CFL: November/December Autocross Events [Archive] (2024)

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5th November 2003, 12:42

Here's the list of autocrosses happening in Central FL for the rest of 2003.

November 15-16: SCCA Palm Bay
November 22: SCCA Deland airport
November 29-30: GCAC Event #10, Ft Myers
December 14: MSCC Lake County

I'll be going to Palm Bay on the 16th, Ft. Meyers for the entire weekend, and MSCC on Dec. 14th.

Gerald, what'cha up for? :D


5th November 2003, 17:19

You left out:

Decrmber 13th. Palm Bay; non points event.


6th November 2003, 19:44

Guys I will be going out to Palm Bay on the 15th, to try for the first time. I went to one this summer and watched and got a ride! However since then family got in the way , dang it. Anyways is anyone from the Orlando area going on the 15th.


6th November 2003, 20:33

The only one I'll be attending will be the 15th-16th in Palm Bay.

Whats the GCAC Event #10? Might be able to do that one if I can get off...

I'll be at Palm Bay both days 15 and 16!!! See ya there...


6th November 2003, 20:41

Great looking forward to seeing you.


7th November 2003, 00:36

The 2-day event at Ft Meyers will be cool. Saturday is a test & tune day, so you'll get lots of track time. I'm not sure how their autocross format works. In other words, I don't know how many runs you'll get, etc. Ian, can you provide that info?

The event site there is concrete. Concrete is MUCH more grippy than asphalt, and autocrossing on concrete can be much more challenging. I've yet to autocross on concrete and am really looking forward to it.

On the other hand, I just found out there's an Evolution Performance Driving School in Lake County that same weekend. I might just have to change my plans. :D


7th November 2003, 00:45

I could be wrong but I believe they use the same course every time for Test N tune. If my memory is correct is't pretty small and I ran a 34 second run on it in Roberts S2000 last year. I wanted to run my car on it to see how much faster My setup was, but when I went down for the national events and they were on the Silly tour practice course of like 16 seconds @ $2 a run.

Ok anyway, Saturday I believe it's for every session you work you get 3 tokens. 1 token = 1 run. YOu can keep tokens too, I have like 6 sitting in my volvo somewhere under the seats. So you work a session you get 3 runs. So the more you work, the more you get to run. eventually by late in the day people have left over tokens and are looking at there tires so they give them away. Sunday's course if it's typical GCAC will be over a mile long, Lots of 3rd gear slaloms. GOOD FUN. Now that i've said that it's gonna be a 1st gear 15 second course. DOH!


7th November 2003, 10:12

Any links to the GCAC Event. Who is it done by? SCCA? How much is it?
:confused: :confused:


7th November 2003, 10:20

GCAC = Gulf Coast Autocrossers. Non-SCCA affiliated, just like MSCC. GCAC (


7th November 2003, 15:19

I'd really like to go to that one (GCAC)...
How far is that from Orlando?

Who is most likely going? I'll try to request off...


7th November 2003, 19:53

Hi Everybody. I'm the Chairman of the SCCA event on November 22nd in Deland. The site used to be an airstrip so the course will be long and FAST!! I really need some help the day of the event setting up the course, the SCCA tent, the tables....generally, I just need help! Please e-mail me if I can count on you showing up early...I'll bring the donuts!

Look for the curves, zoom, zoom!


7th November 2003, 22:15

Could be as little as 2 hours from orlando but more likely 3 hours. I take the back way though Avon Park, Zolfa Springs (something like that) and down to Arcadia and done 31 to Ft. Myres. It's back roads in the middle of nowhere so sometimes you can make good time sometimes you can't. My dad claimed he made the trip in 1.5 hours once. But he also Claimed he bounced the rev limiter in 5th gear in the saab most of the way down 31. Hopefully I'll have the supercharger and the Alu heads on the wagon by then. Nothing like adding 200 more HP to a car that already has a useless 1st and 2nd gear.


8th November 2003, 15:03

Check out some pics from the Gainesville weekend... ( :D


9th November 2003, 10:34

Pete, did you get the info on the alignment I posted on the other thread?

Matt, so far Mazda has found the upper and lower control arms bent on the right rear. I really hope that will cure my lop sidedness...


