston. 1885 Rowland Hale, England, Our Saviour, Roslindale, Massa- chusetts. 1885 Alexander Robert Mitchell, South Carolina, Good Shep- herd, Columbia. 1885 Henry Ormond Riddel, Massachusetts, St, Martin's. Brooklyn, Long Island. 1885 William Sharpe, England. 1886 John Frederic Finlay, South Carolina. 1886 George Grant Smith, Kentucky, Trinity, Louisville. 1887 Theodore DuBose Bratton, B.D.. South Carolina, Advent, Spartanburg. 1887 James Gainswell Glass, South Carolina, St. Paul's, Sum- merville. 1887 Charles Thomas Wright, Tennessee, Christ, South Pitts- burg. 1888 William Alexander Guerry, M.A., B.D., South Carolina, Chaplain and Professor University of the South. 1888 Roger Hanson Peters, B.A., Kentucky, St. John's, Lex- ington. 1889 Eben Dorr Moreno, Florida, Diocesan Missionary, Smith- land, Louisiana. 1890 Robert Edward Lee Craig, Kentucky, Trinity, Clarks- ville, Tennessee. 1890 Octavius Theodore Porcher, M.A., South Carolina. St. Paul's, Pendleton. 84 THE (JNIVERSIl)' OF THE SOl'T//

1891 William Thomas Manning, B.D., California. 1891 Robert Henrj Cole, LL.B., B.D., Canada. 1893 Wilmot Stewart Holmes, South Carolina, Incarnation, Gaffney City. 1894 John Mygatt Northrop, Kentucky, St. Matthew's, Coving- ton, Tennessee. 1894 Robert Augustus Lee, B.A., South Carolina. Good Shep- herd, Yorkville 1894 Albert Martin, Louisiana, Holy Communion, Plaquemines. 1895 James Wilmer Gresham, Louisiana, Trinity, Natchitoches. 1895 James Willis Cantey Johnson, South Carolina, Our Sav- iour, Rock Hill. 1895 Russell Kane Smith, Pennsylvania, St. James, Greeneville Tennessee.

The following, arranged in the order of matriculation, ob

tained diplomas or took a partial course of study :

1873 Thomas J. Morris, Texas. 1874 Innis Overton Adams, Alabama, St. James. Eufaula. 1874 Charles Mcllvaine Gray, Tennessee, Grace, Ocala, Florida. 1874 John Kershaw, South Carolina, St, Michael's, Charleston. 1874 W. G. W. Smith, Connecticut, St. Peter's, Rockport, Texas. 1875 Daniel F. Hoke, Alabama, Holy Innocents, Auburn, 1875 Milnor Jones, Alabama, St. John's and St. Luke's, Watau- ga, North Carolina. 1875 Van Winder Shields, D.D., Mississippi, St. John's, Jack- sonville, Florida.

1875 James Alexander VanHoose, B.Lt., Alabama. S. Mark's, Birmingham. 1877 James Henry Fowles LaRoche, South Carolina, Trinity, Binghampton, New York. 1877 D. W. Shafer, Tennessee. 1877 A. N. Whitten, Texas. 1878 Frederick Ancrum DeRosset, M.A., North Carolina, Re- deemer, Cairo, Illinois. 1


1878 Clarence Croft Leman, Georgia, Trinity, Gainesville, Florida. 1878 William Dudley Powers, D.D., Virginia, St. John's, Mont- gomery, Alabama. Forks, 1879 Herman Baldwin Dean, Texas, St. Paul's, Grand North Dakota. 1879 Herbert A. Grantham, England. 1879 Vardrey McBee, M.A.. Mus.D., North Carolina. 1879 Augustin Prentiss, South Carolina. Louisiana. 1879 Davis Sessums, M.A., D.D., Texas, Bishop of 1879 William George Gosling Thompson, England. 1880 Ashton Bisland, Louisiana. 1880 John Gass, South Carolina, Christ, Little Rock, Arkansas. 1880 Norman Bond Harris, Mississippi. 1880 Edward DeSeebach Juny, Mississippi. 1880 Sidney Warren King, South Carolina. 1880 Percy CHnton Webber, B.A., Massachusetts. 1881 William Temple Allen, Virginia, St. John's, Fort Smith, Arkansas. 1881 Robert Woodward Barnwell, B.A., South Carolina, Grace, Charleston. 1881 Walter Rufus Dye, Georgia, St. Paul's, Columbus. 1881 Mayo Cabell Martin, Tennessee, St. Clement's, El Paso, Texas. 188 Alfred Robert Taylor, England, Christ, Portsmouth, Ohio. 1882 Alfred Wilson Griffin, Massachusetts, Trinity, Baraboo, Wisconsin. 1882 John Augustus Harris, Mississippi. 1882 Malachi Christopher Pegues, Mississippi. 1882 R. Calder Young, England. Trinity, Iowa 1884 Samuel Newell Watson, D.D., Minnesota, City, Iowa. Michaels and 1884 Charles Henry Black Turner, Florida, St. All Angels, Anniston, Alabama. Shepherd, 1884 Samuel Bailey McGlohon, Tennessee, Good Memphis. 86 THE UNIVBRSITT OF THE SOUTH

1885 George Louis Crockett, B.Lt., Texas, Christ, San Augus- tine. 885 Tillinghast Collins Rively, Pennsjvania. 885 Charles Forrest Scofield, Tennessee. 885 Charles Leighton Steel, New Jersey, Christ, Newton. 886 William Smith Simpson Atmore, Africa, Good Shepherd, Jacksonville, Florida, 886 William Henry Cavanagh, Canada. 886 John Edward Hugh Galbraith, Ireland, Beattyville, Ken- tuck3^ 886 Frederick Moses Garland, Massachusetts, Grace, Man- chester, New Hampshire. 886 Edward M. Humphreys, Tennessee. 886 Arthur Howard Noll, Mexico, Mount Olivet, New Or- leans, Louisiana. 886 John James Patrick Ferry, Ireland, St. Athanasius, Bruns- wick, Georgia. 887 Matthew Brewster, Texas, Grace, New Orleans, Louisiana. 887 Quincy Ewing, Louisiana, St. James, Greenville, Missis- sippi. 887 Edgar Gardner Murphy, Texas, St. Paul's, Chillicothe, Ohio. 888 Robert Mickleberry Williamson Black, Georgia, Eman- uel, Athens. 888 Howard Murray Dumbell, Scotland. 888 William Norman Guthrie, Scotland, Advent, Cincinnati, Ohio. 888 James Jefferson Davis Hall, Alabama. 888 John Conway Johnes, Alabama, Holy Trinity, Tiverton, Rhode Island. 889 Daniel Troy Beatty, Alabama, St. Andrew's, Darien, Georgia. 889 William Wallace Blatchford. South Carolina, Grace, Ster- ling, Illinois. 889 John Fearnley, M.A,, Kentucky, Grace, Monroe, Louisiana. 889 George Taylor Griffith, B.D., New York, St. Clement's, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. THEOLOGICAL DEPARTMENT 87

1889 Edward McCrady, South Carolina, Trinity, Abbeville. 1889 William Henry McKellar, M.A., South Carolina, teacher in the Sewanee Grammar School. 1889 Hudson Stuck, Texas, St. Matthews, Dallas. 1889 Samuel Dwight Wilcox, New York. 1889 Benjamin Henry Whittaker, New York. 1890 Thomas Burry, Alabama, Trinity, Pass Christian, Missis- sippi. 1890 William Wallace Lowry, Alabama. 1890 Benjamin Sumner McKenzie, North Carolina, St. Mat- thews, Hillsboro. 1891 Frank Cecil Bayliss, Florida, St. Gabriel's, Titusville. 1891 Joseph Hall Spearing, Louisiana, Good Shepherd, Lake Charles. 1891 William Lane Hall Benton, Pennsylvania, Trinity, Brad- dock. 1891 Bertram Erwin Brown, Alabama, St. Wilford's, Marion. 1091 William Torrey Howe, Mississippi, St. Paul's, Woodville.

1892 Thomas James Crosby, Jr., Texas. 1892 James Mitchell Magruder, Mississippi, St. John's, Aber- deen. 1892 Louis Tucker, M.A., Alabama, St. Paul's, Whistler. 1893 Harry Roberts Carson, Louisiana, Christ, New Orleans. 1893 Francis Langing Coyle, M.A., Louisiana. 1893 Richard Cullen Jeter, Alabama. 1894 Stewart Strother Maclean, Georgia. 1894 Henry Esten Spears, B.A., Kentucky. 1894 Joseph Herbert Woodward, Grace, Canton, Mississippi. \ Law Department

BURR J. RAMAGE, Ph.D., Dean, Professor of Common and Stattite Lavj.

H. F. SIMRALL, LL.D., Lecturer in Bquitv, Constitutional Lari', and Internation-al Larv.


It is the aim of the Law Department to fit students for the practice of the law in any State. The course of instruction covers a period of two years, and em- braces lectures on the law of contracts, torts, real property, domestic relations, constitutional and inter- national law, criminal law and procedure, equity, evi- dence, common law pleading, code pleading and prac- tice, corporations, negotiable paper, insurance, patents, carriers, wills and administration, bailments, and the outlines of Roman law. By faithful work, it is pos sible to combine classes and complete the entire course in one year ; but students are advised to pursue, if possible, the full two years' course.

INSTRUCTION IN OTHER DEPARTHENTS Students of the Law Department may attend»the summer courses of lectures given in the Law School, [88] LAW DEPARTMENT 89 and are entitled to the use of the library, reading room, gymnasium, etc., on the same terms as Academic students. They may also attend, without extra charge, such Schools in the Department of Arts and Sciences as they may desire, provided the consent of the Law Faculty and the Professors in charge of such Schools shall have been obtained. Law students find the courses in History, Finance, and Political Economy especially valuable.


There are two Classes, a Junior and a Senior Class, in the Law Department, The courses in each Class are divided into two terms corresponding to the Lent and Trinity Terms of the Department of Arts and Sciences of the University. Students may enter the

Law Department at any time ; but they are advised to begin work promptly at the opening of a term.


