Chronicle Tribune from Marion, Indiana (2024)

.47 2. 14. CHRONICLE, MARION, INDIANA, THE GOSSIP. Miss Daisy Hummel returned yesterday from Huntington. Mr.

and Mrs. J. Harter, of Ansonia, who were called here to attend the funeral of Mrs. James Coulter, have returned home. Mrs.

0. H. Keller has returned from a visit with with relatives at Columbia City. Mrs. Iowa Pilling will go to Nash-1 ville, Monday to remain sereral months.

Mrs. Will Cammack is visiting her mother at Fairmount. William Sprowl has taken employ. ment with Charles Levy, the butcher. Charles Davies is matched to wrestle the Kokomo cyclone at Kokomo, April 10th, for $25 a side.

At the' meeting 'of the Elks next Thursday night, officers will be elected for the ensuing year. Oscar Halderman was laid up yesterday as a result of a day's hunting for ducks. Miss Blanche Bochman returned yesterday to her home at Wabash after visiting with the family of Charles Levy several days. The ladies of Grace M. E.

church will give a supper tonight at the building formerly occupied by Pratt Simpson. Robbers entered the kitchen of C. Harwood Thursday night and stole some eatables. A class concert was given yesterday afternoon by the pupils of the business college. Clarence Fields, the street car conductor, was able to go to work again today after a long lay off occasioned by illness.

Harry Willmore will go to Elkhart Monday on business. W. W. Smith, the temperance evangelist, will begin a meeting March 22nd at 7:30 p.m., at the Highland avenue church in North Marion. W.

B. Westlake is quoted as saying that the chances of the Democratic party for carrying one or two wards in the city, are good. 1 H. F. Clunk and wife returned yesterday from Illinois where they have been visiting friends for two weeks.

Dr. Davidson of South Park church, Chicago, has written to the trustees of Gethsemane church to state that he will make a final answer to their call next week. C. W. Studebaker of South Bend came in last night for a short visit in his old home.

Miles Barrows went to Chicago at noon today to remain over Sunday. Miss Annette Reynolds is sick and unable to leave the house. F. K. Cole returned y'esterday from Warren, where he was called by the death of his brother-in-law.

George Cole of the music store went to Richmond yesterday on business. Miss Sweet and Miss Susannah Harrison will spend several days visiting as Toledo with relatives. Miss Ada Stout will give a birthday party at her home on South Branson street next Monday. The sale off seats for Denman Thompson's "Old Homestead" opened this morning at the Allen cycle exchange. The attraction will play the Allen Monday night.

The district convention of the Christian Endeavorers of the serenth district will be held at North Manchester April 2nd to 4th. Oscar Fisler of Millville, N. is visiting his cousin, Phil. Filer of North Branson street. Mrs.

Norah Murphy is very sick. The Marion Knights of Pythias have been invited to assist the Bluffton Knights in the entertaining of the district meeting of the order at that place next week. A special rate of ninety cents for the round trip has been secured for next Wednesday, and Marion will send 8 good delegation. County Commissioner Joseph Lugar is very ill at his home in Van Buren township. Will Maclenry, the teacher of vocal music, came in today to moot his private pupils.

Dr. Burnham Dale of the Soldiers' Home has gone to his home at Indianapolis to spend Sunday. The Rev. Groenendyke, a post gradunte of the Chicago Theological school, will spend Sunday here and preach morning and evening tomorrow at the First Presbyterian church. The C.

Society of the First I'resbyterian church gave a successful social the church last light. The American Athletic Club will and entertainment tonight at the Middleton hall in South Marion. Y. M. C.

A. auxiliary will give an entertainment Tuesday night at the gymnasium. A taffy pulling was given last night at the home of Mrs. Low Reoves on Spencer avenue. Only were present, and jolly evening WAS spent.

Doc. Maughner, a student ut the normal college left today for his home in the southern part of the state. Miss Miriam Wallace will ring a solo at the morning services at the Presbyterian church. Miss Rosa Harrigan and her friond Miss Mary Ianfey of Logansport, aro visiting her brother Thomas 1arrigan of the South Sido. -L Dr.

George Fravell is sick. Miss Fisher of Delphi, will visit over Sanday with Mrs. Philip Diel. C. A.

Kelly has returned to his 11 1 At 7 14 We Are A Big Line of THE DAILY Decorated L' Dinner Sets From $6.00 Up. 2 i A large variety of Toilet Sets, from $2 up. A large assoriment of Fancy Lamps cheap, at Harwood's Bazaar, Phone 168. THE GREAT BARGAIN HOUSE OF MARION. TATTLING INGING OUSING OARING SUCCESS! That's what our business has been.

While other merchants are eying "hard times" and "dull trade," our business has been growing steadily right along, so that we have outgrown our old quarters, and will open up the room adjoining us about March 20ths LOW PRICES Is the magnet that draws custom to our store, and GOOD VALUES given for the same make our patrons our friends. If you haven't been a customer, come in. You're welcome. ESHELMAN, BARGDILL Dry Goods, Fancy Goods, Ladies' and Gents' Furnishings, Wilke's Old Stand, corner Third and Adams streets. T6m 1 GREAT SUMS OF MONEY CHAS.