9th November 2003, 20:28

Gerald: Yes, thank you. I don't have that kind of free cash right now. Also they're only open 8-5:30 M-F, which is a little hard on me. :( I've got the whole Thanksgiving week off so I might try to have it done then.


9th November 2003, 20:49

Call them and talk to Dan at the race shop.
You know Dan right? Dan with the yellow M2?

He might be able to align your car during after hours...


9th November 2003, 23:02

Nevermind, I won't be going. I can't drive. My clutch leg had a big knee accident in a adult soccer game tonight. I'll know more on my follow up visit but it looks like I won't be walking till near febuary.


9th November 2003, 23:07

What!!! :eek:

Are you alright?


10th November 2003, 00:39

Geez, Ian....sorry to hear about your knee. I'll add your injury to my prayers! Something tells me you could win big in an automatic rental car (nudge, nudge, wink, wink)!! Come on out and ride with me....I can use all the free coaching I can get! ;)


10th November 2003, 11:03

I don't know much as of right now but if they keep me in the (I call it a brace) imobilizer they have me in know I can't fit in the front seat of cars. I'd love to come and offer anything I can, but I don't know what the next few weeks are going to be like. The ER people said it's 90% that I'll have to go in for surgery for this. I'm really praying for that 10% chance I won't have to.


10th November 2003, 11:13

Wow, its sounds pretty bad :( ...
What happened? :confused:

Not to be a party pooper, but 90% doesn't sound too promising that you'll get off the hook... :sad:

I'll squeeze in a few prays for you though... ;)

Since you can't drive for a few weeks now, can I have your S2000 while you get better? :confused: :p :D

I hope you get better and avoid that surgery... :)


10th November 2003, 12:29

Sorry to hear Ian. We're all pulling for ya man (quote from Ferris Bueller's Day Off :D ). BTW, "adult soccer game"? Sounds kinda kinky to me mang. :p


10th November 2003, 12:44

I included "adult" as an attempt to say it wasn't a rough game. The injury happened pretty well by myself. I was attempting to go from a dead sprint, put all my weight on the left leg turn and steal the ball with my right leg. I don't remember anything but everyone said my left leg just went completely backwards, like my foot came up near my waste. I heard lots of popping and cracking and it went completely num.

The S2K and my wagon are going to need some excersise in the coming weeks. The S2K is forsale so I can't loan it out. Sorry.


10th November 2003, 12:46

I was just kidding about borrowing your car Ian... :D

Why are you selling it? :( :confused:


10th November 2003, 14:03

Well I was selling it to get our of making a car payment and I enjoy driving 2nd gen MR2's. (much cheaper) now I might be selling it to pay the deductable on my health insurance.


10th November 2003, 23:28

My stomach did a flip as I was reading what happened to your knee. Here's a bit of advice...go for the surgery!! They can take a look around and fix any and all problems, whereas sometimes, if left on your own to heal, things don't get caught and you can have long term affects. Meanwhile, for all you Miataphites out there....keep Ian in your prayers!!! :)


11th November 2003, 09:50

Patsy; To answer your post on the other thread: I'll be there Saturday and Sunday. I'll also be at Deland early to help you set up.

So, you noticed that I was catching up to you so you had to start cheating. Headers and no cat moves you into a higher class, you think you're safe there? It might take a little longer but I'll get you. :p


11th November 2003, 14:29

Okay remember you two...rules of the fight: no hits below the waist, no smoking, no hugging, no trailing throttle oversteer, no tire warmers, no trailbraking, no double clutching, etc. Keep it clean...let's get it on!


11th November 2003, 18:47

HEY HEY, Jamal Is hosting some video from in my car at the state Championships. He got it uploaded today. Todd and Jamal went way out of their way to get this online for me So Thank them Dearly. Here are the video's.
My fastest run, I appologise for being Boring and smooth.
Ian 4th run W/passanger (

Ian 1st run, O/C Rated R for language, Sligthly more entertaining (

Todd's quickest run. Watch out for this guy, Next year he's running my setup, I look forward to figuring out whats different about an 02 vs my 01 (

Enjoy guys.


11th November 2003, 19:22

Very sorry to hear that Ian! Have you gotten an MRI yet? FWIW when I had arthroscopic surgery on my right knee I was walking in less than a month for short distances (around the house and to the car) without crutches, and back to driving with the clutch in 1.5 months comfortably. It was my right knee so i could drive an automatic fine by using left foot braking before the one month period...