Candidates for admission to the Law Department must furnish evidence of good moral character and be well grounded in the outlines of English and Ameri- can history, English grammar, and arithmetic. Di- plomas and certificates of schools of recognized stand- ing are accepted in lieu of the required entrance ex- aminations. Students from other law schools, who present satisfactory credentials and give evidence of sufficient preparation, are admitted to corresponding classes in this Department. Frequent examinations. 90 THE UNJVERSTTV OF 7 HE S()[JTH both oral and written, are held throughout the course. Information may be had by addressing the Vice-Chan- cellor or the Dean of the Department.


Shortly after the beginnina^ of each term a Moot

Court is organized, under the supervision of the head of the School, for the discussion and argument of cases. CAP AND GOWN

In conformity with the rules of the University, stu- dents of the Law Department are required to w^ear the regulation Cap and Gown, with a tassel of green, the color of the Department.


Students have free access to the Law Library, which is always open.


The Commencement of the Law Department is held in conjunction with that of the University in August. Members of the Senior Class, on the day of their graduation, are entitled to the hood of a Bache- lor of Laws. SUMMER LECTURES

Eminent counsel from abroad have from time to time, delivered special lectures on legal subjects, which are always open to students without extra charge. 1



The degree of Bachelor of Laws (LL.B.), is con- ferred upon those students who, having duly complied with the requirements of the University, shall have passed a satisfactory final examination in all the studies of the Law Department.


The situation of Sewanee upon a w^estern spur of the Cumberland Mountains, some 2,000 feet above the level of the sea, especially commends itself to students seeking a quiet and invigorating school at which to prosecute their work. Nashville, the capital of Ten- nessee, with its Federal and vState courts, is within a few hours' ride of the University. Beginning its work in March, the Law Department continues its session without interruption, except for a brief vacation during Commencement week in August, until the middle of December. Students are advised to spend the three months' winter vacation in an attorney's office.


Tuition Fee, per term $ 50 00 Medical Fee, per term 5 00 Graduation Fee 10 00

Total I 65 GO

Board and lodging, including fuel, lights, and laundry, may be had at rates from $15 per month upwards. 92 THE UNIVBRSITT OF THE SOlfTH


The courses of instruction in the Law Department

are as follows : Junior Class.

Lent Terin. (a) Contracts. Five hours a week during- the term. Text- books are Blackstone's Commentaries, Kent's Commentaries, Bishop on Contracts. Reference books are Keener's Select Cases on Contracts, Parsons on Contracts, and Lawson on Con- tracts. (3) Constitutional Law. Twice a week during the term. Lectures. Text-book — Cooley. (c) Torts. Two hours a week during the term. Text- books are Pollock on Torts, Burdick's Leading Cases on Torts. {d) Domestic Relations. Once a week during the term. Text-books are Kent, Ewell's Leading Cases, Schouler's Do- mestic Relations.

Trinity Term,

(a) Real Property. Five hours a week until the middle of November. Lectures. Text-books are Blackstone, Kent, Tied- eman. Reference books are Gray's Cases on Property, with the Codes and Statutes of the several States. (d) Personal Property. Five hours a week from the middle of November until the close of the term. Text-books are Blackstone, Kent, Smith's Personal Property.

(c) Patents, Copyright, and Trade Marks. One lecture a week until October. (d) Criminal Law and Procedure, Two hours a week dur- ing the term. Text-books are Blackstone, May on Criminal Law, Heard on Criminal Pleading. (e) International Law. Two hours a week during the term. Text-books are Kent and Woolsey. Reference books are Vattel, Grotius, Puffendorf, Bluntschli, and the Treaties of the United States. LAW DEPA R TMEN 7' 93

Senior Class. Lent Term.

[a) Equit_y. Five hours a week for six v.'ceks. Text-books are Bispham's Principles of Equity, Lube's Equity Pleading. {b) Common Law Pleading. Five hours a week for six weeks. Text-book — Stephen's Pleading in Civil Actions. (r) Negotiable Instruments. Three hours a week for four weeks. Text-book — Tiedeman's Law of Negotiable Paper and Bigelow on Bills and Notes. Reference books are Danieh Story, Chitty.

(c/) Corporations. Twice a week during the term. Text- book — Boone's Corporations. Reference books are Morawitz, Beach. {e) Wills and Administration. One hour a week lor six weeks. Lectures.

Lrinify 'Le)'»>.

{a) Code Pleading. Twice a week during the term. Text- book — Bryant on Code Pleading, with the Statutes and Codes i)f the several States. {b) The History of the Law of Real Property. One hour a week. Text-book — Digby's History of the Law of Real Property. (r) Evidence. Three hours a week for six weeks. Text- l)ooks are Greenleaf, Stephen's Digest of the Law of Evidence. {d) Roman Law. One hour a week during the term. Lec- tures. Reference books are The Pandects. Justinian's Insti- tutes, Hadley's Introduction to Romxan Law, Sandars' Institutes of Justinian, Sohm's Institutes of Roiiian Law. I .



Lent Term. - -

Mo 71. Tnes. Wed. Thnrs. Fri.

jfujiior. Contracts. 9-10 9-10 9-10 9-10 Constitut'l 9-10 Law 11-12 11-12

Torts . . ^-z 2-3 Domestic Relat's. Senior. 2-3 Evidence 10-11 TO-II Mercantile lO-II Law lO-II lO-II Wills, Administ'n 2-3 Com. Law Plead 23 ^-J

Trinity Term,

Mon. Tries. Wed. Thurs. Eri.

junior. Rear& Per. Prop. 9-10 9-10 9-10 9-10 International 9-10 Law 11-12 11-12 Criminal Law.. 2-3 Patent Law "" Senior. 2-3 Equity lO-II lO-II lO-II Law of Carriers lO-II lO-II Private Corpor'ns Negotiable Paper Roman 2-3 ^-3> Law 3-4 .:.i Medical Department


B. LAWTON WIGGINS, M.A. Vice- Chancellor.

School of Medical Practice and General Pathology JOHN S. CAIN, M.D., Professor and Dean of the Facility.

School of General Chemistry, CAMERON PIGGOT, M.D., Professo7'.

School of Principles and Practice of Surgery,

J. B. MURFREE, M.D., Professor.

School of Anatomy and Physiology, WILLIAM B. HALL, M.A., M.D., Professor.

School Diseases of of the Eye, Bar, and Throat, T. HILLIARD WOOD, M.D., Professor.

[95] ..


School of Gvncvco/o^-v, WILLIAM B. YOUNG, M.D., Professor.

School of Materia Medica and Lecturer 071 Diseases of the Chest.,

L. P. BARBOUR, M.l). Professor

School of Obstetrics. JOHN ROSS, M.D., Professor

School of Minor and Clinical Surgery and Tahoratory Instructor in Operative Surgery, HUGH R. MILLER, M.D., A ssociate Professor.

School of Genito- Urinary and ]^ejiereal Diseases, JAMES W. HANDLY, M.D., Associate Professor.

School of Physical Diagnosis and Laboratory Instructor in Bacteriology and. Microscopy, GEORGE RENEAU RAU, M.D., Associate Professor.

School of Diseases of Children, JOHN M. BASS, JR., M.D., A ssocia te Professor.

Lecturer on Botany. WILLIAM B. HALL, M.A., M.D. ,


Lecturer on J)e?ilcd and Oral Surgery, ROBERT B. LEES, M.U., D.D.S.

Lecturer on Medical yurisfrndence CHARLES FIRMAN SMITH. B.S., LL.B.

Laboratory Instructor in Practical Pliariiiacy and Medical Chemistry^

S. ]. DUFFIE, M.l).

Demonstrator of Anatomy, R. M. KIRBY-SMITH, M.D.

ANNOUNCEriENT The Sewanee Medical College will precede its fifth annual course of lectures by a preliminary term of six weeks, commencing on Thursday, May 21, 1896, which will be devoted exclusively to Funda- mental, Laboratory, and Clinical work, and which will be free to all medical students. The regular course of lectures will commence on Thursday, July 2, 1896, and continue six months. The sessions or courses of Medical Lectures of our School must of necessity be coordinate with the other depart- ments of the LTniversity. In these the vacation be-

NoTE. — Certain changes in the Medical Faculty, made while this Calendar was in press, account for discrepancie? between the above and paj^es 9-11. 98 THE UNIVERSTTT OF THE SOTT//

tween annual terms occurs during January, February,

and March, hence it is impossible to include these

months wholly in our Medical Course, as is the usual custom with medical colleges. We feel and know from observation that the sea- sons of the year in which our sessions are taught, and the exceptional facilities and advantages possessed by our favorably situated institution, offer peculiar in- ducements to students in search of medical knowledge. To students entering their Junior Year, our thorough facilities and methods of teaching the fundamental branches and of imparting those indispensable subjects, too often neglected in the Medical Course, render our School of peculiar advantage to the young student just entering upon the stud}^ of medicine. To those who have already received two courses of lectures, and are otherwise eligible, we offer facilities for completing their studies and receiving a degree several months in advance of those who wait for win-

ter schools ; they thus save valuable time, and often procure eligible situations in advance of the spring output of the winter colleges. After an experiment during the past year, in a ten months' term of equal duration with the other depart- ments of the University, it has been determined by the Medical Faculty and University authorities to re- turn to the former plan upon which the Medica-l De- partment was originally organized and conducted. MEDICAL DEPAirrMENT 99

thus placing the School upon the same basis and strictly in harmony with the Southern College Asso- ciation. MEDICAL BUILDING

Thompson Hall, a handsome and commodious building of three stories, has been devoted to the use

of this Department, and is eminently fitted for the pur- pose. Besides the Dean's office and rooms for special labcrator}* work, there are two large lecture rooms, a clinical hall, a reception room for students, dissecting and prosecting rooms, and a large hall fitted up as a museum. For Hygienic Advantages of the University see pages 21-24 of this Calendar.

METHODS OF INSTRUCTION A well-equipped clinical hall and operating room, with all modern aseptic and antiseptic appliances and methods, has been fitted up for out-door clinics which, with a few charity beds, will enable the Faculty to ex- hibit to the class a limited but reasonable amount of clinical material and bring before the students inter- esting cases for examination and diagnosis during the

session ; but in the absence of a general hospital at Sewanee and of the clinical facilities that it would offer, the methods of instruction will be chiefly by means of didactic lectures and recitations, the chart, the manikin, and cadaver. m lOO THE UNrVERSITT OF THE SOL'Tll

Surgical operations will be exhibited to the class, and the use of instruments demonstrated by the Pro- fessor of the School. Vivisections, physiological ex- periments, and scientific demonstrations will consti- tute important features in the course, while special at- tention will be given to laboratory instruction as well as to all operations and manipulations in minor sur- gery, including the application of plaster dressings operations upon the cadaver, aseptic methods and an- tiseptic practices. There will also be instruction in experimental chemistry and analysis for which a well- equipped laboratory is provided.