E. FORGY HAS MONEY JUST AS YOU WANT IT. Special Arrangements Made Whereby He Commands Money Without the Usual Red Tape or Delay. Mr. Forgy has made special arrangements with money centers whereby he can loan on Improved Farms of 25 acres or more, or on inside City Property at a very low rate of Interest.

He also makes the smaller loans for short time on Personal, Mortgage or Collateral security as formerly; also buys good notes in any sum. If you are needing money it will pay you to call or write Chas. E. Forgy, Rooms 8 and 9 McClure Block, south side of square. Christian church "The Devil and Modern Society." Oscar Thompson returned this morning from a business trip over the state.

The township examination for county diplomas was held at the school house in the second district today. There were Ave who took the examination. Dewit Carter had charge of the examination. A sovero rheumatic pain in the left shoulder had troubled Mr. J.

Il. Loper, a well-known druggist of Des Moines, Iowa, for over six months. At times the pain was so severe that he could not lift anything. With all he could do ho could not gut rid of it until ho applied Chamberlain's Pain Balm. only made three tions of it," he says "And havo since boon free from all pain." lIe now recommends it to persons similarly afllicted.

It is for sale by John Davis, druggist. 1 Don't fail to go and hear the M. C. C. an next Tuesday evening, March 24th at G.

A. R. hall for benefit of poor. dit Prices for Whiteside. Three rows at $1, twelyo rows at 75 cents, cight row al 50 cents, four rows at 35 cents.

Sale opons at the box office Monday morning at 9 o. and will be kept open until 9 Monday evening. m20d12 A car load of Manstield Royal soap is now bring distributed among the grocers of Marion and a numbor of gold watches will bo riven lawny. your under at oncu. m18d2w NO opium in or.

PALE Cuna Al cent a SATURDAY, MARCH 21, Neuralgia Is the Prayer of the Nerves For Pure Blood Falas Relieved 11 Blood Purified and Nerves Made Strong by Hood's Sarsaparilla "It gives mo great pleasure to state what Hood's Sarsaparilla has done for me and my wife. She has been afilloted with neuralgia pains in her head for six years and it settled in her eyes. At times she would be totally blind and have to stay in dark room for months. A short time ago we began using Hood's Sarsaparilla and today, thank God, she is able Mr. Mrs.

Wm. H. Nanamaker Judsonia, Ark. 'attond to her household duties, which she had not previously done for My OWn case was somewhat elmiAr, and since taking Hood's Sarsaparilla the inflammation has left my eyes and my erves have become quieted. My health today is better than it bas been for sorHood's Cures oral years.

I am gaining in strength WILLIAM and fool like now man." NUNAMAKER, Judsonia, Arkansas. Hood's Pills are band made, and perfect proportion and appearance. 250 per box. home' at Winchester, after a short visit Miss Edith Keller. Delegates to the labor convention at Red Key and their friends can leave here on the Big Four in the morning at 7:09 and change at Alexandria making immediate connections.

Returning they reach Marion on the evening train north bound. William McCumber of Barracks No. 2 at the Soldiers' Home, has been granted a pension of $12 a month un3: der the new law: Mrs. Caroline Rittenhouse has been allowed a widow's pension of $12 A mouth. The minor heirs of William lIampton, deceased have been given a pension.

S. W. Cantwell of Hartford City was here today on legal business. Wm Frazill of Dayton, Ohio, returned home today after a short visit with the family of Lee Hall. Nate Fletcher was at Red Key today on business.

DR. DRIVER WILL REMAIN. Bishop flarst Refused to Make The Transfer. The powers that be liave acted and Dr. Driver will not be transferred to the Philadelphia conference.

The strife among the eastern pastors for the position at the Tabernacle church, was so great that Bishop Hurst decided not to make the transfer. Although the entire membership of that large 'Driver. The decision of Bishop Hurst is in accord with the desire of our minister, as he did not want to be transfered, but would have been if the Bishop had so ordered. As the quarterly conference has petitioned 'for the return of the doctor to the church in this city the members of the First MI. E.

church and the citizens of Marion will have tho privilege of listening to this gifted man for another year. TO IMPROVE THE SQUARE. The Rack to be Moved Nearer the Court House. Isanc Carter and' Frank Chase, county commissioners, met at the auditor's office this morning and, with Engineer Overman and A. C.

Jay from the council, discussed the matter of improving the public square. It seems to bo the opinion of all concorned that since the hitch- -rack is to be retained the street should be mado wider. To do this the fence will be moved in eight or ten feet, narrowing the rourt yard and increasing the width of the streets about the public square. That portion of the street where the horses will stand will be improved with brick, and the remainder of the street will be improved with asphalt. It will be so arranged that all the work can be done under one contract.

Notice. The members of the city Republican central committee are requested, to mect at the mayor's office Tuesday evening at 7:30. Business of importance to transact. Gro. 11.

MOORK, Chairman. DALLAS McCLAIN, Sec'y. m2113 Remember the free cooking school lecture at tho Presbyterian church on' next Monday afternoon. Subject, "Bread." m21dit DR. J.