I don't see any reason you would be down until Feb unless you tore your ACL. That's bad news if that is the case...

Let me know exactly what they say is wrong! Most likely (hopefully) you just tore a little medial meniscus (shock absorber of the knee).



11th November 2003, 19:25

I was hoping to autocross with you all this weekend but my '99 head swap is taking longer than expected. I'm about to abort the coolant reroute on the new head because it is looking to be just too difficult!

Still gotta figure out how I'm going to activate the VICS! any ideas other than buying an MSD rpm switch?


11th November 2003, 22:19

Hey MATT!!! good to hear from ya man. I forgot you know all about this stuff. I get the MRI tomorrow So i'll know full details then. I may have been a bad friend and forgot to call you in daytona, but I did give you number to the guy at the Gainesville track. Hopefully that will work out. Good luck on the 99 head swape. I did alot of research on doing one in plans to do one myself 2 years ago. let me see if I can dig up my plans for activating the intake manifold.


11th November 2003, 23:24

I may have been a bad friend and forgot to call you in daytona, but I did give you number to the guy at the Gainesville track.

It's ok man, I wound up working on the ambulance in daytona covering for someone who was sick. Yeah I need your number and that guys number again though... My new phone stopped working that week and I never remembered to write them all down :(

let me see if I can dig up my plans for activating the intake manifold.

Yeah that would really help! For now I guess I'll just hook it up to vacuum at the brake booster. Can't get vacuum from the manifold under boost :D I'm still going to try to figure out a way to activate that solenoid at about 5500 rpm though...

Good luck with your leg man, hopefully it's only minor!


12th November 2003, 01:08

Haa haaa....look out Pete....I am well aware that I will be in a street prepared class now...Perhaps I will have to race your car against you one day....just so taht I can beat you without you whining (hee heeee)! The headers and test pipe made a huge difference. I'm now working on a way to get more cold air to the MAFS and through the throttle body....that'll really give me a boost! I'm not sure if that will keep me in street prepared, or if I'll be moved to a 'race' class....does anybody know if changing the positioning/design of the air intake will move me to 'race'? Oh, Pete....thanks for volunteering to help at the Deland's gonna be a fun, fast course!

Look for the curves, zoom, zoom! :p


12th November 2003, 09:29

On the way to work today the Miata wouldn't go into gear. Pumped the clutch a couple of times and was able to shift. If it's the slave I'll still be there both days. If it's the master I may have to skip Saturday.

Patsy, is this considered whining? :rolleyes:


12th November 2003, 12:21

That happened to my miata. Driving with no clutch is HARD. Turned out to be my Slave cyclinder. Good luck. it's a pretty easy change.


12th November 2003, 13:24

Hey Pete....nah....we won't consider bitchin' about a mecahnical failure whining! Are you gonna do the repair yourself, or do you need the name of a good Miata mechanic?

My car's torn apart right now (making some modifications to it), so I am planning on racing Matt's Miata on Sunday....wiht my Victoracers on it! Hope to see y'all there!


12th November 2003, 14:08

Originally posted by Racer46:
On the way to work today the Miata wouldn't go into gear. Pumped the clutch a couple of times and was able to shift. If it's the slave I'll still be there both days. If it's the master I may have to skip Saturday.

Patsy, is this considered whining? :rolleyes: The master isn't any harder to change then the slave IMHO... It is only two bolts and a flare fitting, and then a lot of bleeding.


12th November 2003, 14:58

I'm going to do the work myself. The slave is easy and cheap. The master is not as easy and not as cheap. It's more a question of time. There is a little fluid on the slave so I'll change it out tonight and bleed it tomorrow. If that doesn't fix it I won't have the time do do the master until Saturday.


13th November 2003, 01:38

My slave is leaking too. :(


13th November 2003, 09:26

Took me about 1.5 hrs. Drove it to work today, problem solved. $58 at Classic Mazda with my Orlando Miatas card. Other parts stores had them for less but would take 1-3 days for them to get it.

C-U at the races.


13th November 2003, 09:55

Originally posted by Dream2Race:
Here's the list of autocrosses happening in Central FL for the rest of 2003.

November 15-16: SCCA Palm Bay
November 22: SCCA Deland airport
November 29-30: GCAC Event #10, Ft Myers
December 14: MSCC Lake CountyJust curious here, what do you guys consider "Central Florida"?