Instruction is given also in bacteriology with the cultivation and demonstration of the various patho- genic germs ; in the preparation of pathological prod- ucts, with staining, cutting, and mounting for micro- scopic inspection ; and in the use of the microscope, an instrument now indispensable to all men who would lay claim to a scientific knowledge of medicine, with a supply of the best instruments, and a well furnished laboratory. These may be mentioned as among the leading features of our school. The course of in- struction in these fundamental and important branches will be much more thorough, and the season and time for mastering them much more favorable, than can possibly be the case in the hurry and confusion inci- dent to winter medical schools and clinics. Here the student may be grounded in those departments indis- I

I O ME 1) J CA L D R P . 1 J? TME N7' pensable to higher medical education more successfully than can be done in schools less favorably situated for this kind of teaching.


As a high standard of medical scholarship depends very largely upon preliminary training, it is the policy of this School to accept only such students as have, by their previous acquisition of a good preliminary edu- cation, given promise of that capacity and assiduity which is essential to a respectable position in the med- ical profession. All Junior students must, before matriculation, pre- sent satisfactory evidence of possessing at least a lib- eral English education and a good moral character. These evidences must be

1. A certificate of a medical preceptor, or some other rep- utable physician, attesting the candidate's good moral character and fitness to enter upon the study of medicine.*

2. A diploma showing the holder to have graduated from some literary or scientific college or high school. The cer-

(*) ' 189. . Dea?i of the Medical Department of The University of the South, Sewauee, Tennessee: of Dear Sir—Mr , ,

is a gentleman of good moral character, I recommend that he be allowed to enter upon his medical studies in your college. He has been my pupil .... months. Yours, [Sign here] t :


tificate of a first grade teacher of public schools will be ac- cepted.

If the candidate for admission be lacking in these evidences of educational qualifications, a thorough ex- amination before a Board of the University will be re- quired upon the various branches of a good English education, including Mathematics, English Compo- sition, and Elementary Physics. This examination, if satisfactorily passed, w^ill entitle the student to matric- ulation. Satisfactory evidence of regular attendance upon some other reputable medical college shall be requisite to matriculation in the Middle and Senior sessions.


The course of study occupies a period of three an- nual courses of medical lectures of six months each, in three separate years, each of w^hich vs^ill be preceded by a six weeks' preliminary term, free to all medical students at their option. In the main, our method of teaching will be upon

(t) ,189., Dea7i of the Medical De-partment of the Uviversitv of the South, Sewanee, Te7inessee Dear Sir -^ I have examined Mr

'->f , and find his scholastic attainments equal to those requisite for a teacher's certificate in our public schools of the second grade. Yours,

Supt. of Pub. Instruction. MEDICAL DEPARTMENT 103

the graded system. Graduates of Dentistry, Pharma- cy, and Veterinary medicine from recognized schools, and students who have passed the fundamental branches in their literary college or university course, also students and graduates of hom*oeopathic and Ec- lectic schools vs^ho desire to permanently take up the study of regular medicine, may be advanced in this School to the grades to which their previous studies entitle them. Junior Course students who enter at the opening of the preliminary term may receive credit for a conrse of lectures after attendance upon six months, inclusive of said preliminarv term. Students who have taken two courses of medical lectures completing the second, or middle course in this School, will be entitled to stand their final exami- on the nation following branches : Anatomy, Chem- istry, Physiology, and Materia Medica. Students who nave passed the above named fund- amental branches in this or other reputable colleges, will not be required during their third course to at- tend lectures or quizzes or to stand further examina- tions upon the same. Feeling in sympathy with the four courses before graduation plan, but realizing that the times and con- ditions do not, at present, warrant the exaction of such attendance from Southern students, this college makes the following offer to those students who have time and opportunity to extend their college attendance before graduation : Students who are entitled to a I04 THE UNIVERSTTT OF THE SOUTH credit for three previous courses of medical lectures, any one of which was taken in this college, and who desire to take a fourth course before graduation, will be entitled to receive the same free of all college fees except for matriculation and graduation.


The following is a brief outline of the plan of teaching pursued : ANATOMY. Three lectures a week are devoted to Descriptive and Sur- gical Anatomj, Recognizing the importance of quizzes to stu- dents of this School, each lecture will be introduced by a quiz on ground previously gone over. The lectures will be illus- trated by the skeleton, charts, drawings, fresh dissections, wet and dry preparations, etc. Comparative Anatomy will be so taught as to give the student a better understanding of Human Anatomy without entering into unnecessary details. BOTANY.

This subject is taught by lectures on Vegetable Physiology, and the student will be expected to collect an Herbarium. The woods around Sewanee are found to be peculiarly rich in botanical material. CHEMISTRY. The student will be required to do systematic practical work in the laboratory, which is under the regular personal supervision of the Professor, and every student is expected to understand and explain each experiment that he performs. Recitations are required from the text and lectures, and there is a written examination at the end of each month, DENTAL AND ORAL SURGERY. The Lecturer will cover the following subjects pertaining of the to this branch : i. Dentition, from the commencement eruption to the full development of the teeth. 2. Diseases of MEDICAL DEPARTMENT 1^5

Tumors of the buccal cavity. the teeth, and how treated. 3. of the maxillary treatment. 5. Fractures 4 Cleft palate and its splints. 6. Dislocation of the bones, and the application of of teeth upon the living sub- maxillary bones. 7- Extraction skull, draw- will be illustrated with the ject. These subjects preparations, in^s, interdental splints, and wax DERMATOLOGY. the skin will The anatomy, phvsiology, and pathology of course will be taught by lectures be thoroughly treated. The from Stelwagon's Diseases of from the Professor, and quizzes text-book. The lectures will be the Skin, which is used as a admirable charts of Morrow, Pififard, aided by reference to the collection of the Lecturer. Fox. Taylor, and the photographic GYNyECOLOGY AND OBSTETRICS. given chiefly by lectures Instruction in these Schools is invoWed in the study are explained and the practical principles preparations and models. and illustrated by means of suitable employment of uterine forceps The processes of labor and the the manikin. The use of instru- ^.ill be demonstrated upon Gynecological work will ments and the methods employed in be thoroughly illustrated. MATERIA MEDICA AND THERAPEUTICS. of remedies will be The dose, character, and application nature and symptoms of the dis- discussed side by side with the and students will be expected to eases for which they are used, any given case, when called formulate a course of treatment in do so. upon to . ..u V. quiz covering the sub- Each lecture will be preceded by a ject last lectured upon. MICROSCOPY. Professor, and laboratory This will include lectures by the Histology, Pathology, and Bac- work. The course consists of

suitable tables and fur- ^^'^'"'A^pecial laboratorv, provided with microscope, stands and object- nished with the latest improved lo6 THE UNIVERSTTV OF THE SOCTH ives, together with Beck's Microtome, an injecting apparatus, and all necessary accessories and reagents, offers the student opportunities that must generally be sought in Northern or foreign laboratories. During the course the following subjects will be taken up :

I. Construction and manipulation of the microscope. 2. Methods of hardening, cutting, staining, and mounting the va- rious tissues. 3. Normal tissues. 4. Tumors and pathologi- cal fluids. 5. Casts and urinary deposits. 6. Micro-organisms, with special reference to the tubercular bacilli. OPTHALMOLOGY, OTOLOGY, AND RHINOLOGY. Instruction in these branches will be by didactic lectures, with quizzes at regular intervals, reviewing the subjects cov- ered by the preceding lectures. The use of different instruments, including the opthalmo- scope, rhinoscope, and laryngoscope, will be demonstrated, and the student will be taught upon bullock's eyes both the minor and major operations in opthalmology. PHYSIOLOGY. The lectures upon this subject will be illustrated by means of charts, models, and blackboard figures, and the student ren- dered practically familiar with the phenomena of the most im- portant bodily functions in normal operation, by experiments upon living animals as a means of demonstration. PRACTICE OF MEDICINE. This course includes lectures by the Professor of Medical Practice, supplemented by lectures on Diseases of Children and Physieal Diagnosis by the Lecturers in those branches, and is made as comprehensive as possible. Especial attention is given to the principles of the subject with a view to instructing students thoroughly in the causation of diseases and the morbid changes which occur in different tissues. SURGERY.

This course will embrace lectures upon all the important MEDICAL DEPARTMENT 107

subjects of surg-erj^, quizzes, clinical instructions, and a thor- ough illustration of operations upon the cadaver, and will be supplemented bj the Lecturer on Laboratory and Minor Sur- oferr and the Lecturer on Oral Surgery, by a thorough course in their Schools. DISSECTION'. The Demonstrator of Anatomy will be found in the Ana- tomical Rooms every evening except on Sundays and Tuesdays. An ample supply of dissecting material will be furnished. SPECIAL REMARKS. A schedule card, giving the lectures for each day in the week, will be placed in the hands of the matriculant when he enters the Department, The methods of teaching by recitations and extended quiz- zing upon important subjects (both oral and written) will be made an important feature in our course. Written examinations as an exercise will acquaint students with this method of examination, and will relieve them from that embarrassment which those who have not been accustorned to written examinations always feel when forced to go before examining boards and other bodies which practise this method. Particular regard will be paid, when desired, to that special line of qualification required in preparing for Army and Navy examinations, by a Professor thoroughly acquainted with the subject. ACADEMIC DRESS Medical students are expected to wear the scholas- tic cap and gown as granted to the " Gownsmen " of the Department of Arts and Sciences, differing only in the color of the tassel, which is crimson instead of black. The gown is worn to the lecture room and chapel, and is a badge of distinction. Graduates, who take the degree of Doctor of Med- icine, are entitled to a Doctors hood, should they lo8 THE UNTVERSITT OF THE SOUTH

cardinal, choose to procure one. The medical hood is lined with yellow and trimmed with black.