J. KYLE. Practiso limited to EYE, EAR, NOSE And THROAT Offloo 14 and 15. Commordial Olab 1 1 Blook. PAGES.

1' 5 OUR NEW SPRING A CARPETS Is the finest shown in Marion. 1,000 Carpets yards only all-wool Extra Super -1 49 Cents Brussels only Carpets 45 Cents Don't buy until you have looked at ours. WE WILL SAVE YOU MONEY. LEE HALL, Marion Block. Marion, Ind.

Cr FRIENDLY STORE! Friendly invitations, friendly welcomes, friendly olerks, friendly talk, friendly merchandise, friendly prices. Why not? Friendly friends of the store makes this possible, pleasant. It spurs us to broader and better and more liboral tradings. See our lines of Canes, Umbrellas and new novelties in Neckwear. PRINS CLOTHING STORE, West Side I'ublic Square, Marion, Ind.

P. S. -Shirts made to order. we One offer needed 5 foot in every stepladders family. On Monday, for one day only, 39c ONE MARION WARE CO.

SPRING GOODS NOW READY. HUTCHINSON, THE TAILOR, 118 South Side Square. SUITS FROM $18.00 UP. TROUSERS FROM $5.00 UP. Write to Papa," and was well re-: ceived.

the After students a all discussion enjoyed on a current social topics time in playing games, etc. In Honor of Miss Cooper. Mrs. Eli Halderman entertained several young people last evening at her home on South Washington street. in honor of Miss Elnora Cooper of Anderson.

Progressivo podro was the amusem*nt of the evening. Mrs. Frank Fulcher won the lady's prize, a handsome bunch of carnations, and Will E. Siddons carried off the gentleman's prizo, a box of "chancellors." Elegant refreshments were served. A Heavy Expense.

Owing to the heavy oxpenses' of carrying forty people the llawaiian Band will give two performances in Marion, a matinee Wednesduy afternoon at four o'clock and evening al 8:15. All school 'students largo or sinall will be given admission to any part of the houso for 25 ceuta, adults 50 Night prices will be 35, 50, 75 aud $1.00. -1 Read Swayzeo Bros Hunter's ad on first page. 1. 1 THE LADIES' CHOICE Might be a high priced shoo it she didn't know that high price la not always a guarantee of good quality.

We inve some shoes that might blush for low figures put upon them. They are up to date shoes, not shopworn things of questionable style. The material Lu soft and durable and fine looking. The werkmanship is of the best, and no shoes have over been more skillfully fashioned. All nines are here, children's, minnes' and ladies', and we are pleased to show them to any one.

SCHWARTZ, The Reliable Shoeman. 118 West Third Street. JONESBORO AND GAS CIT II. A. Dillon transacted business at Fairmount last evening.

A. M. Foster of Chicago was in Gas City last evening on business in conSection with tho Sheldon-Foster glass works. C. L.

Northlane left for his home at Union City. Louis Lipphardt of Columbus, Ohio, routo agent for the Adams Express Company, was in Gas City yesterday. Mrs. G. W.

Flesh, who has been in Gas City for several days the guest of her sister, Mrs. J. H. Lay left for her home at Piqua, Ohio, last evening. Clareuce Marsh is the father of baby bor.

Hubert Cline returned last evening from Auburn. J. (1. Cilga left today for Chicago. Jon Starh transacted business at Fairmount this morning.

James Cording was at Alexandria today. W. J. Richards went to Elwood this morning where he will spend Sunday. 1..

0. Boyd went to Indianapolis, this morning. Emanuel Rothenilds came up from Wabash this morning. Frangolist Lowis will take. 'for his discourse tomorrow evruing nt: the At the Business College.

The students and faculty of the MArion Business College had one of the most entertaining and enjoyable gatherings ever held in the history of the institution. The College Beacon, edited by the journalistic talest of the students, wus read. An especially good and profitable article was that entitled "Early Shorthand," by Prof. J. D).

Brunner, giving 8 sketch of the birth of this valuable art and its development and progress throughout the civilized nations and its value to the world at the present time. The "Impersonation" by Miss Lutie Harris was well written and groatly enjoyed. Miss Mabel Maring read for Tat" in her usual good style. A composition on "The Development of Zine Ore" WAS given by Henry Oesterley, which showed, marks of a thorough acquaintance with the subject. Mrs.

J. D. Brunner sang very skillfully "That Melody Divine," which received a woll-rounded applause. Baby Brunner wang in usual captivating style "I'm Going to, 3 4. IL.

Chronicle Tribune from Marion, Indiana (2024)
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Name: Prof. Nancy Dach

Birthday: 1993-08-23

Address: 569 Waelchi Ports, South Blainebury, LA 11589

Phone: +9958996486049

Job: Sales Manager

Hobby: Web surfing, Scuba diving, Mountaineering, Writing, Sailing, Dance, Blacksmithing

Introduction: My name is Prof. Nancy Dach, I am a lively, joyous, courageous, lovely, tender, charming, open person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.