There is a SunRiders autocross (an actual Miata club autocross!) in Tampa on Nov 15, and there's a PCA autocross in ZephyrHills on Nov 22. Neither of these events are mentioned anywhere in this thread. My logic says that both are at least as "Central Florida" as Ft Myers is.

SunRiders Autocross schedule can be found here:

SunCoast PCA schedule here:

Zoom-Zoom and stuff.

(sorry I don't cruise the Miata.Net forums regularly enough to post notices)


13th November 2003, 14:52

It would be a lot of work to peruse all those websites for event listings! ;)

Thanks for your input. Since I don't keep up with the events of those clubs, please feel free to post any info you have. We're all in this together. Can ya feel the love? :p

BTW, when is SunRider's having an autocross at the track in Palmetto? One of the owners told me I could do a few demo laps on the track during the Rotax Champ race, but we didn't have time. :( I was really looking forward to it.


13th November 2003, 14:57

** Evolution Performance Driving Schools **

November 29-30th, Phase 1 & 2
January 10-11, Phase 1 & 3

Both held at the Lake County facility where MSCC holds events.

I'll be signing up for one of them shortly. I'll let ya'll know which date I pick. Anyone interested?

Evolution Performance Driving School (


13th November 2003, 15:42

Originally posted by Dream2Race:
It would be a lot of work to peruse all those websites for event listings! ;)

Thanks for your input. Since I don't keep up with the events of those clubs, please feel free to post any info you have. We're all in this together. Can ya feel the love? :p

BTW, when is SunRider's having an autocross at the track in Palmetto? One of the owners told me I could do a few demo laps on the track during the Rotax Champ race, but we didn't have time. :( I was really looking forward to it. I know, it's really hard to keep up with all of the different clubs doing autox events in this area. Just keeping up with the ones withing 2 hours of Tampa is hard enough!

There's a guy who keeps a pretty complete list in a "sticky" message post in the autox forum on if you want to get an idea, though. He's got just about everything on there and he keeps it updated.

Our first event at Primus is scheduled for March, I think. I don't remember if I added those events to the schedule on our website yet or not. They are on the TampaRacing schedule that I mentioned, however.

Did you work the kart race at the Primus track?


13th November 2003, 16:57

Matt: I would like to take at least the phase one school. I just need to see how the finances hold up.


13th November 2003, 17:13

Had my follow up with the doc and Scheduled MRI for tomorrow. (just feels like i'm being put off and off) Doc said deffently tore the MCL and the MRI will determine the ACL or not. The PCL looks to be ok so the ER was a little off. Good news Is I've had more girls over at my house in the last 4 days then I've totalled in the last 4 years. Don't feel sorry for me guys!!!! And one of them took me on a date in MY S2000. HEHE.


13th November 2003, 19:21

Originally posted by tourette01:
Good news Is I've had more girls over at my house in the last 4 days then I've totalled in the last 4 years. Don't feel sorry for me guys!!!! And one of them took me on a date in MY S2000. HEHE. SWEET!!!! Tell them you need to be comforted!! :D LOL

Unfortunately any damage to a ligament is bad news! The medial collateral ligament is the least intrusive one to fix of the three, but more times than not (at least in my local experience) either the ACL or PCL are also damaged. Hopefully this isn't the case but it's just a heads up. E-mail me offline with all of your symtoms and i'll tell you all that i know...

Good luck to you! BTW: Where are you now? Tally?


13th November 2003, 21:59

Originally posted by Loren '96R:
Did you work the kart race at the Primus track? I was racing in the International class. Had handling issues in the pre-final and was stuck in dead last. Made some changes and it ran great in the feature, however I got hosed at the start when 2 guys tangled in front of me. To avoid getting caught up I had to drive off track. By the time I rejoined, the field was 3 corners ahead. My race was over before it started. :mad: :( So basically I was the guy putzing around in dead last all day. :D


13th November 2003, 22:02

Looks like I'm signing up for the November Phase 1 school on Saturday the 29th. :D

Ian, sorry to hear. Hope all goes well. BTW, I'm coming over this weekend! :p Where da party at? Girls is on the way where da Bacardi at?


13th November 2003, 22:33

apparently alcholol is deadly when mixed with the pain killer i'm on. So no party either. DARNIT.