TEXT-BOOKS AND WORKS OF REFERENCE Treves Leidy Quain ; Holden ; Anatomv (^ray ; ; Yr^x^V^X Bacteriology Reeves Medical Microscofv ^^^^^"^ ^^^>' ^^^^'^ Botany i ' Remsen Attfield Chemistry ; Smith West Diseases of Children ; Keys Otis Genito- Urinary Diseases ; Thomas Emmett Goodell Gymecology ; ; Potter Materia Medica, Therapeutics ... .^ood; Shoemaker; Playfair Parvin Obstetrics ; Otology ^^^^^' ^^"^^^ Nettleship Opthalmolo^v I^oomis Vierordt Physical Diagnosis ;

„," . , Flint: Dalton Physiology ' Striimpel; Osier; Lyman Practice of Medicine Loomis ; ' Wyeth Gross Erichsen Surgery ; ; Dunglison Thomas Duane Dictionaries ; ; from Medical books can be purcliased at the lowest city rates Students are advised to the University's Supply Department. text-books. consult with the Professors before procuring

REQUIREHENTS FOR GRADUATION M.D.. the student To be eligible to receive the degree of moral character. must be twenty-one years of age and of good lectures He must have attended three annual courses of medical the last of which must have of not less than six months each, dissected in two courses, been in this School. He must have courses. He and have attended upon two clinical or hospital the fol- must have attended one course of instruction in each of Surgery, Practical Chemistry, lowing laboratories : Operative and must Bacteriology and Microscopy, Practical Pharmacy, MEDICAL DEPARTMENT 109

have passed a satisfactory examination before the Faculty. He must have paid in full all dues, including the graduation fee. No graduation thesis is required. When all the requisites for graduation have been complied with, the degree of Doctor of Medicine will be publicly conferred upon the applicant by the Vice-Chancellor of the University, at the annual Medical Commencement in December.

QRADUATES OF 1895 The following students, having,[completed at this University their third course in medicine were award- ed, after a satisfactory examination, the degree of Doc-

tor of Medicine :

Allen, William Cline New Jersey. I Amos, Charles Fay West Virginia, Arnecke, Christoph Adam Henry Texas. Bird, Arthur Judson Pennsylvania. Brunning. Charles Louisiana. Corbett, John Lauderdale Missouri. Daniel, Joseph S Texas. DeLong, William Edward Pennsylvania, deNux, Emeric, B.A Louisiana. Diven, Arlington Walton Pennsylvania. Fisher, Alva Arlington Pennsylvania. Foster, Ira Curtin Pennsylvania. Gallaher, William Mack Tennessee. Gilbert, John Ross New Jersey. Hain, Aaron Erastus Pennsylvania. Harper, Washington Allen Texas. Hepler, Philip Edward Pennsylvania. Hootman, David Albert Pennsylvania. Kinney, Terry Mississippi. Kirby-Smith, Reynold Marvin Tennessee. Knight, Thomas Howard Florida. Mershon, Lewis Smith Pennsylvania. no THE UNrVERSFTT OF THE SOUTH

Moore, Albert Adair . . q^^^k r- ,- Murray, Marshall Dantzler. ' Sous>outh Carolina0^-" Pesp^cf r-u 1 A , Charles Augustus Missouri. laylor, James Franklin Mississippi. rurnbull, William Arthur Wilfrid England " Young, Marion Albert Florida.

MATRICULATES FOR .895 Allen, William Cline New Jersey Amos, Charles Fay West Virginia Arnecke, Christoph Adam Henry Texas Bird, Arthur Judson. t>^ . Pennsylvania. D ^, , Brunning, Charles • • -Louisiana.t Carter,^ ^ ^Stephen, Siverlo Alabama. Corbett, John Lauderdale Missouri Cramer Morgan Joseph Pennsylvania. Daniel, Joseph S Texas De Long William Edward .Pennsylvania. de Nux, Emeric, B.A Louisiana. D>ven, Arlington Walton Pennsylvania. Emmer, W.llmm John Louisiana. Fisher, Alvah Arlington ^ Pennsylvania.p^„„ , ^ T ^ . Foster,^ Ira Curtin Pennsylvania Gallaher, William Mack Tennessee Gilbert, John Ross ^^^ . Hain, Aaron Erastus Pennsylvania. Harper, Washington Allen Texas Hepler, Philip Edward ' ! , ! ^ ^ ^ Pennsylvania Hootman, David Albert. P«r,^o,Pennsylvania.1 , , Jackson, William Texas Kelton, Leslie Eugene Texas '' ''. Kinney,Terry ' ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ 'Mississippi. Kirby-Smith, Reynold Marvin Tennessee Knight, Thomas Howard Florida Lutton, Joseph Robert Pennsylvania. Mershon, Lewis Smith Pennsylvania. MEDICAL DEPARTMENT ill

Miles, James Edward Maryland. Moore, Albertus Adair, Jr South Carolina. Murray, Marshall Dantzler South Carolina. Post, Charles Augustus Missouri. Tanner, John Stewart Louisiana. Taylor, James Franklin Mississippi. Teeters, Henry Negley, D.D.S Pennsylvania. Terrell, V. LaGrange Mississippi. Turnbull, William Arthur Wilfrid England. Ward, Heber Arden North Carolina. Woodall, Percy Hogan Tennessee. Worley, Ambrose Gaines Florida. Young, Marion Albert Louisiana.

EXPENSES All fees are payable in advance to the Dean, J. S. Cain, M.D.

Matriculation Fee | t; oo Demonstrator's ticket lo oo Professor's ticket 75 oo Graduation fee (returned if not graduated). . 25 oo The above includes all charges and fees for one annual term* fixed by the Faculty.

Students who desire to take a course or part of a course of lectures for study only, in lieu of office reading, will receive all the privileges and advantages of other students, except official credit for a course of lectures, at greatly reduced rates. Graduates of medicine will be admitted to all the lectures on paying the matriculation fee. Improved arrangements have been made by which board and lodging can be had by students at prices and of quality which will compare favorably with other localities. The student arriving in Sewanee is advised to call on the Dean and obtain from him all necessary advice and information with regard to residence, medical studies, etc. All letters of inquiry should be addressed to the Dean, j. S. Cain, M.D. .

Commencement Day 1899


Academic Department

CERTIFICATES MafliotKitics. Botany.

Harrv J. Mikell. Ward Dabney. Samuel C. Beckwith. William C. Pickens, Alexander G. Blacklock. Caleb B. K. Weed. Chemistry Henry E. Spears. Ward Dabney. Thomas P. Noe. Oscar N. Torian. Frederick H. Harding. Samuel C. Beckwith. John M. Morris. Prentiss Tucker. Metaphysics. Paul Berghaus, Harry J. Mikell. William C. Pickens. Paul Berghaus. Gardiner L. Tucker. Ward Dabney. Nevill Joyner. Samuel A. Wragg. William B. Benjamin, Richard Hobbs, Jr. Gardiner L. Tucker. Physics. Prentiss Tucker. John M, Morris. Alexander G. Blacklock, Alexander G. Blacklock. William W. Jones. Caleb B. K. Weed. William M, Green, Jr. Arthur R. Young. Thomas P. Noe. Roland j. Pickett. Frederick H. Harding. Mikell. Harry J.' Warner D. Matthews. Henry E. Spears. .Samuel Wilson. Thomas P. Noe. Howard L. Morehouse. Paul Berghaus. Nevill Joyner. Historx. William W. Jones. William C. Robertson, Robert Benedict. Charles C. Pincknev. Charles C. Pincknev. William Whitaker,'jr. COMMENCEMENT DAT 1896 113

Geology. History and Politico ]. Morton Morris. Henry E. Spears. Alexander G. Blacklock. Harry J. Mikeil. Henry E. Spears, z'n absenit William M. Green, Jr. Caleb B. K. Weed. Warner D. Matthews. Harry Mikeil. J. Howard L. Morehouse. Samuel A. Wragg. Richard W. Hogue. Samuel C. Beckwith. Caleb B. K. Weed. William M. Green, Jr. Warner D. Matthews. Paul Berghaus. French.

William Henderson, Jr. English. Samuel A. Wragg. Richard W. Hogue. William M. Green, Jr. German. Arthur R. Young. Oscar N. Torian, Thomas P. Noe. Frederick H. Charles C. Pinckney. Harding. William C. Pickens. Latin. William Henderson, Jr. William Whitaker, Jr. William H. Hurter. William B. Benjamin. Richard Hobbs, Jr.


Geology and Mineralogy. Moral Science {M.A.) William B. Benjamin. Caleb B. K. Weed. Oscar'N. Torian. William S. Slack, B.A. Edward E. Cobbs. James W. C. Johnson. Ward Dabney. James W. Gresham.

Mathematics. Moral Science {B.A.) Oscar N. Torian. Paul Berghaus.

Roland J. Pickett. John M. Morris. Edward E. Cobbs. Alexander G. Blacklock. Ward Dabney. William M. Green, Jr. William W. Jones. Arthur R. Young. Ward Dabney. Analytical Physics. Harry Judah Mikeil. Ward Dabney. William W. Benjamin. Political Science and History. Metaphysics {B.A.) John M. Morris. William C. Robertson. Ward Dabney. 114 THE UNIVERSITT OF THE SOUTH

English (M.A.) Laiin (B.A.) William W. Jones. William C. Robertson. Nevill Joyner. Arthur R. Young. Caleb B. K. Weed. Alexander G. Blacklock.

English {B.A.) Latin {M.A.)

Harry J. Mikell. William W. Jones, Henry E. Spears. William C. Robertson, Greek {B.A.) Samuel Beckwith. French. C. Alexander G. Blacklock. Paul Berghaus. Gardiner L. Tucker. L. Morehouse. Howard Harry J. Mikell. William C. Robertson. German. Greek {M.A.) Samuel C. Beckwith. John M. Morris. William S. Slack, B.A. Alexander G. Blacklock. Caleb B. K. Weed. Gardiner L. Tucker. William W. Jones.



BACHELOR OF ARTS. William C. Robertson Texas.

Harry J. Mikell South Carolina, Henry E. Spears, in absetitia Kentucky. Samuel C. Beckwith Virginia. John M. Morris Kentucky.


Spruille Burford, iti absentia New York. William S. Slack, B.A Louisiana. William W. Jones Louisiana. Caleb B. K. Weed New Jersey. Nevill Joyner Mississippi. COMMENCEMENT DAT 1895 115

MEOAL5 KENTUCKY MEDAL FOR GREEK. Howard Lord Morehouse Wisconsin. master's medal for latin. Samuel Alston Wragg Missouri. VANHOOSE MEDAL FOR GERMAN. Gardiner Leigh Tucker Alabama. RUGGLES-WRIGHT MEDAL FOR FRENCH. Howard Lord Morehouse Wisconsin. DOUGLAS PRIZE ESSAY. Warner Douglas Matthews Florida.

Theological Department. DIPLOMAS Homiletics and Pastoral Old Testament Language Theology. and Interpretation. Tames W. Gresham. James W. Gresham. James W. C. Johnson. James W. C. Johnson, Rev. Russell K. Smith. Rev. Russell K. Smith.

Ecclesiastical Polity and New Testament Language Laiv. and Interpretation. James W. Gresham. James W. Gresham. James W. C. Johnson. James W. C. Johnson. Rev. Russell K. Smith. Rev. Russell K. Smith.

Ecclesiastical History. Systematic Divinity. James W. Gresham. James W. Gresham. James W. C. Johnson. James W. C. Johnson. Rev. Russell K. Smith. Rev. Russell K. Smith. ^ GRADUATES IN DIVINITY James Wilmer Gresham Louisiana. James Willis Cantey Johnson South Carolina. Russell Kane Smith Tennessee.

Rev. Kenneth S. Guthrie, Ph.D., ?> absentia. . .Pennsylvania. .


Medical Department


Practice, of Medicine and Genito- Urinary Diseases General Pathology. William E. DeLong, Ph.G. Aaron E. Hain. Aaron E. Hain. William C. Allen. William C. Allen. W. A. Wilfrid Turnbull. W. A. Wilfrid Turnbull. David A. Hootman. David A. Hootman. Lewis S. Mershon. Lewis S. Mershon. Alvah A. Fisher. Alvah A. Fisher. John R. Gilbert. John R. Gilbert. William J. Emmer. William J. Emmer. Charles F. Amos. Charles F. Amos. Philip E. Hepler. Philip E. Hepler. Ira C. Foster. Ira C. Foster. Terr}' Kinney. Terry Kinney. Stephen S. Carter. Stephen S. Carter. Albert A. Moore. Albert A. Moore. Marshall D. Murray. Marshall D. Murray. Charles A. Post. Charles A, Post. John L. Corbett. John L. Corbett.

Obstetrics. Gyn(Ecology. William C. Allen. W. A. Wilfrid Turnbull, William E. DeLong, Ph.G. Aaron E. Hain. Aaron E, Hain. David A. Hootman. William C. Allen. Lewis S. Mershon. W. A. Wilfrid Turnbull. Alvah A. Fisher. David A. Hootman. John R. Gilbert. Lewis S. Mershon. Ira C. Foster. Alvah A. Fisher. Terry Kinney. John R. Gilbert. William Albert A. Moore. J. Emmer. Marshall D. Murray. Charles F. Amos. Charles A. Post. Philip E. Hepler. John L. Corbett. Ira C. Foster. Terry Kinney. Stephen S. Carter. Chemistry Albert A. Moore. Terry Kinney. Marshall D. Murray. Albert A. Moore. Charles A. Post. Marshall D. Murray. John L. Corbett. . .


Diseases of the Eye, Ear, Principles and Practice Throat and Nose. of Surgery Aaron E. Hain. Aaron E. Hain. William C. Allen. William C. Allen. W. A. Wilfrid TurnbuU. W. A. Wilfrid Turnbull. David A. Hootman. David A. Hootman. Lewis S. Mershon. Lewis S. Mershon. Alvah A. Fisher. Alvah A. Fisher. John R. Gilbert, John R. Gilbert. William Emmer. J. William J. Emmer. Charles F. Amos. Charles F. Amos. Terry Kinnej. Philip E. Hepler. Ira C. Foster. Ira C. Foster. Philip E. Hepler. Terry Kinney. John L. Corbett. Stephen S. Carter. Marshall D. Murray, Albert A. Moore. Albert A. Moore. Marshall D. Murray. Charles A. Post. Charles A. Post. Physiology. Albert A. Moore. Anatomy Marshall D. Murray. Terry Kinney. Therapeutics. Albert A. Moore. Terry Kinney, Marshall D. Murray. Marshall D, Murray.


DOCTOR OF MEDICINE. John Lauderdale Corbett Missouri. Charles Augustus Post Missouri. Marshall Dantzler Murray South Carolina. Albert Adair Moore South Carolina. Terry Kinney Mississippi. Charles Fay Amos West Virginia. John Ross Gilbert New Jersey. J Alvah Arlington Fisher Pennsylvania. Lewis Smith Mershon Pennsylvania. David^ Albert Hootman Pennsylvania. William Cline Allen Pennsylvania. Aaron Erastus Hain Pennsylvania. Christoph Adam Henry Arnecke, in absentia. Texas. II 8 THE UNIVERSITT OF THE SOUTH

Law Department

DEGREES BACHELOR OF LAWS, Rev. Robert Henry Cole, B.D., in absentia. . . .Canada. Arthur Crownover Tennessee. Paul Mason Daniel Dowdall ..!..., Illinois.

DEGREES CONFERRED HONORIS CAUSA DOCTOR OF DIVINITY. Rev. George Patterson, D.D., {ad eundem), in ^ absentia Tennessee. ^ Rev. E. C. Benson, M.A., in absentia Ohio. Rev. Thos. J. Beard, /;/ absentia Alabama. * Rev. John S. Lindsa3^ D.D. {ad eundem) Massachusetts. DOCTOR OF CIVIL LAW. Hon. Charles 1^, H. Simonton, m absentia South Carolina.

Commencement Medical Department, Dec. 5, 1895


Arthur J. Bird : Diseases of the Eye, Ear and Throat; Surgery, Medical Practice, Obstetrics. Charles Brunning: Eye, Ear and Throat, Materia Medica, Physiology, Surgery, Medical Practice, Anatomy, Obstetrics. Joseph S. Daniel: Chemistry, Eye, Ear and Throat, Surgerv, Materia Medica, Physiology, Practice, Anatomy, Obstetrics' William E. DeLong : Ej^e, Ear and Throat, Obstetrics.

Emeric de Nux : Eye, Ear and Throat, Surgery, Physiology, Practice, Obstetrics. Arlington W. Diven : Eye, Ear and Throat, Surgery, Practice, Obstetrics.

William M. Gallaher : Chemistry, Eye, Ear and Throat, Sur- gery, Materia Medica, Physiology, Practice, Anatomy, Ob- stetrics. 9

1 C OMMEN C EMEN T DA T 1896 1

Washington A. Harper : Chemistry, Eye, Ear and Throat, Materia Medica, Surgery, Physiology, Practice, Anatomy, Obstetrics. Philip E. Hepler: Obstetrics, Materia Medica.

Reynold M. Kirby-Smith : Eye, Ear and Throat, Surgery, Practice, Anatomy, Obstetrics. Thomas H. Knight: Chemistry, Eye, Ear and Throat, Materia Medica, Surgery, Physiology, Practice, Anatomy, Obstetrics.

James F. Taylor : Chemisti-y, Eye, Ear and Throat, Surgery, Materia Medica, Physiology, Practice, Anatomy, Obstetrics.

V. LaGrange Terrell : Eye, Ear and Throat, Materia Medica, Surgery, Physiology. Practice, Obstetrics.

Ambrose G. Worley : Physiology. Marion A. Young: Chemistry, Eje, Ear and Throat, Materia Medica. Physiology, Surgery, Practice, Anatomy, Obstetrics.

DEGREES DOCTOR OF MEDICINE. Bird, Arthur Judson Pennsylvania. Brunning, Charles Louisiana.

Daniel, Joseph S . ., Texas. De Long, William Edward, in absentia Pennsylvania. de Nux, Emeric, B.A Louisiana. Diven, Arlington Walton Pennsylvania. Foster, Ira Curtin, in absentia Pennsylvania. Gallaher, William Mack ' Tennessee. Harper, Washington Allen Texas. Hepler, Philip Edward Pennsylvania. Kirby-Smith, Reynold Marvin Tennessee. Knight, Thomas Howard Florida. Taylor, James Franklin Mississippi. Turnbull, William Arthur Wilfrid, in absentia .England. Young, Marion Albert Louisiana. i Degrees Conferred

Register of all Degrees Conferred from the Organization of the University to Commencement Day, 1895.

N. B.— Those marked with an asterisk (*) are deceased.

M.A. M.A. Continued. 1878 DeRosset. F. A. *Rowell, E. H. 1891 Roberts, E. E. G. Gadsden, P. T. Sessums, Davis. Shields, W. B. 1892 Steele, W. D. Tucker, Louis 1879 McBee, Vardry. Coyle, F. L. 1893 1881 Davis, T. F. Nelson, E. B. Moreland, W. H. Chapin, J. A. 1894 1882 Nauts, W. B. Elliott, R. W. B. Percy, W. A. Hamilton, D. H., Jr. Puckette, C. McD. fohnston, E. D. Wiggins, B. L. Slack, W. S. 189c 1883 Percy, J. W. Jones, W. W. 1884 Elliott, E. S. Weed, C. B. K. Guerry, W. A. Burford, Spruille. i88s *Bellinger, G. R. Joyner, Nevill Hall, W. B., Jr. 1887 Finley, W. P. M.D. Porcher, O. T. Hutton, W. H. H., Jr. 1892 1888 Jones, J. B. Burts, H. F. 189 1 Barnwell, Walter Taylor, U. S. 1893 Ball, Isaac Jr. Arwine, J. T. 1894 *Boucher, Augustus Carmichael, H. O. DuBose, W. H. Clark, M. R. Elliott, B., J. Jr. Fontaine, CVi. Guthrie, W. N. Graham, B. E. Guthrie, K. S. Greer, D. A. lones, H. W. Kruse. F. W. McKellar, W. H. Ludden, W. Morris, J. J. C. Mullen, Erness [1201 DEGREES CONFERRED 121

^ M.D. Continued. B.Lt. 1894 Rau, G. R. Steele, E.G. 1874 Shaw. W. N. Jones, Paul Shartle, John VanHoose. J. A. 1875 Snyder, Clarence Moreland, W. H. 1881 Stevenson, A. M. Nauts, W. B. 1882 Stubbs, A. R. in abs'tia Percy, W. A. Wilcox, Wallace Crockett, G. L. 1886 Spratt, W. 1888 1895 Allen, W. C. J. Guthrie, N. Amos, C. F. \ absentia W. 1889 Arnecke, C. A. H, in *Boucher, Augustus 1890 Morris, C. Corbett, J. L. J. Fisher, A. A. Barnwell, Walter 1891 Elliott, B., Jr. Gilbert, J. R. J. Hain, A. E. Gadsden, P. T. Hootman, D. A. Shields, W. B. Kinnej, Terrj Mershon, L. S. B.S. Moore, A. A. *Higgins, H. D. 1876 Murray, M. D. Jones, Paul Post, C. A. Rutledge, J. M. Stout, J. J. [gratia. Orgain, F. A., speciali B.A. Ow^ens. B. L. 1877 1874 Bringhurst, T. Worthington, T.