13th November 2003, 22:42

Originally posted by Maddog_fsu:
Originally posted by tourette01:
Good news Is I've had more girls over at my house in the last 4 days then I've totalled in the last 4 years. Don't feel sorry for me guys!!!! And one of them took me on a date in MY S2000. HEHE. SWEET!!!! Tell them you need to be comforted!! :D LOL

Unfortunately any damage to a ligament is bad news! The medial collateral ligament is the least intrusive one to fix of the three, but more times than not (at least in my local experience) either the ACL or PCL are also damaged. Hopefully this isn't the case but it's just a heads up. E-mail me offline with all of your symtoms and i'll tell you all that i know...

Good luck to you! BTW: Where are you now? Tally? Hey man, I tried e-mailing you and I got it back. saying I had the wrong addy. Whats your new E-mail address?


13th November 2003, 23:09

Course maps for Nov 15 & 16 are posted at ( Click on an event date scroll down to the bottom of the page and click on course map for Palm Bay Nov 15 or 16.


14th November 2003, 08:51

Matt: Looks like you knew what you were talking about after all. December 13 autocross at Palm Bay has been canceled. :sad:


14th November 2003, 11:13

Actually I didn't know about that. :D


14th November 2003, 12:59

I am planning to go to the Sunday AutoX in Palm Bay. I would like to follow you there from Orlando. We coud meet somewhere Sunday morning. Let me know.


14th November 2003, 22:45

I don't know what happened to Gerald. We usualy meet at the McDonalds on 520 & I-95 in Cocoa.



16th November 2003, 16:12

went and watched my First Autox since being Gimped today. Can't do it. Must figure out way to drive!!!!!!!!!


16th November 2003, 17:28

If you all are headin to Ft Myers I may try to make that event. Right by my hometown. I autocrossed down there junor & senior year of high school.


16th November 2003, 21:31

I'm actually gonna skip out on that event. I had planned on teamin up with Ian for the weekend but he's out. I'm gonna run the Deland event on Sat. 22 instead.


17th November 2003, 13:30

I'm not completely out, I managed to drive an Accord Stick 5 feet on friday. Hurt like hell but give me another week and I think I might be able to manage pushing a clutch in. Still won't be able to walk.


18th November 2003, 12:31

Hi guys I just wanted to say thanks to the guys that were out at BCC on Saturday, I had a good time, even if it did cost me some new tires on the fronts. As the guys that saw me drive 'faster into the corners" is NOT better. OH WEll
Hope to find some more Saturdays free to see you at the track.
Still havent found the reason for the klunking when I hit the brakes, suspension bolts were tight as far as I can tell (up to torque), I guess next thing is to check the bolts holding the brakes?


18th November 2003, 14:13

Kenn, which car were you driving?

BTW...slow in, fast out. ;)


18th November 2003, 18:55

Hey Pete....if you see this message, call me on my cell 407-375-5590. I am looking for somebody to assume the role of Course Set-up Coordinator for Saturday's race.


18th November 2003, 21:08

Originally posted by Dream2Race:
BTW...slow in, fast out. ;) Fast in Faster Out is Quicker!! ;)


18th November 2003, 21:18

Sorry for the late post sent the other one out at lunch but cant send anything during work.
I had the Red 93 with Mud Flaps!!! Racer46 told me that was my major problem, HA. Anyways Faster In may be faster out, but realized AFTER I made my runs that when I watched Gerald that I should have been braking 10 yards earlier, so you can imagine the uh shall we say problem. :ohno:
Again enjoyed and hope to get some more free time to join you guys again. If nothing else use me as a cannon fodder so more trophies will be available for the class.
Hey if I keep the mud flaps on, can that counter act my chaisis brace and keep me in stock ;)


19th November 2003, 12:11

I can't seem to remember a red 93 at the autox. :ohno: Going to Deland this Saturday?

I don't understand why SCCA takes so darn long to post results on the web. MSCC now has the same timing software and ours were ready the next day. Anyway I'm excited to see them cuz as far as I know, I still walked away with the 4th fastest time of the day. :D :D :D (and still can't figure out how) :eek:


19th November 2003, 19:13

Mike drove #48 and won E-Stock.

The problem with the posting was that the computer didn't have a floppy drive, so the person who does the posting couldn't take the results with him. The results were supposed to be e-mailed but I guess someone dropped the ball.