*Gray, J. R. Babco*ck,"G. C. 1878 Myles, B. B. *Bennett, W. N. 1875 Gorgas, W. C. DuBose, T. M. Seabrook, I. D. Jones, W. K.

1876 Harrison, W. C. Maylield, ]. B. spec'Jl Davis, J. gratia Palfrey, G. D.

Smith, A. S. Shaffer. J. D. 1878 Pierce, A. W. Vaughan, Fielding 1885 Barnwell, R. W. *Mayhew, C. H. 1879 1887 Dashiell, A. H. Percy, LeRoy 1888 Spratt, j. W. Bratton, W. D. 1880 1890 Lovell, J.M. *Convers, W. C. 1893 Cleveland, A. S. DuBose, McN. J Cleveland, W. D., Jr. --^Smith, L. W. Wilson, Elwood Cornish, J. J. 1881 1895 Beckwith, S. C. Moreland, W. H. Mikell, H. ]. Marks, W. M. 1882

Morris, J. M. Percv, W. A. 1895 Robertson, W. C. Quintard, E. A.

Spears, H.E./;; absentia Garwood, H. M. 1 88-, . .


B.S. Continued L E.B. Con t in ued 1884 Hughes, E. W. Crownover, A. 189^

Preston, J. C. Dowdall, P. M. D. 188.5 Hall, VV. R., Jr. Micou, B. B.D. Elmore, B. T. Klein, Rev. Wm. 1881 Rev. Cobbs, R. H., Jr. DuBose, McN. 1885 1886 Brownrigg, R. T. Bratton, Rev. T. D. 1890 Guerry, Rev. W. A. 1891 Noblf , S. E. 1887 Green, P. F. Cole, Rev. R. H. Manning, Gibson, Robert Jr. Rev. W. T. 1894 1888 Lamb, H. J. C.E. 1889 Coyle. C. G. Hanna, 1873 1890 Bla'nc, H. W., M.D. J. J. Hammond', C. P. 1876 "-Smith, H. T. *Higgins, H. D. Higgins, C. C. Smedes, C. E. 1877 1891 Bostwick, W. M,, Jr. LaPice, Eugene 1878 1893 Hej^ward, Nathaniel Palfrey, G. D. Brown, W. G. 1894 Vaughn, Fielding Dunbar, H. S. Elliott. A. B. 1883 Fishburne, F. C. Jervey, H. Howard, E. F. Hall. W. B., Jr. 1885 1895 Dabney, Ward Elmore, B. T. LL.B. Coyle, C. G. 1889 [894 Green, A. E. Bohn, H. R. Hodgson, G. W, Mattair, L. H. 1890 Huse, R. S. Henderson, Hunt 1892

Garlington, J. Y. Heyward, Nathaniel 1893 * Lipscomb, W. H. Wilder, J. B. 1895 Cole, Rev. R. H.,B.D. Brown. W. G. 1894 in absentia. Dunbar, H. S.


D.CL. D.C.T. Continued.

1869 Rev. F. W. Tremlett. *A. J. Beresford Hope. 1874 1873 Rt. Rev.W. F. Adams. Rev. R. T. West.

*Rt. Rev. R. W. B. Rev. J. A. Atkinson. Elliott. Rev. A. Wood. Rev. F. K. Leighton. Rt. Rev.W. K. Macrorie.

J. A. Shaw Stewart. Rev. A. T. Wirgman. 1877 Edgar Shepherd. Rt.Rev.W.E.McLaren. 1884 DEGREES CONFERRED 123

D.C.L. Coniinued. D.D. Continued. Rev. F. Young 1878 1884 Rev. S. Eales. *Rt. J. J. Beck- B. L. Gildersleeve. *Rt. Rev. J. W. 1885 Rev. Morgan Dix. with. Rev. W. W. English. Rt. Rev. H.N. Pierce. 1886 *R. S. Poole. *Rt. Rev. T. B. Lyman. 1888 Rev. A. Hewitt. Rt.Rev. A. C.Garrett. J. 1880 Maj. C. R. Conder. Rev. J. A. Jaegar. .N.Galleher. 1889 S. H. Hammond. *Rt.Rev.J Rev. H. Douglas. Rev. E. D. Cooper. 1882 C. D. Warner. Rt. Rev. T. U. Dudley. 1883 1890 Rev. W.R.Huntington. Rt.Rev. H.M.Thompson. Rev. E. N. Potter. *Rt.Rev.C. F. Robert- son. 1891 ]. H. Lewis. A. Hessey. ^ 1884 1892 Hon. L. E. Bleckley. Rev. J. H. R. Garden. Rt. Rev. A. A. Watson. Douglas. 1893 Rt. Rev. W. S. Perry. Rt. Rev. A. Alexander Brown. *Rev. David Pise. 188:; D.S.Tuttle. 1887 1894 George Zabriskie. Rt. Rev. Rt.Rev. S.Johnston. 1888 1895 Hon. C. H. Simonton. J. Rev. C. A. Row. LL.D. Rev. S. Clark. 1880 *Rev. E. Fontaine. Rev. F. J. Murdock. 1890 1886 Hon. E. Nichols. Rt. Rev. H. M. Jackson. 1891 Hon. C. E. Fenner. Rt. Rev. D. Sessums. Rev. Johnson. 1890 Dr. W. M. Polk. J. 1891 Rev. E. A. Hoffman. Rev. C. C. Williams. Rev. G. S. Mallory. Rt. Rev. C. K. Nelson. 1892 Hon. H. Watterson. Rev, Wm. Klein. Prof. T. R. Price. Rt.Rev.G. H. Kinsolv- Prof. C.P. Wilcox. ing. 1893 Rt. Rev. E. Capers. D.D. Rt. Rev. T. F. Gailor. 1871 *Rt. Rev. W. B. W. Rt. Rev. W. C. Gray. Winchester. Howe. Rev. J. R. 1876 Rev. E. Cutts. Rev. P. A. Fitts. McCullough. 1878 *Rev Telfair Hodgson. Rev. J. D. Rev. F. A. Shoup. *Rev. S. M. Bird. \ *Rt.Rev.W\ M. Green. Rev. R. B. Drane. *Rt. Rev. T. x\tkinson. Rev. W. D. Powers. *Rt. Rev. A. Gregg. Rev. Gilbert Higgs. Hutcheson. Rt.Rev. R.H. Wilmer. Rev. J. T. Rt.Rev.C.T.Quintard. Rev. R. S. Barrett. Shields. 1878 *Rt. Rev. ]. P. B. Wil- Rev. V. W. mer. Rev.W.T. D. Dalzell. 124 THE UNI VERS I TV OF THE SOUTH

D.D. Continued. I Mus.D.

Rev. Nowell Logan. ! 1893 Rev. J. N. Steele. 1887 Rev. G. T. Magill. Rev. Vardry McBee. Rev. W. R. Wetmore. Rev. J. H. Woodco*ck.

Rt.Rev. ; 1894 J.B.Cheshire. J. H. LeAvis. 1895 Rev. G. Patterson. Rev. E. C. Benson. '• Ph.D. Rev. T. Beard. J. J. B. Elliott, M.D. Rev. S. Lindsay. J. | Caskie Harrison.


1873 *Rt. Rev. Jos. P. B. Wilmer, D.D Louisiana

1874 ^^Rev. J. Craik, D.D Kentucky 1875 *Rev. J. H. Hopkins, D.D Pennsylvania 1876 *Rt. Rev. S. S. Harris, D.D Michigan Rt. Rev. T. U. Dudley, 1877 D.D., LL.D., D.C.L. . Kentucky 1878 *Rev. Telfair Hodgson, D.D.. LL.D New JerseV 1879 Rev. P. A. Fitts Tennessee 1880 *Rt. Rev. John W. Beckwith, D.D Georgia 1881 *Rev. A. L. Drysdale Louisiana 1882 *Rev. J. H. Stringfellow, D.D Alabama 1883 Rt. Rev. Miller Hugh Thompson, D.D. . Mississippi 1884 Rt. Rev. W. E. McLaren, "D.X^i., D.C.L Chicago 1885 Rev. Morgan Dix, D.D.. D.C.L. New York 1886 Rev. Thos. F. Gailor, M.A., S.T.D Tennessee 1887 Rt. Rev. D. S. Tuttle, D.D Missouri 1888 *Rev. George Zabriskie Gray, D.D Massachusetts 1889 Rt. Rev. James S. Johnston, D.D Western Texas 1890 Rev. W. R. Huntington, D.D., D.C.L New York 1891 Rev. Eugene A. Hoffman, D.D., LL.D New York 1892 Rt. Rev. Cleland Kinloch Nelson. D.D. Georgia 1893 Rt. Rev. William S. Perry, D.D., LL.D., D.C.L Iowa 1894 Rt- Rev. George H. Kinsolving, D.D Texas 1895 Rev. John S. Lindsay, D.D Massachusetts


1874 Rt. Rev. T. B. Lyman. D.D North Carolina

1875 Gen. J, L. Clingman Mississippi 1876 Rt. Rev. Alex. C. Garrett, D.D., LL.D N. Texas 1877 Prof. Leroy Broun Tennessee 1878 *Hon. Ch. Richardson Miles South Carolina 1879 Hon. Joseph Hodgson Alabama DEGREES CONFERRED 125

1880 *Hon. E. McCradv South Carolina

1881 Rev. J. L. Tucker,"' D.D Alabama 1882 Hon. W. Porcher Miles South Carolina

1883 *Judge J. L. T. Sneed Tennessee 1884 Hon. Johnson Barbour Virginia

1885 Rt, Rev. T. U. Dudley, D.D., LL.D., D.C.L . . Kentucky 1886 Hon. Proctor Knott Kentucky 1887 Hon. John T. Morgan Alabama 1888 Hon. Chas. E. Fenner, LL.D Louisiana 1889 Hon. Benton McMillin, M.C Tennessee 1890 Gen. John B. Gordon (orator-elect) Georgia 1891 Hon. Henry Watterson, LL.D Kentucky 1892 Chief. Justice Logan E. Bleckley, D.C.L Georgia 1893 W. M." Polk, M.D., LL.D New York 1894 Geo. Zabriskie, Esq., D.C.L New York

1895 ^ • ^- duBignon Georgia

/ .