19th November 2003, 22:03

It doesn't take 2 weeks to send an email. :rolleyes:


20th November 2003, 12:38

But if your not on the football team it takes 2 weeks to figure out whats wrong with your leg.

Somehow they can figure it out for a football player (same doctor) in a matter of hours.


22nd November 2003, 10:45

So, whos at the races today? :confused:

Let me know how it was...
I wish I were there... :(


22nd November 2003, 19:19

Bumpy, Dusty, pretty fast, lots of conage.



22nd November 2003, 19:25

:eek: Congrats!!!!! :eek:



22nd November 2003, 23:46

Cool beans Pete! Did you also put the smack down on Patsy? :p


23rd November 2003, 19:04

Nah, she's moved to CSP due to a header and other mods. She got me by about 1.5 seconds on a 40 - 50 second course.


23rd November 2003, 21:27

Pete had a great day on the course!! WAY TO GO....YOU FINALLY TROPHIED! I also want to personally thank you for showing up to help set up the course and also for announcing two of the three was greatly appreciated! :D

Look for the curves, zoom, zoom!


24th November 2003, 09:35

Anyone know the schedule for next year (2004)?


Thanks ;)


24th November 2003, 11:31

MSCC January event is Saturday the 3rd. From that point on we're not locked in for any dates, but assume the 2nd weekend of the month, which is our traditional date.


25th November 2003, 12:58

This thread is so inactive its not funny... :(

Hey Matt, I saw your woman at school today in the Business Bldg... :cool:
I said to myself, "myself, she looks aweful familiar, then it hit me..." :rolleyes:


25th November 2003, 13:59

Originally posted by AutoXRacerMiata:
Anyone know the schedule for next year (2004)?


Thanks ;) Solo II National Tour
Jan. 24-25Phoenix, Ariz.Arizona Motorsports Park300
Feb. 21-22Ft. Myers, Fla.Buckingham Airfield275
Mar. 13-14San Diego, Calif.Qualcomm Stadium325
April 3-4Houston, TexasGulf Greyhound Park300
May 1-2Atwater, Calif.Castle Airport325
May 22-23Washington D.C.FedEx Stadium375
June 19-20Toledo, OhioToledo Express Airport300
July 3-4Peru, Ind.Grissom Aeroplex400
July 24-25Seattle, Wash.Bremerton Speedway275
Sep. 14-17Topeka, Kan.The Tire Rack® Solo II National Championships1200
RoundDateLocationEntry Limit
Round 1Feb. 14-15TBD - Southeast Division200
Round 2March 20-21TBD - Southern California200
Round 3April 10-11Topeka, Kan. (Forbes Field)200
Round 4April 24-25Atwater, Calif. (Castle Airport)200
Round 5May 8-9Farmington, N.M.200
Round 6May 29-30Petersburg, Va. (Virginia Motorsports Park)180
Round 7June 12-13Toledo, Ohio (Toledo Express Airport)200
Round 8July 10-11Oscoda, Mich. (Oscoda-Wurtsmith Airport)200
Round 9July 31-Aug. 1Wendover, Utah (Wendover Airport)200
Round 10Aug. 14-15Peru, Ind. (Grissom Aeroplex)225
FinaleSept. 11-12Topeka, Kan. (Forbes Field) No registration until Aug. 16250

I'm hoping to do in tours.
Ft. Myres

and in Pro solos
TBD Southeast pro
Oscoda (if I fly up again)
and maybe One outwest one.


25th November 2003, 14:10

Like any of us will be going to Nats.


25th November 2003, 14:11

Originally posted by AutoXRacerMiata:
Hey Matt, I saw your woman at school today in the Business Bldg... :cool:
I said to myself, "myself, she looks aweful familiar, then it hit me..." :rolleyes: Word! Did you say hi?


25th November 2003, 14:45

Originally posted by Dream2Race:
Like any of us will be going to Nats. If only those who thought they had a chance at winning showed up then they wouldn't have enough people to fill the parking lot. And I would have attended my first event this summer.
Part of the fun is seeing how far back you are from the leaders. And it makes you drive that much harder cause you find it hard to believe that your really 4 seconds slower.


25th November 2003, 15:55

Everything I've heard about the 1st round pro-solo is that it will not happen... It certainly won't happen in Fort Myers, it's too late to get McDill, Sebring is booked, something about atlanta, etc... oh well. It's a damn shame, because pro-solo's are a blast. Granted I did embarassingly bad at my only pro-solo, but the mirror image courses and drag start are a really good adreneline rush.

btw the only miata I beat that day was on street tires :( hopefully I'll do a lot better next time, though maybe in an mr-2.


25th November 2003, 17:31

gonna co-drive with Jesse Eh! Not gonna run the wagon with Wheelie bars!!!


25th November 2003, 22:18

Originally posted by Dream2Race:
Word! Did you say hi? No :( , she looked busy and she did not recognize me...


29th November 2003, 23:22

Patsy: I just went to the CFR Solo2 site. They got your pax wrong, for the Deland event. They have you at a pax of 1.000. It should be 0.839 giving you a pax time of 37.150. Compared to my 36.366 :D :D :D

Not that I'm gloating or anything :D :D :D

[ 29. November 2003, 22:31: Message edited by: Racer46 ]


1st December 2003, 00:57

Heeeeey, since there's a National Tour event in Ft Meyers, I think I might do that. :D


1st December 2003, 09:15

:eek: When???? :eek:


1st December 2003, 10:43

Ft. Myes was fun as usual. That Celica was a PITA to drive. I pulled off 1st in STS in Saturday, and 2nd on Sunday on get this.... A 78 second course most of it up near top of 2nd in the celica which is near 80mph. (automatic)


1st December 2003, 11:17

Originally posted by Dream2Race:
Heeeeey, since there's a National Tour event in Ft Meyers, I think I might do that. :D See page 2 of this thread for Ian's posting of the national schedule.


8th December 2003, 10:51

Hey, I just noticed I quoted my own post instead of Gerald's! DOH! :ohno:

Anyhow, MSCC autox this Sunday in Palm Bay! Who's there?


8th December 2003, 12:43

Anyhow, MSCC autox this Sunday in Palm Bay! Who's there? [/QB]Matt,

I thought the pittpatter said Lake County.. which one is right?? :confused:


8th December 2003, 19:55

matt you left off my contact info in pit patter.


8th December 2003, 20:02

MSCC autocross at Lake County on Sunday the 14th.


9th December 2003, 14:30

Oops, my bad...Lake County it is! DOH! :ohno:

I'm just full of mistakes lately. :rolleyes:


10th December 2003, 13:24

I can think of one that resulted in seaweed on course!


11th December 2003, 01:17

That's the pot calling the kettle black.


11th December 2003, 15:53

Originally posted by tourette01:
Ft. Myes was fun as usual. That Celica was a PITA to drive. I pulled off 1st in STS in Saturday, and 2nd on Sunday on get this.... A 78 second course most of it up near top of 2nd in the celica which is near 80mph. (automatic) That was you in the Celica? Dude, we actually spoke with each other but I didn't recognize you. We met way back at the 02 Pro-Solo. My white (sm2) miata spun a bearing a few months ago during a test and tune. Now I'm driving the 626 in HS while the miata transforms into a monster. Hope to see you around in the future!


11th December 2003, 22:31

Originally posted by tourette01:
matt you left off my contact info in pit patter. Sorry 'bout that. I'm sure people will email me for your info if they're interested.

Tony Orlando

13th December 2003, 20:57

Hmmm.... I want to go tomorrow but weather looks nasty.... :sad:


13th December 2003, 23:20

Tony I'm going.. its fun in the rain :D

Tony Orlando

13th December 2003, 23:23

Who is going other than Patrick? I've got my new Sony camcorder, and I'm dying to try it out at the track. I want some Miata action, but I'm curious as to how many of us will be there.



13th December 2003, 23:40

I don't like to play in the rain. :sad: So I probably won't be there.


14th December 2003, 06:37

Originally posted by Racer46:
I don't like to play in the rain. :sad: So I probably won't be there. I do :D

I'll be getting off work at 7am and will be heading straight there! I can not seem to find my numbers though...With martin can you still write your class and number with shoe polish or tape? I don't remember if it was martin or scca that wouldn't let me do it last time...


14th December 2003, 19:34

SCCA banned shoe polish.

What a fun autox! I love autoxing in the rain.

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CFL: November/December Autocross Events [Archive] (2024)
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