Sewanee Grammar School

This brief account of the Sewanee Grammar School and its work is appended here for the convenience of parents. The full catalog-ue of the school vjill he sent postpaid on application to the Head Master.

OFFICERS B. LAWTON WIGGINS, M.A., Vice- Chancellor The Universitv of the South.

Head Master, CHARLES W BAIN, Greek and Latin.

ROBERT M. DuBOSE, Treasurer.

WILLIAM B. HALL, M.A., M.D., Health Officer.

Wm. H. McKELLAR, M.A., History and Prejich.

W. A. PETERSON, (V.M.I.) Mathematics and Sciejice.

S. GARY BECKWITH, BA.., German and Ens;lish.

R. L. COLMORE. Gomni issai-y [126]' SE IVA NEB GRAMMAR SCHOOL 127

BOARDING ARRANQEHENTS The pupils of this school occupy rooms in the same building with the Head Master and his family. The

house is well adapted for the purpose, and is heated with steam. All the rooms are bright and cheerful, and are arranged for one or two occupants. Each room is provided with one or two single beds, with mattresses and pillows, bureau, washtand, chairs, and the necessary china. Pupils are at liberty to add what further furniture they desire. Special arrangements are made in a separate part of the house for young pupils.

ADMISSION Pupils are admitted at any time during the school

year ; but no pupil is received for a shorter period than the remainder of the current year. For admission to the First Formx, applicants must be able to read and write, and must pass examinations

in arithmetic, as far as common fractions ; in English Grammar, the parts of speech, and the analysis of

simple sentences ; and, in general, must satisfy the Head Master that they are qualified to do the work required. Those wishing to enter a higher form must pass examinations in all the studies already taken by that form. / Tuesday and Wednesday preceding the opening of each term (in 1896, March 17 and 18, and August 11 and 12), are appointed for the examination of new pupils, and of such as may have failed to pass the regular term examinations. 128 THE UNIVERSITT OF THE SOUTH

Pupils entering the school after the beginning of the Trinity Term must be qualified to take up the work of the classes already formed, as no new classes will be formed after that time. Parents and guardians are expected to inform the Head Master upon entering pupils what course of study their sons or wards are to pursue.


The school year is divided into two terms of twenty weeks each. The Trinity Term begins the second Thursday in August and ends a few days before Christmas. The Lent Term begins the third Thurs- day in March and ends the fourth Thursday in July. The long vacation of twelve weeks begins a few days before Christmas and ends the third Wednesday in March. QOVERNMENT AND DlSCiPLlNE Prompt and willing obedience to all orders, proper respect to all in authority over them, and punctual performance of all duties are required of all. While every effort is made to correct bad habits, and to build up the character of the pupils, the school is by no means a reformatory. No boy of confirmed bad habits will be received into the school, or if re- ceived, will be permitted to remain. The pupils are uniformed and organized for the performance of military duty. The Springfield cadet musket, with complete military outfit, is furnished by the vState for the use of pupils of the school. SEWANEE GRAMMAR SCHOOL 129

For instruction in Tactics and Military Discipline the pupils are organized into two companies, which are commanded by cadet officers, under the super- vision of the Commandant. The officers are selected from those pupils who have been most studious and most soldierly in the performonce of their duties.


A proper amount of physical exercise is enforced by military drill and regular work in the gymnasium, which is well equipped and under the direction of a competent instructor. Pupils are examined by the Health Officer, who then assigns them such work in the gymnasium as he may think beneficial.

Every encouragement is given to general ath- letics : Field sports, baseball, football, and tennis. These sports are under the direction of a well organ- ized athletic association,


The health of the pupils is under the care of the Health Officer, a physician specially appointed for the purpose, who is a member of the Medical Faculty of the University. All cases of sickness are immediately reported to him, thus enabling him at once to dis- cover any symptoms of a serious nature and to begin his treatment promptly.

No extra charge is made for medical attendance. 130 THE UNIVERSITT OF THE SOUTH

DIVINE SERVICE The members of the Grammar School are required to attend a short service in the University chapel every morning during the week, and Morning and Evening Prayer on Sunday.


The Literary Society, 2. 11., whose regular exer- cises consist of debates, declamations, and the reading of essays, holds its meetings every Saturday evening.

The Society's Reading Room is comfortably fur- nished, and is always open to members during their leisure hours. It is regularly supplied with periodicals interesting to young people, and contains a collection of such works as are calculated to attract boys, as well as to cultivate in them a taste for good literature. There are also a few standard works on history and kindred subjects for those whose previous reading or school work may attract them in that direction. At the Annual Commencement in August, three medals are given to members of the Society : for the best debate, the best essay, and the best declamation.

SCHOOL HONORS Medals or suitable books are annually awarded for excellence in the following subjects : History — Founded by the Right Reverend the Bishop of East Carolina. E^iglish — Founded by the Grammar School.

Latin — Founded by the Reverend J. A. Van Hoose. SEWA NEE GRAMMAR SCHOOL 131

Mathematics — Founded bv the Reverend R. E. Grubb.


The Courses of vStudy are four : The Classical Course prepares for the regular B.A course of the principal colleges and universities. The Latin Scientijic Course prepares for college and university work leading to the degree of B.S, The Scientijic Course is intended for those who expect to adopt one of the engineering professions, and includes all the subjects required for admission to the principal technical schools. The English Course includes most of the subjects necessary for a good general education, and some special subjects adapted to the wants of those who ex- pect to go directly from school to business.

Pupils whose time is not sufficiently occupied by the regular studies of their course, may elect studies from one of the other courses.


The charges per school year are payable in advance at the beginning of each term. The charges for the

year are : Tuition, with board, washing, mending, lights, fuel, instruction in gymnastics and use of gymnasium, med-

ical attendance, delivery of mail, and use of arms, is


For pupils holding scholarships the charge is Jf$2io. 132 THE UNIVERSITY OF THE SOUTH

When two pupils are entered from the same family the charge is $277. The matriculation fee, paid once by every pupil on entering the school, is $15. Cost of uniform and cap, $19.00, No deduction will be made when a boy is dismissed for bad conduct, or withdrawn from the school — ex- cept for protracted illness — or leaves without the per- mission of the Head Master.

It is customary to make with the Treasurer a con- tingent deposit of $20 per term to cover the cost of books, stationary, mending of shoes, etc. This deposit is solely for the pupil's convenience, and the balance, if any, will be returned at the end of the term. All remittances must be made to the Treasurer. Pupils should be provided with one pair of blank- ets, four sheets (for single bed), two pillow cases, six table napkins, six towels, and one rubber coat. All clothing and other articles should be plainly marked with the owner's name. Property of the school injured by a pupil is re- paired at his expense. Pupils should report to the Head Master imme- diately upon arrival in Sewanee. Permission to visit, during the school session, par- ents or guardians not living at Sewanee, will be given only on the written request of the parent or guardian, addressed directly to the Head Master. SEWANEE GRAMMAR SCHOOL 1 33


(Advanced to the University)

Allen, John Brooks Springfield, 111. Averill, Frederic Sprague Beaufort, S. C. Branch, Austin Thomas Augusta, Ga. Dunn, John Guion Newbern, N. C. Epperson, Benjamin Holland Jefferson, Texas. Galleher, Clarkson Sewanee, Tenn. Gillett, William Lowery Evansville, Ind. Guerin, George Herbert Covington, Ky. Howard, Benjamin Rollins Selma, Ala. Johnson, Bertram Page Sewanee, Tenn. Joyner, Edmund Noah, Jr Columbia, S. C. Kimbrough, Frank Richmond Clarksville, Tenn. Landauer, Horace Haas Winsboro, La. McClain, James Henry Henderson, Ky. Memminger, Henr}^ Edmund Charleston, S. C. Shepherd, David Alexander Sewanee, Tenn. Wainwright, Eve Ross Bowman's Bluff, N. C. Woolridge, Penn Jr Austin, Texas. PUPILS Adams, Frank Clement Mason, Tenn. Allen, Sidney James Hot Springs, Ark. Arnold, Richard McGowan Greenwood, S. C. Atcheson, Nathaniel Bernard San Antonio, Texas. Bacon, Milton DeWitt, Ga. Barlow, Harry Hope, Ark. Barnwell, Bower Williamson, Jr Sewanee, Tenn. Barnwell, James O'Neill Fernandina, Fla. Bird, Stephen Moylan Galveston, Texas. Brooks, Louis Porcher Sewanee, Tenn. Brooks, Robert Means Sewanee, Tenn.

Brooks, Preston Smith . . Sewanee, Tenn. Bull, Henry Tilghman Pensacola, Fla. Cade, Robert New Iberia, La. Caldwell, John Word Sanford, Fla. 134 THE UNTVBRSirr OF THE SOUTH

Garrison, Daniel Jordan Camden, S. C. Carroll, Alexander Giltenan Augusta. Ga. Chafee, Henry Campbell Augusta, Ga. Clarke, Arthur Middleton Sewanee, Tenn.

Coffin, Charles Howells Chicago, 111. Collins, Amos Walter Sewanee, Tenn, Collins, William Henrj Sewanee, Tenn. Colmore, Rupert McPherson Sewanee, Tenn. Crandell, Howard Farrar New Orleans, La. Crownover, Hugh L Sewanee, Tenn. Dozier, Edwin Jordan Cedar Keys, Fla. DuBose, Marion Porcher Sewanee, Tenn. Easter, Henry Frederic Sewanee, Tenn. Egleston, George Pendleton Sewanee, Tenn. Elam, Joseph Gaston Mansfield, La. Estes, Alfred Nicholson Sewanee, Tenn. Estes, Marion Ervvin Sewanee, Tenn. Ford, John Gordon McWilliams Shreveport, La. Garner, Quintard Sewanee, Tenn. Garner, Samuel Taylor SeAvanee, Tenn, Gwynne, James Andrew Collierville, Tenn. Hamilton, Joseph Gregoire deRoulhac. Hillsboro, N. C. Hawkins, Ira Sewanee, Tenn.

Hogan, Daniel, Jr Mound City, 111. Jeffries, James Gould Augusta, Ga. Johnson, Victor Campbell Jacksonville, Fla. Johnston, Charles Devans Tuscaloosa, Ala.

Jordan, Francis Victor. . . Rayville, La. Kilpatrick, Ringland Fisher Bridgeport, Ala. Kirby-Smith, Joseph Lee Sewanee, Tenn. Kramer, Joseph Ferdinand Franklin, La. Labuzan, Pembroke Rowland Mobile, Ala. Lee, Robert Edward Sewanee, Tenn. Lewis, William Bolton Waco, Texas. McClain, George Henderson, Ky. McGowan, Clarence Christoj^her Enoree, S. C. SEWA NEE GRAMMAR SCHOOL 135

McGowan, Oscar Bland Enoree, S. C. Murray, Cornelius MacPherson Jackson, Tenn. Nesbit, Ralph, Jr Waverly Mills, S. C. NiQholson, Leonard Kimball New Orleans, La. Parrott, Robert Blanch Waco, Texas. Patton, Richard Trevanion, Jr Sanford, Fla. Pearson, James Lawson Alto, Tenn. Riley, Silas Ray Sewanee, Tenn. Selden, James Montgomery Sewanee, Tenn. Smith, Archibald Rubin Covington, La. Smith, Horace Hardy, Jr Covington, La. Sneed, Samuel Robinson Middlesboro, Ky, Stegall, John West St. Louis, Mo. Tanner, Brent Mcllvaine Sewanee, Tenn. Toomer, Henry Buckingham Westlake, La. Trezevant, Hugh Pollard Oak Ridge, La. Van Ness, Lawrence Pike Graham Sewanee, Tenn. Watson, Matthew Watson, Texas. Wells, Frederic Lyman Sewanee, Tenn. Williams, Thomas Chapman Uniontown, Ky. Young, Joseph Woodward Rutledge. . . Charleston, S. C.

MILITARY ORGANIZATION Conima7idavt, COLONEL W. A. PETERSON (V.M.L) Co. A. Captains, Co.B. M. Watson. j. q. R. Hamilton. First Eie7ite?ja7!ts,

J. F. Kramer, M. Bacon. Second Lientcyiaiits,

D. J. Carrison. j. G. Ford. Eirst Ser^ea7its, R. F. Kilpatrick, O. B. McGowan. Serq-pants, ' V. C. Johnson. L. P. G. Van Ness. A. N. Estes. G. p. Egleston. Corporals, R. Nesbit. C. M. Murray. J. L. Kirby-Smith. M. p. DuBose. Recapitulation

OFFICERS TRUSTEES. Bishops 17 Priests 16 Laymen 32 — 65 TEACHERS. Professors 18 Associate Professors 2 Lecturers 2 Instructors and Demonstrators 3 — 25 Treasurer, Proctor, Librarian, 8 other officers. . — 8 STUDENTS BY GRADE.

Post Graduates i Theological 24 Medical 4^ Law 16 Gownsmen 46 Juniors 90 Special 3 Grammar School 73 — 294 BY RESIDENCE. Tennessee 71 New Jersey 3 Louisiana 33 New York 3 Texas 29 Arkansas 2 South Carolina 26 Maryland 2 Georgia 22 Ohio 2 Alabama 18 England 2 Florida 17 West Virginia Kentucky 15 Virginia Pennsylvania 14 Wisconsin North Carolina 7 Delaware Illinois 7 District of Columbia Missouri 6 Canada Indiana 5 Mississippi 4 Total 294 [136]

V .


PAGE The Calendar, 1896 ^

Board of Trustees : Bishops r Clerical and Lay 6

Alumni <- Standing- Committees g Officers of Instruction and Government 9 Hebdomadal Board 12

Register of : Students Theological 13

Medical j

Law - J Post Graduates j5 Academic j^ Special 20

The University : History and Description 21 Loction 22

Domain and Buildings j/l Requirements for Admission 26 Cost of Education 3^ Scholarships and Other Aid 28 Life and Studies 29 The Gownsmen -^ Diplomas and Other Honors 31 i^egrees ^i Lectures ... ^. ., ^+ ^'^""^'yr 35 Moral Influences ,3 Social Influences ^q Physical Culture ^o Schedule of Studies 42 138 THE UNIVBRSTTT OF THE SOUTH

Department op Arts and Sciences : Faculty and Instructors 43 Announcements 45 Course in Finance and Economy 66

Theological Department : Faculty and Instructors. 70 Register of Students 71 Announcements 72 Scheme of Lectures 75 Course of Studies 75 List of Graduates 82 Law Department: Announcements 88 Course of Studies 92 Scheme of Lectures 94

Medical Department : Faculty and Instructors 95 Announcements 97 Course of Studies 102 Requisites for Graduation 108 Register of Students 109

Commencement Day, 1895 112 Degrees Conferred 1869-1895 120 Preachers of Baccalaureate Sermons 124 Orators 124 Sewanee Grammar School: Officers 126 Announcements 127 Register of Students 133 Recapitulation 136 IMPORTANT BOOKS.

A Victorian Anthology. Selections illustrating the editor's critical review of British poetry in the reign of Victoria ("Victorian Poets"). Selected and edited by Edmund Clarence Stedman. With brief biographies of the authors quoted, a fine frontispiece portrait of Queen Victoria, and a vignette of the Poets' Corner in Westminster Abbey. Large crown 8vo, bound in attractive library style, $2.50; full gilt, $3; half calf, $4.50; full levant, $6. . . ^ ^ ,r "No less noticeable than the fine critical taste displayed by Mr. Stedman in making his selections is the conscientiousness which has gone into every detail of his work. It would be difficult to imagine a better made anthology, or one more likely to take a permanent place among standard works of reference,"—The Dial, Chicago. Important and Delightful Books of American History, by John Fiske.

The Discovery of America. With some account of Ancient America and the Spanish Con- quest, with a steel portrait of Mr. Fiske, many maps, fac similes, etc. Thirteenth thousand, 2 vols, crown 8vo, $4. The American Revolution. With Plans of Battles, and a new steel portrait of Washington- Eighth edition. 2 vols., crown 8vo, gilt top, $2.

The Critical Period of American History, 1783=1789. With a colored map. Eleventh edition. Crown Svo, gilt top, f2.

The War of Independence. In Riverside Library for Young People. Maps. Eighth edition. 75 cents.

The Beginnings of New England. Eleventh edition. Crown Svo, gilt top, S2.

History of the United States for Schools. Very fully illustrated with maps, portraits, etc. 12mo, U net. The fullness of its information and the charm of its style make it peculiarly interesting for general readers.

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So/d by all Booksellers. Sent, postpaid, by Houghton, Mifflin & Co., BOSTON, MASS. AND OTHER BOOKS TMINGS needed by Church, Chapel or Sunday School can be had promp'ly and at the lowest prices by ordering from THOMAS WHITTAKER. 2 and 3 Bible House. New York Descriptive catalogues free by mail. Prayer Books, Revised, in good type, cloth bound, 15 cts. Hymnals to match, 20 etc. (sample copies by mail for 2o cts. and 25 cts, respectively). Information about all kinds of books cheerfully furnished. His immense stock includes everything from a tract to a Cyclopaedia. Samples of Lesson Quarte lies free.

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Publishers of Church Books.

A full line of Theological Books, both English and Ameri- can, in stock. Mail orders solicited. Catalogue furnished to all applicants. —

pAIRnOUNT, A Church School for Girls on the Cumberland Plateau, near Sewanee. Lent Term Opens March 36. Trinity Term August 1. 1896. The advantages of Fairmount are similar to those offered bv

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Cash Capital, $1,000,000. Surplus, $60,000. Board of Directors—W. W. Berry, John NN'oodard, V. L. Kirk- man, John M. Lea, R. W. Turner. W. U. Bush, Byrd Douglas, A, W. Harris, A. H. Robinson. R. L. Weakley, Horatio Berry. Officers—W. W. Berry, President; John M. Lea, Vice-Presi- dent; A. W. Harris. Cashier; Wm. N. Tippens and Wm. P. Tanner, Assistant Cashiers.

Q. R. & R. C. De5AUSSURE, 24 S. Broad Street, Atlanta, Ga.

Three to five year mortgages on Atlanta, Ga., real estate, paying from 5% to 7% interest per annum, payable semi-an- nually. Principal and interest payable in gold coin of United States. Abstracts of title by responsible attorneys. Insurance carefully placed. Write for any information wished. References at Sewanee: Rev."^W. P. DuBose, B. L. Wiggins, V.-C. References at Atlanta: Rt. Rev. C. K. Nelson, Atlanta National Bank. —

The Cambridge Editions of the

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Are all printed from entirely new plates, on pure white paper, light in weight and opaque, with and without red rubrics. The largest variety of bind- ings yet offered in Prayer Books. The Cambridge editions are bound at Mason House, by B. Collins and Sons. For care in finish and beauty and strength of binding, these books are recognized as the best that have ever been published.

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Essays on American History. By Rev. Henry Ferguson, Trinity College, Hartford. i2mo, cloth, 200 pp., $1.25. Ready. FOR SALE BY f! JAMES POTT & CO., Publishers,


vi —


Edited by Wm. P. Trent. SubscHptlon, $3.00 a Year.

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College of Arts and Sciences Catalog and Announcements, 1893-1898 (2024)
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